def log2db(logfile): reader = geoip2.database.Reader('GeoLite2-City.mmdb') fhandler = open(logfile,'r') rt_list = [] #统计 while True: line = fhandler.readline() if line=='': break nodes = line.split() ip , logtime , url, status = nodes[0], nodes[3], nodes[6] , nodes[8] logtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.strptime(logtime,'%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S')) try: reponse = if 'China' != print 'ip not in china %s' % ip continue city ='zh-CN','') if city == '': print "ip city is empty:%s" % ip continue lat = reponse.location.latitude lng = reponse.location.longitude rt_list.append((ip, logtime, url, status, lat, lng, city)) except BaseException as e: print 'geo ip not found ip %s' % ip fhandler.close() reader.close() _sql = 'insert into accesslog2(logtime, ip , url, status, lat, lng, city) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' MySQLConnection.bulker_commit_sql(_sql,rt_list)
def add(cls, req): _ip = req.get('ip') _cpu = req.get('cpu') _ram = req.get('ram') _time = req.get('time') _sql = 'insert into performs(ip, cpu, ram, time)values(%s, %s, %s, %s)' MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, (_ip, _cpu, _ram, _time), False)
def validate_login(cls, username, password): _column = 'username' _columns = _column.split(',') _sql = "select {column} from user where username=%s and password=md5(%s)".format( column=_column) _count, _rt_list = MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, (username, password)) return dict(zip(_columns, _rt_list[0])) if _count != 0 else None
def get_status_distribution(cls): _sql = "select status , count(*) from accesslog2 group by status" _rt_cnt, _rt_list = MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql) _legend = [] _data = [] # 使用列表推导式代替for循环 #for _status, _cnt in _rt_list: # _legend.append(status) # _data.append({"name": _status , "value": _cnt}) _legend = [_node[0] for _node in _rt_list] _data = [dict(zip(("name", "value"), _node)) for _node in _rt_list] return _legends, _data
def get_list(cls, ip): _sql = 'SELECT cpu, ram, time FROM performs WHERE ip=%s and time>=%s order by time asc' _args = (ip, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time() - 60 * 60))) print _args _count, _rt_list = MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, _args) datetime_list = [] cpu_list = [] ram_list = [] for _cpu, _ram, _time in _rt_list: cpu_list.append(_cpu) ram_list.append(_ram) datetime_list.append(_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) return datetime_list, cpu_list, ram_list
def has_alarm(ip): _sql = 'select cpu, ram from performs where ip = %s and time > %s order by time desc limit %s' _time = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) _args = (ip, _time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), CNT) _rt_cnt, _rt_list = MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, _args) print _rt_cnt, _rt_list if _rt_cnt < CNT: return False, False _cpu_alarm = True _ram_alarm = True for _cpu, _ram in _rt_list: if _cpu < CPU_PERCENT: _cpu_alarm = False if _ram < RAM_PERCENT: _ram_alarm = False return _cpu_alarm, _ram_alarm
def get_time_status_stack(cls): _sql = "select DATE_FORMAT(logtime,'%%Y-%%m-%%d %%H:00:00') ltime, status , count(*) from accesslog2 where logtime > %s group by ltime,status" _lasttime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()) - 12 * 60 * 60) _rt_cnt, _rt_list = MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, (_lasttime, )) _legends = [] _xaxis = [] _data = [] _tmp_dict = {} #[('1:00',200,2),('1:00' , 404, 7),('3:00', 404, 3)] for _ltime, _status, _cnt in _rt_list: #相同的只加入一次 if _status not in _legends: _legends.append(_status) #相同的只加入一次 if _ltime not in _xaxis: _xaxis.append(_ltime) # 转换成每个状态,每个时间的次数 # {200:{'1:00': 2}, 404:{'1:00': 7, '3:00':3}} _tmp_dict.setdefault(_status, {}) _tmp_dict[status][_ltime] = _cnt # 将数据转换成如下的形式 for _status, _stat in _tmp_dict.items(): _node = { "name": _status, "type": 'bar', "stack": 'time_status_stack', "data": [] } # 按照时间将data for _ltime in _xaxis: _cnt = _stat.get(_ltime, 0) _node['data'].append(_cnt) _data.append(_node) return _legends, _xaxis, _data
def get_list(cls, wheres=[]): _column = 'username,password,age' _columns = _column.split(',') _sql = "select {column} from user where 1=1".format(column=_column) _args = [] for _key, _value in wheres: _sql += ' AND {key} = %s'.format(key=_key) _args.append(_value) print _sql _count, _rt_list = MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, _args) #返回一个User对象 #_rt = [] #for _line in _rt_list: # _user_dict = dict(zip(_columns, _line)) # _user = User(_user_dict['id'], _user_dict['username'],_user_dict['password'],_user_dict['age']) # _rt.append(_user) #return _rt # 简单的写法 # User(**dict) = 将每个字典中的value传入 return [User(**dict(zip(_columns, _line))) for _line in _rt_list]
def add(cls, username, password, age): _sql = 'insert into user (username, password, age) values (%s,md5(%s),%s)' _args = (username, password, age) MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, _args, False)
def change_password(cls, username, upassword): _sql = 'update user set password=md5(%s) where username =%s' _args = (upassword, username) MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, _args, False)
def delete(cls, username): _sql = 'delete from user where username=%s' MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, (username, ), False)
def update(cls, user): username = user.get('username', '') age = user.get('age', '') _sql = 'update user set age=%s where username=%s' MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, (age, username), False)
def save(self): _sql = 'insert into user (username, password, age) values (%s,md5(%s),%s)' _args = (self.username, self.password, self.age) MySQLConnection.execute_sql(_sql, _args, False)