def init_local(self, transmit): """ Instantiate client and struct. """'Init Local') train_set, valid_set, test_set = load_data('mnist.pkl.gz') model = LogisticModel(input_shape=(28, 28), n_out=10) trainer = NLL_Trainer(transmit, model, train_set, valid_set, test_set) self.client = LocalClient(trainer) self.processor.set_model_struct(model.struct)
def init_remote(self, ip, transmit): #### Deploy data first?'Init Remote') self.client = LightClient(ip, transmit)
class ControlWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self, transmit, targets, processor, parent = None, ip = None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.log = Logger(CTRL_LOG_FILE, level = V_DEBUG) self.targets = targets self.processor = processor self.lineEdit = QLineEdit("") formLayout = QFormLayout() formLayout.addRow("&Command:"), self.lineEdit) layout = QGridLayout() layout.addLayout(formLayout, 1, 0, 1, 3) self.setLayout(layout) self.setWindowTitle("Control Prompt")) if ip is None: self.init_local(transmit) else: self.init_remote(ip, transmit) self.lineEdit.returnPressed.connect(self.process_command) def init_local(self, transmit): """ Instantiate client and struct. """'Init Local') train_set, valid_set, test_set = load_data('mnist.pkl.gz') model = LogisticModel(input_shape=(28, 28), n_out=10) trainer = NLL_Trainer(transmit, model, train_set, valid_set, test_set) self.client = LocalClient(trainer) self.processor.set_model_struct(model.struct) def init_remote(self, ip, transmit): #### Deploy data first?'Init Remote') self.client = LightClient(ip, transmit) def process_command(self): ''' ''' text = unicode(self.lineEdit.text()) if text == 'start':'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.client.start_training() self.lineEdit.setText('') if text == 'pause':'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.client.pause_training() self.lineEdit.setText('') if text == 'resume':'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.client.resume_training() self.lineEdit.setText('') if text == 'stop':'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.client.stop_training() self.lineEdit.setText('') if text.startswith('show '):'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.process_show(text) self.lineEdit.setText('') if text.startswith('set '):'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.process_set(text) self.lineEdit.setText('') if text.startswith('get '):'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.process_get(text) self.lineEdit.setText('') if text.startswith('load'):'Received command {}'.format(text)) self.process_load(text) self.lineEdit.setText('') def process_show(self, text): ''' Process show commands. Correct syntax are: show [cumul] layerName [nodeId] Displays the requested parameters and returns True if correct syntax and correct request (incorrect layerName/nodeId) Returns False if incorrect syntax and/or incorrect layerName/nodeId ''' def parse_show(text): args = text.split() self.log.debug('text={}. args={}'.format(text,args)) try: if args[1] == 'cumul': args.remove('cumul') target = ['cumul', int(args[1])] layers = range(target[1]) else: target = ['solo', int(args[1])] layers = [target[1]] except (ValueError, IndexError) as e: self.log.error('incorrect syntax for {}. Got error: {}'.format(text, e)) return False, None try: target.append(int(args[2])) target = tuple(target) except (ValueError, IndexError) as e: target.append(-1) target = tuple(target) finally: return target, layers target, layers = parse_show(text) self.log.debug(layers) if target : if not target in self.targets: add_target = all(self.client.add_target(x) for x in layers) if add_target: order_success = self.processor.order(target) if order_success: self.targets[target] = layers self.client.start_record()'Successfully added target {}'.format(target)) else: ##TODO: Should remove targets from client self.log.error("Order failed") else: ##TODO: Should remove targets from client self.log.error('Client Target Add Failed for {}'.format(target)) else: self.log.warn('Target {} asked whereas allready in target control list'.format(target)) else: self.log.error('Target not correctly processed'.format(target)) def process_set(self, text): ''' Process all set commands. Correct syntax are: set parameter value Returns True if correct syntax and correct request Returns False if incorrect syntax and/or request ''' arguments = text.split() if len(arguments) != 3: self.log.warn('set incorrect syntax') return False else: val = self.client.set_parameter(arguments[1], arguments[2])'Return code {}'.format(val)) return val def process_get(self, text): ''' Process all get commands. Correct syntax are: get parameter Returns True if correct syntax and correct request Returns False if incorrect syntax and/or request ''' arguments = text.split() if len(arguments) != 2: self.log.warn('get incorrect syntax') return False else: val = self.client.get_parameter(arguments[1])'Return code {}'.format(val)) return val def process_load(self, text): ''' Process all load commands. Correct syntax are: load [weights] Returns True if correct syntax and correct request Returns False if incorrect syntax and/or request. Requests are incorrect when the loading of the specified weight file fails for the trained model ''' arguments = text.split() if len(arguments) == 1: self.log.hist('Random Init of the weights') val = self.client.load_model_weights() return True else: val = self.client.load_model_weights(arguments[1])'Return code {}'.format(val)) return val