def testGroupConvolutionGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-3) shapes = [(1, 5, 5, 4)] num_kernels = 1 group = 2 params = [(3, 1, 'valid'), (3, 1, 'same'), (3, 1, 'full'), (2, 1, 'valid'), (2, 1, 'full'), (3, 2, 'valid'), (3, 2, 'same'), (3, 2, 'full')] for shape in shapes: for ksize, stride, mode in params: print(ksize, stride, mode, shape) input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = core_layers.GroupConvolutionLayer( name='gconv', ksize=ksize, stride=stride, mode=mode, num_kernels=num_kernels, group=group, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) self.assertEqual([-1], num_kernels * group) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) # check if we will be able to produce an exception input_blob = base.Blob((1, 5, 5, 3), filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, checker.check, layer, [input_blob], [output_blob])
def testSquaredLossGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) shapes = [(4, 3), (1, 10), (4, 3, 2)] layer = core_layers.SquaredLossLayer(name='squared') checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-6) for shape in shapes: input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) target_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob, target_blob], [], check_indices=[0]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) # also, check if weight works. self._testWeight(layer, [input_blob, target_blob])
def _testSolver(self, solver): # We are going to test if the solver correctly deals with the mpi case # where multiple nodes host different data. To this end we will # create a dummy regression problem which, when run under mpi with # >1 nodes, will create a different result from a single-node run. np.random.seed(1701) X = base.Blob((10, 1), filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(mean=mpi.RANK, std=0.01)) Y = base.Blob((10, 1), filler=fillers.ConstantFiller(value=mpi.RANK + 1.)) decaf_net = base.Net() decaf_net.add_layer(core_layers.InnerProductLayer(name='ip', num_output=1), needs='X', provides='pred') decaf_net.add_layer(core_layers.SquaredLossLayer(name='loss'), needs=['pred', 'Y']) decaf_net.finish() solver.solve(decaf_net, previous_net={'X': X, 'Y': Y}) w, b = decaf_net.layers['ip'].param() print, if mpi.SIZE == 1: # If size is 1, we are fitting y = 0 * x + 1 np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, 0., 2) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, 1., 2) else: # if size is not 1, we are fitting y = x + 1 np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, 1., 2) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, 1., 2) self.assertTrue(True)
def testMultinomialLogisticLossGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) layer = core_layers.MultinomialLogisticLossLayer(name='loss') checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-6) shape = (10, 5) # check index input input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) target_blob = base.Blob(shape[:1],, filler=fillers.RandIntFiller(high=shape[1])) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob, target_blob], [], check_indices=[0]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) # also, check if weight works. self._testWeight(layer, [input_blob, target_blob]) # check full input target_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.RandFiller()) # normalize target target_data = target_data /= target_data.sum(1)[:, np.newaxis] result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob, target_blob], [], check_indices=[0]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) # also, check if weight works. self._testWeight(layer, [input_blob, target_blob])
def testConvolutionGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-4) shapes = [(1,5,5,1), (1,5,5,3)] num_kernels = 2 params = [(3,1,'valid'), (3,1,'same'), (3,1,'full'), (2,1,'valid'), (2,1,'full'), (3,2,'valid'), (3,2,'same'), (3,2,'full')] for shape in shapes: for ksize, stride, mode in params: print(ksize, stride, mode, shape) input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = core_layers.ConvolutionLayer( name='conv', ksize=ksize, stride=stride, mode=mode, num_kernels=num_kernels, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testReLUGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) shapes = [(4, 3), (1, 10), (2, 5, 5, 1), (2, 5, 5, 3)] output_blob = base.Blob() layer = core_layers.ReLULayer(name='relu') checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-5) for shape in shapes: input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testDropoutGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) input_blob = base.Blob((4, 3), filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-5) layer = core_layers.DropoutLayer(name='dropout', ratio=0.5, debug_freeze=True) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testSplitGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blobs = [base.Blob(), base.Blob()] checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-5) shapes = [(5, 4), (5, 1), (1, 5), (1, 5, 5), (1, 5, 5, 3), (1, 5, 5, 1)] for shape in shapes: input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = base.SplitLayer(name='split') result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], output_blobs) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testMeanNormalizeLayer(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-5) shapes = [(1,5,5,1), (1,5,5,3), (5,5), (1,5)] for shape in shapes: input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = core_layers.MeanNormalizeLayer( name='normalize') result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testPaddingGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-5) shapes = [(1, 5, 5, 1), (1, 5, 5, 3), (1, 4, 3, 1), (1, 4, 3, 3)] pads = [1, 2, 3] for pad in pads: for shape in shapes: input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = core_layers.PaddingLayer(name='padding', pad=pad) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testSoftmaxGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) input_blob = base.Blob((10,5), filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) output_blob = base.Blob() layer = core_layers.SoftmaxLayer(name='softmax') checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-5) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) # Also, let's check the result pred = prob = np.exp(pred) / np.exp(pred).sum(1)[:, np.newaxis] np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(, prob)
def testLogisticLossGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) layer = core_layers.LogisticLossLayer(name='logistic') checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-6) input_blob = base.Blob((10, 1), filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) target_blob = base.Blob((10, ),, filler=fillers.RandIntFiller(high=2)) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob, target_blob], [], check_indices=[0]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) # also, check if weight works. self._testWeight(layer, [input_blob, target_blob])
def testIm2colGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-4) shapes = [(1, 5, 5, 1), (1, 5, 5, 3), (1, 4, 3, 1), (1, 4, 3, 3)] params = [(2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2)] for psize, stride in params: for shape in shapes: input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = core_layers.Im2colLayer(name='im2col', psize=psize, stride=stride) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testPoolingGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-4) shapes = [(1, 7, 7, 1), (2, 7, 7, 1), (1, 7, 7, 3), (1, 8, 8, 3), (1, 13, 13, 1), (1, 13, 13, 2)] params = [(3, 2, 'max'), (3, 2, 'ave'), (3, 3, 'max'), (3, 3, 'ave'), (5, 3, 'max'), (5, 3, 'ave'), (5, 5, 'max'), (5, 5, 'ave')] for shape in shapes: for psize, stride, mode in params: print(psize, stride, mode, shape) input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = core_layers.PoolingLayer(name='pool', psize=psize, stride=stride, mode=mode) result = checker.check(layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def testIm2col(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() shapes = [(1, 5, 5, 1), (1, 5, 5, 3), (1, 4, 3, 1), (1, 4, 3, 3), (3, 5, 5, 1), (3, 5, 5, 3), (3, 4, 3, 1), (3, 4, 3, 3)] params = [(2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2)] for psize, stride in params: for shape in shapes: input_blob = base.Blob(shape, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) layer = core_layers.Im2colLayer(name='im2col', psize=psize, stride=stride) layer.forward([input_blob], [output_blob]) # compare against naive implementation for i in range(0, shape[1] - psize - 1, stride): for j in range(0, shape[2] - psize - 1, stride): np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal([:, i, j].flatten(),[:, i * stride:i * stride + psize, j * stride:j * stride + psize, :].flatten())
def testPoolingGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) output_blob = base.Blob() input_blob = base.Blob((1, 8, 8, 3), filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) psize = 3 stride = 2 mode = 'max' layer = core_layers.PoolingLayer(name='pool', psize=psize, stride=stride, mode=mode) layer.forward([input_blob], [output_blob]) img =[0] output =[0] print img.shape, output.shape for i in range(output.shape[0]): for j in range(output.shape[1]): for c in range(output.shape[2]): self.assertAlmostEqual( output[i, j, c], img[i * stride:i * stride + psize, j * stride:j * stride + psize, c].max()) mode = 'ave' layer = core_layers.PoolingLayer(name='pool', psize=psize, stride=stride, mode=mode) layer.forward([input_blob], [output_blob]) img =[0] output =[0] print img.shape, output.shape for i in range(output.shape[0]): for j in range(output.shape[1]): for c in range(output.shape[2]): self.assertAlmostEqual( output[i, j, c], img[i * stride:i * stride + psize, j * stride:j * stride + psize, c].mean())
def testInnerproductGrad(self): np.random.seed(1701) input_blob = base.Blob((4, 3), filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller()) output_blob = base.Blob() checker = gradcheck.GradChecker(1e-5) ip_layer = core_layers.InnerProductLayer( name='ip', num_output=5, bias=True, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(), bias_filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(), reg=None) result = checker.check(ip_layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) ip_layer = core_layers.InnerProductLayer( name='ip', num_output=5, bias=False, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(), reg=None) result = checker.check(ip_layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0]) ip_layer = core_layers.InnerProductLayer( name='ip', num_output=5, bias=True, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(), bias_filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(), reg=regularization.L2Regularizer(weight=0.1)) result = checker.check(ip_layer, [input_blob], [output_blob]) print(result) self.assertTrue(result[0])
def main(): logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) ###################################### # First, let's create the decaf layer. ######################################'Loading data and creating the network...') decaf_net = base.Net() # add data layer dataset = mnist.MNISTDataLayer(name='mnist', rootfolder=ROOT_FOLDER, is_training=True) decaf_net.add_layer(dataset, provides=['image-all', 'label-all']) # add minibatch layer for stochastic optimization minibatch_layer = core_layers.BasicMinibatchLayer(name='batch', minibatch=MINIBATCH) decaf_net.add_layer(minibatch_layer, needs=['image-all', 'label-all'], provides=['image', 'label']) # add the two_layer network decaf_net.add_layers([ core_layers.FlattenLayer(name='flatten'), core_layers.InnerProductLayer( name='ip1', num_output=NUM_NEURONS, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(std=0.1), bias_filler=fillers.ConstantFiller(value=0.1)), core_layers.ReLULayer(name='relu1'), core_layers.InnerProductLayer( name='ip2', num_output=NUM_CLASS, filler=fillers.GaussianRandFiller(std=0.3)) ], needs='image', provides='prediction') # add loss layer loss_layer = core_layers.MultinomialLogisticLossLayer(name='loss') decaf_net.add_layer(loss_layer, needs=['prediction', 'label']) # finish. decaf_net.finish() #################################### # Decaf layer finished construction! #################################### # now, try to solve it if METHOD == 'adagrad': # The Adagrad Solver solver = core_solvers.AdagradSolver(base_lr=0.02, base_accum=1.e-6, max_iter=1000) elif METHOD == 'sgd': solver = core_solvers.SGDSolver(base_lr=0.1, lr_policy='inv', gamma=0.001, power=0.75, momentum=0.9, max_iter=1000) solver.solve(decaf_net) visualize.draw_net_to_file(decaf_net, 'mnist.png')'mnist_2layers.decafnet') ############################################## # Now, let's load the net and run predictions ############################################## prediction_net = base.Net.load('mnist_2layers.decafnet') visualize.draw_net_to_file(prediction_net, 'mnist_test.png') # obtain the test data. dataset_test = mnist.MNISTDataLayer(name='mnist', rootfolder=ROOT_FOLDER, is_training=False) test_image = base.Blob() test_label = base.Blob() dataset_test.forward([], [test_image, test_label]) # Run the net. pred = prediction_net.predict(image=test_image)['prediction'] accuracy = (pred.argmax(1) == / float( print 'Testing accuracy:', accuracy print 'Done.'