def checkbal(u): con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select bal from useraccount where username=%s", (u, )) tup = cur.fetchone() messagebox.showinfo('Check bal', f"Your Available Balance:{tup[0]}") con.close()
def login(frm, e1, e2, cb): u = e1.get() p = e2.get() ut = cb.get() if (len(u) == 0 or len(p) == 0): msg.showwarning('Validation Problem', 'Please fill all fields') elif (ut == '--Select--'): msg.showwarning('Validation Problem', 'Please select user type') else: if (ut == 'Admin'): if (u == 'Admin' and p == 'Admin'): msg.showinfo('Login', 'Welcome Admin') frm.destroy() welcomeAdmin() else: msg.showerror('Login Failed', 'Invalid username or password') elif (ut == 'Salesman'): con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select * from salesman where s_id=%s and s_pass=%s", (u, p)) row = cur.fetchone() if (row == None): msg.showerror('Login Failed', 'Invalid username or password') else: msg.showinfo('Login', f'Welcome:{row[2]}') frm.destroy() welcomeUser(row) con.close()
def addSalDb(frm, e1, e2, e3, e4): con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select max(s_id) from salesman") sid = cur.fetchone() if (sid[0] != None): newid = sid[0] + 1 else: newid = 1 cur.execute("insert into salesman values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (newid, e2.get(), e1.get(), e4.get(), e3.get())) con.commit() con.close() msg.showinfo('New Account', f'Account Created with id:{newid}') server = SMTP('', 587) server.starttls() server.login('*****@*****.**', 'Ducat@2020') msgg = EmailMessage() list = [e3.get()] msgg['TO'] = list msgg['SUBJECT'] = 'New Account in Stock mgt' msgg['FROM'] = '*****@*****.**' msgg.set_content( f'Hello Dear,\n Your Salesman id={newid} and Password={e2.get()}') server.send_message(msgg) print('mail gaya') server.quit() frm.destroy() welcomeAdmin()
def validatenewuser(frm, eu, ep, ee, em, et, eb): u = eu.get() p = ep.get() e = ee.get() m = em.get() b = eb.get() t = et.get() if (len(u) == 0 or len(p) == 0 or len(e) == 0 or len(m) == 0 or len(b) == 0): messagebox.showwarning('Validation Failed', "Fields can't be empty") return else: con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select max(acno) from useraccount") acno = cur.fetchone()[0] acno = acno + 1 try: cur.execute("insert into useraccount values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (u, p, e, m, acno, b, t)) con.commit() messagebox.showinfo('Success', f"Account opened with acno:{acno}") homescreen(frm) except Exception as e: messagebox.showwarning('User name exists', str(e)) con.close()
def changePass(sid): newpass = sd.askstring('Change Password', 'Enter new password:'******'update salesman set s_pass=%s where s_id=%s', (newpass, sid)) con.commit() con.close() msg.showinfo('Success', 'Password changed successfully')
def searchPro(frm): p_name = sd.askstring('', 'Enter product name:') con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select * from product where p_name=%s', (p_name, )) row = cur.fetchone() if (row != None): msg.showinfo('Product Found', str(row)) else: msg.showwarning('', 'Product Not found') con.close()
def viewSal(frm): con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select * from salesman') msg1 = '' for row in cur: for i in row: msg1 = msg1 + str(i) + '\t' msg1 = msg1 + '\n' s = cur.fetchall() msg.showinfo('All Salesman', msg1) con.close()
def delSal(frm): sid = sd.askstring("Delete Account", "Enter Salesman id") sid = int(sid) con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("delete from salesman where s_id=%s", (sid, )) con.commit() if (cur.rowcount == 1): msg.showinfo('Delete Account', 'Account Deleted') else: msg.showwarning('Delete Account', 'Account not found') con.close()
def billDb(frm, cb, e): p_n = cb.get() u_qty = int(e.get()) con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select p_qty from product where p_name=%s', (p_n, )) db_qty = cur.fetchone()[0] if (db_qty >= u_qty): cur.execute('update product set p_qty=p_qty-%s where p_name=%s', (u_qty, p_n)) con.commit() msg.showinfo('', 'Billing done') else: msg.showwarning('', 'Insufficient quantity')
def txnhistory(u): con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select acno from useraccount where username=%s", (u, )) acno = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute( "select txndate,amt,txntype,updatebal from txnhistory where acno=%s", (acno, )) history = cur.fetchall() msg = "Date\t Time\t\tAmount\tType\tUpdatebal\n" for row in history: msg = msg + str(row[0]) + '\t ' + str( row[1]) + '\t' + (row[2]) + '\t' + str(row[3]) + '\n' messagebox.showinfo("Txn History", msg)
def updatepass(u): np = simpledialog.askstring('Update Password', 'Enter New Password:'******'Update Password', 'Enter Confirm Password:'******'Update Password', "Password Changed Successfully") else: messagebox.showwarning('Update Password', "New and Confirm Password do not match")
def addProDb(frm, e1, e2, e3): con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select max(p_id) from product") sid = cur.fetchone() if (sid[0] != None): newid = sid[0] + 1 else: newid = 1 cur.execute("insert into product values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (newid, e1.get(), e2.get(), e3.get())) con.commit() con.close() msg.showinfo('New Product', f'Product Added with id:{newid}') frm.destroy() welcomeAdmin()
def recoverpass(frm, eu, ee, em): u = eu.get() e = ee.get() m = em.get() con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "select password from useraccount where username=%s and email=%s and mob=%s", (u, e, m)) tup = cur.fetchone() if (tup != None): p = tup[0] messagebox.showinfo('Password Recovery', f"Your Password is:{p}") homescreen(frm) else: messagebox.showinfo('Password Recovery', "Invalid details")
def deposit(u): amt = simpledialog.askinteger('Deposit', 'Enter Amount:') con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select bal,acno from useraccount where username=%s", (u, )) tup = cur.fetchone() avlbal = tup[0] acno = tup[1] dt = if (amt >= 0): cur.execute("update useraccount set bal=bal+%s where username=%s", (amt, u)) con.commit() messagebox.showinfo('Deposit', "Txn Done...") cur.execute("insert into txnhistory values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (acno, dt, amt, 'Credit', avlbal + amt)) con.commit() con.close() else: messagebox.showinfo('Deposit', "Invalid amount")
def withdraw(u): amt = simpledialog.askinteger('Withdraw', 'Enter Amount:') con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select bal,acno from useraccount where username=%s", (u, )) tup = cur.fetchone() avlbal = tup[0] acno = tup[1] dt = if (avlbal >= amt): cur.execute("update useraccount set bal=bal-%s where username=%s", (amt, u)) con.commit() messagebox.showinfo('Withdraw', "Txn Done...") cur.execute("insert into txnhistory values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)", (acno, dt, amt, 'Debit', avlbal - amt)) con.commit() con.close() else: messagebox.showinfo('Withdraw', "Insufficient Bal")
def validatehomescreen(frm, eu, ep, et): u = eu.get() p = ep.get() t = et.get() if (len(u) == 0 or len(p) == 0): messagebox.showwarning('Validation Failed', "Username/Password can't be empty") return else: con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "select * from useraccount where username=%s and password=%s", (u, p)) tup = cur.fetchone() if (tup != None): if (t == 'User'): messagebox.showinfo('Login Success', f"Welcome,{u}") welcomeuser(frm, u) else: messagebox.showerror('Login Failed', "Invalid User type") else: messagebox.showerror('Login Failed', "Invalid Username/Password")
def billing(frm, row): frm.destroy() login_frm = Frame(root, bg=bgclr), y=100, width=root.winfo_width(), height=root.winfo_height()) lbl_user = Label(login_frm, bg=bgclr, font=('', 15, ''), fg='green', text=f'Welcome:{row[2]}'), y=100) back_btn = Button(login_frm, width=10, command=lambda: backUser(login_frm, row), font=('', 12, 'bold'), text='Back', bd=5), y=150) logout_btn = Button(login_frm, width=15, command=lambda: logout(login_frm), font=('', 12, 'bold'), text='Logout', bd=5), y=100) lbl_name = Label(login_frm, bg=bgclr, font=('', 15, ''), fg='blue', text='Select Product'), y=200) lbl_qty = Label(login_frm, bg=bgclr, font=('', 15, ''), fg='blue', text='Qty'), y=250) con = db.getCon() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select * from product') product = [] for rowp in cur: product.append(rowp[1]) con.close() cb = ttk.Combobox(login_frm, values=product) cb.current(0), y=205) ent_qty = Entry(login_frm, bd=5, font=('', 15, 'bold')), y=255) sub_btn = Button(login_frm, width=5, text='Bill', command=lambda: billDb(login_frm, cb, ent_qty), bd=5, font=('', 12, 'bold')), y=405) rst_btn = Button( login_frm, width=5, command=lambda: reset(ent_name, ent_pass, None, ent_email, ent_pass), text='reset', bd=5, font=('', 12, 'bold')), y=405)