class TestSegmentationEval(TestEval): @pytest.fixture() def evaluator(self): return evaluation.SegmentationEvaluation() test_data = [(em.EmptyEmitterSet(), em.EmptyEmitterSet(), em.EmptyEmitterSet(), (float('nan'), ) * 4), (em.EmptyEmitterSet(), em.RandomEmitterSet(1), em.EmptyEmitterSet(), (0., float('nan'), 0., float('nan')))] @pytest.mark.parametrize("tp,fp,fn,expect", test_data) def test_segmentation(self, evaluator, tp, fp, fn, expect): """ Some handcrafted values Args: tp: true positives fp: false positives fn: false negatives expect(tuple): expected outcome """ out = evaluator.forward(tp, fp, fn) for o, e in zip(out, expect): # check all the outcomes if math.isnan(o) or math.isnan(e): assert math.isnan(o) assert math.isnan(e) else: assert o == e
def test_sanity(self, waiter): """Test init sanity""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): # const and weight power != 1 weight_generator.SimpleWeight(xextent=(-0.5, 4.5), yextent=(-0.5, 4.5), img_shape=(5, 5), roi_size=3, weight_mode='const', weight_power=2.3) with pytest.raises(ValueError): weight_generator.SimpleWeight(xextent=(-0.5, 4.5), yextent=(-0.5, 4.5), img_shape=(5, 5), roi_size=3, weight_mode='a', weight_power=None) """Test forward sanity""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): # wrong spatial dim waiter.forward(emitter.EmptyEmitterSet(), torch.zeros((1, 6, 6, 6)), 0, 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # wrong channel count waiter.forward(emitter.EmptyEmitterSet(), torch.zeros((1, 3, 5, 5)), 0, 0)
def test_distance_excpt(self, evaluator): """ Args: evaluator: """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): evaluator.forward(em.EmptyEmitterSet('nm'), em.RandomEmitterSet(1, xy_unit='nm'))
class TestDistanceEval(TestEval): @pytest.fixture() def evaluator(self): return evaluation.DistanceEvaluation() test_data = [(em.EmptyEmitterSet('nm'), em.EmptyEmitterSet('nm'), (float('nan'), ) * 6)] @pytest.mark.parametrize("tp,tp_match,expect", test_data) def test_distance(self, evaluator, tp, tp_match, expect): """ Args: evaluator: fixture tp: true positives tp_match: matching ground truth expect: expected outcome """ out = evaluator.forward(tp, tp_match) for o, e in zip(out, expect): # check all the outcomes if math.isnan(o) or math.isnan(e): assert math.isnan(o) assert math.isnan(e) else: assert o == e def test_distance_excpt(self, evaluator): """ Args: evaluator: """ with pytest.raises(ValueError): evaluator.forward(em.EmptyEmitterSet('nm'), em.RandomEmitterSet(1, xy_unit='nm'))
def forward(self, output: emitter.EmitterSet, target: emitter.EmitterSet): """Setup split in frames. Determine the frame range automatically so as to cover everything.""" if len(output) >= 1 and len(target) >= 1: frame_low = output.frame_ix.min() if output.frame_ix.min( ) < target.frame_ix.min() else target.frame_ix.min() frame_high = output.frame_ix.max() if output.frame_ix.max( ) > target.frame_ix.max() else target.frame_ix.max() elif len(output) >= 1: frame_low = output.frame_ix.min() frame_high = output.frame_ix.max() elif len(target) >= 1: frame_low = target.frame_ix.min() frame_high = target.frame_ix.max() else: return (emitter.EmptyEmitterSet(, px_size=target.px_size), ) * 4 out_pframe = output.split_in_frames(frame_low.item(), frame_high.item()) tar_pframe = target.split_in_frames(frame_low.item(), frame_high.item()) tpl, fpl, fnl, tpml = [], [], [], [ ] # true positive list, false positive list, false neg. ... """Match the emitters framewise""" for out_f, tar_f in zip(out_pframe, tar_pframe): filter_mask = self.filter(out_f.xyz_nm, tar_f.xyz_nm) # batch implemented tp_ix, tp_match_ix, tp_ix_bool, tp_match_ix_bool = self._match_kernel( out_f.xyz_nm, tar_f.xyz_nm, filter_mask) # non batch impl. tpl.append(out_f[tp_ix]) tpml.append(tar_f[tp_match_ix]) fpl.append(out_f[~tp_ix_bool]) fnl.append(tar_f[~tp_match_ix_bool]) """Concat them back""" tp = fp = fn = tp_match = """Let tp and tp_match share the same id's. IDs of ground truth are copied to true positives.""" if ( == -1).all().item(): = torch.arange(len(tp_match)).type( = return self._return_match(tp=tp, fp=fp, fn=fn, tp_match=tp_match)
def test_shape(self, waiter): """ Args: waiter: fixture """ """Setup""" x = torch.rand((3, 6, 5, 5)) em = emitter.EmptyEmitterSet(xy_unit='px') opt = torch.rand_like(x[:, [0]]) """Run""" out = waiter.forward(em, x, 0, 2) """Assertions""" # Check shape. Note that the channel dimensions might different. assert x.size(0) == out.size(0) assert x.size(-1) == out.size(-1) assert x.size(-2) == out.size(-2)
def test_dim_handling(self, waiter): """ Args: waiter: fixture """ """Setup""" x = torch.rand((1, 6, 5, 5)) em = emitter.EmptyEmitterSet(xy_unit='px') """Run""" out = waiter.forward(em, x, 0, 0) """Assertions""" assert out.dim() == x.dim() with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = waiter.forward(em, torch.rand((5, 5)), 0, 0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = waiter.forward(em, torch.rand((2, 3, 2, 5, 5)), 0, 0)
class TestWeightedErrors(TestEval): @pytest.fixture(params=['phot', 'crlb']) def evaluator(self, request): return evaluation.WeightedErrors(mode=request.param, reduction='mstd') # one mode of paremtr. should not lead to an error because than the reduction type is also checked @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", [None, 'abc', 'phot']) @pytest.mark.parametrize("reduction", ['None', 'abc']) def test_sanity(self, evaluator, mode, reduction): """Assertions""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): evaluator.__init__(mode=mode, reduction=reduction) def test_forward_handcrafted(self, evaluator): # if evaluator.mode != 'phot': # return """Setup""" tp = em.EmitterSet(xyz=torch.zeros((4, 3)), phot=torch.tensor([1050., 1950., 3050., 4050]), frame_ix=torch.tensor([0, 0, 1, 2]), bg=torch.ones((4, )) * 10, xy_unit='px', px_size=(127., 117.)) ref = tp.clone() += 0.5 ref.phot = torch.tensor([1000., 2000., 3000., 4000.]) ref.xyz_cr = (torch.tensor([[10., 10., 15], [8., 8., 10], [6., 6., 7], [4., 4., 5.]]) / 100.)**2 ref.phot_cr = torch.tensor([10., 12., 14., 16.])**2 ref.bg_cr = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3., 4])**2 """Run""" _, _, _, dpos, dphot, dbg = evaluator.forward( tp, ref) # test only on non reduced values """Assertions""" assert (dpos.abs().argsort(0) == torch.arange(4).unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, 3)).all(), "Weighted error for pos." \ "should be monot. increasing" assert (dphot.abs().argsort(descending=True) == torch.arange(4)).all(), "Weighted error for photon should be " \ "monot. decreasing" assert (dbg.abs().argsort(descending=True) == torch.arange(4)).all(), "Weighted error for background should be " \ "monot. decreasing" data_forward_sanity = [ (em.EmptyEmitterSet(xy_unit='nm'), em.EmptyEmitterSet(xy_unit='nm'), False, (torch.empty((0, 3)), torch.empty((0, )), torch.empty((0, )))), (em.RandomEmitterSet(5), em.EmptyEmitterSet(), True, None) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("tp,ref,expt_err,expt_out", data_forward_sanity) def test_forward_sanity(self, evaluator, tp, ref, expt_err, expt_out): """ General forward sanity checks. 1. Both empty sets of emitters 2. Unequal size """ if expt_err and expt_out is not None: raise RuntimeError("Wrong test setup.") """Run""" if expt_err: with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = evaluator.forward(tp, ref) return else: out = evaluator.forward(tp, ref) """Assertions""" assert isinstance(out, evaluator._return), "Wrong output type" for out_i, expt_i in zip( out[3:], expt_out): # test only the non reduced outputs assert test_utils.tens_almeq(out_i, expt_i, 1e-4) def test_reduction(self, evaluator): """ Args: evaluator: """ """Setup, Run and Test""" # mean and std dxyz, dphot, dbg = torch.randn( (250000, 3)), torch.randn(250000) + 20, torch.rand(250000) dxyz_, dphot_, dbg_ = evaluator._reduce(dxyz, dphot, dbg, 'mstd') assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dxyz_[0], torch.zeros((3, )), 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dxyz_[1], torch.ones((3, )), 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dphot_[0], torch.zeros((1, )) + 20, 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dphot_[1], torch.ones((1, )), 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dbg_[0], torch.zeros((1, )) + 0.5, 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dbg_[1], torch.ones((1, )) * 0.2889, 1e-2) # gaussian fit dxyz, dphot, dbg = torch.randn( (250000, 3)), torch.randn(250000) + 20, torch.randn(250000) dxyz_, dphot_, dbg_ = evaluator._reduce(dxyz, dphot, dbg, 'gaussian') assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dxyz_[0], torch.zeros((3, )), 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dxyz_[1], torch.ones((3, )), 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dphot_[0], torch.zeros((1, )) + 20, 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dphot_[1], torch.ones((1, )), 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dbg_[0], torch.zeros((1, )), 1e-2) assert test_utils.tens_almeq(dbg_[1], torch.ones((1, )), 1e-2) plot_test_data = [(torch.empty((0, 3)), torch.empty( (0, 3)), torch.empty((0, 3))), (torch.randn( (25000, 3)), torch.randn(25000), torch.randn(25000))] plot_test_axes = [None, plt.subplots(5)[1]] @pytest.mark.plot @pytest.mark.parametrize("dxyz,dphot,dbg", plot_test_data) @pytest.mark.parametrize("axes", plot_test_axes) def test_plot_hist(self, evaluator, dxyz, dphot, dbg, axes): """Run""" axes = evaluator.plot_error(dxyz, dphot, dbg, axes=axes) """Assert"""
def forward(self): return emitter.EmptyEmitterSet()
class TestEmitterSet: def test_properties(self, em2d, em3d, em3d_full): for em in (em2d, em3d, em3d_full): em.phot_scr em.bg_scr if em.px_size is not None and em.xy_unit is not None: em.xyz_px em.xyz_nm em.xyz_scr em.xyz_scr_px em.xyz_scr_nm em.xyz_sig_px em.xyz_sig_nm em.xyz_sig_tot_nm em.xyz_sig_weighted_tot_nm # ToDo: Test auto conversion def test_dim(self, em2d, em3d): assert em2d.dim() == 2 assert em3d.dim() == 3 def test_xyz_shape(self, em2d, em3d): """ Tests shape and correct data type Args: em2d: fixture (see above) em3d: fixture (see above) Returns: """ # 2D input get's converted to 3D with zeros assert[1] == 3 assert[1] == 3 assert em3d.frame_ix.dtype in (, torch.long, torch.short) xyz_conversion_data = [ # xyz_input, # xy_unit, #px-size # expect px, # expect nm (torch.empty((0, 3)), None, None, "err", "err"), (torch.empty((0, 3)), 'px', None, torch.empty((0, 3)), "err"), (torch.empty((0, 3)), 'nm', None, "err", torch.empty((0, 3))), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), None, None, "err", "err"), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), 'px', None, torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), "err"), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), 'nm', None, "err", torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]])), (torch.tensor([[.25, .25, 5.]]), 'px', (50., 100.), torch.tensor([[.25, .25, 5.]]), torch.tensor([[12.5, 25., 5.]])), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), 'nm', (50., 100.), torch.tensor([[.5, .25, 5.]]), torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]])) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("xyz_input,xy_unit,px_size,expct_px,expct_nm", xyz_conversion_data) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:UserWarning") def test_xyz_conversion(self, xyz_input, xy_unit, px_size, expct_px, expct_nm): """Init and expect warning if specified""" em = emitter.CoordinateOnlyEmitter(xyz_input, xy_unit=xy_unit, px_size=px_size) """Test the respective units""" if isinstance(expct_px, str) and expct_px == "err": with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = em.xyz_px else: assert test_utils.tens_almeq(em.xyz_px, expct_px) if isinstance(expct_nm, str) and expct_nm == "err": with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = em.xyz_nm else: assert test_utils.tens_almeq(em.xyz_nm, expct_nm) xyz_cr_conversion_data = [ # xyz_scr_input, # xy_unit, #px-size # expect_scr_px, # expect scr_nm (torch.empty((0, 3)), None, None, "err", "err"), (torch.empty((0, 3)), 'px', None, torch.empty((0, 3)), "err"), (torch.empty((0, 3)), 'nm', None, "err", torch.empty((0, 3))), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), None, None, "err", "err"), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), 'px', None, torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), "err"), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), 'nm', None, "err", torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]])), (torch.tensor([[.25, .25, 5.]]), 'px', (50., 100.), torch.tensor([[.25, .25, 5.]]), torch.tensor([[12.5, 25., 5.]])), (torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]]), 'nm', (50., 100.), torch.tensor([[.5, .25, 5.]]), torch.tensor([[25., 25., 5.]])) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("xyz_scr_input,xy_unit,px_size,expct_px,expct_nm", xyz_cr_conversion_data) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:UserWarning") def test_xyz_cr_conversion(self, xyz_scr_input, xy_unit, px_size, expct_px, expct_nm): """ Here we test the cramer rao unit conversion. We can reuse the testdata as for the xyz conversion because it does not make a difference for the test candidate. """ """Init and expect warning if specified""" em = emitter.CoordinateOnlyEmitter(torch.rand_like(xyz_scr_input), xy_unit=xy_unit, px_size=px_size) em.xyz_cr = xyz_scr_input**2 """Test the respective units""" if isinstance(expct_px, str) and expct_px == "err": with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = em.xyz_cr_px else: assert test_utils.tens_almeq(em.xyz_scr_px, expct_px) if isinstance(expct_nm, str) and expct_nm == "err": with pytest.raises(ValueError): _ = em.xyz_cr_nm else: assert test_utils.tens_almeq(em.xyz_scr_nm, expct_nm) @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr,power", [('xyz', 1), ('xyz_sig', 1), ('xyz_cr', 2)]) def test_property_conversion(self, attr, power, em3d_full): with mock.patch.object(emitter.EmitterSet, '_pxnm_conversion') as conversion: getattr(em3d_full, attr + '_nm') conversion.assert_called_once_with(getattr(em3d_full, attr), in_unit='nm', tar_unit='nm', power=power) @mock.patch.object(emitter.EmitterSet, 'cat') def test_add(self, mock_add): em_0 = emitter.RandomEmitterSet(20) em_1 = emitter.RandomEmitterSet(100) _ = em_0 + em_1 mock_add.assert_called_once_with((em_0, em_1), None, None) def test_iadd(self): em_0 = emitter.RandomEmitterSet(20) em_1 = emitter.RandomEmitterSet(50) em_0 += em_1 assert len(em_0) == 70 def test_chunk(self): big_em = RandomEmitterSet(100000) splits = big_em.chunks(10000) re_merged = assert sum([len(e) for e in splits]) == len(big_em) assert re_merged == big_em # test not evenly splittable number em = RandomEmitterSet(7) splits = em.chunks(3) assert len(splits[0]) == 3 assert len(splits[1]) == 2 assert len(splits[-1]) == 2 def test_split_in_frames(self, em2d, em3d): splits = em2d.split_in_frames(None, None) assert splits.__len__() == 1 splits = em3d.split_in_frames(None, None) assert em3d.frame_ix.max() - em3d.frame_ix.min() + 1 == len(splits) """Test negative numbers in Frame ix.""" neg_frames = EmitterSet(torch.rand((3, 3)), torch.rand(3), torch.tensor([-1, 0, 1])) splits = neg_frames.split_in_frames(None, None) assert splits.__len__() == 3 splits = neg_frames.split_in_frames(0, None) assert splits.__len__() == 2 def test_adjacent_frame_split(self): xyz = torch.rand((500, 3)) phot = torch.rand_like(xyz[:, 0]) frame_ix = torch.randint_like(xyz[:, 0], low=-1, high=2).int() em = EmitterSet(xyz, phot, frame_ix) em_split = em.split_in_frames(-1, 1) assert (em_split[0].frame_ix == -1).all() assert (em_split[1].frame_ix == 0).all() assert (em_split[2].frame_ix == 1).all() em_split = em.split_in_frames(0, 0) assert em_split.__len__() == 1 assert (em_split[0].frame_ix == 0).all() em_split = em.split_in_frames(-1, -1) assert em_split.__len__() == 1 assert (em_split[0].frame_ix == -1).all() em_split = em.split_in_frames(1, 1) assert em_split.__len__() == 1 assert (em_split[0].frame_ix == 1).all() def test_cat_emittersets(self): sets = [RandomEmitterSet(50), RandomEmitterSet(20)] cat_sets =, None, 1) assert 70 == len(cat_sets) assert 0 == cat_sets.frame_ix[0] assert 1 == cat_sets.frame_ix[50] sets = [RandomEmitterSet(50), RandomEmitterSet(20)] cat_sets =, torch.tensor([5, 50]), None) assert 70 == len(cat_sets) assert 5 == cat_sets.frame_ix[0] assert 50 == cat_sets.frame_ix[50] # test correctness of px size and xy unit sets = [ RandomEmitterSet(50, xy_unit='px', px_size=(100., 200.)), RandomEmitterSet(20) ] em = assert em.xy_unit == 'px' assert (em.px_size == torch.tensor([100., 200.])).all() def test_split_cat(self): """ Tests whether split and cat (and sort by ID) returns the same result as the original starting. """ em = RandomEmitterSet(1000) = torch.arange(len(em)) em.frame_ix = torch.randint_like(em.frame_ix, 10000) """Run""" em_split = em.split_in_frames(0, 9999) em_re_merged = """Assertions""" # sort both by id ix = torch.argsort( ix_re = torch.argsort( assert em[ix] == em_re_merged[ix_re] @pytest.mark.parametrize("frac", [0., 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1.]) def test_sigma_filter(self, frac): """Setup""" em = emitter.RandomEmitterSet(10000) em.xyz_sig = (torch.randn_like(em.xyz_sig) + 5).clamp(0.) """Run""" out = em.filter_by_sigma(fraction=frac) """Assert""" assert len(em) * frac == pytest.approx(len(out)) def test_hist_detection(self): em = emitter.RandomEmitterSet(10000) em.prob = torch.rand_like(em.prob) em.xyz_sig = torch.randn_like(em.xyz_sig) * torch.tensor( [1., 2., 3.]).unsqueeze(0) """Run""" out = em.hist_detection() """Assert""" assert set(out.keys()) == {'prob', 'sigma_x', 'sigma_y', 'sigma_z'} def test_sanity_check(self): """Test correct shape of 1D tensors in EmitterSet""" xyz = torch.rand((10, 3)) phot = torch.rand((10, 1)) frame_ix = torch.rand(10) with pytest.raises(ValueError): EmitterSet(xyz, phot, frame_ix) """Test correct number of el. in EmitterSet.""" xyz = torch.rand((10, 3)) phot = torch.rand((11, 1)) frame_ix = torch.rand(10) with pytest.raises(ValueError): EmitterSet(xyz, phot, frame_ix) @pytest.mark.parametrize("em", [ emitter.RandomEmitterSet(25, 64, px_size=(100., 125.)), emitter.EmptyEmitterSet(xy_unit='nm', px_size=(100., 125.)) ]) def test_inplace_replace(self, em): em_start = emitter.RandomEmitterSet(25, xy_unit='px', px_size=None) em_start._inplace_replace(em) assert em_start == em @pytest.mark.parametrize("format", ['.pt', '.h5', '.csv']) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings( "ignore:.*For .csv files, implicit usage of .load()") def test_save_load(self, format, tmpdir): em = RandomEmitterSet(1000, xy_unit='nm', px_size=(100., 100.)) p = Path(tmpdir / f'em{format}') em_load = EmitterSet.load(p) assert em == em_load, "Reloaded emitterset is not equivalent to inital one." @pytest.mark.parametrize( "em_a,em_b,expct", [(CoordinateOnlyEmitter(torch.tensor([[0., 1., 2.]])), CoordinateOnlyEmitter(torch.tensor([[0., 1., 2.]])), True), (CoordinateOnlyEmitter(torch.tensor([[0., 1., 2.]]), xy_unit='px'), CoordinateOnlyEmitter(torch.tensor([[0., 1., 2.]]), xy_unit='nm'), False), (CoordinateOnlyEmitter(torch.tensor([[0., 1., 2.]]), xy_unit='px'), CoordinateOnlyEmitter(torch.tensor([[0., 1.1, 2.]]), xy_unit='px'), False)]) def test_eq(self, em_a, em_b, expct): if expct: assert em_a == em_b else: assert not (em_a == em_b) def test_meta(self): em = RandomEmitterSet(100, xy_unit='nm', px_size=(100., 200.)) assert set(em.meta.keys()) == {'xy_unit', 'px_size'} def test_data(self): return # implicitly in test_to_dict def test_to_dict(self): em = RandomEmitterSet(100, xy_unit='nm', px_size=(100., 200.)) """Check whether doing one round of to_dict and back works""" em_clone = em.clone() em_dict = EmitterSet(**em.to_dict()) assert em_clone == em_dict