from dbupload import upload_file
from getpass import getpass

email = raw_input("Enter Dropbox email address:")
password = getpass("Enter Dropbox password:"******"example.py", "/", "dbupload_test.txt", email, password)

print("Uploaded dbupload_test.txt to the root of your Dropbox")
# Countries missing include Iceland, Guatemala, Kenya, Yemen, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Serbia...

#put a timestamp on the sheet, so readers know when it was last updated:
ws.cell(UPDATE_DATE_CELL['cell']).value = asctime()

print "wrote to {0}".format(XL_OUTFILE)

# Upload to Dropbox
print "uploading file to dropbox..."
print "Successfully uploaded to Dropbox!"

# APPENDIX: code you probably don't have to worry about, but might be useful someday.
# Contains: 
# 0. Attempt to upload autommatically to google drive
# 1. Code to execute a mysql script with more than one statement.
# 2. code to try to fix a "_mysql image not found" error.
# 3. Instructions for installing dependencies, if the ones I included in the package fail

import subprocess
from dbupload import upload_file #Used for Dropbox uploading
from datetime import datetime # Used the genreate the filename
count = 0 #Counts the number of files that have been dumped
while True:
    count = count + 1
    fileName = str(datetime.now().day) + "-" + str(datetime.now().month) + "-" + str(datetime.now().year) + " AT " + str(datetime.now().hour) + "-" + str(datetime.now().minute)
    tcpDumpProcess = subprocess.Popen(["tcpdump", "-Z", "root", "-w", fileName, "-i", "bridge0", "-G", "60", "-W", "1"]) #Sets up the TCPDump command
    tcpDumpProcess.communicate() #Runs the TCPDump command
    print "Currently dumping file number " + str(count) + "."
    upload_file(fileName,"/",fileName, "YOUR_EMAIL","YOUR_PASSWORD") #Uploads the dump file to dropbox
    print "File uploaded Successfully"
from dbupload import upload_file
from getpass import getpass

email = raw_input("Enter Dropbox email address:")
password = getpass("Enter Dropbox password:"******"example.py","/","dbupload_test.txt",email,password)

print("Uploaded dbupload_test.txt to the root of your Dropbox")
import os

from dbupload import upload_file
from getpass import getpass

email = raw_input("Enter Dropbox email address:")
password = getpass("Enter Dropbox password:"******"/path/to/your/directory"
for file in os.listdir(path):
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, file)):
        print("found " + os.path.basename(file))
        upload_file(os.path.join(path, file), "/", "dbupload_test.txt", email, password)
        print("Uploaded " + os.path.basename(file) + " to dropbox")