def codeconv(filename, encoding='utf8'):
    t = dbf.Table(filename)
    print t.codepage
    if not str(t.codepage).startswith(encoding):
        t.codepage = dbf.CodePage(encoding)
        print 'Encoding updated to', t.codepage
        print 'Encoding not updated'
def add_field_to_shp(directory):
    print('Aktualizacja struktury metadanych...')

    # Zainicjowanie pustej listy dla ścieżek do plików .shp
    file_paths = []

    # Iteracja po katalogu z danymi i wyciągnięcie do listy
    # pełnych ścieżek dla plików .shp
    for folder, subs, files in os.walk(directory):
        for filename in files:
            if filename.endswith('.dbf'):
                    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder, filename)))

    now = datetime.now()
    date_value = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    guid_str = '5861396d-8146-4469-9066-'

    # Utworzenie obiektu dla każdej warstwy .shp we wskazanym katalogu
    # oraz dodanie kolumn: guid, add_date, mod_date, user_name
    # (jeżeli dane kolumny nie zostały dodane wcześniej)
    for path in file_paths:
        guid_id = 1
        table = dbf.Table(path)
        table.codepage = dbf.CodePage('cp1250')
        fields = table.field_names
        for record in table:
            tempid = 1
            if 'guid' not in fields:
                table.add_fields('guid C(36)')
                for record in table:
                    with record as r:
                        r.guid = guid_str + str(guid_id).zfill(11)
                        guid_id += 1
            if 'add_date' not in fields:
                table.add_fields('add_date C(19)')
                for record in table:
                    with record as r:
                        r.add_date = date_value
            if 'mod_date' not in fields:
                table.add_fields('mod_date C(19)')
                for record in table:
                    with record as r:
                        r.mod_date = date_value
            if 'user_name' not in fields:
                table.add_fields('user_name C(255)')
                for record in table:
                    with record as r:
                        r.user_name = 'public'

    print('Metadane zaktualizowano pomyslnie!')
def edit_dbf_database(dbf_filename):
    def get_twitter_countries():
        def patch(locations):
            for loc in locations:
                if loc['name'] == 'United States':
                    loc['name'] = 'United States of America'
                elif loc['name'] == 'Korea':
                    loc['name'] = 'South Korea'
            return locations

        countries = {}
        f = open(f_json_locations_from_twitter_api, 'r')
        locations = json.load(f)

        # In order to make the country names match between both inputs,
        # we correct some names in the data coming from twitter.
        locations = patch(locations)

        for loc in locations:
            if loc['placeType']['name'] == 'Country':
                countries[loc['name']] = loc['woeid']

        # We sort by alphanum order the names of the countries.
        countries = dict(sorted(countries.items()))
        return countries

    def gen_world_countries(table):
        # As for twitter inputs,
        # we sort by alphanum order the names of the countries
        table_sorted = table.create_index(lambda rec: rec.name_en)
        for rec in table_sorted:
            yield rec

    twitter_countries = get_twitter_countries()
    table = dbf.Table(dbf_filename, codepage='utf8')
    table.codepage = dbf.CodePage('utf8')
    table.add_fields('tw_woeid N(8,0)')

    # We browse the different countries present in the dataset provided by NE,
    # if the name of a country match with the twitter dataset,
    # we put his WOEID associated, otherwise -1.
    next_world_country = gen_world_countries(table)
    world_c = next(next_world_country)
    for key in twitter_countries:
        while (world_c.name_en.strip() < key):
            dbf.write(world_c, tw_woeid=-1)
            world_c = next(next_world_country)
        if world_c.name_en.strip() == key:
            dbf.write(world_c, tw_woeid=twitter_countries[key])
            world_c = next(next_world_country)
    for world_c in next_world_country:
        dbf.write(world_c, tw_woeid=-1)

import string
import dbf

multiplier = 1.15
if multiplier == 1:
    NDIGITS = 2
    NDIGITS = 0
#modlsthd ismenu? sequence modi_num modhd_num
mlist = dbf.Table('./origin/modilist.dbf')
#pack the delete record
#simplifed chinese's codepage is cp936
mlist.codepage = dbf.CodePage('cp936')
mli = []
#format dbf data to a array
#filled zero in menu_num field
for x in mlist:
    if x['fnew_list'] == False:
        mli.append(( '',\
          '%6s' % x['fmod_list'],\
          '%6s' % x['fseq'],\
          '%6s' % x['fmod_num'],\
          '%6s' % 0\
    elif x['fnew_list'] == True:
        mli.append(( '',\
          '%6s' % x['fmod_list'],\