def forward(self, x_out: Tensor, x_tf_out: Tensor):
        return the inverse of the MI. if the x_out == y_out, return the inverse of Entropy
        :param x_out:
        :param x_tf_out:
        assert simplex(x_out), f"x_out not normalized."
        assert simplex(x_tf_out), f"x_tf_out not normalized."
        _, k = x_out.size()
        p_i_j = compute_joint(x_out, x_tf_out)
        assert p_i_j.size() == (k, k)

        p_i = (p_i_j.sum(dim=1).view(k, 1).expand(k, k)
               )  # p_i should be the mean of the x_out
        p_j = p_i_j.sum(dim=0).view(1, k).expand(
            k, k)  # but should be same, symmetric

        # p_i = x_out.mean(0).view(k, 1).expand(k, k)
        # p_j = x_tf_out.mean(0).view(1, k).expand(k, k)

        loss = -p_i_j * (torch.log(p_i_j + 1e-10) -
                         self.lamb * torch.log(p_j + 1e-10) -
                         self.lamb * torch.log(p_i + 1e-10))
        loss = loss.sum()
        loss_no_lamb = -p_i_j * (torch.log(p_i_j + 1e-10) -
                                 torch.log(p_j + 1e-10) -
                                 torch.log(p_i + 1e-10))
        loss_no_lamb = loss_no_lamb.sum()
        return loss, loss_no_lamb, p_i_j
 def _convert2onehot(self, pred: Tensor, target: Tensor):
     # only two possibility: both onehot or both class-coded.
     assert pred.shape == target.shape
     # if they are onehot-coded:
     if simplex(pred, 1) and one_hot(target):
         return probs2one_hot(pred).long(), target.long()
     # here the pred and target are labeled long
     return (
         class2one_hot(pred, self._C).long(),
         class2one_hot(target, self._C).long(),
def compute_joint(x_out: Tensor, x_tf_out: Tensor, symmetric=True) -> Tensor:
    return joint probability
    :param x_out: p1, simplex
    :param x_tf_out: p2, simplex
    :return: joint probability
    # produces variable that requires grad (since args require grad)
    assert simplex(x_out), f"x_out not normalized."
    assert simplex(x_tf_out), f"x_tf_out not normalized."

    bn, k = x_out.shape
    assert x_tf_out.size(0) == bn and x_tf_out.size(1) == k

    p_i_j = x_out.unsqueeze(2) * x_tf_out.unsqueeze(1)  # bn, k, k
    p_i_j = p_i_j.sum(dim=0)  # k, k aggregated over one batch
    if symmetric:
        p_i_j = (p_i_j + p_i_j.t()) / 2.0  # symmetric
    p_i_j /= p_i_j.sum()  # normalise

    return p_i_j
    def __call__(self,
                 x_out: Tensor,
                 x_tf_out: Tensor,
                 mask: Tensor = None) -> Tensor:
        assert x_out.requires_grad and x_tf_out.requires_grad
        if mask is not None:
            assert not mask.requires_grad
        assert simplex(x_out)
        assert x_out.shape == x_tf_out.shape
        bn, k, h, w = x_tf_out.shape
        if mask is not None:
            x_out = x_out * mask
            x_tf_out = x_tf_out * mask

        x_out = x_out.permute(1, 0, 2, 3).contiguous()  # k, ni, h, w
        x_tf_out = x_tf_out.permute(1, 0, 2, 3).contiguous()  # k, ni, h, w
        # k, k, 2 * half_T_side_dense + 1,2 * half_T_side_dense + 1
        p_i_j = F.conv2d(x_out,
                         padding=(self.padding, self.padding))
        p_i_j = p_i_j - p_i_j.min().detach() + 1e-16
        T_side_dense = self.padding * 2 + 1

        # T x T x k x k
        p_i_j = p_i_j.permute(2, 3, 0, 1)
        p_i_j = p_i_j / p_i_j.sum(dim=3, keepdim=True).sum(
            dim=2, keepdim=True)  # norm

        # symmetrise, transpose the k x k part
        p_i_j = (p_i_j + p_i_j.permute(0, 1, 3, 2)) / 2.0

        # T x T x k x k
        p_i_mat = p_i_j.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True).repeat(1, 1, k, 1)
        p_j_mat = p_i_j.sum(dim=3, keepdim=True).repeat(1, 1, 1, k)

        # maximise information
        loss = (-p_i_j * (torch.log(p_i_j + 1e-16) -
                          self.lamda * torch.log(p_i_mat + 1e-16) -
                          self.lamda * torch.log(p_j_mat + 1e-16))).sum() / (
                              T_side_dense * T_side_dense)
        if torch.isnan(loss):
            raise RuntimeError(loss)
        return loss