frame=[320, 180], throttle=True, brake=True, steering=True, speed=True, acceleration=True, yaw=True, yawRate=True, isCollide=True, location=True, drivingModeMsg=True ) # lidar=[3, True, 100.0, 1000, 60.0, 300.0, 20, 85.0, 115.0], , vehicles=True, peds=True # Automatic driving scenario scenario = Scenario(weather='EXTRASUNNY',vehicle='blista', time=[12,0], drivingMode=[-2, 3, 25.0, 1.0, 1.0], route=[ \ -1989.000000, -468.250000, 10.562500, 1171.351563, -1925.791748, 36.220097 ]) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario, dataset=dataset)) # Start request count = 0 tripNum = 0 old_location = [0, 0, 0] while True: # Main loop try: # Message recieved as a Python dictionary message = client.recvMessage() if (count % 500) == 0: print(count)
dataset = Dataset(rate=30, frame=[320, 160], throttle=True, brake=True, steering=True, vehicles=True, peds=True, reward=[15.0, 0.0], direction=None, speed=True, yawRate=True, location=True, time=True) # Send the Start request to DeepGTAV. scenario = Scenario( drivingMode=[786603, 15.0] ) # Driving style is set to normal, with a speed of 15.0 mph. All other scenario options are random. client.sendMessage(Start(dataset=dataset, scenario=scenario)) # Start listening for messages coming from DeepGTAV. We do it for 80 hours stoptime = time.time() + 80 * 3600 while time.time() < stoptime: try: # We receive a message as a Python dictionary message = client.recvMessage() # The frame is a numpy array and can be displayed using OpenCV or similar # image = frame2numpy(message['frame'], (320,160)) # cv2.imshow('img',image) # cv2.waitKey(-1) except KeyboardInterrupt:
vehicles=args.vehicles, trafficSigns=args.trafficSigns, peds=args.peds, reward=args.reward, speed=args.speed, yawRate=args.yawRate, location=args.if_location, time=args.dataset_time, roadinfo=args.roadinfo, direction=args.des ) if args.auto_drive: scenario = Scenario( drivingMode=args.driving_mode, vehicle=args.vehicle, weather=weather, time=args.time, location=args.location) else: scenario = Scenario( vehicle=args.vehicle, weather=weather, time=args.time, location=args.location) client.sendMessage(Start(dataset=dataset, scenario=scenario)) time.sleep(5) # wait for the scene to be ready # Setup multi-threading for receiving messages queue = Queue() manager = Manager() infosaver = save_game_info(img_dir=info_full_path)
''' if input("Continue?") == "y": # Wait until you load GTA V to continue, else can't connect to DeepGTAV print("Conintuing...") ''' # Loads into a consistent starting setting print("Loading Scenario...") client = Client(ip='localhost', port=8000) # Default interface dataset = Dataset(rate=60, frame=[800, 600], throttle=True, brake=True, steering=True, location=True, drivingMode=True) scenario = Scenario( weathers='EXTRASUNNY', vehicle='blista', times=[12, 0], drivingMode=-1 ) #, location=[-2573.13916015625, 3292.256103515625, 13.241103172302246]) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario)) count = 0 print("Starting Loop...") while True: try: lasttime = time.time() # Collect and preprocess image message = client.recvMessage() image = message['frame'] image = grab_screen(region=(0, 0, 800, 600)) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # image = frame2numpy(image, (800, 600))
default='localhost', help='The IP where DeepGTAV is running') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', default=8000, help='The port where DeepGTAV is running') args = parser.parse_args() # Creates a new connection to DeepGTAV using the specified ip and port. # If desired, a dataset path and compression level can be set to store in memory all the data received in a gziped pickle file. # We don't want to save a dataset in this case client = Client(, port=args.port) # We set the scenario to be in manual driving, and everything else random (time, weather and location). # See deepgtav/ to see what options are supported scenario = Scenario(drivingMode=-1) #manual driving # Send the Start request to DeepGTAV. Dataset is set as default, we only receive frames at 10Hz (320, 160) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario)) # Dummy agent model = Model() # Start listening for messages coming from DeepGTAV. We do it for 80 hours stoptime = time.time() + 80 * 3600 while time.time() < stoptime: try: # We receive a message as a Python dictionary message = client.recvMessage() # The frame is a numpy array that can we pass through a CNN for example
'--port', default=8000, help='The port where DeepGTAV is running') args = parser.parse_args() # Creates a new connection to DeepGTAV using the specified ip and port. # If desired, a dataset path and compression level can be set to store in memory all the data received in a gziped pickle file. # We don't want to save a dataset in this case client = Client(, port=args.port) # We set the scenario to be in manual driving, and everything else random (time, weather and location). # See deepgtav/ to see what options are supported #scenario = Scenario(drivingMode=-1) scenario = Scenario(weather='EXTRASUNNY', vehicle='Vader', time=[12, 0], drivingMode=[786603, 25.0], location=[201.8704, -51.1309, 0]) # Send the Start request to DeepGTAV. Dataset is set as default, we only receive frames at 10Hz (320, 160) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario)) # Dummy agent model = Model() # Start listening for messages coming from DeepGTAV. We do it for 80 hours stoptime = time.time() + 80 * 3600 while time.time() < stoptime: try: # We receive a message as a Python dictionary message = client.recvMessage()
pass # Creates a new connection to DeepGTAV using the specified ip and port client = Client(, port=args.port, datasetPath=args.dataset_path, compressionLevel=9) # Dataset options dataset = Dataset(rate=60, frame=[1920, 1080], vehicles=True, location=True) # Automatic driving scenario scenario = Scenario( weather='EXTRASUNNY', vehicle='packer', time=[9, 0], drivingMode=[786603, 20.0] ) #, location=[-661.9974975585938, -1932.245849609375, 27.170656204223633]) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario, dataset=dataset)) # Start request count = 0 old_location = [0, 0, 0] # Main loop stops when dataset.size < N GB while os.path.getsize(dataset_path) < (100e+9): try: # Message recieved as a Python dictionary message = client.recvMessage() # Checks if car is stuck, resets position if it is if (count % 250) == 0:
#Boolean to choose if lidar lidar_bool = true; class Model: def run(self,frame): return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # throttle, brake, steering if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=None) parser.add_argument('-l', '--host', default='localhost', help='The IP where DeepGTAV is running') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', default=8000, help='The port where DeepGTAV is running') args = parser.parse_args() client = Client(, port=args.port) scenario = Scenario(weather=scen_weather,vehicle=scen_vehicle,time=[12,0],drivingMode=[scen_drivingmode,1.0],location=[-619.2719, -179.77854, 0]) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario)) model = Model() stoptime = time.time() + 80*3600 count = 0 lidarcfg = "LiDAR GTA V Configuration File\r\nHorizontal_FOV_Min = 0.0\r\nHorizontal_FOV_Max = 360.0\r\nVertical_FOV_Min = -20.0\r\nVertical_FOV_Max = 10.0\r\nHorizontal_Step = 5\r\nVertical_Step = .25\r\nRange = 50\r\nFilename = LiDAR_PointCloud" while time.time() < stoptime: try: message = client.recvMessage() image = frame2numpy(message['frame'], (320,160)) #commands =
def __init_scenairo(self): self.__scenario = Scenario(drivingMode=self.__driving_mode, vehicle=self.__driving_vehicle, time=self.__starting_time, weather=self.__starting_weather, location=self.__starting_location)
frame=args.frame_resolution, throttle=args.throttle, brake=args.brake, steering=args.steering, vehicles=args.vehicles, trafficSigns=args.trafficSigns, peds=args.peds, reward=args.reward, speed=args.speed, yawRate=args.yawRate, location=args.if_location, time=args.dataset_time, roadinfo=args.roadinfo, direction=args.des) scenario = Scenario(vehicle=args.vehicle, weather=weather, time=args.time, location=args.location) client.sendMessage(Start(dataset=dataset, scenario=scenario)) time.sleep(5) # wait for the scene to be ready # Setup multi-threading for receiving messages queue = Queue(maxsize=1) manager = Manager() c = BufferClient(('localhost', 8766)) capture_gta_to_queue_only_final(c, queue) while True: imgtime, img = queue.get() imgtime = int(time) speed, angle = model(Variable(torch.Tensor(img))) throttle, brake, steering = pid(speed, angle) client.sendMessage(
def main(): global client, scenario client = Client(ip='localhost', port=8000) # Default interface scenario = Scenario( weather='EXTRASUNNY', vehicle='blista', time=[12, 0], drivingMode=-1, location=[-2583.6708984375, 3501.88232421875, 12.7711820602417]) client.sendMessage(Start(scenario=scenario, dataset=dataset)) print("load deepGTAV successfully! \nbegin") # load yolo v3 classes = yolo_util.read_coco_names('./files/coco/coco.names') num_classes = len(classes) input_tensor, output_tensors = yolo_util.read_pb_return_tensors( tf.get_default_graph(), "./files/trained_models/yolov3.pb", ["Placeholder:0", "concat_9:0", "mul_6:0"]) print("load yolo v3 successfully!") with tf.Session() as sess: model = load_model("files/trained_models/main_model.h5") print("load main_model successfully!") while True: fo = open(config_position, "r") # 配置1 txt = fo.close() if txt == '0': set_gamepad(-1, -1, 0) time.sleep(0.7) print('=====================end=====================') exit(0) elif txt == '1': message = client.recvMessage() frame = frame2numpy(message['frame'], (CAP_IMG_W, CAP_IMG_H)) image_obj = Image.fromarray(frame) speed = message['speed'] boxes, scores =, feed_dict={ input_tensor: np.expand_dims( yolo_img_process(frame), axis=0) }) boxes, scores, labels = yolo_util.cpu_nms(boxes, scores, num_classes, score_thresh=0.4, iou_thresh=0.1) image, warning = yolo_util.draw_boxes(image_obj, boxes, scores, labels, classes, (IMAGE_H, IMAGE_W), show=False) control, throttle, breakk = drive(model=model, image=frame, speed=speed, warning=warning) print(warning) set_gamepad(control, throttle, breakk)