def jbybid(): # Initialize the FieldStorage object so we can get user input params = cgi.FieldStorage() # Run the query, quoting the user input con = dbconn.run_query(""" SELECT count(jack) AS number, split_part(jack,'-',3) AS floor, split_part(jack,'-',4) AS room FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2)=""" + dbconn.adapt(str(params['building'].value)).getquoted() + """ GROUP BY floor,room ORDER BY floor,room """) arr = {} for row in con: if row['floor'] in arr: arr[row['floor']].append(row['room']) else: arr[row['floor']] = [row['room']] res = [] for k in arr: res.append({'floor':k, 'rooms':arr[k]}) dbconn.send_array_as_json(res)
def jbybid(): # Initialize the FieldStorage object so we can get user input params = cgi.FieldStorage() # Run the query, quoting the user input con = dbconn.run_query( """ SELECT count(jack) AS number, split_part(jack,'-',3) AS floor, split_part(jack,'-',4) AS room FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2)=""" + dbconn.adapt(str(params['building'].value)).getquoted() + """ GROUP BY floor,room ORDER BY floor,room """) arr = {} for row in con: if row['floor'] in arr: arr[row['floor']].append(row['room']) else: arr[row['floor']] = [row['room']] res = [] for k in arr: res.append({'floor': k, 'rooms': arr[k]}) dbconn.send_array_as_json(res)
#!/usr/bin/env python import glob,dbconn from config import * out_path = config.get('paths','solar_raster_output_dir') print "Checking files in " + out_path # Reset everything q = "UPDATE sa_fishnets SET state=0" dbconn.run_query(q) for dirname in glob.glob(out_path + "\\*"): print "Processing " + dirname updatewhere = [] for img in glob.glob(dirname + '\\*.img'): updatewhere.append(img.replace(dirname + '\\SRR_','').replace('.img','')) if len(updatewhere) > 0: print "Updating " + str(len(updatewhere)) q = "UPDATE sa_fishnets SET state=2 WHERE state<>2 AND id IN (" + ','.join(updatewhere) + ")" dbconn.run_query(q) q = "SELECT id FROM sa_fishnets" res = dbconn.run_query(q) ids = [] for row in res: ids.append(row['id'])
FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2) ~ '^[0-9]+$' ) fc ON (fc.building = b.building_n) GROUP BY b.building_n ) binfo, ( -- Get a jack count of each building SELECT split_part(jack,'-',2) AS building, count(jack) AS jackcount FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2) ~ '^[0-9]+$' GROUP BY split_part(jack,'-',2) ) jinfo WHERE binfo.building = jinfo.building """ # Extract just the jacks/area and jenks it rows = dbconn.run_query(q).fetchall() jacksqft = [] buildings = [] for row in rows: if (row['jacksqft'] != None): jacksqft.append(row['jacksqft']) breaks = jenks.getJenksBreaks(jacksqft, 5) dbconn.send_array_as_json(breaks)
def mactrac(): query = """ SELECT -- Combine metadata with building info buildings.cartodb_id, apdata.jacksqft, apdata.sqftjack, apdata.buildingarea, apdata.orig_area, apdata.jackcount,, ST_AsGeoJSON(buildings.the_geom) AS the_geom, ST_AsGeoJSON(st_centroid(buildings.the_geom)) AS centroid, buildings.building_n FROM buildings LEFT JOIN ( -- Get a ratio of room area to jack count SELECT binfo.building, binfo.buildingarea, binfo.orig_area, jinfo.jackcount, (jinfo.jackcount / binfo.buildingarea) AS jacksqft, (binfo.buildingarea / jinfo.jackcount ) AS sqftjack FROM ( -- Get the area of all the floors with SELECT b.building_n AS building, CASE count(fc.floors) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE sum(b.shape_area) END AS orig_area, CASE count(fc.floors) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE sum(ST_Area(ST_Transform(b.the_geom,3857))) END AS buildingarea FROM buildings b LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT split_part(jack,'-',2) AS building, split_part(jack,'-',3) AS floors FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2) ~ '^[0-9]+$' ) fc ON (fc.building = b.building_n) GROUP BY b.building_n ) binfo, ( -- Get a jack count of each building SELECT split_part(jack,'-',2) AS building, count(jack) AS jackcount FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2) ~ '^[0-9]+$' GROUP BY split_part(jack,'-',2) ) jinfo WHERE binfo.building = jinfo.building ) apdata ON (apdata.building = buildings.building_n) ORDER BY apdata.jacksqft """ # Extract just the jacks/area and jenks it rows = dbconn.run_query(query).fetchall() jacksqft = [] for row in rows: if(row['jacksqft'] != None): jacksqft.append(row['jacksqft']) breaks = jenks.getJenksBreaks(jacksqft, 16) # Add that info into the resulting data for row in rows: if(row['jacksqft'] == None): row['jenks'] = None else: row['jenks'] = jenks.classify(row['jacksqft'], breaks) geojson = dbconn.array_to_geojson(rows) dbconn.send_array_as_json(geojson)
def insertIntoDatabase(tablerows): queryprefix = "INSERT INTO " + config.get('postgres','schema') + "." + tablename + " (lasfile,the_geom) VALUES " query = queryprefix + ",".join(tablerows) + ";\n" return dbconn.run_query(query)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Test if the database connection is working import sys from config import * from distutils.spawn import find_executable import dbconn # Test 2: Do they have PostGIS? res = dbconn.run_query("SELECT PostGIS_full_version() AS pg").fetchone() if res is None: print "It looks like your database doesn't have PostGIS installed" # Test 3: How about the specified schema? res = dbconn.run_query( "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '" + config.get('postgres', 'schema') + "'").fetchone() if res is None: print "I couldn't find the specified schema" for path in config.items('paths'): if not os.path.isdir(path[1]): print "Path does not exist -- " + ":".join(path) if find_executable('blast2dem') == None: print "blast2dem.exe was not found in your PATH" if find_executable('lasindex') == None: print "lasindex.exe was not found in your PATH"
# Enable debugging: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # Loop through unique .img files in each directory for img in glob.glob(demdir + '\\*.img'): imgnumber = img.replace(demdir + '\\','').replace('.img','') print print imgnumber # 1) Query source lidar tile that centroid of DSM tile falls within q = """ SELECT l.tile,l.q250k FROM dem_fishnets d,lidar_bbox l WHERE ST_WITHIN(ST_CENTROID(d.the_geom),l.the_geom) AND""" + imgnumber + """ """ t = dbconn.run_query(q) rec = t.fetchone() if rec == None: print "Centroid does not fall in a lidar tile" # 2) Centroid not in laz tile so next query first tile that intersects q = """ SELECT l.tile,l.q250k FROM dem_fishnets d,lidar_bbox l WHERE ST_INTERSECTS(d.the_geom,l.the_geom) AND""" + imgnumber + """ """ t = dbconn.run_query(q) rec = t.fetchone() print rec laz = str(rec['tile']) + " - " + str(rec['q250k'])
import sys,os sys.path.insert(0, '../../steps_sql') # Add our steps_sql dir to our library path import dbconn print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" print q = """ SELECT state,AVG(time),COUNT(state) FROM sa_fishnets GROUP BY state """ cur = dbconn.run_query(q) obj = dbconn.cursor_to_object(cur,'state') totalRecords = 0 for k in obj: totalRecords += obj[k]['count'] for x in range(-3,3): if not x in obj: obj[x] = {'count':0,'avg':0} print """ <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head>
FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2) ~ '^[0-9]+$' ) fc ON (fc.building = b.building_n) GROUP BY b.building_n ) binfo, ( -- Get a jack count of each building SELECT split_part(jack,'-',2) AS building, count(jack) AS jackcount FROM access_points WHERE split_part(jack,'-',2) ~ '^[0-9]+$' GROUP BY split_part(jack,'-',2) ) jinfo WHERE binfo.building = jinfo.building """ # Extract just the jacks/area and jenks it rows = dbconn.run_query(q).fetchall(); jacksqft = [] buildings = [] for row in rows: if(row['jacksqft'] != None): jacksqft.append(row['jacksqft']) breaks = jenks.getJenksBreaks(jacksqft,5) dbconn.send_array_as_json(breaks)
", but didn't") print "\n\t\t" + command return False # Remove empty files. Will happen where fishnet is off the map # 750703 -- 748kb files when they're solid black (also no results) if re.match('.*bounding box. skipping.*', output, re.DOTALL) or int( os.stat(outputdir + "\\" + filename).st_size) == 750703: sys.stdout.write("\t\t\tNo data found, not saving tile.") os.unlink(outputdir + "\\" + filename) return True return True res = dbconn.run_query(reserveQuery).fetchall() count = 0 average = 0 while len(res) > 0: for row in res: count += 1 sys.stdout.write("\nRunning blast2dem for row " + str(row['id']) + "\t\t\t") starttime = time.time() # The long lists of files was making the command too long for PowerShell to handle # so instead we write the list of file names to a temp file and delete the file # when we're done tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=config.get('paths', 'temp_dir'))
config.get('postgres', 'lidar_bbox_table') + " USING gist (the_geom)") sqls.append(""" CREATE TABLE """ + schema + "." + config.get('postgres', 'sa_fishnet_table') + """ ( id serial, the_geom geometry(Polygon,""" + config.get('projection', 'srid') + """), state integer DEFAULT 0, "time" double precision, CONSTRAINT sa_fish2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) """) sqls.append("CREATE INDEX sa_fish2_geom_gist ON " + schema + "." + config.get('postgres', 'sa_fishnet_table') + " USING gist (the_geom)") sqls.append("CREATE INDEX sa_fishnet_state ON " + schema + "." + config.get('postgres', 'sa_fishnet_table') + " USING btree (state)") for sql in sqls: print sql print "" if not dbconn.run_query(sql): print "ERROR!" exit() print "Done!"
if not os.path.isfile(outputdir + "\\" + filename): sys.stdout.write("\t\t\t" + output) sys.stdout.write("\t\t\tExpected to find output file " + filename + ", but didn't") print "\n\t\t" + command return False # Remove empty files. Will happen where fishnet is off the map # 750703 -- 748kb files when they're solid black (also no results) if re.match('.*bounding box. skipping.*',output,re.DOTALL) or int(os.stat(outputdir + "\\" + filename).st_size) == 750703: sys.stdout.write("\t\t\tNo data found, not saving tile.") os.unlink(outputdir + "\\" + filename) return True return True res = dbconn.run_query(reserveQuery).fetchall() count = 0 average = 0; while len(res) > 0: for row in res: count += 1 sys.stdout.write("Running blast2dem for row " + str(row['id']) + "\t\t\t") starttime = time.time() # The long lists of files was making the command too long for PowerShell to handle # so instead we write the list of file names to a temp file and delete the file # when we're done tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False,dir=config.get('paths','temp_dir')) lidares = dbconn.run_query(lidarlist.replace("DEMID",str(row['id']))).fetchall() for lidar in lidares:
the_geom geometry(Polygon,""" + config.get('projection','srid') + """), CONSTRAINT lidar_bbox_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT lidar_bbox_unique_file UNIQUE (lasfile) ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) """) sqls.append("CREATE INDEX bbox_gist ON " + schema + "." + config.get('postgres','lidar_bbox_table') + " USING gist (the_geom)") sqls.append(""" CREATE TABLE """ + schema + "." + config.get('postgres','sa_fishnet_table') + """ ( id serial, the_geom geometry(Polygon,""" + config.get('projection','srid') + """), state integer DEFAULT 0, "time" double precision, CONSTRAINT sa_fish2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE) """) sqls.append("CREATE INDEX sa_fish2_geom_gist ON " + schema + "." + config.get('postgres','sa_fishnet_table') + " USING gist (the_geom)") sqls.append("CREATE INDEX sa_fishnet_state ON " + schema + "." + config.get('postgres','sa_fishnet_table') + " USING btree (state)") for sql in sqls: print sql print "" if not dbconn.run_query(sql): print "ERROR!" exit() print "Done!"
ST_XMax(the_geom) as xmax, ST_YMax(the_geom) as ymax, ST_Y(ST_Transform(ST_CENTROID(the_geom),4326)) AS lat """ completeQuery = """ UPDATE sa_fishnets sa SET state=NEWSTATE, time=RUNTIME WHERE """ # connect to database using dbconn connection script res = dbconn.run_query(reserveQuery).fetchall() count = 0 average = 0 while len(res) > 0: for row in res: count += 1 sys.stdout.write("Running Area Solar Radiation for row " + str(row['id']) + " ") start_time = time.clock() # add buffer/subtract distance to extent boundaries x_min = int(row['xmin']) - buff y_min = int(row['ymin']) - buff x_max = int(row['xmax']) + buff y_max = int(row['ymax']) + buff
x_min = int(row['xmin']) - buff y_min = int(row['ymin']) - buff x_max = int(row['xmax']) + buff y_max = int(row['ymax']) + buff latitude = float(row['lat']) # set processing environment arcpy.env.extent =, y_min, x_max, y_max) # lookup dsm tile id demno = 0 q = """ SELECT FROM dem_fishnets d,sa_fishnets s WHERE ST_WITHIN(s.the_geom,d.the_geom) AND""" + str( row['id']) + """ """ t = dbconn.run_query(q) for s in t: demno = str(s['id']) #clipped_solar_raster_dir = out_path + os.sep + 'SRR_' + str(row['id'] / 1000 * 1000).zfill(4) + os.sep clipped_solar_raster_dir = out_path + os.sep + demno + os.sep clipped_solar_raster = clipped_solar_raster_dir + str( row['id']) + '.img' # what raster format do we want??? if not os.path.exists(clipped_solar_raster_dir): os.mkdir(clipped_solar_raster_dir) if os.path.isfile(clipped_solar_raster): print "WARNING: Overwriting existing solar raster image at " + clipped_solar_raster os.unlink(clipped_solar_raster)
#!/usr/bin/env python import glob,dbconn from config import * out_path = config.get('paths','solar_raster_output_dir') print "Checking files in " + out_path for dirname in glob.glob(out_path + "\\*"): print "Processing " + dirname updatewhere = [] for img in glob.glob(dirname + '\\*.img'): updatewhere.append(img.replace(dirname + '\\SRR_','').replace('.img','')) if len(updatewhere) > 0: print "Updating " + str(len(updatewhere)) q = "UPDATE sa_fishnets SET state=2 WHERE state<>2 AND id IN (" + ','.join(updatewhere) + ")" dbconn.run_query(q)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Test if the database connection is working import sys from config import * from distutils.spawn import find_executable import dbconn # Test 2: Do they have PostGIS? res = dbconn.run_query("SELECT PostGIS_full_version() AS pg").fetchone() if res is None: print "It looks like your database doesn't have PostGIS installed" # Test 3: How about the specified schema? res = dbconn.run_query( "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '" + config.get("postgres", "schema") + "'" ).fetchone() if res is None: print "I couldn't find the specified schema" for path in config.items("paths"): if not os.path.isdir(path[1]): print "Path does not exist -- " + ":".join(path) if find_executable("blast2dem") == None: print "blast2dem.exe was not found in your PATH"