def receive(self): debug_msg("Python - Wait to receive message in loop.") message = self._receive_queue.get() debug_msg("Python - Received message in loop: " + str(message)) if message == self._monitor.poison_pill: raise RuntimeError("Message receive loop terminated.") return message
def deserialize(bytes): durationstr = bytes.decode("utf-8") hidx = durationstr.find('H'); hours = 0 if hidx >= 0: hours = int(durationstr[:hidx]) durationstr = durationstr[hidx+1:] midx = durationstr.find('M') minutes = 0 if midx >= 0: minutes = int(durationstr[:midx]) durationstr = durationstr[midx+1:] sidx = durationstr.find('S') seconds = 0 millis = 0 if sidx >= 0: pidx = durationstr.find('.') if pidx > 0: seconds = int(durationstr[:pidx]) millistr = durationstr[pidx+1:sidx] while len(millistr) < 3: millistr += '0' millis = int(millistr) if seconds < 0: millis *= -1 else: seconds = int(durationstr[:sidx]) debug_util.debug_msg('Decoded: ' + bytes.decode("utf-8") + ' to ' + str(datetime.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds, milliseconds=millis))) return datetime.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds, milliseconds=millis)
def execute(self, source_code, initiating_message_id=None): """ Execute the given source code """ output = StringIO() error = StringIO() # log to stdout and output variable simultaneously backup_std_out = sys.stdout sys.stdout = PythonKernelBase._Logger(sys.stdout, output) # FIXME: This is dangerous! self._exec_env[ 'python_messaging_initiating_message_id'] = initiating_message_id # run execute with the provided source code try: exec(source_code, self._exec_env, self._exec_env) except Exception: # Print failing source code to simplify debugging. debug_msg("Source code that caused failure:\n" + source_code) backup_std_error = sys.stderr sys.stderr = error traceback.print_exc() sys.stderr.flush() sys.stderr = backup_std_error sys.stdout = backup_std_out return [output.getvalue(), error.getvalue()]
def set(self, result): with self._condition: import debug_util debug_util.debug_msg("Python - Set result: " + str(result)) self._result = result self._is_done = True self._condition.notify()
def _handle_custom_message(self, message, response_message_id_supplier, response_consumer, result_consumer, workspace): if message.category == "my-nested-request-from-java": request_message_type = "first-request" response_payload = None else: message_type = message.get_header_field(AbstractTaskHandler.FIELD_KEY_MESSAGE_TYPE) if message_type == "first": self._response_string_payload += PayloadDecoder(message.payload).get_next_string() request_message_type = "second-request" response_payload = None elif message_type == "second": workspace.unregister_task_handler("my-nested-request-from-java") result_consumer(None) self._response_string_payload += PayloadDecoder(message.payload).get_next_string() request_message_type = AbstractTaskHandler.MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS response_payload = PayloadEncoder().put_string(self._response_string_payload).payload else: error_message = "Message type '" + message_type + "' is not recognized. Illegal state." debug_util.debug_msg(error_message) raise RuntimeError(error_message) response_consumer[0] = Message(workspace._commands._messaging.create_next_message_id(), str(, payload=response_payload, additional_options={AbstractTaskHandler.FIELD_KEY_MESSAGE_TYPE: request_message_type}) return True
def set_exception(self, exception): with self._condition: if self._exception is None and exception is not None: debug_msg("Python - Set exception: " + str(exception)) self._exception = exception self._is_done = True self._condition.notify()
def deserialize_from_bytes(self, data_frame, column_serializers): """ Deserialize all cells in the provided data frame from a bytes representation (inplace). @param data_frame a pandas.DataFrame containing columns to deserialize @param column_serializers dict containing column names present in data_frame as keys and deserializer_ids as values. A deserializer_id should be the id of the java extension point on which the deserializer is registered. Each column identified by the dict keys is deserialized using the deserializer provided by the TypeExtensionManager for the given deserializer_id. """ # print('Data frame: ' + str(data_frame) + '\nserializers: ' + str(column_serializers) + '\n') for column in column_serializers: deserializer = self._type_extension_manager.get_deserializer_by_id( column_serializers[column]) for i in range(len(data_frame)): if debug_util.is_debug_enabled(): lastp = -1 if (i * 100 / len(data_frame)) % 5 == 0 and int( i * 100 / len(data_frame)) != lastp: debug_util.debug_msg( str(i * 100 / len(data_frame)) + ' percent done (deserialize)') # lastp = int(i * 100/len(data_frame)) col_idx = data_frame.columns.get_loc(column) # Using bracket accessor is necessary here for ensuring that there are no unwanted type conversions. value = data_frame[column][data_frame.index[i]] if isinstance(value, numpy.float64) and numpy.isnan(value): value = None if value: if isinstance(value, list): new_list = [] for inner_value in value: if isinstance(inner_value, numpy.float64 ) and numpy.isnan(inner_value): inner_value = None if inner_value: new_list.append( deserializer.deserialize(inner_value)) else: new_list.append(None) data_frame.iat[i, col_idx] = new_list elif isinstance(value, set): new_set = set() for inner_value in value: if isinstance(inner_value, numpy.float64 ) and numpy.isnan(inner_value): inner_value = None if inner_value: new_set.add( deserializer.deserialize(inner_value)) else: new_set.add(None) data_frame.iat[i, col_idx] = new_set else: data_frame.iat[i, col_idx] = deserializer.deserialize( value) else: data_frame.iat[i, col_idx] = None
def _handle_custom_message(self, message, response_message_id_supplier, response_consumer, result_consumer, workspace): debug_msg("Python - Respond to message: " + str(message)) response = self._respond(message, response_message_id_supplier(), workspace) debug_msg("Python - Responded to message: " + str(message) + ", response: " + str(response)) response_consumer[0] = response result_consumer(None) # We are done after the response is sent. return True
def run(self): try: self._runnable() except BaseException as ex: import debug_util # debug_util.breakpoint() debug_util.debug_msg("An exception occurred while running a task. Cause: " + str(ex), exc_info=True) raise
def set_exc_info(self, exc_info): with self._condition: if self._exc_info is None and exc_info is not None and exc_info[ 0] is not None: debug_msg("Python - Set exception: " + str(exc_info[1])) self._exc_info = exc_info self._is_done = True self._condition.notify()
def handle(self, message): debug_msg("Python - Enqueue message for task, message: " + str(message) + ", initiating message: " + str(self._initiating_message)) self._received_messages.put(message) debug_msg("Python - Now calling 'run'.") # Start task if not already running. return True
def handle(self, message): message_handler = self._message_handlers.get(message.category) if message_handler is not None: debug_msg("Python - Distribute message: " + str(message)) message_handler.handle(message) else: raise RuntimeError( "Message '" + str(message) + "' cannot be distributed. No matching handler available for category '" + message.category + "'.")
def run(self): try: self._runnable() except BaseException as ex: self.set_exc_info(sys.exc_info()) debug_msg( "An exception occurred while running a task. Cause: " + str(ex), exc_info=True) raise
def get(self): with self._condition: __counter = 0 while not self.is_done: import debug_util __counter += 1 debug_util.debug_msg("Python - Wait for result (" + str(__counter) + ").") self._condition.wait() result = self._result return result
def _loop(self): while self.is_running: message = None try: message = self._receiver.receive() self._distributor.handle(message) except Exception as ex: debug_msg("Failed to distribute message " + ( "'" + str(message) + "' " if message is not None else "") + "from Java. Cause: " + str(ex)) raise
def receive(self): header_size = self._read_size() payload_size = self._read_size() header = self._read_data(header_size).decode('utf-8') if payload_size > 0: payload = self._read_data(payload_size) else: payload = None message = Message.create(header, payload) debug_msg("Python - Received message: " + str(message)) return message
def test_request_from_java_to_python(workspace): import debug_util debug_util.debug_msg("Entering test_request_from_java_to_python.") class _RequestHandler(AbstractRequestHandler): def _respond(self, request, response_message_id, workspace): workspace.unregister_task_handler("my-request-from-java") payload = PayloadEncoder().put_string("my-response-from-python").payload return AbstractRequestHandler._create_response(request, response_message_id, response_payload=payload) workspace.register_task_handler("my-request-from-java", _RequestHandler())
def _respond(self, request, response_message_id, workspace): source_code = PayloadDecoder(request.payload).get_next_string() debug_msg('Executing:\n' + source_code) output, error = workspace.execute(source_code, debug_msg('Execution done.') response_payload = PayloadEncoder().put_string(output).put_string( error).payload return AbstractRequestHandler._create_response( request, response_message_id, response_payload=response_payload)
def test_request_from_java_that_causes_request_from_python(workspace): import debug_util debug_util.debug_msg("Entering test_request_from_java_that_causes_request_from_python.") class _RequestHandler(AbstractRequestHandler): def _respond(self, request, response_message_id, workspace): workspace.unregister_task_handler("my-request-from-java-that-causes-a-request-from-python") result_from_request = trigger_request_from_python(workspace) payload = PayloadEncoder().put_string(result_from_request + "-made-the-task-succeed").payload return AbstractRequestHandler._create_response(request, response_message_id, True, payload) workspace.register_task_handler("my-request-from-java-that-causes-a-request-from-python", _RequestHandler())
def send(self, message): debug_msg("Python - Send message: " + str(message)) header = message.header.encode('utf-8') self._write_size(len(header)) payload = message.payload if payload: self._write_size(len(payload)) else: self._write_size(0) self._write_data(header) if payload: self._write_data(payload)
def serialize(timedelta_obj): microstr = str(timedelta_obj.microseconds // 1000) while len(microstr) < 3: microstr = '0' + microstr durationstr = str(timedelta_obj.days * 24 + timedelta_obj.seconds // 3600) + 'H ' + str( (timedelta_obj.seconds % 3600) // 60) + 'm ' + str( timedelta_obj.seconds % 60) + '.' + microstr + 's' debug_util.debug_msg('Serializing timedelta: ' + str(timedelta_obj) + ' as ' + durationstr) return durationstr.encode("utf-8")
def report_exception(self, exception, message=None): if self._exception is None and exception is not None: self._exception = exception try: if message is not None: error_message = message + " Cause: " + str(exception) else: error_message = "An exception occurred: " + str(exception) debug_msg(error_message, exc_info=True) except BaseException: pass self.report_close()
def get(self): with self._condition: __counter = 0 while not self.is_done: __counter += 1 debug_msg("Python - Wait for result (" + str(__counter) + ").") self._condition.wait() exc_info = self._exc_info result = self._result if exc_info is not None: Task.FutureTask._reraise_exception(exc_info) else: return result
def get(self): with self._condition: __counter = 0 while not self.is_done: __counter += 1 debug_msg("Python - Wait for result (" + str(__counter) + ").") self._condition.wait() exception = self._exception result = self._result if exception is not None: raise exception else: return result
def serialize_objects_to_bytes(self, data_frame, column_serializers): """ Serialize all cells in the provided data frame to a bytes representation (inplace). @param data_frame a pandas.DataFrame containing columns to serialize @param column_serializers dict containing column names present in data_frame as keys and serializer_ids as values. A serializer_id should be the id of the java extension point on which the serializer is registered. Each column identified by the dict keys is serialized using the serializer provided by the TypeExtensionManager for the given serializer_id. """ for column in column_serializers: serializer = self._type_extension_manager.get_serializer_by_id( column_serializers[column]) col_idx = data_frame.columns.get_loc(column) if data_frame[column].dtype != 'object': data_frame[column] = data_frame[column].astype('object') for i in range(len(data_frame)): if debug_util.is_debug_enabled(): lastp = -1 if (i * 100 / len(data_frame)) % 5 == 0 and int( i * 100 / len(data_frame)) != lastp: debug_util.debug_msg( str(i * 100 / len(data_frame)) + ' percent done (serialize)') # lastp = int(i * 100/len(data_frame)) # Using bracket acessor is necessary here for ensuring that there are # no unwanted type conversions value = data_frame[column][data_frame.index[i]] if value is not None: if isinstance(value, list): new_list = [] for inner_value in value: if inner_value is None: new_list.append(None) else: new_list.append( serializer.serialize(inner_value)) data_frame.iat[i, col_idx] = new_list elif isinstance(value, set): new_set = set() for inner_value in value: if inner_value is None: new_set.add(None) else: new_set.add(serializer.serialize(inner_value)) data_frame.iat[i, col_idx] = new_set else: data_frame.iat[i, col_idx] = serializer.serialize(value)
def test_request_from_python_to_java(workspace): import debug_util debug_util.debug_msg("Entering test_request_from_python_to_java.") class _TaskHandler(AbstractTaskHandler): def _handle_success_message(self, message): import debug_util debug_util.debug_msg("Inside handler of Java response.") return PayloadDecoder(message.payload).get_next_string() my_task = workspace._commands.create_task(_TaskHandler(), Message( workspace._commands._messaging.create_next_message_id(), "my-request-from-python")) print(my_task.get()) # 'flush' keyword argument is not supported by Python 2. sys.stdout.flush()
def start(self): if not self._is_running: if self._is_closed: raise RuntimeError('Python kernel is closed and cannot be restarted.') self._is_running = True debug_msg("Connect.") self._connection = self._connect(('localhost', int(sys.argv[1]))) debug_msg("Create executors.") self._execute_thread_executor = self._create_execute_thread_executor() self._executor = self._create_executor() debug_msg("Create Python commands.") self._commands = PythonCommands(self._create_messaging(self._connection), self) self._setup_builtin_request_handlers() debug_msg("Create type extension manager.") self._type_extension_manager = TypeExtensionManager(self._commands) # Start commands/messaging system once everything is set up. debug_msg("Start Python commands.") self._commands.start()
def _handle_custom_message(self, message, response_message_id_supplier, response_consumer, result_consumer, workspace): response_message_id = response_message_id_supplier() try: debug_msg("Python - Respond to message: " + str(message)) response = self._respond(message, response_message_id, workspace) debug_msg("Python - Responded to message: " + str(message) + ", response: " + str(response)) response_consumer[0] = response except Exception as ex: error_message = str(ex) debug_msg(error_message, exc_info=True) # Message format: Error message, pretty traceback, number of traceback elements (frames), list of frames # where each frame is of the form: filename, line number, name, line. error_pretty_traceback = traceback.format_exc() error_traceback_frames = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) error_payload = PayloadEncoder().put_string( error_message).put_string(error_pretty_traceback).put_int( len(error_traceback_frames)) for frame in reversed(error_traceback_frames): error_payload.put_string(frame[0]).put_int( frame[1]).put_string(frame[2]).put_string(frame[3]) error_payload = error_payload.payload # Inform Java that handling the request did not work. error_response = AbstractRequestHandler._create_response( message, response_message_id, success=False, response_payload=error_payload) response_consumer[0] = error_response result_consumer( None ) # We are done after the response (either success or failure) is sent. return True
def _handle_custom_message(self, message, response_message_id_supplier, response_consumer, result_consumer, workspace): response_message_id = response_message_id_supplier() try: debug_msg("Python - Respond to message: " + str(message)) response = self._respond(message, response_message_id, workspace) debug_msg("Python - Responded to message: " + str(message) + ", response: " + str(response)) response_consumer[0] = response except Exception as ex: error_message = str(ex) debug_msg(error_message, exc_info=True) error_traceback = traceback.format_exc() error_payload = PayloadEncoder().put_string( error_message).put_string(error_traceback).payload # Inform Java that handling the request did not work. error_response = AbstractRequestHandler._create_response( message, response_message_id, success=False, response_payload=error_payload) response_consumer[0] = error_response result_consumer( None ) # We are done after the response (either success or failure) is sent. return True
def handle(self, message, message_handlers, message_id_supplier, result_consumer, workspace): message_type = message.get_header_field( AbstractTaskHandler.FIELD_KEY_MESSAGE_TYPE) debug_msg("Python - Handle task, message: " + str(message)) if message_type == AbstractTaskHandler.MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS: result = self._handle_success_message(message) debug_msg("Python - Handled task, message: " + str(message) + ", result: " + str(result)) result_consumer(result) elif message_type == AbstractTaskHandler.MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILURE: self._handle_failure_message(message) else: message_to_send = [None] if self._handle_custom_message(message, message_id_supplier, message_to_send, result_consumer, workspace): debug_msg("Python - Handled task, message: " + str(message) + ", follow-up: " + str(message_to_send[0])) return message_to_send[0] else: if not message_handlers.handle(message): raise RuntimeError("Message '" + str(message) + "' could not be handled.") return None