def actually_reset_password(self, id): '''The point of this controller is to take a temporary auth key as input. If it is a valid one, change the password for that user to a randomly- generated string. If it is not a valid one, generate a 404.''' try: pr = meta.session.query(PasswordReset).filter_by( temporary_auth_key=id).one() except: log.debug('Invalid temporary auth key') abort(404, "We do not know about that particular password reset key.") # Okay, so we got a user. Good. u = pr.user # Give the user a random password raw_password = debexpo.lib.utils.random_hash()[:10] # FIXME: We should not set u.password directly. Instead, we should # use a helper from the User model or something. u.password = debexpo.lib.utils.hash_it(raw_password) u.verification = None # This sets the user's email address as "confirmed" meta.session.commit() log.debug('Password reset successful; saving user object') c.new_password = raw_password return render('/password_recover/actually_reset_password.mako')
def guidelines(self): if not config['debexpo.enable_experimental_code'].lower() == 'true': return render('/sponsor/index-old.mako') c.constants = constants c.sponsors = meta.session.query(SponsorMetrics)\ .options(joinedload(SponsorMetrics.user))\ .options(joinedload(SponsorMetrics.tags))\ .filter(SponsorMetrics.availability >= constants.SPONSOR_METRICS_RESTRICTED)\ .all() def hash_ip(): """ This is a simple hashing algorithm not supposed to be called from anywhere but for internal use only. It reads the client IP address and returns a float between 0.01 and 0.91 which is used as input for random.shuffle """ ip = request.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] try: ip = struct.unpack( "!L", socket.inet_pton( socket.AF_INET, ip )) ip = ip[0] except socket.error: ip = struct.unpack( "!QQ", socket.inet_pton( socket.AF_INET6, ip )) ip = ip[1] ip = (float(ip % 10) + 0.01) / 10 return ip random.shuffle(c.sponsors, hash_ip) # The select above works fine, except that it sucks. # It suffers from a poor performance and it could be significantly improved by querying the tag # labels and descriptions (i.e. the SponsorTags table by joining them with SponsorMetricsTags. # However the resulting result set does not quite look like what I imagine. Feel free to replace it # by something which actually works. #c.sponsors = meta.session.query(SponsorMetrics, SponsorMetricsTags, SponsorTags, User)\ # .join(User)\ # .join(SponsorMetricsTags)\ # .join(SponsorTags)\ # .filter(SponsorMetrics.availability >= constants.SPONSOR_METRICS_RESTRICTED)\ if 'sponsor_filters' in session: log.debug("Applying tag filter") c.sponsor_filter = session['sponsor_filters'] else: c.sponsor_filter = [] if request.params.getall('t'): c.sponsor_filter = request.params.getall('t') c.technical_tags = meta.session.query(SponsorTags).filter_by(tag_type=constants.SPONSOR_METRICS_TYPE_TECHNICAL).all() c.social_tags = meta.session.query(SponsorTags).filter_by(tag_type=constants.SPONSOR_METRICS_TYPE_SOCIAL).all() if not self._validate_tags(c.sponsor_filter, c.technical_tags + c.social_tags): abort(404) return render('/sponsor/guidelines.mako')
def save(self): """ Toggle a filter within the session. This method prepares a list of filters to limit results in the sponsor list ```tag``` the sponsor tag to be filtered. If the tag is already in the filter list remove it, add it otherwise. """ tags = request.params.getall('t') if not self._validate_tags(tags): abort(404) if 'sponsor_filters' not in session: session['sponsor_filters'] = [] session['sponsor_filters'] = tags redirect(url('sponsors'))
def developer(self, id): if not config['debexpo.enable_experimental_code'].lower() == 'true': return render('/sponsor/index-old.mako') log.debug("Getting profile for user = %s" % (id)) c.constants = constants c.sponsor = meta.session.query(SponsorMetrics)\ .options(joinedload(SponsorMetrics.user))\ .options(joinedload(SponsorMetrics.tags))\ .filter(SponsorMetrics.availability >= constants.SPONSOR_METRICS_RESTRICTED)\ .filter( == id)\ .first() if not c.sponsor: abort(404) c.profile = c.sponsor.user c.countries = { -1: '' } for country in meta.session.query(UserCountry).all(): c.countries[] = return render('/sponsor/profile.mako')