def test_tappedout() -> None: prev = APP.config['SERVER_NAME'] APP.config['SERVER_NAME'] = configuration.server_name() with APP.app_context(): # type: ignore # pylint: disable=no-member tappedout.ad_hoc() APP.config['SERVER_NAME'] = prev
def test_trailing_slashes(self) -> None: with APP.app_context(): for rule in self.tester.url_map.iter_rules(): if 'GET' in rule.methods: url = rule.rule if not url.startswith('/api/') and rule.endpoint not in ['favicon', 'robots_txt']: assert url.endswith('/')
def setup() -> None: from decksite import APP with APP.app_context(): db().execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db_version (version INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL)') version = db_version() patches = os.listdir('decksite/sql') patches.sort(key=lambda n: int(n.split('.')[0])) for fn in patches: path = os.path.join('decksite/sql', fn) n = int(fn.split('.')[0]) if version < n: logger.warning('Patching database to v{0}'.format(n)) fh = open(path, 'r') sql = for stmt in sql.split(';'): if stmt.strip() != '': db().execute(stmt) fh.close() db().execute('INSERT INTO db_version (version) VALUES ({n})'.format(n=n))
def setup_in_app_context() -> None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from decksite import APP with APP.app_context(): # type: ignore setup()
def setup(): db().execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db_version (version INTEGER UNIQUE NOT NULL)' ) version = db_version() patches = os.listdir('decksite/sql') patches.sort(key=lambda n: int(n.split('.')[0])) for fn in patches: path = os.path.join('decksite/sql', fn) n = int(fn.split('.')[0]) if version < n: print("Patching database to v{0}".format(n)) fh = open(path, 'r') sql = for stmt in sql.split(';'): if stmt.strip() != "": db().execute(stmt) fh.close() db().execute( "INSERT INTO db_version (version) VALUES ({n})".format(n=n)) def db_version() -> int: return db().value( 'SELECT version FROM db_version ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1', [], 0) with APP.app_context(): setup()
def test_goldfish() -> None: with APP.app_context(): # type: ignore mtggoldfish.scrape(1)
def test_manual_tappedout() -> None: with APP.app_context(): # type: ignore tappedout.scrape_url('')
def test_api_no_trailing_slashes(self) -> None: with APP.app_context(): for rule in self.tester.url_map.iter_rules(): url = rule.rule if url.startswith('/api/'): assert not url.endswith('/')
def test_gatherling() -> None: with APP.app_context(): # type: ignore gatherling.scrape(5)