def main(opts):
    pattern = loads(open(opts.input, "r").read())
    extent = loads(open(opts.extent, "r").read())

    if not contains.matches(extent.relate(pattern)):
        print "ERROR: pattern must be contained within the extent"

    c = pattern.centroid
    (xs, ys) = extent.boundary.xy
    (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) = (min(xs) - c.x, max(xs) - c.x, min(ys) - c.y, max(ys) - c.y)

    outputFile = open(opts.output, "w")

    geoms = []

    while len(geoms) < opts.number:
        dx = random.uniform(minx, maxx)
        dy = random.uniform(miny, maxy)

        geom = translate(pattern, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)

        if contains.matches(extent.relate(geom)):
            # Check that it is within the extent
            overlap = False
            for g in geoms:
                if intersects.matches(g.relate(geom)):
                    overlap = True
            if overlap == False:

    for geom in geoms:
        outputFile.write(dumps(geom) + "\n")
def main(opts):
    pattern = loads(open(opts.input, 'r').read())
    extent = loads(open(opts.extent, 'r').read())

    if not contains.matches(extent.relate(pattern)):
        print 'ERROR: pattern must be contained within the extent'

    c = pattern.centroid
    (xs, ys) = extent.boundary.xy
    (minx, maxx, miny, maxy) = (min(xs) - c.x, max(xs) - c.x, min(ys) - c.y,
                                max(ys) - c.y)

    outputFile = open(opts.output, 'w')

    geoms = []

    while len(geoms) < opts.number:
        dx = random.uniform(minx, maxx)
        dy = random.uniform(miny, maxy)

        geom = translate(pattern, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)

        if contains.matches(extent.relate(geom)):
            # Check that it is within the extent
            overlap = False
            for g in geoms:
                if intersects.matches(g.relate(geom)):
                    overlap = True
            if overlap == False:

    for geom in geoms:
        outputFile.write(dumps(geom) + '\n')
 def _relation(self, geom1, geom2):
     """ Returns the relationship between two geometries. 
           0 if they are disjoint, 
           1 if geom2 is completely in geom1,
           2 if geom2 is partly in geom1"""
     relation = geom1.relate(geom2)
     if not intersects.matches(relation):
         return 0 # they are disjoint
     elif contains.matches(relation):
         return 1 
     else: # there is some overlap
         if excluding_interiors.matches(relation):
             return 0 # overlap only in boundaries, we do not count it
             return 2 # some interior of geom2 is in geom1
    def _relation(self, geom1, geom2):
        """ Returns the relationship between two geometries. 
              0 if they are disjoint, 
              1 if geom2 is completely in geom1,
              2 if geom2 is partly in geom1"""
        relation = geom1.relate(geom2)

        if not intersects.matches(relation):
            return 0  # they are disjoint
        elif contains.matches(relation):
            return 1
        else:  # there is some overlaps
            if excluding_interiors.matches(relation):
                return 0  # overlap only in boundaries, we do not count it
                return 2  # some interior of geom2 is in geom1