    def joinMovesBwd(self, moves):

        if debugMoves:
            print "***** Start joinMovesBwd() *****"

        index = len(moves) - 1
        # index = len(moves) - 2
        # for move in revMoves[:-1]:
        while index >= 0:

            move = moves[index]
            index -= 1

            if debugMoves: 

            # Check, if breaking between startspeed and endspeed of
            # move is possible with the given acceleration and within the 
            # given distance:

            endSpeedS = move.getEndFr()
            allowedAccel = move.getAllowedAccel()

            maxAllowedStartSpeed = util.vAccelPerDist(endSpeedS, allowedAccel, move.distance)

            if maxAllowedStartSpeed >= move.getStartFr():
                # good, move is ok

            if debugMoves: 
                print "Startspeed of %.5f is to high to reach the desired endspeed." % move.getStartFr()
                print "Max. allowed startspeed: %.5f." % maxAllowedStartSpeed

            if move.lastMove:

                # Adjust endspeed of the previous move, also.

                factor = maxAllowedStartSpeed / move.getStartFr()
                # print "factor: ", factor
                # Adjust endspeed of last move:
                assert(factor < 1)

                if move.lastMove.streamed:

                assert( not move.lastMove.streamed )

                # XXX einfacher algo, kann man das besser machen (z.b. mit jerk-berechnung,
                # vector subtraktion oder so?)
                move.lastMove.setTrueEndFr(move.lastMove.getEndFr() * factor)

            # Adjust startspeed of this move:

        if debugMoves:
            print "***** End joinMovesBwd() *****"
    def isIsolationMove(self, lastMove):

        # Alle vorgänger-moves können weiterverarbeitet werden, falls lastMove (nicht move, der ist noch nicht
        # fertig geplant) die folgenden bedingung erfüllt:
        #  Es kann innerhalb des moves von der startgeschwindigkeit auf Jerk/2 (xxx 0) gebremst werden. In diesem fall
        #  wird dann eine verringerung der endgeschwindigkeit von Miso KEINE auswirkung mehr auf die
        #  startgeschwindigkeit von Miso (und dadurch evtl auf seine vorgänger) haben.

        allowedAccel = lastMove.getAllowedAccel()
        startSpeedS = lastMove.getStartFr()

        # Abbremsen auf 0 ist zwar hartes kriterium, aber das beeinflusst ja nicht
        # die erreichten geschwindigkeiten, sonder nur das segmentieren und streamen
        # der moves.
        endSpeedS = 0 # min(self.jerk.mul(0.5).len3(), lastMove.getEndFr())

        deltaSpeedS = endSpeedS - startSpeedS

        # print "Start, End, delta:", startSpeedS, endSpeedS, deltaSpeedS

        if abs(deltaSpeedS) > 0.001:

            if deltaSpeedS > 0:
                # beschleunigung, gültiger iso-move
                return True

            # bremsen
            minEndSpeed = util.vAccelPerDist(startSpeedS, -allowedAccel, lastMove.distance)

            # print "minEndSpeed:", minEndSpeed

            if minEndSpeed > endSpeedS:
                # es kann nicht gebremst werden
                return False

            # es kann auf jeden fall gebremst werden
            return True

        # ebenfalls iso-move, da start geschwindigkeit schon so niedrig ist.
        return True
    def joinTravelMovesBwd(self, moves):

        if debugMoves:
            print "***** Start joinTravelMovesBwd() *****"

        index = len(moves) - 1
        while index >= 0:

            move = moves[index]
            index -= 1

            if debugMoves:

            # Check, if deceleration between startspeed and endspeed of
            # move is possible with the given acceleration and within the
            # given distance:

            startSpeed1 = move.startSpeed.speed()
            startSpeed1S = startSpeed1.feedrate5()

            endSpeed1 = move.endSpeed.speed()
            endSpeed1S = endSpeed1.feedrate5()

            allowedAccel5 = move.getMaxAllowedAccelNoAdv5()

            maxAllowedStartSpeed = util.vAccelPerDist(endSpeed1S,

            # print "joinMovesBwd, startspeed, max startspeed: ", startSpeedS, maxAllowedStartSpeed

            if maxAllowedStartSpeed >= startSpeed1S:

                # Join speeds ok

            if debugMoves:
                print "Startspeed of %.5f is to high to reach the desired endspeed." % startSpeed1S
                print "Max. allowed startspeed: %.5f." % maxAllowedStartSpeed

            # Adjust startspeed of this move:
                                     "joinTravelMovesBwd - breaking")

            if move.prevMove:

                # Adjust endspeed of the previous move, also.

                factor = maxAllowedStartSpeed / startSpeed1S
                # print "factor: ", factor

                # Adjust endspeed of last move:
                assert (factor < 1)

                # XXX einfacher algo, kann man das besser machen (z.b. mit jerk-berechnung,
                # vector subtraktion oder so?)
                endSpeed0 = move.prevMove.endSpeed.speed().scale(factor)
                    endSpeed0, "joinMovesBwd - prevMove breaking")

        if debugMoves:
            print "***** End joinTravelMovesBwd() *****"
    def planTravelPath(self, path):

        if debugMoves:
            print "***** Start planTravelPath() *****"

        jerk = self.getJerk()

        # Set startspeed of first move
        path[0].setPlannedJerkStartSpeed(jerk, "planTravelPath() first move")

        prevMove = path[0]

        # Step 1: join moves forward
        for move in path[1:]:

            util.joinTravelMoves(prevMove, move, jerk)
            prevMove = move

        for move in path:
            move.state = 1

        # Check max endspeed of last move
        # Set endspeed of last move
        lastMove = path[-1]

        # Max reachable speed of last move
        allowedAccel5 = lastMove.getMaxAllowedAccelNoAdv5()
        maxEndSpeed = util.vAccelPerDist(
            lastMove.startSpeed.speed().feedrate5(), allowedAccel5,

        v = lastMove.getJerkSpeed(jerk) or lastMove.topSpeed.speed()

        endSpeed = lastMove.endSpeed.speed()
        endSpeed.setSpeed(min(v.feedrate5(), maxEndSpeed))
        lastMove.endSpeed.setSpeed(endSpeed, "planTravelPath() - last move")
        # Sanity check
        for move in path:

        # Step 2: join moves backwards
        # Sanity check
        for move in path:

        # Step 3: plan acceleration
        for move in path:

        # Sanity check
        for move in path:

        # Step 4: plan steps and stream moves to printer
        if debugMoves:
            print "Streaming %d travel moves..." % len(path)

        for move in path:


            if debugMoves:
                print "Streaming travel-move:", move.moveNumber


            # Help garbage collection
            move.prevMove = util.StreamedMove()
            move.nextMove = util.StreamedMove()

        if debugMoves:
            print "***** End planTravelPath() *****"