# Graphs below give you a chance to look deeper into your car's behaviour on track.
# We start with plot_selected_laps. The general idea of this block is as follows:
# * Select laps(episodes) that have the properties that you care about, for instance, fastest, most progressed, failing in a certain section of the track or not failing in there,
# * Provide the list of them in a dataframe into the plot_selected_laps, together with the whole training dataframe and the track info,
# * You've got the laps to analyse.

# +
# Some examples:
# highest reward for complete laps:
episodes_to_plot = complete_ones.nlargest(3, 'reward')

# highest progress from all episodes:
# episodes_to_plot = simulation_agg.nlargest(3,'progress')

pu.plot_selected_laps(episodes_to_plot, df, track)
# -
# ### Plot a heatmap of rewards for current training.
# The brighter the colour, the higher the reward granted in given coordinates.
# If instead of a similar view as in the example below you get a dark image with hardly any
# dots, it might be that your rewards are highly disproportionate and possibly sparse.
# Disproportion means you may have one reward of 10.000 and the rest in range 0.01-1.
# In such cases the vast majority of dots will simply be very dark and the only bright dot
# might be in a place difficult to spot. I recommend you go back to the tables and show highest
# and average rewards per step to confirm if this is the case. Such disproportions may
# not affect your traning very negatively, but they will make the data less readable in this notebook.
# Sparse data means that the car gets a high reward for the best behaviour and very low reward
# for anything else, and worse even, reward is pretty much discrete (return 10 for narrow perfect,
# else return 0.1). The car relies on reward varying between behaviours to find gradients that can
# Graphs below give you a chance to look deeper into your car's behaviour on track.
# We start with plot_selected_laps. The general idea of this block is as follows:
# * Select laps(episodes) that have the properties that you care about, for instance, fastest, most progressed, failing in a certain section of the track or not failing in there,
# * Provide the list of them in a dataframe into the plot_selected_laps, together with the whole training dataframe and the track info,
# * You've got the laps to analyse.

# +
# Some examples:
# highest reward for complete laps:
# episodes_to_plot = complete_ones.nlargest(3,'reward')

# highest progress from all episodes:
episodes_to_plot = simulation_agg.nlargest(3,'progress')

pu.plot_selected_laps(episodes_to_plot, df, track)
# -
# ### Plot a heatmap of rewards for current training. 
# The brighter the colour, the higher the reward granted in given coordinates.
# If instead of a similar view as in the example below you get a dark image with hardly any 
# dots, it might be that your rewards are highly disproportionate and possibly sparse.
# Disproportion means you may have one reward of 10.000 and the rest in range 0.01-1.
# In such cases the vast majority of dots will simply be very dark and the only bright dot
# might be in a place difficult to spot. I recommend you go back to the tables and show highest
# and average rewards per step to confirm if this is the case. Such disproportions may
# not affect your traning very negatively, but they will make the data less readable in this notebook.
# Sparse data means that the car gets a high reward for the best behaviour and very low reward
# for anything else, and worse even, reward is pretty much discrete (return 10 for narrow perfect,
# else return 0.1). The car relies on reward varying between behaviours to find gradients that can