    def change(d):
        ## this function returns new state for dimension d
        ## depending on acting forces of other masses
        class TempWrapper:
            def __init__(self, pd, dacceleration):
                self.pd = pd
                self.fitness = Fitness(values=(dacceleration,))

        ## get all forces which act from all other participating masses to mass p
        ## for all vectors of force save force value and point in discrete dimension where it is
        dforces = [TempWrapper(mass[d], f[d]/p.mass) for f, mass in fvm[p.uid]]
        #dforces = [tw for tw in dforces if tw.fitness.values[0] < 0]

        ## case without changing of current place in space
        ## acts like yet another divicion for roulette
        # not_changing = sum([mass.mass for _, mass in fvm[p.uid]])/(p.mass*len(fvm[p.uid]))
        # if not_changing < 1:
        #     dforces.append(TempWrapper(p[d], sum([x.fitness.values[0] for x in dforces]) * not_changing))

        if sum([t.fitness.values[0] for t in dforces]) == 0:
            ## corner case, when all accelerations(fitnesses) equal 0
            return p[d]
            el = tools.selRoulette(dforces, 1)[0]
            # el = tools.selTournament(dforces, 1, 2)[0]
            return el.pd
    def change(d):
        ## this function returns new state for dimension d
        ## depending on acting forces of other masses
        class TempWrapper:
            def __init__(self, pd, dacceleration):
                self.pd = pd
                self.fitness = Fitness(values=(dacceleration,))

        ## get all forces which act from all other participating masses to mass p
        ## for all vectors of force save force value and point in discrete dimension where it is
        dforces = [TempWrapper(mass[d], f[d]/p.mass) for f, mass in fvm[p.uid]]
        #dforces = [tw for tw in dforces if tw.fitness.values[0] < 0]

        ## case without changing of current place in space
        ## acts like yet another divicion for roulette
        # not_changing = sum([mass.mass for _, mass in fvm[p.uid]])/(p.mass*len(fvm[p.uid]))
        # if not_changing < 1:
        #     dforces.append(TempWrapper(p[d], sum([x.fitness.values[0] for x in dforces]) * not_changing))

        if sum([t.fitness.values[0] for t in dforces]) == 0:
            ## corner case, when all accelerations(fitnesses) equal 0
            return p[d]
            el = tools.selRoulette(dforces, 1)[0]
            # el = tools.selTournament(dforces, 1, 2)[0]
            return el.pd
文件: common.py 项目: visheratin/heft
def roulette(ctx, pop):

    for p in pop:
        p.fitness = Fitness((1/-1*p.fitness)*100)

    result = tools.selRoulette(pop, len(pop))

    for p in pop:
        p.fitness = (1/(p.fitness.values[0]/100)*-1)
    return result
文件: common.py 项目: fonhorst/heft
def roulette(ctx, pop):

    for p in pop:
        p.fitness = Fitness((1 / -1 * p.fitness) * 100)

    result = tools.selRoulette(pop, len(pop))

    for p in pop:
        p.fitness = (1 / (p.fitness.values[0] / 100) * -1)
    return result
def select(pop,pop_size) :    
    # Roulette selection
    offsprings = list(map(toolbox.clone,tools.selRoulette(pop,pop_size)))
    # Elite selection
    max_os_fit = np.max([ind.fitness.values[0] for ind in offsprings])
    max_pop_fit = np.max([ind.fitness.values[0] for ind in pop])
    replace_choices = list(range(pop_size))
    if max_pop_fit > max_os_fit :
        for ind in sorted(pop, key=lambda x: x.fitness.values[0],reverse=True) :
            if ind.fitness.values[0] > max_os_fit :
                choice = np.random.choice(replace_choices)
                offsprings[choice] = tools.clone(ind)
                replace_choices.remove(choice) # To Stop replacing the best ones that we already replaced
            else :
    return offsprings 
def runGA(visable=True):
    # Read your ANN structure from "config.py":
    num_inputs = config.nnet['n_inputs']
    num_hidden_nodes = config.nnet['n_h_neurons']
    num_outputs = config.nnet['n_outputs']

    my_game = game.Game()

    creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,))
    creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)

    toolbox = base.Toolbox()
    # Prepare your individuals below.
    # Let's assume that you have a one-hidden layer neural network with 2 hidden nodes:
    # You would need to define a list of floating numbers of size: 16 (10+6)
    toolbox.register("attr_real", random.random)
    toolbox.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, creator.Individual, toolbox.attr_real, n=((num_inputs+1)*num_hidden_nodes)+((num_hidden_nodes+1)*num_outputs))
    toolbox.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list, toolbox.individual, n=config.game['n_agents'])

    # Fitness Evaluation:
    def evalANN(individual):
        return my_game.get_ind_fitness(individual),
        # comma at the end is necessarys since DEAP stores fitness values as a tuple

    toolbox.register("evaluate", evalANN)

    # Define your selection, crossover and mutation operators below:
    toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxBlend, alpha=0.05)
    toolbox.register("mutate", tools.mutGaussian, mu=0, sigma=0.2, indpb=0.05)
    toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=3)

    stats = tools.Statistics(key=lambda ind: ind.fitness.values)
    stats.register("average", numpy.mean)
    stats.register("standard dev", numpy.std)
    stats.register("min", numpy.min)
    stats.register("max", numpy.max)
    logbook = tools.Logbook()

    # Define EA parameters: n_gen, pop_size, prob_xover, prob_mut:
    # You can define them in the "config.py" file too.
    CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN = 0.5, 0.2, 300

    pop = toolbox.population()

    # Create initial population (each individual represents an agent or ANN):
    for ind in pop:
        # ind (individual) corresponds to the list of weights
        # ANN class is initialized with ANN parameters and the list of weights
        ann = ANN(num_inputs, num_hidden_nodes, num_outputs, ind)

    # Let's evaluate the fitness of each individual.
    # First, simulation should be run!
    my_game.game_loop(visable) # Set it to "False" for headless mode;
    #recommended for training, otherwise learning process will be very slow!
    # Let's collect the fitness values from the simulation using
    fitnesses = list(map(toolbox.evaluate, pop))
    for ind, fit in zip(pop, fitnesses):
        ind.fitness.values = fit

    record = stats.compile(pop)
    logbook.record(gen=my_game.generation, **record)

    for g in range(1, NGEN):
        my_game.generation += 1
        # Start creating the children (or offspring)
        # First, Apply selection:
        offspring = toolbox.select(pop, len(pop))
        # Apply variations (xover and mutation), Ex: algorithms.varAnd(?, ?, ?, ?)
        offspring = algorithms.varAnd(offspring, toolbox, CXPB, MUTPB)

        # Repeat the process of fitness evaluation below. You need to put the recently
        # created offspring-ANN's into the game (Line 55-69) and extract their fitness values:
        for ind in offspring:
            # ind (individual) corresponds to the list of weights
            # ANN class is initialized with ANN parameters and the list of weights
            ann = ANN(num_inputs, num_hidden_nodes, num_outputs, ind)

        # Let's evaluate the fitness of each individual.
        # First, simulation should be run!
        my_game.game_loop(visable) # Set it to "False" for headless mode;
        #recommended for training, otherwise learning process will be very slow!
        # Let's collect the fitness values from the simulation using
        fitnesses = list(map(toolbox.evaluate, offspring))
        for ind, fit in zip(offspring, fitnesses):
            ind.fitness.values = fit

        # One way of implementing elitism is to combine parents and children to give them equal chance to compete:
        # For example: pop[:] = pop + offspring
        # Otherwise you can select the parents of the generation from the offspring population only: pop[:] = offspring
        offspring.remove(tools.selRoulette(offspring, 1)[0])
        pop[:] = offspring + tools.selBest(pop, 1)

        record = stats.compile(pop)
        logbook.record(gen=my_game.generation, **record)
        # This is the end of the "for" loop (end of generations!)

    logbook.header = "gen", "average", "standard dev", "max", "min"
    return [logbook, tools.selBest(pop, 1)]
    ##print "Training is over"    
    ###raw_input("Training is over!")
    ##while True:
    ##    my_game.game_loop(True)
def defaultSel(population, howMany):
    return tools.selRoulette(individuals=population,
文件: sga.py 项目: cagayakemiracl/ec
 def selectReproduction(pop):
     return tools.selRoulette(pop, len(pop))
# Evaluate the entire population
fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, pop)
for ind, fit in zip(pop, fitnesses):
    ind.fitness.values = fit

CXPB, MUTPB, NGEN = 0.5, 0.2, 100
for g in range(NGEN):
    image_copy = np.ndarray.copy(image)
    operators.apply_noise(image_copy, pop[0])
    img = (np.expand_dims(image_copy, 0))

    predictions = model.predict(img)
    # Select the next generation individuals
    offspring = tools.selRoulette(pop, len(pop))
    # Clone the selected individuals
    offspring = list(map(toolbox.clone, offspring))

    # Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring
    for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
        if np.random.random() < CXPB:
            fitness_child1 = child1.fitness.values[0]
            fitness_child2 = child2.fitness.values[0]
            tools.cxUniform(child1, child2, fitness_child1 / (fitness_child1 + fitness_child2))
            del child1.fitness.values
            del child2.fitness.values

    for mutant in offspring:
        if np.random.random() < MUTPB:
            operators.mutate(mutant, 0.5, DELTA)
def genetic(rts, cpus):

    def func_X(a, b):
        """ length of messages transmitted from a towards b or from b towards a """
        comm_load = 0
        if "p" in a:
            for p in a["p"]:
                if p["id"] == b["id"]:
                    comm_load += p["payload"]
        # This part consideres incoming msgs from other tasks (so that task is the successor, b->a)
        # if "p" in b:
        #    for p in b["p"]:
        #        if p["id"] == a["id"]:
        #            comm_load += p["payload"]
        return comm_load

    def func_Xc(cpu_h, cpu_k):
        """ length of all messages (in bytes) to be transmitted between processors h and k through the network """
        summ = 0
        for task_h in cpu_h["tasks"]:
            for task_j in cpu_k["tasks"]:
                summ += func_X(task_h, task_j)
        return summ

    def func_Y(i, rts):
        """ load of the communication control network that the task i produces """
        comm_load = 0
        other_tasks = [t for t in rts if t is not i]
        for j in other_tasks:
            comm_load += func_X(i, j)
        return comm_load

    def func_Vp(cpus):
        """ total amount of information to be transferred over the network """
        summ = 0
        for cpu in cpus.values():
            other_cpus = [c for c in cpus.values() if c is not cpu]
            for other_cpu in other_cpus:
                summ += func_Xc(cpu, other_cpu)
        return summ

    def func_B(rts):
        """ Total amount of data to be transferred between predecessor and successors throught the network """
        summ = 0
        for task in rts:
            summ += func_Y(task, rts)
        return summ

    def func_cost_p(rts, cpus):
        return func_Vp(cpus) / func_B(rts)

    def get_cpu_alloc(individual):
        cpus_alloc = dict()
        for cpu_id in cpus.keys():
            cpus_alloc[cpu_id] = {"tasks": [], "uf": 0}  # tasks assigned to this cpu

        # A stack is assembled containing the tasks ordered by the value of the gene in decreasing order.
        task_stack = []
        for task_id, gene in enumerate(individual):
            task_stack.append((gene, rts[task_id]))
        task_stack.sort(key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True)  # sort by gene value

        # clear previous task assignation
        #for cpu in cpus_alloc.values():
        #    cpu["tasks"].clear()

        # aux list  -- for easy sorting
        cpu_stack = [cpu for cpu in cpus_alloc.values()]

        # partition
        for _, max_task in task_stack:
            if "cpu" in max_task:
                cpu_id = max_task["cpu"]
                # create auxiliary stack with all task j that communicate with i
                aux_stack = []

                # add the succesors
                if "p" in max_task:
                    for p in max_task["p"]:
                        for task in rts:
                            if task["id"] == p["id"]:
                                aux_stack.append((func_Y(task, rts), task))

                # add other tasks that communicate with the task (the task will be the succesor)
                # for task in [t for t in rts if t is not max_task]:
                #    if "p" in task:
                #        for p in task["p"]:
                #           if p["id"] == max_task["id"]:
                #                aux_stack.append((func_Y(task, rts), task))

                cpu_a = None

                # order by func_y
                if aux_stack:
                    aux_stack.sort(key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True)
                    aux_max_task = aux_stack[0]

                    # find the cpu at which the aux_max_task is allocated
                    for cpu in cpus_alloc.values():
                        if aux_max_task in cpu["tasks"]:
                            cpu_a = cpu

                # if not aux_stack or cpu_a is None:
                if cpu_a is None:
                    # update uf factors and allocate task to cpu with min uf
                    for cpu in cpus_alloc.values():
                        cpu["uf"] = sum([t["uf"] for t in cpu["tasks"]])
                    cpu_stack.sort(key=lambda c: c["uf"])

        # return the task allocation performed using the chromosome
        return cpus_alloc

    def cost(individual):
        # apply the cost function to the chromosome based in the cpu allocation produced
        return func_cost_p(rts, get_cpu_alloc(individual))

    def init_population(individual, rts, n):
        # generate initial population
        p_list = []

        # generate first chromosome
        chromosome = []
        for task in rts:
            g = func_Y(task, rts) * int(random.uniform(0, 1) * len(rts))

        # remaining chromosomes
        for _ in range(n - 1):
            new_chromosome = []
            nu = max(chromosome) / 10
            for g1 in chromosome:
                g2 = abs(g1 + int(random.uniform(-nu, nu)))

        return [individual(c) for c in p_list]

    creator.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,))

    # Defines each individual as a list
    creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMin)

    toolbox = base.Toolbox()

    # Initialize the population
    toolbox.register("population", init_population, creator.Individual, rts)

    # Applies a gaussian mutation of mean mu and standard deviation sigma on the input individual. The indpb argument
    # is the probability of each attribute to be mutated.
    toolbox.register("mutate", tools.mutGaussian, mu=0, sigma=1, indpb=0.01)

    # Use map to pass values
    toolbox.register("evaluate", cost)

    # Generate the initial population (first generation)
    population = toolbox.population(n=6)

    # Evaluate the first generation
    fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, population)
    for ind, fit in zip(population, fitnesses):
        ind.fitness.values = (fit,)

    for _ in range(120):  # generations

        # Select the k worst individuals among the input individuals.
        population_worst = tools.selWorst(population, int(len(population) / 2))

        # Perform a roulette selection and apply a crossover to the selected individuals
        for _ in range(len(population_worst)):
            pair = tools.selRoulette(population_worst, 2)  # roulette
            tools.cxOnePoint(pair[0], pair[1])  # one point crossover

        # Mutate
        for c in population_worst:
            del c.fitness.values  # delete the fitness value

        # Evaluate again the entire population
        fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, population)
        for ind, fit in zip(population, fitnesses):
            ind.fitness.values = (fit,)

    # print the final population

    # memory constraint verification
    for i, ind in enumerate(population):
        valid_cpu = True
        ch_cpus = get_cpu_alloc(ind)
        for cpuid, cpu in ch_cpus.items():
            if cpus[cpuid]["capacity"] < sum([t["r"] for t in cpu["tasks"]]):
                valid_cpu = False
        if valid_cpu:
            print_results(i, rts, ch_cpus)
            print("Chromosome {0} -- Invalid assignation found.".format(i))