def signup(self): try: signup_form = [{"name": "privilege", "type": "list", "filter": lambda val: val.lower().replace(' ', '_'),\ "choices": ["Data scientist", "Geographe"], "message": "What type of membership do you want?"}, {"name": "phone_number", "type": "input", "message": "What's your phone number?", "validate": PhoneNumberValidator}, {"name": "username", "type": "input", "message": "Your chosen username :"******"validate": AsciiValidator}, {"name": "password", "type": "password", "message": "Your chosen password :"******"validate": AsciiValidator}, {"name": "firstname", "type": "input", "message": "Your firstname :", "validate": AsciiValidator}, {"name": "lastname", "type": "input", "message": "Your lastname :", "validate": AsciiValidator}, {"name": "birthday", "type": "input", "message": "You birthday ? (mm/jj/YYYY) :", "validate": BirthValidator}, {"name": "nullx", "type": "input", "message": "nullx", "when": lambda answers: print('The informations will be communicated to the Database.')}] answers = prompt(signup_form, tmp_obj = db_handler("users") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run( "SELECT ID FROM users WHERE username=='%s'" % answers['username']) if not len(resp_): tmp_obj = db_handler("users") answers['password'] = hashlib.md5( answers['password'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() x = tmp_obj.sql_run( "INSERT INTO users (firstname, lastname, username, password, privilege, birthday, phone_number) values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s')" % (answers['firstname'], answers['lastname'], answers['username'], answers['password'], self.reversed_privilege[answers['privilege']], answers['birthday'], answers['phone_number'])) return ('signup', 1) else: return ('signup', 0) except Exception as e: return ('signup: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)
def review(self): try: tmp_dict_ = [ "country_name", "superficie", "population", "croissance_demo", "inflation", "dette", "taux_chomage", "taux_depense_sante", "taux_depense_educ", "taux_depense_militaire" ] sql_q = "select %s from update_request;" % (','.join(tmp_dict_)) tmp_obj = db_handler("update_request") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_q) ptable = PrettyTable() ptable.title = "Proposed corrections" ptable.field_names = tmp_dict_ if not len(resp_): return ('review', 0) for k_ in resp_: tmp_row = [] for v in k_: try: v = v.split("++")[0] v = v.replace( re.findall( r'b1x(.*?)b2x', v.replace('(', "b1x").replace(')', 'b2x'))[0], '').replace('()', '') except: pass tmp_row.append([v, v[:15] + '...'][0 if len(v) <= 20 else 1]) ptable.add_row(tmp_row) print(ptable) if not len(resp_): return ('review', 0) answers = prompt( { 'type': 'confirm', 'message': 'Do you approve the proposed corrections?', 'name': 'review', 'default': False }, if answers['review']: for k_ in resp_: tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") sql_input = "UPDATE factbook SET superficie='%s', population='%s',\ croissance_demo='%s', inflation='%s', dette='%s', taux_chomage='%s',\ taux_depense_sante='%s', taux_depense_educ='%s', taux_depense_militaire='%s' WHERE lower(country_name)=='%s';" %\ (k_[1], k_[2], k_[3], k_[4], k_[5], k_[6], k_[7], k_[8], k_[9],k_[0].lower()) tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_input) tmp_obj = db_handler("update_request") tmp_obj.sql_run("DELETE FROM update_request;") return ('review', 1) except Exception as e: return ('review: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)
def __init__(self): self.privilege = { 0: "admin", 1: "data_scientist", 2: "geographe", 3: "consultant" } self.reversed_privilege = { value: key for (key, value) in self.privilege.items() } self.menu_ref = {'-> create an account':[[0], 'signup'], '-> login':[[3], 'signin'],\ '-> display a country':[[0,1,2,3], 'display_country'], '-> propose a correction' : [[1,3], 'correction'],\ '-> review corrections':[[0,2], 'review'], '-> add/modify a country' : [[0,2], 'modify_country'],\ '-> remove a country' : [[0], 'remove_country'], '-> display histogramme' : [[0,1], 'plot_hist'],\ '-> display boxplot' : [[0,1], 'plot_boxplot'], '-> remove an account' : [[0], 'remove_account'], "-> logout":[[0,1,2], 'logout'], "-> exit":[[0,1,2,3], 'sys_exit']} self.field_names = ["country_name", "superficie", "population", "croissance_demo", "inflation", "dette", "taux_chomage",\ "taux_depense_sante", "taux_depense_educ", "taux_depense_militaire"] = style_from_dict({ Token.QuestionMark: '#E91E63 bold', Token.Selected: '#673AB7 bold', Token.Instruction: '', # default Token.Answer: '#2196f3 bold', Token.Question: '', }) tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run("SELECT * FROM factbook;") if not len(resp_): from load_factbook import factbook_processor obj_ = factbook_processor() obj_.insert_db()
def plot_boxplot(self): try: sql_q = "select * from factbook where country_name IS NOT NULL and country_name!='none';" tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_q) main_dict_ = [ '0-14 years', '15-24 years', '25-54 years', '55-64 years', '65 years and over' ] tmp_dict_ = { '0-14 years': [], '15-24 years': [], '25-54 years': [], '55-64 years': [], '65 years and over': [] } for v in resp_: try: for key_class in main_dict_: s = eval(v[-1])[key_class]['text'] percent_ = re.findall(r'(-?\d+(\.\d+)%)', s) if len(percent_): tmp_dict_[key_class].append( float(percent_[0][0].replace('%', ''))) except: pass labels, data = [*zip(*tmp_dict_.items())] plt.boxplot(data) plt.xticks(range(1, len(labels) + 1), labels) return ('plot_boxplot', 0) except Exception as e: return ('plot_boxplot: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)
def search_country(self, criteria, threshold, operator_): tmp_obj, resu_ = db_handler("factbook"), [] sql_x = "select country_name,%s from factbook where country_name IS NOT NULL and country_name!='none';" % criteria resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_x) for country_ in resp_: years_ = re.findall('(\d{4})', str(country_[1])) years_ = list( set([ int(icol) for icol in years_[:] if icol[:2] in ['19', '20'] ])) years_ = [str(icol) for icol in years_[:]] for year_ in years_: info_ = country_[1] if str(info_).lower() != 'none': for year_info in info_.split("++"): if year_ in year_info: year_info = year_info.replace(",", "") year_info_re = re.findall(r'[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+', year_info) if len(year_info_re): percent = ['%' if '%' in year_info else ''][0] value_ = year_info_re[0] if eval(value_ + operator_ + threshold): resu_.append( [year_, country_[0], value_ + percent]) break return resu_
def remove_country(self): try: countries_lst = [{ 'message': 'Choose a country to delete:', 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_country', 'choices': [] }] tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run( "select country_name from factbook where country_name IS NOT NULL and country_name!='none' Order By country_name;" ) countries_lst[0]['choices'] = [i[0] for i in resp_] answers = prompt(countries_lst, tmp_obj = db_handler("update_request") tmp_obj.sql_run("DELETE FROM factbook WHERE country_name=='%s';" % answers['chosen_country']) return ('remove_country', 1) except Exception as e: return ('remove_country: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)
def correction(self): try: auth_fields = ["superficie", "population", "croissance_demo", "inflation", "dette", "taux_chomage","taux_depense_sante", "taux_depense_educ", "taux_depense_militaire"] country_name_q = [{'message': 'Do you propose to modify:', "type": "list", "name": "chosen_field", "choices": auth_fields}, {'filter':lambda val: val.lower(),'message': "What's the name of the country?",'name': 'country_name','type': 'input','validate': AsciiValidator}] answersx = prompt(country_name_q, tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run("SELECT * FROM factbook where lower(country_name)=='%s'"%answersx['country_name']) if len(resp_): temp_resp_ = ['[Current value: %s]'%str(i) for i in resp_[0][2:]] country_form = [{'message': 'superficie (in square kilometers): '+temp_resp_[0],'name': 'superficie','type': 'input','validate': NumberValidator,\ "filter": lambda val: val+' sq km'},{'message': 'Population :'+temp_resp_[1],'name': 'population','type': 'input','validate': NumberValidator} ,{'message': 'Demographic growth (format ex: 34.5%) :'+temp_resp_[2],'name': 'croissance_demo','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'inflation (format ex: 2%) :'+temp_resp_[3],'name': 'inflation','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'dette (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[4],'name': 'dette','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'Unemployement rate (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[5],'name': 'taux_chomage','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'Government expenditure on health (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[6],'name': 'taux_depense_sante','type': 'input'\ ,'validate': PercentValidator},{'message': 'government expenditure on education (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[7],\ 'name': 'taux_depense_educ','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator}, {'message': 'government expenditure on military (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[8],'name': 'taux_depense_militaire','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'nullx','name': 'nullx','type': 'input','when': lambda answers: print('All good!, Please check later your application status.')}] country_form = country_form[auth_fields.index(answersx['chosen_field'])] answers = prompt(country_form, insert_tmp = [str(i) for i in resp_[0][2:]] insert_tmp[auth_fields.index(answersx['chosen_field'])] = answers[answersx['chosen_field']] tmp_obj = db_handler("update_request") sql_input = "INSERT INTO update_request (country_name, superficie, population, croissance_demo, inflation, dette, taux_chomage,\ taux_depense_sante, taux_depense_educ, taux_depense_militaire) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');"\ %(answersx["country_name"].capitalize(), insert_tmp[0], insert_tmp[1], insert_tmp[2], insert_tmp[3],\ insert_tmp[4], insert_tmp[5], insert_tmp[6], insert_tmp[7], insert_tmp[8]) tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_input) return ('propose_modification', 1) else: return ('propose_modification', 0) except : return ('propose_modification', 500)
def signin(self): try: questions = [{"name": "username", "type": "input", "message": "Your chosen username :"******"validate": "AsciiValidator"},\ {"name": "password", "type": "password", "message": "Your chosen password :"******"validate": "AsciiValidator"}] answers = prompt(questions, tmp_obj = db_handler("users") hashed_pass = hashlib.md5( answers['password'].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run( "SELECT password, privilege FROM users WHERE username=='%s'" % answers['username']) if len(resp_): if hashed_pass == resp_[0][0]: return ('signin', resp_[0][1]) return ('signin', -1) except: return ('signin', 500)
def plot_hist(self): try: answers = prompt([{'message': 'Choose a criteria :',\ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_filter',\ 'choices': ["superficie", "population", "croissance_demo", "inflation", "dette", "taux_chomage",\ "taux_depense_sante", "taux_depense_educ", "taux_depense_militaire"]}, {'message': 'Choose a year :',\ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_year',\ 'choices': ['Lastest recorded year']+['20%02d'%i for i in range(4,21)]} ], tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") sql_q = "select country_name, %s from factbook where country_name IS NOT NULL and country_name!='none' and %s LIKE '%%%s%%';" % ( answers['chosen_filter'], answers['chosen_filter'], answers['chosen_year']) if answers['chosen_filter'] == 'superficie': sql_q = "select country_name, superficie from factbook where country_name IS NOT NULL and country_name!='none';" if answers['chosen_year'] == 'Lastest recorded year': sql_q = "select country_name, %s from factbook where country_name IS NOT NULL and country_name!='none';" % ( answers['chosen_filter']) resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_q) data_plt = [] for j in resp_: if j[1]: if answers['chosen_year'] == 'Lastest recorded year': re_out = re.findall(r'(-?\d+(\.\d+)?%?)', j[1].split("++")[0].replace(',','')\ .replace('sq km', '')) elif len(re.findall('(\d{4})', j[1])): re_out = re.findall(r'(-?\d+(\.\d+)?%?)', [i for i in j[1].split("++") if answers['chosen_year'] in i][0].replace(',','')\ .replace('sq km', '')) else: re_out = re.findall(r'(-?\d+(\.\d+)?%?)', j[1].split("++")[0].replace(',','')\ .replace('sq km', '')) if 're_out' in locals() and len(re_out): inappend_ = float(re_out[0][0].replace("%", "")) if 'million' in j[1]: inappend_ = inappend_ * 1e6 data_plt.append([j[0], inappend_]) x, y = zip(*data_plt), y) plt.xticks(rotation=90) return ('plot_hist', 0) except Exception as e: return ('plot_hist: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)
def remove_account(self): try: accounts_lst = [{ 'message': 'Choose an account to delete:', 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_account', 'choices': [] }] tmp_obj = db_handler("users") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run( "select username from users where privilege IN (1,2);") if len(resp_): accounts_lst[0]['choices'] = [i[0] for i in resp_] answers = prompt(accounts_lst, tmp_obj.sql_run("DELETE FROM users WHERE username=='%s';" % answers['chosen_account']) return ('remove_account', 1) else: return ('remove_account', 0) except Exception as e: return ('remove_account: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)
def insert_db(self): self.db_dic = [] with open('%s/%s' % (self.asset_endpoint_, self.db_name), 'r') as f: data = json.loads( js_struct = { "country_name": "['Government']['Country name']['conventional short form']['text']", "superficie": "['Geography']['Area']['total']['text']", "population": "['People and Society']['Population']['text']", "croissance_demo": "['People and Society']['Population growth rate']['text']", "inflation": "['Economy']['Inflation rate (consumer prices)']['text']", "dette": "['Economy']['Debt - external']['text']", "taux_chomage": "['Economy']['Unemployment rate']['text']", "taux_depense_sante": "['People and Society']['Health expenditures']['text']", "taux_depense_educ": "['People and Society']['Education expenditures']['text']", "taux_depense_militaire": "['Military and Security']['Military expenditures']['text']", "classes_age": "['People and Society']['Age structure']" } tmp_columns = ('country_name', 'superficie', 'population', 'croissance_demo', 'inflation', 'dette', 'taux_chomage', 'taux_depense_sante', 'taux_depense_educ', 'taux_depense_militaire', 'classes_age') for indx in data: db_row = [] for indx_j in range(len(tmp_columns)): try: db_row.append( str(eval("indx" + js_struct[tmp_columns[indx_j]]))) except: db_row.append(None) self.db_dic.append(db_row) tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") tmp_obj.batch_insert(tmp_columns, self.db_dic) return self.db_dic
def modify_country(self): try: country_name_q = [{ 'message': 'Do you want to :', "type": "list", "name": "addmodify", "choices": ['Add a new country', 'Modify an existent country'] }, { 'filter': lambda val: val.lower(), 'message': "What's the name of the country?", 'name': 'country_name', 'type': 'input', 'validate': AsciiValidator }] answersx = prompt(country_name_q, tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run( "SELECT * FROM factbook where lower(country_name)=='%s'" % answersx['country_name']) if not len(resp_) or answersx[ 'addmodify'] == 'Modify an existent country': temp_resp_ = ['' for i in range(9)] if len(resp_): temp_resp_ = [ '[Current value: %s]' % str(i) for i in resp_[0][2:] ] country_form = [{'message': 'From which year this data is taken? (press [ENTER] if not exist):','name': 'year','type': 'input','validate': YearValidator} , {'message': 'superficie (in square kilometers): '+temp_resp_[0],'name': 'superficie','type': 'input','validate': NumberValidator,\ "filter": lambda val: val+' sq km'},{'message': 'Population :'+temp_resp_[1],'name': 'population','type': 'input','validate': NumberValidator} ,{'message': 'Demographic growth (format ex: 34.5%) :'+temp_resp_[2],'name': 'croissance_demo','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'inflation (format ex: 2%) :'+temp_resp_[3],'name': 'inflation','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'dette (format ex: $45,000,000,000) :'+temp_resp_[4],'name': 'dette','type': 'input','validate': DetteValidator} ,{'message': 'Unemployement rate (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[5],'name': 'taux_chomage','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'Government expenditure on health (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[6],'name': 'taux_depense_sante','type': 'input'\ ,'validate': PercentValidator},{'message': 'government expenditure on education (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[7],\ 'name': 'taux_depense_educ','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator}, {'message': 'government expenditure on military (format ex: 20%) :'+temp_resp_[8],'name': 'taux_depense_militaire','type': 'input','validate': PercentValidator} ,{'message': 'nullx','name': 'nullx','type': 'input','when': lambda answers: print('All good!, Please check later your application status.')}] answers = prompt(country_form, if len(answers['year']): for k_ in self.field_names[2:]: answers[k_] += " (%s) ++ " % answers['year'] sql_input = "INSERT INTO factbook (country_name, superficie, population, croissance_demo, inflation, dette, taux_chomage,\ taux_depense_sante, taux_depense_educ, taux_depense_militaire) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" \ %(answersx["country_name"].capitalize(), answers["superficie"], answers["population"], answers["croissance_demo"],\ answers["inflation"], answers["dette"], answers["taux_chomage"], answers["taux_depense_sante"],\ answers["taux_depense_educ"], answers["taux_depense_militaire"]) if answersx['addmodify'] == 'Modify an existent country': sql_input = "UPDATE factbook SET superficie='%s', population='%s',\ croissance_demo='%s', inflation='%s', dette='%s', taux_chomage='%s',\ taux_depense_sante='%s', taux_depense_educ='%s', taux_depense_militaire='%s' WHERE lower(country_name)=='%s';" %(answers["superficie"],\ answers["population"], answers["croissance_demo"],answers["inflation"], answers["dette"],\ answers["taux_chomage"], answers["taux_depense_sante"],\ answers["taux_depense_educ"], answers["taux_depense_militaire"], answersx["country_name"].lower()) tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_input) return ('modify_country', 1) else: return ('modify_country', 0) except Exception as e: return ('modify_country: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)
def display_country(self): try: countries_lst = [{'message': 'Choose a country :',\ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_country',\ 'choices': []}, {'message': 'Do you want the age classes or other infos ?',\ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_critiria',\ 'choices': ['Age classes', 'Other infos']}, {'type': 'checkbox', 'message': 'Select countries', 'name': 'ageclasses_countries', 'choices': [Separator('= The countries available =')], \ 'validate': lambda answer: True if len(answer)>0 and len(answer)<=10 else 'You must choose at least 1 country.'}, {'type': 'confirm', 'message': 'Do you have a want to apply a filter to countries?', 'name': 'special_filters', 'default': False}] answers = prompt(countries_lst[-1], if answers['special_filters']: special_filters = [{'message': 'Choose a filter :',\ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_filter',\ 'choices': ["superficie", "population", "croissance_demo", "inflation", "dette", "taux_chomage",\ "taux_depense_sante", "taux_depense_educ", "taux_depense_militaire"]}, {'message': 'Which operator you want to apply ?',\ 'type': 'list', 'name': 'chosen_filter_op',\ 'choices': ['higher', 'lower', 'equal']}] answers = prompt(special_filters, answers2 = prompt({'type': 'input','name': 'threshold','message': 'You want the %s %s than/to:'\ %(answers['chosen_filter'], answers['chosen_filter_op'])}, lst_country = self.search_country( answers['chosen_filter'], answers2['threshold'], [ '>' if answers['chosen_filter_op'] == 'higher' else [ '<' if answers['chosen_filter_op'] == 'lower' else '==' ][0] ][0]) answers = prompt(countries_lst[1], tmp_obj = db_handler("factbook") resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run( "select country_name from factbook where country_name IS NOT NULL and country_name!='none' Order By country_name;" ) if 'lst_country' in locals(): resp_ = [ i for i in resp_[:] if i[0] in [j[1] for j in lst_country] ] countries_lst[0]['choices'] = [i[0] for i in resp_] countries_lst[2]['choices'] += [{'name': i[0]} for i in resp_] if answers['chosen_critiria'] == 'Other infos': answers = prompt(countries_lst[0], resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run( "select * from factbook where country_name=='%s';" % answers['chosen_country']) len_r = len(''.join([str(i) for i in resp_[0][1:-1]])) tty_row, tty_col = os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split() years_ = re.findall('(\d{4})', ' | '.join(str(icol) for icol in resp_[0])) years_ = sorted(list( set([ int(icol) for icol in years_[:] if icol[:2] in ['19', '20'] ])), reverse=True) years_ = [str(icol) for icol in years_[:]] t_rows = 1 if int(tty_col) / 2 - ( len_r / (1 + len(years_))) > 45 else 2 for l in range(t_rows): ptable = PrettyTable() ptable.title = "Country : %s" % answers['chosen_country'] field_names = [[ "Year", "superficie", "population", "croissance_demo", "inflation" ]] if t_rows == 2: field_names.append([ "Year", "dette", "taux_chomage", "taux_depense_sante", "taux_depense_educ", "taux_depense_militaire" ]) else: field_names[0] += [ "dette", "taux_chomage", "taux_depense_sante", "taux_depense_educ", "taux_depense_militaire" ] ptable.field_names = field_names[l] if not len(years_): years_ = ['0'] for year_ in years_: tmp_row = [year_] tmp_resp = [ list(resp_[0][2:-1])[:4], list(resp_[0][2:-1])[4:] ] if t_rows == 1: tmp_resp = [sum(tmp_resp, [])] for info_ in tmp_resp[l]: if str(info_).lower() != 'none' and year_ in info_: for year_info in info_.split("++"): if year_ in year_info: try: year_info = year_info.replace( year_info[year_info.index( "("):year_info.index(")") + 1], '') except: pass vx = year_info tmp_row.append([ vx, vx[:15] + '...' ][0 if len(vx) <= 20 else 1]) elif str(info_).lower( ) != 'none' and 'sq km' in info_: vx = info_ tmp_row.append([vx, vx[:15] + '...' ][0 if len(vx) <= 20 else 1]) elif str(info_).lower() != 'none': vx = info_ tmp_row.append([vx, vx[:15] + '...' ][0 if len(vx) <= 20 else 1]) else: tmp_row.append('N/a') ptable.add_row(tmp_row) print(ptable) else: answers = prompt(countries_lst[2], sql_q = "select * from factbook where country_name IN {};".format( tuple(answers['ageclasses_countries'])) resp_ = tmp_obj.sql_run(sql_q) ptable = PrettyTable() ptable.title = "Age classes" tmp_dict_ = [ 'Country', '0-14 years', '15-24 years', '25-54 years', '55-64 years', '65 years and over' ] ptable.field_names = tmp_dict_ for v in resp_: tmp_row = [v[1]] for key_class in tmp_dict_[1:]: s = eval(v[-1])[key_class]['text'] tmp_row.append(s[:s.index(" ") + 1]) ptable.add_row(tmp_row) print(ptable) return ('display_country', 0) except Exception as e: return ('display_country: {}'.format(str(e)), 500)