def customize_for_version38(self, version): # FIXME: pytest doesn't add proper keys in testing. Reinstate after we have fixed pytest. # for lhs in 'for forelsestmt forelselaststmt ' # 'forelselaststmtl tryfinally38'.split(): # del TABLE_DIRECT[lhs] TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'async_for_stmt38': ('%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%-\n\n', (7, 'store'), (0, 'expr'), (8, 'for_block')), 'async_forelse_stmt38': ('%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (7, 'store'), (0, 'expr'), (8, 'for_block'), (-1, 'else_suite')), 'async_with_stmt38': ('%|async with %c:\n%+%|%c%-', (0, 'expr'), 7), 'async_with_as_stmt38': ('%|async with %c as %c:\n%+%|%c%-', (0, 'expr'), (6, 'store'), (7, 'suite_stmts')), 'except_handler38': ('%c', (2, 'except_stmts')), 'except_handler38a': ('%c', (-2, 'stmts')), 'except_ret38a': ('return %c', (4, 'expr')), # Note: there is a suite_stmts_opt which seems # to be bookkeeping which is not expressed in source code 'except_ret38': ('%|return %c\n', (1, 'expr')), 'for38': ('%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (2, 'store'), (0, 'expr'), (3, 'for_block')), 'forelsestmt38': ('%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (2, 'store'), (0, 'expr'), (3, 'for_block'), -2), 'forelselaststmt38': ('%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-', (2, 'store'), (0, 'expr'), (3, 'for_block'), -2), 'forelselaststmtl38': ('%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (2, 'store'), (0, 'expr'), (3, 'for_block'), -2), 'ifpoplaststmtl': ('%|if %c:\n%+%c%-', (0, "testexpr"), (2, "c_stmts")), 'whilestmt38': ('%|while %c:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (1, 'testexpr'), 2), # "l_stmts" or "pass" 'whileTruestmt38': ('%|while True:\n%+%c%-\n\n', 1), # "l_stmts" or "pass" 'try_elsestmtl38': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%c%|else:\n%+%c%-', (1, 'suite_stmts_opt'), (3, 'except_handler38'), (5, 'else_suitel')), 'try_except38': ('%|try:\n%+%c\n%-%|except:\n%|%-%c\n\n', (-2, 'suite_stmts_opt'), (-1, 'except_handler38a')), 'try_except_ret38': ('%|try:\n%+%|return %c%-\n%|except:\n%+%|%c%-\n\n', (1, 'expr'), (-1, 'except_ret38a')), 'tryfinally38rstmt': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (3, 'returns'), 6), 'tryfinally38stmt': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (1, "suite_stmts_opt"), (6, "suite_stmts_opt")), 'tryfinally38astmt': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (2, "suite_stmts_opt"), (8, "suite_stmts_opt")), "named_expr": ( # AKA "walrus operator" "%c := %c", (2, "store"), (0, "expr")) })
def customize_for_version(self, is_pypy, version): if is_pypy: ######################## # PyPy changes ####################### TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'assert_pypy': ('%|assert %c\n', 1), 'assert2_pypy': ('%|assert %c, %c\n', 1, 4), 'try_except_pypy': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n', 1, 2), 'tryfinallystmt_pypy': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n', 1, 3), 'assign3_pypy': ('%|%c, %c, %c = %c, %c, %c\n', 5, 4, 3, 0, 1, 2), 'assign2_pypy': ('%|%c, %c = %c, %c\n', 3, 2, 0, 1), }) else: ######################## # Without PyPy ####################### TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'assert': ('%|assert %c\n', 0), 'assert2': ('%|assert %c, %c\n', 0, 3), 'try_except': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n', 1, 3), 'assign2': ('%|%c, %c = %c, %c\n', 3, 4, 0, 1), 'assign3': ('%|%c, %c, %c = %c, %c, %c\n', 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2), }) if version >= 3.2: TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'del_deref_stmt': ('%|del %c\n', 0), 'DELETE_DEREF': ('%{pattr}', 0), }) from decompyle3.semantics.customize3 import customize_for_version3 customize_for_version3(self, version) return
def customize_for_version(self, is_pypy, version): if is_pypy: ######################## # PyPy changes ####################### TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "assert_pypy": ("%|assert %c\n", 1), "assert2_pypy": ("%|assert %c, %c\n", 1, 4), "try_except_pypy": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n", 1, 2), "tryfinallystmt_pypy": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n", 1, 3), "assign3_pypy": ("%|%c, %c, %c = %c, %c, %c\n", 5, 4, 3, 0, 1, 2), "assign2_pypy": ("%|%c, %c = %c, %c\n", 3, 2, 0, 1), }) else: ######################## # Without PyPy ####################### TABLE_DIRECT.update({ # "assert" and "assert_expr" are added via transform rules. "assert": ("%|assert %c\n", 0), "assert2": ("%|assert %c, %c\n", 0, 3), # Created only via transformation "assertnot": ("%|assert not %p\n", (0, PRECEDENCE["unary_not"])), "assert2not": ( "%|assert not %p, %c\n", (0, PRECEDENCE["unary_not"]), 3, ), "assign2": ("%|%c, %c = %c, %c\n", 3, 4, 0, 1), "assign3": ("%|%c, %c, %c = %c, %c, %c\n", 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2), "try_except": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n", 1, 3), }) if version >= 3.2: TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "del_deref_stmt": ("%|del %c\n", 0), "DELETE_DEREF": ("%{pattr}", 0), }) from decompyle3.semantics.customize3 import customize_for_version3 customize_for_version3(self, version) return
def customize_for_version38(self, version): # FIXME: pytest doesn't add proper keys in testing. Reinstate after we have fixed pytest. # for lhs in 'for forelsestmt forelselaststmt ' # 'forelselaststmtc tryfinally38'.split(): # del TABLE_DIRECT[lhs] TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "async_for_stmt38": ( "%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%-\n\n", (7, "store"), (0, "expr"), (8, "for_block") ), "async_forelse_stmt38": ( "%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (7, "store"), (0, "expr"), (8, "for_block"), (-1, "else_suite") ), "async_with_stmt38": ( "%|async with %c:\n%+%|%c%-", (0, "expr"), 7), "async_with_as_stmt38": ( "%|async with %c as %c:\n%+%|%c%-", (0, "expr"), (6, "store"), (7, "suite_stmts") ), "c_forelsestmt38": ( "%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (2, "store"), (0, "expr"), (3, "for_block"), -1 ), "except_cond1a": ( "%|except %c:\n", (1, "expr"), ), "except_handler38": ( "%c", (2, "except_stmts") ), "except_handler38a": ( "%c", (-2, "stmts") ), "except_handler38c": ( "%c%+%c%-", (1, "except_cond1a"), (2, "except_stmts"), ), "except_ret38a": ( "return %c", (4, "expr") ), # Note: there is a suite_stmts_opt which seems # to be bookkeeping which is not expressed in source code "except_ret38": ( "%|return %c\n", (1, "expr") ), "for38": ( "%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (2, "store"), (0, "expr"), (3, "for_block") ), "forelsestmt38": ( "%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (2, "store"), (0, "expr"), (3, "for_block"), -1 ), "forelselaststmt38": ( "%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-", (2, "store"), (0, "expr"), (3, "for_block"), -2 ), "forelselaststmtc38": ( "%|for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (2, "store"), (0, "expr"), (3, "for_block"), -2 ), "ifpoplaststmtc": ( "%|if %c:\n%+%c%-", (0, "testexpr"), (2, "c_stmts" ) ), "pop_return": ( "%|return %c\n", (1, "ret_expr") ), "popb_return": ( "%|return %c\n", (0, "ret_expr") ), "pop_ex_return": ( "%|return %c\n", (0, "ret_expr") ), "whilestmt38": ( "%|while %c:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (1, "testexpr"), 2 # "c_stmts" or "pass" ), "whileTruestmt38": ( "%|while True:\n%+%c%-\n\n", 1 # "c_stmts" or "pass" ), "try_elsestmtl38": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%c%|else:\n%+%c%-", (1, "suite_stmts_opt"), (3, "except_handler38"), (5, "else_suitec") ), "try_except38": ( "%|try:\n%+%c\n%-%|except:\n%+%c%-\n\n", -2, # "suite_stmts_opt", "suite_stmts" -1, # except-handler38{a,b} ), "try_except_ret38": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-\n%|except:\n%+%|%c%-\n\n", (1, "returns"), (2, "except_ret38a"), ), "try_except_ret38a": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n", (1, "returns"), (2, "except_handler38c"), ), "tryfinally38rstmt": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (3, "returns"), 6 ), "tryfinally38stmt": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (1, "suite_stmts_opt"), (6, "suite_stmts_opt") ), "tryfinally38astmt": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (2, "suite_stmts_opt"), (8, "suite_stmts_opt") ), "named_expr": ( # AKA "walrus operator" "%c := %p", (2, "store"), (0, "expr", PRECEDENCE["named_expr"]-1) ) })
def customize_for_version37(self, version): ######################## # Python 3.7+ changes ####################### PRECEDENCE['attribute37'] = 2 PRECEDENCE['call_ex'] = 1 PRECEDENCE['call_ex_kw'] = 1 PRECEDENCE['call_ex_kw2'] = 1 PRECEDENCE['call_ex_kw3'] = 1 PRECEDENCE['call_ex_kw4'] = 1 PRECEDENCE['call_kw'] = 0 PRECEDENCE['call_kw36'] = 1 PRECEDENCE['formatted_value1'] = 100 PRECEDENCE['if_exp_37a'] = 28 PRECEDENCE['if_exp_37b'] = 28 PRECEDENCE['unmap_dict'] = 0 TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'async_for_stmt': ('%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%-\n\n', (7, 'store'), (1, 'expr'), (17, 'for_block')), 'async_for_stmt36': ('%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%-\n\n', (9, 'store'), (1, 'expr'), (18, 'for_block')), 'async_for_stmt37': ('%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%-\n\n', (7, 'store'), (1, 'expr'), (16, 'for_block')), 'and_not': ('%c and not %c', (0, 'expr'), (2, 'expr')), 'async_with_stmt': ('%|async with %c:\n%+%|%c%-', (0, 'expr'), 7), 'async_with_as_stmt': ('%|async with %c as %c:\n%+%|%c%-', (0, 'expr'), (6, 'store'), 7), 'async_forelse_stmt': ('%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (7, 'store'), (1, 'expr'), (17, 'for_block'), (25, 'else_suite')), 'attribute37': ('%c.%[1]{pattr}', 0), 'await_expr': ('await %c', 0), 'await_stmt': ('%|%c\n', 0), 'call_ex': ('%c(%p)', (0, 'expr'), (1, 100)), 'compare_chained1a_37': (' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-4, 19)), 'compare_chained1_false_37': (' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-4, 19)), 'compare_chained2_false_37': (' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-5, 19)), 'compare_chained1b_37': (' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-4, 19)), 'compare_chained1c_37': (' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-2, 19)), 'compare_chained2a_37': ('%[1]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p', (0, 19)), 'compare_chained2b_37': ('%[1]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p', (0, 19)), 'compare_chained2a_false_37': ('%[1]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p', (0, 19)), 'compare_chained2c_37': ('%[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (6, 19)), 'except_return': ('%|except:\n%+%c%-', 3), 'if_exp_37a': ('%p if %p else %p', (1, 'expr', 27), (0, 27), (4, 'expr', 27)), 'if_exp_37b': ('%p if %p else %p', (2, 'expr', 27), (0, 'expr', 27), (5, 'expr', 27)), 'try_except36': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n', 1, -2), 'tryfinally36': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n', (1, 'returns'), 3), 'unmap_dict': ('{**%C}', (0, -1, ', **')), 'unpack_list': ('*%c', (0, 'list')), }) TABLE_R.update({ 'CALL_FUNCTION_EX': ('%c(*%P)', 0, (1, 2, ', ', 100)), # Not quite right 'CALL_FUNCTION_EX_KW': ('%c(**%C)', 0, (2, 3, ',')), }) def async_call(node): self.f.write('async ') node.kind == 'call' p = self.prec self.prec = 80 self.template_engine(('%c(%P)', 0, (1, -4, ', ', 100)), node) self.prec = p node.kind == 'async_call' self.prune() self.n_async_call = async_call self.n_build_list_unpack = self.n_list def n_call(node): mapping = self._get_mapping(node) table = mapping[0] key = node for i in mapping[1:]: key = key[i] pass if key.kind.startswith('CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW'): # Python 3.5 changes the stack position of # *args: kwargs come after *args whereas # in earlier Pythons, *args is at the end # which simplifies things from our # perspective. Python 3.6+ replaces # CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW with # CALL_FUNCTION_EX We will just swap the # order to make it look like earlier # Python 3. entry = table[key.kind] kwarg_pos = entry[2][1] args_pos = kwarg_pos - 1 # Put last node[args_pos] after subsequent kwargs while node[kwarg_pos] == 'kwarg' and kwarg_pos < len(node): # swap node[args_pos] with node[kwargs_pos] node[kwarg_pos], node[args_pos] = node[args_pos], node[ kwarg_pos] args_pos = kwarg_pos kwarg_pos += 1 elif key.kind.startswith('CALL_FUNCTION_VAR'): # CALL_FUNCTION_VAR's top element of the stack contains # the variable argument list, then comes # annotation args, then keyword args. # In the most least-top-most stack entry, but position 1 # in node order, the positional args. argc = node[-1].attr nargs = argc & 0xFF kwargs = (argc >> 8) & 0xFF # FIXME: handle annotation args if nargs > 0: template = ('%c(%C, ', 0, (1, nargs + 1, ', ')) else: template = ('%c(', 0) self.template_engine(template, node) args_node = node[-2] if args_node in ('pos_arg', 'expr'): args_node = args_node[0] if args_node == 'build_list_unpack': template = ('*%P)', (0, len(args_node) - 1, ', *', 100)) self.template_engine(template, args_node) else: if len(node) - nargs > 3: template = ('*%c, %C)', nargs + 1, (nargs + kwargs + 1, -1, ', ')) else: template = ('*%c)', nargs + 1) self.template_engine(template, node) self.prune() self.default(node) self.n_call = n_call def call36_tuple(node): """ A tuple used in a call, these are like normal tuples but they don't have the enclosing parenthesis. """ assert node == 'tuple' # Note: don't iterate over last element which is a # BUILD_TUPLE... flat_elems = flatten_list(node[:-1]) self.indent_more(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) sep = '' for elem in flat_elems: if elem in ('ROT_THREE', 'EXTENDED_ARG'): continue assert elem == 'expr' line_number = self.line_number value = self.traverse(elem) if line_number != self.line_number: sep += '\n' + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] self.write(sep, value) sep = ', ' self.indent_less(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) return len(flat_elems) self.call36_tuple = call36_tuple def call36_dict(node): """ A dict used in a call_ex_kw2, which are a dictionary items expressed in a call. This should format to: a=1, b=2 In other words, no braces, no quotes around keys and ":" becomes "=". We will source-code use line breaks to guide us when to break. """ p = self.prec self.prec = 100 self.indent_more(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) sep = INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] line_number = self.line_number if node[0].kind.startswith('kvlist'): # Python 3.5+ style key/value list in dict kv_node = node[0] l = list(kv_node) i = 0 length = len(l) # FIXME: Parser-speed improved grammars will have BUILD_MAP # at the end. So in the future when everything is # complete, we can do an "assert" instead of "if". if kv_node[-1].kind.startswith("BUILD_MAP"): length -= 1 # Respect line breaks from source while i < length: self.write(sep) name = self.traverse(l[i], indent='') # Strip off beginning and trailing quotes in name name = name[1:-1] if i > 0: line_number = self.indent_if_source_nl( line_number, self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1]) line_number = self.line_number self.write(name, '=') value = self.traverse(l[i + 1], indent=self.indent + (len(name) + 2) * ' ') self.write(value) sep = ", " if line_number != self.line_number: sep += "\n" + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] line_number = self.line_number i += 2 pass elif node[-1].kind.startswith('BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP'): keys_node = node[-2] keys = keys_node.attr # from trepan.api import debug; debug() assert keys_node == 'LOAD_CONST' and isinstance(keys, tuple) for i in range(node[-1].attr): self.write(sep) self.write(keys[i], '=') value = self.traverse(node[i], indent='') self.write(value) sep = ", " if line_number != self.line_number: sep += "\n" + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] line_number = self.line_number pass pass else: self.write("**") try: self.default(node) except GenericASTTraversalPruningException: pass self.prec = p self.indent_less(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) return self.call36_dict = call36_dict def n_call_kw36(node): self.template_engine(("%p(", (0, 100)), node) keys = node[-2].attr num_kwargs = len(keys) num_posargs = len(node) - (num_kwargs + 2) n = len(node) assert n >= len(keys)+1, \ 'not enough parameters keyword-tuple values' sep = '' line_number = self.line_number for i in range(1, num_posargs): self.write(sep) self.preorder(node[i]) if line_number != self.line_number: sep = ",\n" + self.indent + " " else: sep = ", " line_number = self.line_number i = num_posargs j = 0 # FIXME: adjust output for line breaks? while i < n - 2: self.write(sep) self.write(keys[j] + '=') self.preorder(node[i]) if line_number != self.line_number: sep = ",\n" + self.indent + " " else: sep = ", " i += 1 j += 1 self.write(')') self.prune() return self.n_call_kw36 = n_call_kw36 def n_function_def(node): code_node = node[0][0] for n in node[0]: if hasattr(n, 'attr') and iscode(n.attr): code_node = n break pass pass is_code = hasattr(code_node, 'attr') and iscode(code_node.attr) if (is_code and (code_node.attr.co_flags & COMPILER_FLAG_BIT['COROUTINE'])): self.template_engine(('\n\n%|async def %c\n', -2), node) else: self.template_engine(('\n\n%|def %c\n', -2), node) self.prune() self.n_function_def = n_function_def def unmapexpr(node): last_n = node[0][-1] for n in node[0]: self.preorder(n) if n != last_n: self.f.write(', **') pass pass self.prune() pass self.n_unmapexpr = unmapexpr # FIXME: start here def n_list_unpack(node): """ prettyprint an unpacked list or tuple """ p = self.prec self.prec = 100 lastnode = node.pop() lastnodetype = lastnode.kind # If this build list is inside a CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, # then the first * has already been printed. # Until I have a better way to check for CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, # will assume that if the text ends in *. last_was_star = self.f.getvalue().endswith('*') if lastnodetype.startswith('BUILD_LIST'): self.write('[') endchar = ']' elif lastnodetype.startswith('BUILD_TUPLE'): # Tuples can appear places that can NOT # have parenthesis around them, like array # subscripts. We check for that by seeing # if a tuple item is some sort of slice. no_parens = False for n in node: if n == 'expr' and n[0].kind.startswith('build_slice'): no_parens = True break pass if no_parens: endchar = '' else: self.write('(') endchar = ')' pass elif lastnodetype.startswith('BUILD_SET'): self.write('{') endchar = '}' elif lastnodetype.startswith('BUILD_MAP_UNPACK'): self.write('{*') endchar = '}' elif lastnodetype.startswith('ROT_TWO'): self.write('(') endchar = ')' else: raise TypeError( 'Internal Error: n_build_list expects list, tuple, set, or unpack' ) flat_elems = flatten_list(node) self.indent_more(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) sep = '' for elem in flat_elems: if elem in ('ROT_THREE', 'EXTENDED_ARG'): continue assert elem == 'expr' line_number = self.line_number value = self.traverse(elem) if elem[0] == 'tuple': assert value[0] == '(' assert value[-1] == ')' value = value[1:-1] if value[-1] == ',': # singleton tuple value = value[:-1] else: value = '*' + value if line_number != self.line_number: sep += '\n' + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] else: if sep != '': sep += ' ' if not last_was_star: pass else: last_was_star = False self.write(sep, value) sep = ',' if lastnode.attr == 1 and lastnodetype.startswith('BUILD_TUPLE'): self.write(',') self.write(endchar) self.indent_less(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) self.prec = p self.prune() return self.n_tuple_unpack = n_list_unpack def build_unpack_tuple_with_call(node): n = node[0] if n == 'expr': n = n[0] if n == 'tuple': self.call36_tuple(n) first = 1 sep = ', *' elif n == 'LOAD_CONST': value = self.format_pos_args(n) self.f.write(value) first = 1 sep = ', *' else: first = 0 sep = '*' buwc = node[-1] assert buwc.kind.startswith('BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL') for n in node[first:-1]: self.f.write(sep) self.preorder(n) sep = ', *' pass self.prune() return self.n_build_tuple_unpack_with_call = build_unpack_tuple_with_call def build_unpack_map_with_call(node): n = node[0] if n == 'expr': n = n[0] if n == 'dict': self.call36_dict(n) first = 1 sep = ', **' else: first = 0 sep = '**' for n in node[first:-1]: self.f.write(sep) self.preorder(n) sep = ', **' pass self.prune() return self.n_build_map_unpack_with_call = build_unpack_map_with_call def call_ex_kw(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX 1 (have KW) but with BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" expr = node[1] assert expr == 'expr' value = self.format_pos_args(expr) if value == '': fmt = "%c(%p)" else: fmt = "%%c(%s, %%p)" % value self.template_engine( (fmt, (0, 'expr'), (2, 'build_map_unpack_with_call', 100)), node) self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw = call_ex_kw def call_ex_kw2(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX 2 (have KW) but with BUILD_{MAP,TUPLE}_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" assert node[1] == 'build_tuple_unpack_with_call' value = self.format_pos_args(node[1]) if value == '': fmt = "%c(%p)" else: fmt = "%%c(%s, %%p)" % value self.template_engine( (fmt, (0, 'expr'), (2, 'build_map_unpack_with_call', 100)), node) self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw2 = call_ex_kw2 def call_ex_kw3(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX 1 (have KW) but without BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" self.preorder(node[0]) self.write('(') value = self.format_pos_args(node[1][0]) if value == '': pass else: self.write(value) self.write(', ') self.write('*') self.preorder(node[1][1]) self.write(', ') kwargs = node[2] if kwargs == 'expr': kwargs = kwargs[0] if kwargs == 'dict': self.call36_dict(kwargs) else: self.write('**') self.preorder(kwargs) self.write(')') self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw3 = call_ex_kw3 def call_ex_kw4(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX {1 or 2} but without BUILD_{MAP,TUPLE}_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" self.preorder(node[0]) self.write('(') args = node[1][0] if args == 'tuple': if self.call36_tuple(args) > 0: self.write(', ') pass pass else: self.write('*') self.preorder(args) self.write(', ') pass kwargs = node[2] if kwargs == 'expr': kwargs = kwargs[0] call_function_ex = node[-1] assert (call_function_ex == 'CALL_FUNCTION_EX_KW' or (self.version >= 3.6 and call_function_ex == 'CALL_FUNCTION_EX')) # FIXME: decide if the below test be on kwargs == 'dict' if (call_function_ex.attr & 1 and (not isinstance(kwargs, Token) and kwargs != 'attribute') and not kwargs[0].kind.startswith('kvlist')): self.call36_dict(kwargs) else: self.write('**') self.preorder(kwargs) self.write(')') self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw4 = call_ex_kw4 def format_pos_args(node): """ Positional args should format to: (*(2, ), ...) -> (2, ...) We remove starting and trailing parenthesis and ', ' if tuple has only one element. """ value = self.traverse(node, indent='') if value.startswith('('): assert value.endswith(')') value = value[1:-1].rstrip( " " ) # Remove starting '(' and trailing ')' and additional spaces if value == '': pass # args is empty else: if value.endswith(','): # if args has only one item value = value[:-1] return value self.format_pos_args = format_pos_args FSTRING_CONVERSION_MAP = {1: '!s', 2: '!r', 3: '!a', 'X': ':X'} def n_except_suite_finalize(node): if node[1] == 'returns' and self.hide_internal: # Process node[1] only. # The code after "returns", e.g. node[3], is dead code. # Adding it is wrong as it dedents and another # exception handler "except_stmt" afterwards. # Note it is also possible that the grammar is wrong here. # and this should not be "except_stmt". self.indent_more() self.preorder(node[1]) self.indent_less() else: self.default(node) self.prune() self.n_except_suite_finalize = n_except_suite_finalize def n_formatted_value(node): if node[0] == 'LOAD_CONST': value = node[0].attr if isinstance(value, tuple): self.write(node[0].attr) else: self.write(escape_string(node[0].attr)) self.prune() else: self.default(node) self.n_formatted_value = n_formatted_value def n_formatted_value_attr(node): f_conversion(node) fmt_node =[3] if fmt_node == 'expr' and fmt_node[0] == 'LOAD_CONST': node.string = escape_format(fmt_node[0].attr) else: node.string = fmt_node self.default(node) self.n_formatted_value_attr = n_formatted_value_attr def f_conversion(node): fmt_node =[1] if fmt_node == 'expr' and fmt_node[0] == 'LOAD_CONST': data = fmt_node[0].attr else: data = fmt_node.attr node.conversion = FSTRING_CONVERSION_MAP.get(data, '') return node.conversion def n_formatted_value1(node): expr = node[0] assert expr == 'expr' value = self.traverse(expr, indent='') conversion = f_conversion(node) f_str = "f%s" % escape_string("{%s%s}" % (value, conversion)) self.write(f_str) self.prune() self.n_formatted_value1 = n_formatted_value1 def n_formatted_value2(node): p = self.prec self.prec = 100 expr = node[0] assert expr == 'expr' value = self.traverse(expr, indent='') format_value_attr = node[-1] assert format_value_attr == 'FORMAT_VALUE_ATTR' attr = format_value_attr.attr if attr == 4: assert node[1] == 'expr' fmt = strip_quotes(self.traverse(node[1], indent='')) conversion = ":%s" % fmt else: conversion = FSTRING_CONVERSION_MAP.get(attr, '') f_str = "f%s" % escape_string("{%s%s}" % (value, conversion)) self.write(f_str) self.prec = p self.prune() self.n_formatted_value2 = n_formatted_value2 def n_joined_str(node): p = self.prec self.prec = 100 result = '' for expr in node[:-1]: assert expr == 'expr' value = self.traverse(expr, indent='') if expr[0].kind.startswith('formatted_value'): # remove leading 'f' assert value.startswith('f') value = value[1:] pass else: # {{ and }} in Python source-code format strings mean # { and } respectively. But only when *not* part of a # formatted value. However in the LOAD_CONST # bytecode, the escaping of the braces has been # removed. So we need to put back the braces escaping in # reconstructing the source. assert expr[0] == 'LOAD_CONST' value = value.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") # Remove leading quotes result += strip_quotes(value) pass self.write('f%s' % escape_string(result)) self.prec = p self.prune() self.n_joined_str = n_joined_str # def kwargs_only_36(node): # keys = node[-1].attr # num_kwargs = len(keys) # values = node[:num_kwargs] # for i, (key, value) in enumerate(zip(keys, values)): # self.write(key + '=') # self.preorder(value) # if i < num_kwargs: # self.write(',') # self.prune() # return # self.n_kwargs_only_36 = kwargs_only_36 def starred(node): l = len(node) assert l > 0 pos_args = node[0] if pos_args == 'expr': pos_args = pos_args[0] if pos_args == 'tuple': build_tuple = pos_args[0] if build_tuple.kind.startswith('BUILD_TUPLE'): tuple_len = 0 else: tuple_len = len(node) - 1 star_start = 1 template = '%C', (0, -1, ', ') self.template_engine(template, pos_args) if tuple_len == 0: self.write("*()") # That's it self.prune() self.write(', ') else: star_start = 0 if l > 1: template = ('*%C', (star_start, -1, ', *')) else: template = ('*%c', (star_start, 'expr')) self.template_engine(template, node) self.prune() self.n_starred = starred def return_closure(node): # Nothing should be output here self.prune() return self.n_return_closure = return_closure
def customize_for_version37(self, version): ######################## # Python 3.7+ changes ####################### PRECEDENCE["attribute37"] = 2 PRECEDENCE["call_ex"] = 1 PRECEDENCE["call_ex_kw"] = 1 PRECEDENCE["call_ex_kw2"] = 1 PRECEDENCE["call_ex_kw3"] = 1 PRECEDENCE["call_ex_kw4"] = 1 PRECEDENCE["call_kw"] = 0 PRECEDENCE["call_kw36"] = 1 PRECEDENCE["formatted_value1"] = 100 PRECEDENCE["if_exp_37a"] = 28 PRECEDENCE["if_exp_37b"] = 28 PRECEDENCE["unmap_dict"] = 0 TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "and_not": ("%c and not %c", (0, "expr_pjif"), (1, "expr")), "ann_assign": ( "%|%[2]{attr}: %c\n", 0, ), "ann_assign_init": ( "%|%[2]{attr}: %c = %c\n", 0, 1, ), "async_for_stmt": ( "%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (7, "store"), (1, "expr"), (17, "for_block"), ), "async_for_stmt36": ( "%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (9, "store"), (1, "expr"), (18, "for_block"), ), "async_for_stmt37": ( "%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (7, "store"), (1, "expr"), (16, "for_block"), ), "async_with_stmt": ("%|async with %c:\n%+%c%-", (0, "expr"), 3), "async_with_as_stmt": ( "%|async with %c as %c:\n%+%c%-", (0, "expr"), (2, "store"), 3, ), "async_forelse_stmt": ( "%|async for %c in %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (7, "store"), (1, "expr"), (17, "for_block"), (25, "else_suite"), ), "attribute37": ("%c.%[1]{pattr}", (0, "expr")), "attributes37": ( "%[0]{pattr} import %c", (0, "IMPORT_NAME_ATTR"), (1, "IMPORT_FROM"), ), # nested await expressions like: # return await (await bar()) # need parenthesis. "await_expr": ("await %p", (0, PRECEDENCE["await_expr"] - 1)), "await_stmt": ("%|%c\n", 0), "call_ex": ("%c(%p)", (0, "expr"), (1, 100)), "compare_chained1a_37": ( ' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-4, 19), ), "compare_chained1_false_37": ( ' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-4, 19), ), "compare_chained2_false_37": ( ' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-5, 19), ), "compare_chained1b_false_37": ( ' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-4, 19), ), "compare_chained1c_37": ( ' %[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (-2, 19), ), "compare_chained2a_37": ('%[1]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p', (0, 19)), "compare_chained2b_false_37": ('%[1]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p', (0, 19)), "compare_chained2a_false_37": ('%[1]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p', (0, 19)), "compare_chained2c_37": ( '%[3]{pattr.replace("-", " ")} %p %p', (0, 19), (6, 19), ), "c_try_except": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n", 1, (3, "c_except_handler")), "if_exp37": ("%p if %c else %c", (1, "expr", 27), 0, 3), "except_return": ("%|except:\n%+%c%-", 3), "if_exp_37a": ( "%p if %p else %p", (1, "expr", 27), (0, 27), (4, "expr", 27), ), "if_exp_37b": ( "%p if %p else %p", (1, "expr_pjif", 27), (0, "expr_pjif", 27), (3, "expr", 27), ), "ifstmt_bool": ("%|if %c:\n%+%c%-", (0, "or_and_not"), (1, "stmts")), "ifstmtc": ("%|if %c:\n%+%c%-", (0, ("testexpr", "testexprc")), (1, "ifstmts_jumpc")), "if_and_elsestmtc": ("%|if %c and %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-", (0, "expr"), (2, "expr"), (4, "c_stmts"), (-2, "else_suitec")), "if_and_stmt": ("%|if %c and %c:\n%+%c%-", (0, "expr_pjif"), (1, "expr"), (3, "stmts")), "if_or_stmt": ("%|if %c or %c:\n%+%c%-", (0, "expr"), (2, "expr"), (5, "stmts")), "if_or_elsestmt": ("%|if %c or %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-", (0, "expr"), (3, "expr"), (6, "stmts"), (-2, "else_suite")), "if_or_not_elsestmt": ("%|if %c or not %c:\n%+%c%-%|else:\n%+%c%-", (0, "expr"), (3, "expr"), (6, "stmts"), (-2, "else_suite")), "import_as37": ("%|import %c as %c\n", 2, -2), "import_from37": ("%|from %[2]{pattr} import %c\n", (3, "importlist37")), "importattr37": ("%c", (0, "IMPORT_NAME_ATTR")), "importlist37": ("%C", (0, maxint, ", ")), "or_and_not": ( "%c or %c", (0, "expr"), (2, "and_not"), ), "list_if37": (" if %p%c", (0, 27), 1), "list_if37_not": (" if not %p%c", (0, 27), 1), "testfalse_not_or": ("not %p or %c", (0, "expr", PRECEDENCE["and"] - 1), (2, "expr")), "testfalse_not_and": ("not (%c)", 0), "testfalsec": ("not %c", (0, "expr")), "try_except36": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%c\n\n", 1, -2), "tryfinally36": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (1, "returns"), 3), "tryfinally_return_stmt1": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+%c%-\n\n", (1, "suite_stmts_opt"), (-1, "returns")), "tryfinally_return_stmt2": ("%|try:\n%+%c%-%|finally:\n%+return%-\n\n", (1, "suite_stmts_opt")), "unmap_dict": ("{**%C}", (0, -1, ", **")), "unpack_list": ("*%c", (0, "list")), "yield_from": ("yield from %c", (0, "expr")), }) TABLE_R.update({ "CALL_FUNCTION_EX": ("%c(*%P)", 0, (1, 2, ", ", 100)), # Not quite right "CALL_FUNCTION_EX_KW": ("%c(**%C)", 0, (2, 3, ",")), }) def n_assert_invert(node): testtrue = node[0] assert testtrue == "testtrue" testtrue.kind = "assert" self.default(testtrue) self.n_assert_invert = n_assert_invert def n_async_call(node): self.f.write("async ") node.kind == "call" p = self.prec self.prec = 80 self.template_engine(("%c(%P)", 0, (1, -4, ", ", 100)), node) self.prec = p node.kind == "async_call" self.prune() self.n_async_call = n_async_call def n_attribute37(node): expr = node[0] assert expr == "expr" if expr[0] == "LOAD_CONST": # FIXME: I didn't record which constants parenthesis is # necessary. However, I suspect that we could further # refine this by looking at operator precedence and # eval'ing the constant value (pattr) and comparing with # the type of the constant. node.kind = "attribute_w_parens" self.default(node) self.n_attribute37 = n_attribute37 def n_build_list_unpack(node): """ prettyprint a list or tuple """ p = self.prec self.prec = 100 lastnode = node.pop() lastnodetype = lastnode.kind # If this build list is inside a CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, # then the first * has already been printed. # Until I have a better way to check for CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, # will assume that if the text ends in *. last_was_star = self.f.getvalue().endswith("*") if lastnodetype.startswith("BUILD_LIST"): self.write("[") endchar = "]" flat_elems = flatten_list(node) self.indent_more(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) sep = "" for elem in flat_elems: if elem in ("ROT_THREE", "EXTENDED_ARG"): continue assert elem == "expr" line_number = self.line_number use_star = True value = self.traverse(elem) if value.startswith("("): assert value.endswith(")") use_star = False value = value[1:-1].rstrip( " " ) # Remove starting '(' and trailing ')' and additional spaces if value == "": pass else: if value.endswith(","): # if args has only one item value = value[:-1] if line_number != self.line_number: sep += "\n" + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] else: if sep != "": sep += " " if not last_was_star and use_star: sep += "*" pass else: last_was_star = False self.write(sep, value) sep = "," self.write(endchar) self.indent_less(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) self.prec = p self.prune() return self.n_build_list_unpack = n_build_list_unpack def gen_function_parens_adjust(mapping_key, node): """If we can avoid the outer parenthesis of a generator function, set the node key to 'call_generator' and the caller will do the default action on that. Otherwise we do nothing. """ if mapping_key.kind != "CALL_FUNCTION_1": return args_node = node[-2] if args_node == "pos_arg": assert args_node[0] == "expr" n = args_node[0][0] if n == "generator_exp": node.kind = "call_generator" pass return def n_call(node): p = self.prec self.prec = 100 mapping = self._get_mapping(node) table = mapping[0] key = node for i in mapping[1:]: key = key[i] pass opname = key.kind if opname.startswith("CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW"): # Python 3.5 changes the stack position of # *args: kwargs come after *args whereas # in earlier Pythons, *args is at the end # which simplifies things from our # perspective. Python 3.6+ replaces # CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW with # CALL_FUNCTION_EX We will just swap the # order to make it look like earlier # Python 3. entry = table[key.kind] kwarg_pos = entry[2][1] args_pos = kwarg_pos - 1 # Put last node[args_pos] after subsequent kwargs while node[kwarg_pos] == "kwarg" and kwarg_pos < len(node): # swap node[args_pos] with node[kwargs_pos] node[kwarg_pos], node[args_pos] = node[args_pos], node[ kwarg_pos] args_pos = kwarg_pos kwarg_pos += 1 elif opname.startswith("CALL_FUNCTION_VAR"): # CALL_FUNCTION_VAR's top element of the stack contains # the variable argument list, then comes # annotation args, then keyword args. # In the most least-top-most stack entry, but position 1 # in node order, the positional args. argc = node[-1].attr nargs = argc & 0xFF kwargs = (argc >> 8) & 0xFF # FIXME: handle annotation args if nargs > 0: template = ("%c(%P, ", 0, (1, nargs + 1, ", ", 100)) else: template = ("%c(", 0) self.template_engine(template, node) args_node = node[-2] if args_node in ("pos_arg", "expr"): args_node = args_node[0] if args_node == "build_list_unpack": template = ("*%P)", (0, len(args_node) - 1, ", *", 100)) self.template_engine(template, args_node) else: if len(node) - nargs > 3: template = ( "*%c, %P)", nargs + 1, (nargs + kwargs + 1, -1, ", ", 100), ) else: template = ("*%c)", nargs + 1) self.template_engine(template, node) self.prec = p self.prune() elif (opname.startswith("CALL_FUNCTION_1") and opname == "CALL_FUNCTION_1" or not re.match("\d", opname[-1])): self.template_engine(("%c(%c)", (0, "expr"), 1), node) self.prec = p self.prune() else: gen_function_parens_adjust(key, node) self.prec = p self.default(node) self.n_call = n_call def call36_tuple(node): """ A tuple used in a call, these are like normal tuples but they don't have the enclosing parenthesis. """ assert node == "tuple" # Note: don't iterate over last element which is a # BUILD_TUPLE... flat_elems = flatten_list(node[:-1]) self.indent_more(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) sep = "" for elem in flat_elems: if elem in ("ROT_THREE", "EXTENDED_ARG"): continue assert elem == "expr" line_number = self.line_number value = self.traverse(elem) if line_number != self.line_number: sep += "\n" + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] self.write(sep, value) sep = ", " self.indent_less(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) return len(flat_elems) self.call36_tuple = call36_tuple def call36_dict(node): """ A dict used in a call_ex_kw2, which are a dictionary items expressed in a call. This should format to: a=1, b=2 In other words, no braces, no quotes around keys and ":" becomes "=". We will source-code use line breaks to guide us when to break. """ p = self.prec self.prec = 100 self.indent_more(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) sep = INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] line_number = self.line_number if node[0].kind.startswith("kvlist"): # Python 3.5+ style key/value list in dict kv_node = node[0] l = list(kv_node) i = 0 length = len(l) # FIXME: Parser-speed improved grammars will have BUILD_MAP # at the end. So in the future when everything is # complete, we can do an "assert" instead of "if". if kv_node[-1].kind.startswith("BUILD_MAP"): length -= 1 # Respect line breaks from source while i < length: self.write(sep) name = self.traverse(l[i], indent="") # Strip off beginning and trailing quotes in name name = name[1:-1] if i > 0: line_number = self.indent_if_source_nl( line_number, self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1]) line_number = self.line_number self.write(name, "=") value = self.traverse(l[i + 1], indent=self.indent + (len(name) + 2) * " ") self.write(value) sep = ", " if line_number != self.line_number: sep += "\n" + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] line_number = self.line_number i += 2 pass elif node[-1].kind.startswith("BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP"): keys_node = node[-2] keys = keys_node.attr # from trepan.api import debug; debug() assert keys_node == "LOAD_CONST" and isinstance(keys, tuple) for i in range(node[-1].attr): self.write(sep) self.write(keys[i], "=") value = self.traverse(node[i], indent="") self.write(value) sep = ", " if line_number != self.line_number: sep += "\n" + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] line_number = self.line_number pass pass else: self.write("**") try: self.default(node) except GenericASTTraversalPruningException: pass self.prec = p self.indent_less(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) return self.call36_dict = call36_dict def n_classdef36(node): # class definition ('class X(A,B,C):') cclass = self.currentclass # Pick out various needed bits of information # * class_name - the name of the class # * subclass_info - the parameters to the class e.g. # class Foo(bar, baz) # ---------- # * subclass_code - the code for the subclass body subclass_info = None if node == "classdefdeco2": if isinstance(node[1][1].attr, str): class_name = node[1][1].attr else: class_name = node[1][2].attr build_class = node else: build_class = node[0] if build_class == "build_class_kw": mkfunc = build_class[1] assert mkfunc == "mkfunc" subclass_info = build_class if hasattr(mkfunc[0], "attr") and iscode(mkfunc[0].attr): subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr else: assert mkfunc[0] == "load_closure" subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr assert iscode(subclass_code) if build_class[1][0] == "load_closure": code_node = build_class[1][1] else: code_node = build_class[1][0] class_name = code_node.attr.co_name assert "mkfunc" == build_class[1] mkfunc = build_class[1] if mkfunc[0] in ("kwargs", "no_kwargs"): for n in mkfunc: if hasattr(n, "attr") and iscode(n.attr): subclass_code = n.attr break pass if node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] elif build_class[1][0] == "load_closure": # Python 3 with closures not functions load_closure = build_class[1] if hasattr(load_closure[-3], "attr"): # Python 3.3 classes with closures work like this. # Note have to test before 3.2 case because # index -2 also has an attr. subclass_code = load_closure[-3].attr elif hasattr(load_closure[-2], "attr"): # Python 3.2 works like this subclass_code = load_closure[-2].attr else: raise "Internal Error n_classdef: cannot find class body" if hasattr(build_class[3], "__len__"): if not subclass_info: subclass_info = build_class[3] elif hasattr(build_class[2], "__len__"): subclass_info = build_class[2] else: raise "Internal Error n_classdef: cannot superclass name" elif node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node subclass_code = build_class[1][0].attr elif not subclass_info: if mkfunc[0] in ("no_kwargs", "kwargs"): subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr else: subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr if node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] if node == "classdefdeco2": self.write("\n") else: self.write("\n\n") self.currentclass = str(class_name) self.write(self.indent, "class ", self.currentclass) self.print_super_classes3(subclass_info) self.println(":") # class body self.indent_more() self.build_class(subclass_code) self.indent_less() self.currentclass = cclass if len(self.param_stack) > 1: self.write("\n\n") else: self.write("\n\n\n") self.prune() self.n_classdef36 = n_classdef36 def n_compare_chained(node): if node[0] == "compare_chained37": self.default(node[0]) else: self.default(node) self.n_compare_chained = n_compare_chained def n_importlist37(node): if len(node) == 1: self.default(node) return n = len(node) - 1 for i in range(n, -1, -1): if node[i] != "ROT_TWO": break self.template_engine(("%C", (0, i + 1, ", ")), node) self.prune() return self.n_importlist37 = n_importlist37 def n_call_kw36(node): self.template_engine(("%p(", (0, 100)), node) keys = node[-2].attr num_kwargs = len(keys) num_posargs = len(node) - (num_kwargs + 2) n = len(node) assert n >= len(keys) + 1, "not enough parameters keyword-tuple values" sep = "" line_number = self.line_number for i in range(1, num_posargs): self.write(sep) self.preorder(node[i]) if line_number != self.line_number: sep = ",\n" + self.indent + " " else: sep = ", " line_number = self.line_number i = num_posargs j = 0 # FIXME: adjust output for line breaks? while i < n - 2: self.write(sep) self.write(keys[j] + "=") self.preorder(node[i]) if line_number != self.line_number: sep = ",\n" + self.indent + " " else: sep = ", " i += 1 j += 1 self.write(")") self.prune() return self.n_call_kw36 = n_call_kw36 def is_async_fn(node): code_node = node[0][0] for n in node[0]: if hasattr(n, "attr") and iscode(n.attr): code_node = n break pass pass is_code = hasattr(code_node, "attr") and iscode(code_node.attr) return is_code and (code_node.attr.co_flags & (COMPILER_FLAG_BIT["COROUTINE"] | COMPILER_FLAG_BIT["ITERABLE_COROUTINE"] | COMPILER_FLAG_BIT["ASYNC_GENERATOR"])) def n_function_def(node): if is_async_fn(node): self.template_engine(("\n\n%|async def %c\n", -2), node) else: self.default(node) self.prune() self.n_function_def = n_function_def def n_import_from(node): relative_path_index = 0 if node[relative_path_index].pattr > 0: node[2].pattr = ("." * node[relative_path_index].pattr) + node[2].pattr if isinstance(node[1].pattr, tuple): imports = node[1].pattr for pattr in imports: node[1].pattr = pattr self.default(node) return self.default(node) self.n_import_from = n_import_from self.n_import_from_star = n_import_from def n_mkfuncdeco0(node): if is_async_fn(node): self.template_engine(("%|async def %c\n", 0), node) else: self.default(node) self.prune() self.n_mkfuncdeco0 = n_mkfuncdeco0 def unmapexpr(node): last_n = node[0][-1] for n in node[0]: self.preorder(n) if n != last_n: self.f.write(", **") pass pass self.prune() pass self.n_unmapexpr = unmapexpr # FIXME: start here def n_list_unpack(node): """ prettyprint an unpacked list or tuple """ p = self.prec self.prec = 100 lastnode = node.pop() lastnodetype = lastnode.kind # If this build list is inside a CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, # then the first * has already been printed. # Until I have a better way to check for CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, # will assume that if the text ends in *. last_was_star = self.f.getvalue().endswith("*") if lastnodetype.startswith("BUILD_LIST"): self.write("[") endchar = "]" elif lastnodetype.startswith("BUILD_TUPLE"): # Tuples can appear places that can NOT # have parenthesis around them, like array # subscripts. We check for that by seeing # if a tuple item is some sort of slice. no_parens = False for n in node: if n == "expr" and n[0].kind.startswith("build_slice"): no_parens = True break pass if no_parens: endchar = "" else: self.write("(") endchar = ")" pass elif lastnodetype.startswith("BUILD_SET"): self.write("{") endchar = "}" elif lastnodetype.startswith("BUILD_MAP_UNPACK"): self.write("{*") endchar = "}" elif lastnodetype.startswith("ROT_TWO"): self.write("(") endchar = ")" else: raise TypeError( "Internal Error: n_build_list expects list, tuple, set, or unpack" ) flat_elems = flatten_list(node) self.indent_more(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) sep = "" for elem in flat_elems: if elem in ("ROT_THREE", "EXTENDED_ARG"): continue assert elem == "expr" line_number = self.line_number value = self.traverse(elem) if elem[0] == "tuple": assert value[0] == "(" assert value[-1] == ")" value = value[1:-1] if value[-1] == ",": # singleton tuple value = value[:-1] else: value = "*" + value if line_number != self.line_number: sep += "\n" + self.indent + INDENT_PER_LEVEL[:-1] else: if sep != "": sep += " " if not last_was_star: pass else: last_was_star = False self.write(sep, value) sep = "," if lastnode.attr == 1 and lastnodetype.startswith("BUILD_TUPLE"): self.write(",") self.write(endchar) self.indent_less(INDENT_PER_LEVEL) self.prec = p self.prune() return self.n_tuple_unpack = n_list_unpack def build_unpack_tuple_with_call(node): n = node[0] if n == "expr": n = n[0] if n == "tuple": self.call36_tuple(n) first = 1 sep = ", *" elif n in ("LOAD_CONST", "LOAD_STR"): value = self.format_pos_args(n) self.f.write(value) first = 1 sep = ", *" else: first = 0 sep = "*" buwc = node[-1] assert buwc.kind.startswith("BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK_WITH_CALL") for n in node[first:-1]: self.f.write(sep) self.preorder(n) sep = ", *" pass self.prune() return self.n_build_tuple_unpack_with_call = build_unpack_tuple_with_call def build_unpack_map_with_call(node): n = node[0] if n == "expr": n = n[0] if n == "dict": self.call36_dict(n) first = 1 sep = ", **" else: first = 0 sep = "**" for n in node[first:-1]: self.f.write(sep) self.preorder(n) sep = ", **" pass self.prune() return self.n_build_map_unpack_with_call = build_unpack_map_with_call def call_ex_kw(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX 1 (have KW) but with BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" expr = node[1] assert expr == "expr" value = self.format_pos_args(expr) if value == "": fmt = "%c(%p)" else: fmt = "%%c(%s, %%p)" % value self.template_engine( (fmt, (0, "expr"), (2, "build_map_unpack_with_call", 100)), node) self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw = call_ex_kw def call_ex_kw2(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX 2 (have KW) but with BUILD_{MAP,TUPLE}_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" assert node[1] == "build_tuple_unpack_with_call" value = self.format_pos_args(node[1]) if value == "": fmt = "%c(%p)" else: fmt = "%%c(%s, %%p)" % value self.template_engine( (fmt, (0, "expr"), (2, "build_map_unpack_with_call", 100)), node) self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw2 = call_ex_kw2 def call_ex_kw3(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX 1 (have KW) but without BUILD_MAP_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" self.preorder(node[0]) self.write("(") value = self.format_pos_args(node[1][0]) if value == "": pass else: self.write(value) self.write(", ") self.write("*") self.preorder(node[1][1]) self.write(", ") kwargs = node[2] if kwargs == "expr": kwargs = kwargs[0] if kwargs == 'expr' and kwargs[0] != "dict": self.call36_dict(kwargs) else: self.write("**") self.preorder(kwargs) self.write(")") self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw3 = call_ex_kw3 def call_ex_kw4(node): """Handle CALL_FUNCTION_EX {1 or 2} but without BUILD_{MAP,TUPLE}_UNPACK_WITH_CALL""" self.preorder(node[0]) self.write("(") args = node[1][0] if args == "tuple": if self.call36_tuple(args) > 0: self.write(", ") pass pass else: self.write("*") self.preorder(args) self.write(", ") pass kwargs = node[2] if kwargs == "expr": kwargs = kwargs[0] call_function_ex = node[-1] assert call_function_ex == "CALL_FUNCTION_EX_KW" or ( self.version >= 3.6 and call_function_ex == "CALL_FUNCTION_EX") # FIXME: decide if the below test be on kwargs == 'dict' if (call_function_ex.attr & 1 and (not isinstance(kwargs, Token) and kwargs != "attribute") and kwargs != "call_kw36" and not kwargs[0].kind.startswith("kvlist")): self.call36_dict(kwargs) else: self.write("**") self.preorder(kwargs) self.write(")") self.prune() self.n_call_ex_kw4 = call_ex_kw4 def format_pos_args(node): """ Positional args should format to: (*(2, ), ...) -> (2, ...) We remove starting and trailing parenthesis and ', ' if tuple has only one element. """ value = self.traverse(node, indent="") if value.startswith("("): assert value.endswith(")") value = value[1:-1].rstrip( " " ) # Remove starting '(' and trailing ')' and additional spaces if value == "": pass # args is empty else: if value.endswith(","): # if args has only one item value = value[:-1] return value self.format_pos_args = format_pos_args FSTRING_CONVERSION_MAP = {1: "!s", 2: "!r", 3: "!a", "X": ":X"} def n_except_suite_finalize(node): if node[1] == "returns" and self.hide_internal: # Process node[1] only. # The code after "returns", e.g. node[3], is dead code. # Adding it is wrong as it dedents and another # exception handler "except_stmt" afterwards. # Note it is also possible that the grammar is wrong here. # and this should not be "except_stmt". self.indent_more() self.preorder(node[1]) self.indent_less() else: self.default(node) self.prune() self.n_except_suite_finalize = n_except_suite_finalize def n_formatted_value(node): if node[0] in ("LOAD_STR", "LOAD_CONST"): value = node[0].attr if isinstance(value, tuple): self.write(node[0].attr) else: self.write(escape_string(node[0].attr)) self.prune() else: self.default(node) self.n_formatted_value = n_formatted_value def n_formatted_value_attr(node): f_conversion(node) fmt_node =[3] if fmt_node == "expr" and fmt_node[0] == "LOAD_STR": node.string = escape_format(fmt_node[0].attr) else: node.string = fmt_node self.default(node) self.n_formatted_value_attr = n_formatted_value_attr def f_conversion(node): fmt_node =[1] if fmt_node == "expr" and fmt_node[0] == "LOAD_STR": data = fmt_node[0].attr else: data = fmt_node.attr node.conversion = FSTRING_CONVERSION_MAP.get(data, "") return node.conversion def n_formatted_value1(node): expr = node[0] assert expr == "expr" conversion = f_conversion(node) if self.in_format_string and self.in_format_string != "formatted_value1": value = self.traverse(expr, indent="") if value[0] == "{": # If we have a set or dictionary comprehension, then we need to add a space # so as not to confuse the format string with {{. fmt = "{ %s%s }" else: fmt = "{%s%s}" es = escape_string(fmt % (value, conversion)) f_str = "%s" % es else: old_in_format_string = self.in_format_string self.in_format_string = "formatted_value1" value = self.traverse(expr, indent="") self.in_format_string = old_in_format_string es = escape_string("{%s%s}" % (value, conversion)) f_str = "f%s" % es self.write(f_str) self.prune() self.n_formatted_value1 = n_formatted_value1 def n_formatted_value2(node): p = self.prec self.prec = 100 expr = node[0] assert expr == "expr" old_in_format_string = self.in_format_string self.in_format_string = "formatted_value2" value = self.traverse(expr, indent="") format_value_attr = node[-1] assert format_value_attr == "FORMAT_VALUE_ATTR" attr = format_value_attr.attr if attr & 4: assert node[1] == "expr" fmt = strip_quotes(self.traverse(node[1], indent="")) attr_flags = attr & 3 if attr_flags: conversion = "%s:%s" % (FSTRING_CONVERSION_MAP.get( attr_flags, ""), fmt) else: conversion = ":%s" % fmt else: conversion = FSTRING_CONVERSION_MAP.get(attr, "") self.in_format_string = old_in_format_string f_str = "f%s" % escape_string("{%s%s}" % (value, conversion)) self.write(f_str) self.prec = p self.prune() self.n_formatted_value2 = n_formatted_value2 def n_joined_str(node): p = self.prec self.prec = 100 old_in_format_string = self.in_format_string self.in_format_string = "joined_str" result = "" for expr in node[:-1]: assert expr == "expr" value = self.traverse(expr, indent="") if expr[0].kind.startswith("formatted_value"): # remove leading 'f' if value.startswith("f"): value = value[1:] pass else: # {{ and }} in Python source-code format strings mean # { and } respectively. But only when *not* part of a # formatted value. However in the LOAD_STR # bytecode, the escaping of the braces has been # removed. So we need to put back the braces escaping in # reconstructing the source. assert expr[0] == "LOAD_STR" value = value.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}") # Remove leading quotes result += strip_quotes(value) pass self.in_format_string = old_in_format_string if self.in_format_string: self.write(result) else: self.write("f%s" % escape_string(result)) self.prec = p self.prune() self.n_joined_str = n_joined_str # FIXME: The following adjusts I guess a bug in the parser. # It might be as simple as renaming grammar symbol "testtrue" to "testtrue_or_false" # and then keeping this as is with the name change. # Fixing in the parsing by inspection is harder than doing it here. def n_testtrue(node): compare_chained37 = node[0] if (compare_chained37 == "compare_chained37" and compare_chained37[1] == "compare_chained1b_37"): compare_chained1b_37 = compare_chained37[1] if (len(compare_chained1b_37) > 2 and compare_chained1b_37[-2] == "JUMP_FORWARD"): node.kind = "testfalse" pass pass self.default(node) return self.n_testtrue = n_testtrue # def kwargs_only_36(node): # keys = node[-1].attr # num_kwargs = len(keys) # values = node[:num_kwargs] # for i, (key, value) in enumerate(zip(keys, values)): # self.write(key + '=') # self.preorder(value) # if i < num_kwargs: # self.write(',') # self.prune() # return # self.n_kwargs_only_36 = kwargs_only_36 def starred(node): l = len(node) assert l > 0 pos_args = node[0] if pos_args == "expr": pos_args = pos_args[0] if pos_args == "tuple": build_tuple = pos_args[0] if build_tuple.kind.startswith("BUILD_TUPLE"): tuple_len = 0 else: tuple_len = len(node) - 1 star_start = 1 template = "%C", (0, -1, ", ") self.template_engine(template, pos_args) if tuple_len == 0: self.write("*()") # That's it self.prune() self.write(", ") else: star_start = 0 if l > 1: template = ("*%C", (star_start, -1, ", *")) else: template = ("*%c", (star_start, "expr")) self.template_engine(template, node) self.prune() self.n_starred = starred def return_closure(node): # Nothing should be output here self.prune() return self.n_return_closure = return_closure
def customize_for_version3(self, version): TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "comp_for": (" for %c in %c", (2, "store"), (0, "expr")), "if_exp_not": ( "%c if not %c else %c", (2, "expr"), (0, "expr"), (4, "expr"), ), "except_cond2": ("%|except %c as %c:\n", (1, "expr"), (5, "store")), "function_def_annotate": ("\n\n%|def %c%c\n", -1, 0), # When a generator is a single parameter of a function, # it doesn't need the surrounding parenethesis. "call_generator": ("%c%P", 0, (1, -1, ", ", 100)), "importmultiple": ("%|import %c%c\n", 2, 3), "import_cont": (", %c", 2), "raise_stmt2": ("%|raise %c from %c\n", 0, 1), "tf_tryelsestmtc3": ("%c%-%c%|else:\n%+%c", 1, 3, 5), "store_locals": ("%|# inspect.currentframe().f_locals = __locals__\n", ), "with": ("%|with %c:\n%+%c%-", 0, 3), "withasstmt": ("%|with %c as %c:\n%+%c%-", 0, 2, 3), }) assert version >= 3.7 # In 2.5+ and 3.0+ "except" handlers and the "finally" can appear in one # "try" statement. So the below has the effect of combining the # "tryfinally" with statement with the "try_except" statement. # FIXME: something doesn't smell right, since the semantics # are different. See for an example that shows this. def tryfinallystmt(node): suite_stmts = node[1][0] if len(suite_stmts) == 1 and suite_stmts[0] == "stmt": stmt = suite_stmts[0] try_something = stmt[0] if try_something == "try_except": try_something.kind = "tf_try_except" if try_something.kind.startswith("tryelsestmt"): if try_something == "c_tryelsestmt": try_something.kind = "tf_tryelsestmtc3" else: try_something.kind = "tf_tryelsestmt" self.default(node) self.n_tryfinallystmt = tryfinallystmt def listcomp_closure3(node): """List comprehensions in Python 3 when handled as a closure. See if we can combine code. """ p = self.prec self.prec = 27 code_obj = node[1].attr assert iscode(code_obj) code = Code(code_obj, self.scanner, self.currentclass) ast = self.build_ast(code._tokens, code._customize) self.customize(code._customize) # skip over: sstmt, stmt, return, ret_expr # and other singleton derivations while len(ast) == 1 or (ast in ("sstmt", "return") and ast[-1] in ("RETURN_LAST", "RETURN_VALUE")): self.prec = 100 ast = ast[0] n = ast[1] # collections is the name of the expression(s) we are iterating over collections = [node[-3]] list_ifs = [] assert n == "list_iter" stores = [] # Find the list comprehension body. It is the inner-most # node that is not list_.. . while n == "list_iter": # recurse one step n = n[0] if n == "list_for": stores.append(n[2]) n = n[3] if n[0] == "list_for": # Dog-paddle down largely singleton reductions # to find the collection (expr) c = n[0][0] if c == "expr": c = c[0] # FIXME: grammar is wonky here? Is this really an attribute? if c == "attribute": c = c[0] collections.append(c) pass elif n in ("list_if", "list_if_not", "list_if_or_not"): if n[0].kind == "expr": list_ifs.append(n) else: list_ifs.append([1]) n = n[-2] if n[-1] == "come_from_opt" else n[-1] pass elif n == "list_if37": list_ifs.append(n) n = n[-1] pass elif n == "list_afor": collections.append(n[0][0]) n = n[1] stores.append(n[1][0]) n = n[3] pass assert n == "lc_body", ast self.preorder(n[0]) # FIXME: add indentation around "for"'s and "in"'s n_colls = len(collections) for i, store in enumerate(stores): if i >= n_colls: break if collections[i] == "LOAD_DEREF" and co_flags_is_async( code_obj.co_flags): self.write(" async") pass self.write(" for ") self.preorder(store) self.write(" in ") self.preorder(collections[i]) if i < len(list_ifs): self.preorder(list_ifs[i]) pass pass self.prec = p self.listcomp_closure3 = listcomp_closure3 TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "c_tryelsestmt": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%c%|else:\n%+%c%-", (1, "c_suite_stmts"), (3, "c_except_handler"), (5, "else_suitec"), ), "LOAD_CLASSDEREF": ("%{pattr}", ), }) TABLE_DIRECT.update({"LOAD_CLASSDEREF": ("%{pattr}", )}) if version >= 3.7: customize_for_version37(self, version) if version >= 3.8: customize_for_version38(self, version) pass # version >= 3.8 pass # 3.7 return
def customize_for_version3(self, version): TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "comp_for": (" for %c in %c", (2, "store"), (0, "expr")), "conditionalnot": ( "%c if not %c else %c", (2, "expr"), (0, "expr"), (4, "expr"), ), "except_cond2": ("%|except %c as %c:\n", (1, "expr"), (5, "store")), "function_def_annotate": ("\n\n%|def %c%c\n", -1, 0), # When a generator is a single parameter of a function, # it doesn't need the surrounding parenethesis. "call_generator": ("%c%P", 0, (1, -1, ", ", 100)), "importmultiple": ("%|import %c%c\n", 2, 3), "import_cont": (", %c", 2), "raise_stmt2": ("%|raise %c from %c\n", 0, 1), "store_locals": ("%|# inspect.currentframe().f_locals = __locals__\n", ), "withstmt": ("%|with %c:\n%+%c%-", 0, 3), "withasstmt": ("%|with %c as %c:\n%+%c%-", 0, 2, 3), }) assert version >= 3.7 def listcomp_closure3(node): """List comprehensions in Python 3 when handled as a closure. See if we can combine code. """ p = self.prec self.prec = 27 code = Code(node[1].attr, self.scanner, self.currentclass) ast = self.build_ast(code._tokens, code._customize) self.customize(code._customize) # skip over: sstmt, stmt, return, ret_expr # and other singleton derivations while len(ast) == 1 or (ast in ("sstmt", "return") and ast[-1] in ("RETURN_LAST", "RETURN_VALUE")): self.prec = 100 ast = ast[0] n = ast[1] # collections is the name of the expression(s) we are iterating over collections = [node[-3]] list_ifs = [] if self.version == 3.0 and n != "list_iter": # FIXME 3.0 is a snowflake here. We need # special code for this. Not sure if this is totally # correct. stores = [ast[3]] assert ast[4] == "comp_iter" n = ast[4] # Find the list comprehension body. It is the inner-most # node that is not comp_.. . while n == "comp_iter": if n[0] == "comp_for": n = n[0] stores.append(n[2]) n = n[3] elif n[0] in ("comp_if", "comp_if_not"): n = n[0] # FIXME: just a guess if n[0].kind == "expr": list_ifs.append(n) else: list_ifs.append([1]) n = n[2] pass else: break pass # Skip over n[0] which is something like: _[1] self.preorder(n[1]) else: assert n == "list_iter" stores = [] # Find the list comprehension body. It is the inner-most # node that is not list_.. . while n == "list_iter": n = n[0] # recurse one step if n == "list_for": stores.append(n[2]) n = n[3] if n[0] == "list_for": # Dog-paddle down largely singleton reductions # to find the collection (expr) c = n[0][0] if c == "expr": c = c[0] # FIXME: grammar is wonky here? Is this really an attribute? if c == "attribute": c = c[0] collections.append(c) pass elif n in ("list_if", "list_if_not"): # FIXME: just a guess if n[0].kind == "expr": list_ifs.append(n) else: list_ifs.append([1]) n = n[2] pass pass assert n == "lc_body", ast self.preorder(n[0]) # FIXME: add indentation around "for"'s and "in"'s for i, store in enumerate(stores): self.write(" for ") self.preorder(store) self.write(" in ") self.preorder(collections[i]) if i < len(list_ifs): self.preorder(list_ifs[i]) pass pass self.prec = p self.listcomp_closure3 = listcomp_closure3 def n_classdef3(node): # class definition ('class X(A,B,C):') cclass = self.currentclass # Pick out various needed bits of information # * class_name - the name of the class # * subclass_info - the parameters to the class e.g. # class Foo(bar, baz) # ---------- # * subclass_code - the code for the subclass body subclass_info = None if node == "classdefdeco2": if self.version >= 3.6: class_name = node[1][1].attr elif self.version <= 3.3: class_name = node[2][0].attr else: class_name = node[1][2].attr build_class = node else: build_class = node[0] if self.version >= 3.6: if build_class == "build_class_kw": mkfunc = build_class[1] assert mkfunc == "mkfunc" subclass_info = build_class if hasattr(mkfunc[0], "attr") and iscode(mkfunc[0].attr): subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr else: assert mkfunc[0] == "load_closure" subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr assert iscode(subclass_code) if build_class[1][0] == "load_closure": code_node = build_class[1][1] else: code_node = build_class[1][0] class_name = code_node.attr.co_name else: class_name = node[1][0].attr build_class = node[0] assert "mkfunc" == build_class[1] mkfunc = build_class[1] if mkfunc[0] in ("kwargs", "no_kwargs"): if 3.0 <= self.version <= 3.2: for n in mkfunc: if hasattr(n, "attr") and iscode(n.attr): subclass_code = n.attr break elif n == "expr": subclass_code = n[0].attr pass pass else: for n in mkfunc: if hasattr(n, "attr") and iscode(n.attr): subclass_code = n.attr break pass pass if node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] elif build_class[1][0] == "load_closure": # Python 3 with closures not functions load_closure = build_class[1] if hasattr(load_closure[-3], "attr"): # Python 3.3 classes with closures work like this. # Note have to test before 3.2 case because # index -2 also has an attr. subclass_code = load_closure[-3].attr elif hasattr(load_closure[-2], "attr"): # Python 3.2 works like this subclass_code = load_closure[-2].attr else: raise "Internal Error n_classdef: cannot find class body" if hasattr(build_class[3], "__len__"): if not subclass_info: subclass_info = build_class[3] elif hasattr(build_class[2], "__len__"): subclass_info = build_class[2] else: raise "Internal Error n_classdef: cannot superclass name" elif node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node subclass_code = build_class[1][0].attr elif not subclass_info: if mkfunc[0] in ("no_kwargs", "kwargs"): subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr else: subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr if node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] if node == "classdefdeco2": self.write("\n") else: self.write("\n\n") self.currentclass = str(class_name) self.write(self.indent, "class ", self.currentclass) self.print_super_classes3(subclass_info) self.println(":") # class body self.indent_more() self.build_class(subclass_code) self.indent_less() self.currentclass = cclass if len(self.param_stack) > 1: self.write("\n\n") else: self.write("\n\n\n") self.prune() self.n_classdef3 = n_classdef3 TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "tryelsestmtl3": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%c%|else:\n%+%c%-", (1, "suite_stmts_opt"), (3, "except_handler"), (5, "else_suitel"), ), "LOAD_CLASSDEREF": ("%{pattr}", ), }) TABLE_DIRECT.update({"LOAD_CLASSDEREF": ("%{pattr}", )}) if version >= 3.7: customize_for_version37(self, version) if version >= 3.8: customize_for_version38(self, version) pass # version >= 3.8 pass # 3.7 return
def customize_for_version3(self, version): TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'comp_for': (' for %c in %c', (2, 'store'), (0, 'expr')), 'conditionalnot': ('%c if not %c else %c', (2, 'expr'), (0, 'expr'), (4, 'expr')), 'except_cond2': ('%|except %c as %c:\n', 1, 5), 'function_def_annotate': ('\n\n%|def %c%c\n', -1, 0), 'importmultiple': ('%|import %c%c\n', 2, 3), 'import_cont': (', %c', 2), 'store_locals': ('%|# inspect.currentframe().f_locals = __locals__\n', ), 'withstmt': ('%|with %c:\n%+%c%-', 0, 3), 'withasstmt': ('%|with %c as (%c):\n%+%c%-', 0, 2, 3), }) assert version >= 3.7 def n_classdef3(node): # class definition ('class X(A,B,C):') cclass = self.currentclass # Pick out various needed bits of information # * class_name - the name of the class # * subclass_info - the parameters to the class e.g. # class Foo(bar, baz) # ---------- # * subclass_code - the code for the subclass body subclass_info = None if node == 'classdefdeco2': if self.version >= 3.6: class_name = node[1][1].pattr elif self.version <= 3.3: class_name = node[2][0].pattr else: class_name = node[1][2].pattr build_class = node else: build_class = node[0] if self.version >= 3.6: if build_class == 'build_class_kw': mkfunc = build_class[1] assert mkfunc == 'mkfunc' subclass_info = build_class if hasattr(mkfunc[0], 'attr') and iscode(mkfunc[0].attr): subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr else: assert mkfunc[0] == 'load_closure' subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr assert iscode(subclass_code) if build_class[1][0] == 'load_closure': code_node = build_class[1][1] else: code_node = build_class[1][0] class_name = code_node.attr.co_name else: class_name = node[1][0].pattr build_class = node[0] assert 'mkfunc' == build_class[1] mkfunc = build_class[1] if mkfunc[0] in ('kwargs', 'no_kwargs'): if 3.0 <= self.version <= 3.2: for n in mkfunc: if hasattr(n, 'attr') and iscode(n.attr): subclass_code = n.attr break elif n == 'expr': subclass_code = n[0].attr pass pass else: for n in mkfunc: if hasattr(n, 'attr') and iscode(n.attr): subclass_code = n.attr break pass pass if node == 'classdefdeco2': subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] elif build_class[1][0] == 'load_closure': # Python 3 with closures not functions load_closure = build_class[1] if hasattr(load_closure[-3], 'attr'): # Python 3.3 classes with closures work like this. # Note have to test before 3.2 case because # index -2 also has an attr. subclass_code = load_closure[-3].attr elif hasattr(load_closure[-2], 'attr'): # Python 3.2 works like this subclass_code = load_closure[-2].attr else: raise 'Internal Error n_classdef: cannot find class body' if hasattr(build_class[3], '__len__'): if not subclass_info: subclass_info = build_class[3] elif hasattr(build_class[2], '__len__'): subclass_info = build_class[2] else: raise 'Internal Error n_classdef: cannot superclass name' elif self.version >= 3.6 and node == 'classdefdeco2': subclass_info = node subclass_code = build_class[1][0].attr elif not subclass_info: if mkfunc[0] in ('no_kwargs', 'kwargs'): subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr else: subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr if node == 'classdefdeco2': subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] if (node == 'classdefdeco2'): self.write('\n') else: self.write('\n\n') self.currentclass = str(class_name) self.write(self.indent, 'class ', self.currentclass) self.print_super_classes3(subclass_info) self.println(':') # class body self.indent_more() self.build_class(subclass_code) self.indent_less() self.currentclass = cclass if len(self.param_stack) > 1: self.write('\n\n') else: self.write('\n\n\n') self.prune() self.n_classdef3 = n_classdef3 def n_yield_from(node): self.write('yield from') self.write(' ') if 3.3 <= self.version <= 3.4: self.preorder(node[0][0][0][0]) elif self.version >= 3.5: self.preorder(node[0]) else: assert False, "dunno about this python version" self.prune() # stop recursing self.n_yield_from = n_yield_from def n_mkfunc_annotate(node): if self.version >= 3.3 or node[-2] == 'kwargs': # LOAD_CONST code object .. # LOAD_CONST 'x0' if >= 3.3 # EXTENDED_ARG # MAKE_FUNCTION .. code = node[-4] elif node[-3] == 'expr': code = node[-3][0] else: # LOAD_CONST code object .. # MAKE_FUNCTION .. code = node[-3] self.indent_more() for annotate_last in range(len(node) - 1, -1, -1): if node[annotate_last] == 'annotate_tuple': break # FIXME: the real situation is that when derived from # function_def_annotate we the name has been filled in. # But when derived from funcdefdeco it hasn't Would like a better # way to distinquish. if self.f.getvalue()[-4:] == 'def ': self.write(code.attr.co_name) # FIXME: handle and pass full annotate args make_function3_annotate(self, node, is_lambda=False, code_node=code, annotate_last=annotate_last) if len(self.param_stack) > 1: self.write('\n\n') else: self.write('\n\n\n') self.indent_less() self.prune() # stop recursing self.n_mkfunc_annotate = n_mkfunc_annotate TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'tryelsestmtl3': ('%|try:\n%+%c%-%c%|else:\n%+%c%-', (1, 'suite_stmts_opt'), (3, 'except_handler'), (5, 'else_suitel')), 'LOAD_CLASSDEREF': ('%{pattr}', ), }) TABLE_DIRECT.update({ 'LOAD_CLASSDEREF': ('%{pattr}', ), }) if version >= 3.7: customize_for_version37(self, version) if version >= 3.8: customize_for_version38(self, version) pass # version >= 3.8 pass # 3.7 return
def customize_for_version3(self, version): TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "comp_for": (" for %c in %c", (2, "store"), (0, "expr")), "conditionalnot": ( "%c if not %c else %c", (2, "expr"), (0, "expr"), (4, "expr"), ), "except_cond2": ("%|except %c as %c:\n", (1, "expr"), (5, "store")), "function_def_annotate": ("\n\n%|def %c%c\n", -1, 0), # When a generator is a single parameter of a function, # it doesn't need the surrounding parenethesis. "call_generator": ("%c%P", 0, (1, -1, ", ", 100)), "importmultiple": ("%|import %c%c\n", 2, 3), "import_cont": (", %c", 2), "raise_stmt2": ("%|raise %c from %c\n", 0, 1), "store_locals": ("%|# inspect.currentframe().f_locals = __locals__\n", ), "withstmt": ("%|with %c:\n%+%c%-", 0, 3), "withasstmt": ("%|with %c as (%c):\n%+%c%-", 0, 2, 3), }) assert version >= 3.7 def n_classdef3(node): # class definition ('class X(A,B,C):') cclass = self.currentclass # Pick out various needed bits of information # * class_name - the name of the class # * subclass_info - the parameters to the class e.g. # class Foo(bar, baz) # ---------- # * subclass_code - the code for the subclass body subclass_info = None if node == "classdefdeco2": if self.version >= 3.6: class_name = node[1][1].attr elif self.version <= 3.3: class_name = node[2][0].attr else: class_name = node[1][2].attr build_class = node else: build_class = node[0] if self.version >= 3.6: if build_class == "build_class_kw": mkfunc = build_class[1] assert mkfunc == "mkfunc" subclass_info = build_class if hasattr(mkfunc[0], "attr") and iscode(mkfunc[0].attr): subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr else: assert mkfunc[0] == "load_closure" subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr assert iscode(subclass_code) if build_class[1][0] == "load_closure": code_node = build_class[1][1] else: code_node = build_class[1][0] class_name = code_node.attr.co_name else: class_name = node[1][0].attr build_class = node[0] assert "mkfunc" == build_class[1] mkfunc = build_class[1] if mkfunc[0] in ("kwargs", "no_kwargs"): if 3.0 <= self.version <= 3.2: for n in mkfunc: if hasattr(n, "attr") and iscode(n.attr): subclass_code = n.attr break elif n == "expr": subclass_code = n[0].attr pass pass else: for n in mkfunc: if hasattr(n, "attr") and iscode(n.attr): subclass_code = n.attr break pass pass if node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] elif build_class[1][0] == "load_closure": # Python 3 with closures not functions load_closure = build_class[1] if hasattr(load_closure[-3], "attr"): # Python 3.3 classes with closures work like this. # Note have to test before 3.2 case because # index -2 also has an attr. subclass_code = load_closure[-3].attr elif hasattr(load_closure[-2], "attr"): # Python 3.2 works like this subclass_code = load_closure[-2].attr else: raise "Internal Error n_classdef: cannot find class body" if hasattr(build_class[3], "__len__"): if not subclass_info: subclass_info = build_class[3] elif hasattr(build_class[2], "__len__"): subclass_info = build_class[2] else: raise "Internal Error n_classdef: cannot superclass name" elif node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node subclass_code = build_class[1][0].attr elif not subclass_info: if mkfunc[0] in ("no_kwargs", "kwargs"): subclass_code = mkfunc[1].attr else: subclass_code = mkfunc[0].attr if node == "classdefdeco2": subclass_info = node else: subclass_info = node[0] if node == "classdefdeco2": self.write("\n") else: self.write("\n\n") self.currentclass = str(class_name) self.write(self.indent, "class ", self.currentclass) self.print_super_classes3(subclass_info) self.println(":") # class body self.indent_more() self.build_class(subclass_code) self.indent_less() self.currentclass = cclass if len(self.param_stack) > 1: self.write("\n\n") else: self.write("\n\n\n") self.prune() self.n_classdef3 = n_classdef3 TABLE_DIRECT.update({ "tryelsestmtl3": ( "%|try:\n%+%c%-%c%|else:\n%+%c%-", (1, "suite_stmts_opt"), (3, "except_handler"), (5, "else_suitel"), ), "LOAD_CLASSDEREF": ("%{pattr}", ), }) TABLE_DIRECT.update({"LOAD_CLASSDEREF": ("%{pattr}", )}) if version >= 3.7: customize_for_version37(self, version) if version >= 3.8: customize_for_version38(self, version) pass # version >= 3.8 pass # 3.7 return