 def test_control_file_creation(self):
     """Test control file creation."""
     with Context() as context:
         directory = context.mkdtemp()
         # Use a non-existing subdirectory to verify that it's created.
         control_file = os.path.join(directory, 'DEBIAN', 'control')
         # Try to create a control file but omit some mandatory fields.
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, create_control_file, control_file,
         # Now we'll provide all of the required fields to actually create the file.
                 Maintainer='Peter Odding',
         # Load the control file to verify its contents.
         control_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
         # These fields were provided by us (the caller of create_control_file()).
         assert control_fields['Package'] == 'created-from-python'
         assert control_fields['Description'] == 'whatever'
         # This field was written as a default value.
         assert control_fields['Architecture'] == 'all'
 def test_control_file_patching_and_loading(self):
     deb822_package = Deb822(['Package: unpatched-example',
                              'Depends: some-dependency'])
     with Context() as finalizers:
         control_file = tempfile.mktemp()
         finalizers.register(os.unlink, control_file)
         with open(control_file, 'wb') as handle:
         call('--patch=%s' % control_file,
              '--set=Package: patched-example',
              '--set=Depends: another-dependency')
         patched_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
         self.assertEqual(patched_fields['Package'], 'patched-example')
         self.assertEqual(str(patched_fields['Depends']), 'another-dependency, some-dependency')
 def test_control_file_patching_and_loading(self):
     deb822_package = Deb822(
         ['Package: unpatched-example', 'Depends: some-dependency'])
     with Context() as finalizers:
         control_file = tempfile.mktemp()
         finalizers.register(os.unlink, control_file)
         with open(control_file, 'wb') as handle:
         call('--patch=%s' % control_file, '--set=Package: patched-example',
              '--set=Depends: another-dependency')
         patched_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
         self.assertEqual(patched_fields['Package'], 'patched-example')
                          'another-dependency, some-dependency')
    def parse_specdeb(self):
        # Get debian infos
        self.logger.info("Find informations from spec file")

        control_file_path = os.path.join(self.folder,
        changelog_file_path = os.path.join(self.folder,
        # Prepare datas
        self.config['deps'] = self.config.get('deps', [])
        self.config['deps_pip'] = self.config.get('deps_pip', [])
        self.config['ccache'] = self.config.get('ccache', False)
        self.config['version'] = ''
        self.config['release'] = ''
        self.config['name'] = ''
        self.config['source'] = ''

        deb_info = load_control_file(control_file_path)
        self.config['name'] = deb_info.get("Source")
        self.config['deps'] = parse_depends(deb_info.get('Build-Depends')).names

        version_release_pattern = re.compile("[^ ]* \(([^ ]*)\) .*")
        with open(changelog_file_path, 'r') as f:
            first_line = f.readline()

        match = version_release_pattern.match(first_line)

        if not match:
            return False

        version_release = match.group(1)
        self.config['version'], self.config['release'] = version_release.split("-", 1)
        # Clean version
        self.config['version'] = self.config['version'].split(":", 1)[-1]
        # Get source file
        self.config['source'] = self.config['name'] + "_" + self.config['version'] + ".orig.tar.gz"

        # Log informations
        self.logger.info("Name: %(name)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Source: %(source)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Version: %(version)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Release: %(release)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Builddepends: %s", ", ".join(self.config['deps']))
        return True
    def parse_specdeb(self):
        # Get debian infos
        self.logger.info("Find informations from spec file")

        control_file_path = os.path.join(self.folder,
        changelog_file_path = os.path.join(self.folder,
        # Prepare datas
        self.config['deps'] = self.config.get('deps', [])
        self.config['deps_pip'] = self.config.get('deps_pip', [])
        self.config['ccache'] = self.config.get('ccache', False)
        self.config['version'] = ''
        self.config['release'] = ''
        self.config['name'] = ''
        self.config['source'] = ''

        deb_info = load_control_file(control_file_path)
        self.config['name'] = deb_info.get("Source")
        self.config['deps'] += parse_depends(deb_info.get('Build-Depends')).names

        version_release_pattern = re.compile("[^ ]* \(([^ ]*)\) .*")
        with open(changelog_file_path, 'r') as f:
            first_line = f.readline()

        match = version_release_pattern.match(first_line)

        if not match:
            return False

        version_release = match.group(1)
        self.config['version'], self.config['release'] = version_release.split("-", 1)
        # Clean version
        self.config['version'] = self.config['version'].split(":", 1)[-1]
        # Get source file
        self.config['source'] = self.config['name'] + "_" + self.config['version'] + ".orig.tar.gz"

        # Log informations
        self.logger.info("Name: %(name)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Source: %(source)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Version: %(version)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Release: %(release)s", self.config)
        self.logger.info("Builddepends: %s", ", ".join(self.config['deps']))
        return True
 def test_control_file_patching_and_loading(self):
     """Test patching and loading of control files."""
     deb822_package = Deb822(['Package: unpatched-example',
                              'Depends: some-dependency'])
     with Context() as finalizers:
         control_file = tempfile.mktemp()
         finalizers.register(os.unlink, control_file)
         with open(control_file, 'wb') as handle:
         returncode, output = run_cli(
             main, '--patch=%s' % control_file,
             '--set=Package: patched-example',
             '--set=Depends: another-dependency',
         assert returncode == 0
         patched_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
         assert patched_fields['Package'] == 'patched-example'
         assert str(patched_fields['Depends']) == 'another-dependency, some-dependency'
 def test_control_file_patching_and_loading(self):
     """Test patching and loading of control files."""
     deb822_package = Deb822(['Package: unpatched-example',
                              'Depends: some-dependency'])
     with Context() as finalizers:
         control_file = tempfile.mktemp()
         finalizers.register(os.unlink, control_file)
         with open(control_file, 'wb') as handle:
         returncode, output = run_cli(
             main, '--patch=%s' % control_file,
             '--set=Package: patched-example',
             '--set=Depends: another-dependency',
         assert returncode == 0
         patched_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
         assert patched_fields['Package'] == 'patched-example'
         assert str(patched_fields['Depends']) == 'another-dependency, some-dependency'
 def test_control_file_creation(self):
     with Context() as context:
         directory = context.mkdtemp()
         # Use a non-existing subdirectory to verify that it's created.
         control_file = os.path.join(directory, 'DEBIAN', 'control')
         # Try to create a control file but omit some mandatory fields.
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, create_control_file, control_file, dict(Package='created-from-python'))
         # Now we'll provide all of the required fields to actually create the file.
         create_control_file(control_file, dict(
             Maintainer='Peter Odding',
         # Load the control file to verify its contents.
         control_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
         # These fields were provided by us (the caller of create_control_file()).
         assert control_fields['Package'] == 'created-from-python'
         assert control_fields['Description'] == 'whatever'
         # This field was written as a default value.
         assert control_fields['Architecture'] == 'all'
    def test_conversion_of_simple_package(self):
        Convert a simple Python package without any dependencies.

        Converts coloredlogs_ and sanity checks the result. Performs several static
        checks on the metadata and contents of the resulting package archive.

        .. _coloredlogs: https://pypi.org/project/coloredlogs
        # Use a temporary directory as py2deb's repository directory so that we
        # can easily find the *.deb archive generated by py2deb.
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            # Run the conversion twice to check that existing archives are not overwritten.
            last_modified_time = 0
            for i in range(2):
                # Prepare a control file to be patched.
                control_file = os.path.join(directory, 'control')
                with open(control_file, 'w') as handle:
                    handle.write('Depends: vim\n')
                # Run the conversion command.
                exit_code, output = run_cli(
                    '--repository=%s' % directory,
                    '--report-dependencies=%s' % control_file,
                assert exit_code == 0
                # Check that the control file was patched.
                control_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
                assert control_fields['Depends'].matches('vim')
                assert control_fields['Depends'].matches(
                    fix_name_prefix('python-coloredlogs'), '0.5')
                # Find the generated Debian package archive.
                archives = glob.glob('%s/*.deb' % directory)
                logger.debug("Found generated archive(s): %s", archives)
                assert len(archives) == 1
                # Verify that existing archives are not overwritten.
                if not last_modified_time:
                    # Capture the last modified time of the archive in the first iteration.
                    last_modified_time = os.path.getmtime(archives[0])
                    # Verify the last modified time of the archive in the second iteration.
                    assert last_modified_time == os.path.getmtime(archives[0])
                # Use deb-pkg-tools to inspect the generated package.
                metadata, contents = inspect_package(archives[0])
                logger.debug("Metadata of generated package: %s",
                logger.debug("Contents of generated package: %s",
                # Check the package metadata.
                assert metadata['Package'] == fix_name_prefix(
                assert metadata['Version'].startswith('0.5')
                assert metadata['Architecture'] == 'all'
                # There should be exactly one dependency: some version of Python.
                assert metadata['Depends'].matches(python_version())
                # Don't care about the format here as long as essential information is retained.
                assert 'Peter Odding' in metadata['Maintainer']
                assert '*****@*****.**' in metadata['Maintainer']
                # Check the package contents.
                # Check for the two *.py files that should be installed by the package.
                assert find_file(
                assert find_file(
                # Make sure the file ownership and permissions are sane.
                archive_entry = find_file(
                assert archive_entry.owner == 'root'
                assert archive_entry.group == 'root'
                assert archive_entry.permissions == '-rw-r--r--'
    def test_conversion_of_simple_package(self):
        Convert a simple Python package without any dependencies.

        Converts coloredlogs_ and sanity checks the result. Performs several static
        checks on the metadata and contents of the resulting package archive.

        .. _coloredlogs: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/coloredlogs
        # Use a temporary directory as py2deb's repository directory so that we
        # can easily find the *.deb archive generated by py2deb.
        with TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
            # Run the conversion twice to check that existing archives are not overwritten.
            last_modified_time = 0
            for i in range(2):
                # Prepare a control file to be patched.
                control_file = os.path.join(directory, 'control')
                with open(control_file, 'w') as handle:
                    handle.write('Depends: vim\n')
                # Run the conversion command.
                       '--repository=%s' % directory,
                       '--report-dependencies=%s' % control_file,
                # Check that the control file was patched.
                control_fields = load_control_file(control_file)
                assert control_fields['Depends'].matches('vim')
                assert control_fields['Depends'].matches('python-coloredlogs', '0.5')
                # Find the generated Debian package archive.
                archives = glob.glob('%s/*.deb' % directory)
                logger.debug("Found generated archive(s): %s", archives)
                assert len(archives) == 1
                # Verify that existing archives are not overwritten.
                if not last_modified_time:
                    # Capture the last modified time of the archive in the first iteration.
                    last_modified_time = os.path.getmtime(archives[0])
                    # Verify the last modified time of the archive in the second iteration.
                    assert last_modified_time == os.path.getmtime(archives[0])
                # Use deb-pkg-tools to inspect the generated package.
                metadata, contents = inspect_package(archives[0])
                logger.debug("Metadata of generated package: %s", dict(metadata))
                logger.debug("Contents of generated package: %s", dict(contents))
                # Check the package metadata.
                assert metadata['Package'] == 'python-coloredlogs'
                assert metadata['Version'].startswith('0.5')
                assert metadata['Architecture'] == 'all'
                # There should be exactly one dependency: some version of Python.
                assert metadata['Depends'].matches('python%i.%i' % sys.version_info[:2])
                # Don't care about the format here as long as essential information is retained.
                assert 'Peter Odding' in metadata['Maintainer']
                assert '*****@*****.**' in metadata['Maintainer']
                # Check the package contents.
                # Check for the two *.py files that should be installed by the package.
                assert find_file(contents, '/usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/coloredlogs/__init__.py')
                assert find_file(contents, '/usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/coloredlogs/converter.py')
                # Make sure the file ownership and permissions are sane.
                archive_entry = find_file(contents, '/usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/coloredlogs/__init__.py')
                assert archive_entry.owner == 'root'
                assert archive_entry.group == 'root'
                assert archive_entry.permissions == '-rw-r--r--'