def p_line_label(p):
    ''' line : LABEL NEWLINE
    p[0] = None # Nothing to append
    __DEBUG__("Declaring '%s' (value %04Xh) in %i" % (p[1], MEMORY.org, p.lineno(1)))

    MEMORY.declare_label(p[1], p.lineno(1))
def p_line_label_asm(p):
    ''' line : LABEL asm NEWLINE
    p[0] = p[2]
    __DEBUG__("Declaring '%s' (value %04Xh) in %i" % (p[1], MEMORY.org, p.lineno(1)))

    MEMORY.declare_label(p[1], p.lineno(1))
    def exit_proc(self, lineno):
        ''' Exits current procedure. Local labels are transferred to global
        scope unless they have been marked as local ones.

        Raises an error if no current local context (stack underflow)
        __DEBUG__('Exiting current scope from lineno %i' % lineno)

        if len(self.local_labels) <= 1:
            error(lineno, 'ENDP in global scope (with no PROC)')

        for label in self.local_labels[-1].values():
            if label.local: 
                if not label.defined:
                    error(lineno, "Undefined LOCAL label '%s'" % label.name)

            name = label.name
            _lineno = label.lineno
            value = label.value

            if name not in self.global_labels.keys():
                self.global_labels[name] = label
                self.global_labels[name].define(value, _lineno)

        self.local_labels.pop() # Removes current context
    def enter_proc(self, lineno):
        ''' Enters (pushes) a new context
        self.local_labels.append({}) # Add a new context

        __DEBUG__('Entering scope level %i at line %i' % (len(self.scopes), lineno))
def p_LOCAL(p):
    ''' asm : LOCAL id_list
    p[0] = None
    for label, line in p[2]:
        __DEBUG__("Setting label '%s' as local at line %i" % (label, line))

        MEMORY.set_label(label, line, local = True)
def p_def_label(p):
    ''' line : ID EQU expr NEWLINE
             | ID EQU pexpr NEWLINE
    p[0] = None
    __DEBUG__("Declaring '%s' in %i" % (p[1], p.lineno(1)))

    MEMORY.declare_label(p[1], p.lineno(1), p[3])
    def __call__(self, table):
        __DEBUG__("evaluating id '%s'" % self.name)
        if self.value is None:
            __DEBUG__("undefined (null) value. BUG?")
            return ''

        result = ''
        for token in self.value:
            __DEBUG__("evaluating token '%s'" % str(token))
            if isinstance(token, MacroCall):
                __DEBUG__("token '%s'(%s) is a MacroCall" %
                          (token._id, str(token)))
                if table.defined(token._id):
                    tmp = table[token._id]
                    __DEBUG__("'%s' is defined in the symbol table as '%s'" %
                              (token._id, tmp.name))

                    if isinstance(tmp, ID) and not tmp.hasArgs:
                        __DEBUG__("'%s' is an ID" % tmp.name)
                        token = copy.deepcopy(token)
                        token._id = tmp(table)  # ***
                        __DEBUG__("'%s' is the new id" % token._id)

                __DEBUG__("executing MacroCall '%s'" % token._id)
                tmp = token(table)
                if isinstance(token, ID):
                    __DEBUG__("token '%s' is an ID" % token._id)
                    token = token(table)

                tmp = token

            __DEBUG__("token got value '%s'" % tmp)
            result += tmp

        return result
def p_program_line(p):
    ''' program : program line
    if p[2] is not None:
        __DEBUG__('%04Xh [%04Xh] ASM: %s' % (MEMORY.org, MEMORY.org - MEMORY.ORG, p[2].asm))
    def __call__(self, symbolTable = None):
        ''' Execute the macro call using LAZY evaluation
        __DEBUG__("evaluating '%s'" % self._id)
        if symbolTable is None:
            symbolTable = self.table

        if not self.is_defined(symbolTable): # The macro is not defined => returned as is
            __DEBUG__("macro '%s' not defined" % self._id)
            tmp = self._id
            if self.callargs is not None:
                tmp += str(self.callargs)

            __DEBUG__("evaluation result: %s" % tmp)
            return tmp

        # The macro is defined
        __DEBUG__("macro '%s' defined" % self._id)
        TABLE = copy.deepcopy(symbolTable)
        ID = TABLE[self._id] # Get the defined macro
        if ID.hasArgs and self.callargs is None: # If no args passed, returned as is
            return self._id

        if self.callargs: # has args. Evaluate them removing spaces
            __DEBUG__("'%s' has args defined" % self._id)
            __DEBUG__("evaluating %i arg(s) for '%s'" % (len(self.callargs), self._id ))
            args = [x(TABLE).strip() for x in self.callargs]
            __DEBUG__("macro call: %s%s" % (self._id, '(' + ', '.join(args) + ')'))

        if not ID.hasArgs: # The macro doesn't need args
            __DEBUG__("'%s' has no args defined" % self._id)
            tmp = ID(TABLE)
            if self.callargs is not None: # If args (even empty () list) passed calculate them
                tmp += '(' + ', '.join(args) + ')'

            __DEBUG__("evaluation result: %s" % tmp)
            return tmp 

        # Now ensure both args and callargs have the same length
        if len(self.callargs) != len(ID.args):
            raise PreprocError('Macro "%s" expected %i params, got %i' % \
                (str(self._id), len(ID.args), len(self.callargs)), self.lineno)

        # Carry out unification
        __DEBUG__('carrying out args unification')
        for i in range(len(self.callargs)):
            __DEBUG__("arg '%s' = '%s'" % (ID.args[i].name, args[i]))
            TABLE.set(ID.args[i].name, self.lineno, args[i])

        tmp = ID(TABLE)
        if '\n' in tmp:
            tmp += '\n#line %i\n' % (self.lineno)
        return tmp
    def __call__(self, symbolTable=None):
        ''' Execute the macro call using LAZY evaluation
        __DEBUG__("evaluating '%s'" % self._id)
        if symbolTable is None:
            symbolTable = self.table

        if not self.is_defined(
                symbolTable):  # The macro is not defined => returned as is
            __DEBUG__("macro '%s' not defined" % self._id)
            tmp = self._id
            if self.callargs is not None:
                tmp += str(self.callargs)

            __DEBUG__("evaluation result: %s" % tmp)
            return tmp

        # The macro is defined
        __DEBUG__("macro '%s' defined" % self._id)
        TABLE = copy.deepcopy(symbolTable)
        ID = TABLE[self._id]  # Get the defined macro
        if ID.hasArgs and self.callargs is None:  # If no args passed, returned as is
            return self._id

        if self.callargs:  # has args. Evaluate them removing spaces
            __DEBUG__("'%s' has args defined" % self._id)
            __DEBUG__("evaluating %i arg(s) for '%s'" %
                      (len(self.callargs), self._id))
            args = [x(TABLE).strip() for x in self.callargs]
            __DEBUG__("macro call: %s%s" %
                      (self._id, '(' + ', '.join(args) + ')'))

        if not ID.hasArgs:  # The macro doesn't need args
            __DEBUG__("'%s' has no args defined" % self._id)
            tmp = ID(TABLE)
            if self.callargs is not None:  # If args (even empty () list) passed calculate them
                tmp += '(' + ', '.join(args) + ')'

            __DEBUG__("evaluation result: %s" % tmp)
            return tmp

        # Now ensure both args and callargs have the same length
        if len(self.callargs) != len(ID.args):
            raise PreprocError('Macro "%s" expected %i params, got %i' % \
                (str(self._id), len(ID.args), len(self.callargs)), self.lineno)

        # Carry out unification
        __DEBUG__('carrying out args unification')
        for i in range(len(self.callargs)):
            __DEBUG__("arg '%s' = '%s'" % (ID.args[i].name, args[i]))
            TABLE.set(ID.args[i].name, self.lineno, args[i])

        tmp = ID(TABLE)
        if '\n' in tmp:
            tmp += '\n#line %i\n' % (self.lineno)

        return tmp
    def __call__(self, table):
        __DEBUG__("evaluating id '%s'" % self.name)
        if self.value is None:
            __DEBUG__("undefined (null) value. BUG?")
            return ''

        result = ''
        for token in self.value:
            __DEBUG__("evaluating token '%s'" % str(token))
            if isinstance(token, MacroCall):
                __DEBUG__("token '%s'(%s) is a MacroCall" % (token._id, str(token)))
                if table.defined(token._id):
                    tmp = table[token._id]
                    __DEBUG__("'%s' is defined in the symbol table as '%s'" % (token._id, tmp.name))

                    if isinstance(tmp, ID) and not tmp.hasArgs:
                        __DEBUG__("'%s' is an ID" % tmp.name)
                        token = copy.deepcopy(token)
                        token._id = tmp(table) # ***
                        __DEBUG__("'%s' is the new id" % token._id)

                __DEBUG__("executing MacroCall '%s'" % token._id)
                tmp = token(table)
                if isinstance(token, ID):
                    __DEBUG__("token '%s' is an ID" % token._id)
                    token = token(table)

                tmp = token

            __DEBUG__("token got value '%s'" % tmp)
            result += tmp

        return result