def main_proc(site, cua): cmseek.clearscreen() cmseek.banner("CMS Detection And Deep Scan")"Scanning Site: " + site) cmseek.statement("User Agent: " + cua) cmseek.statement("Collecting Headers and Page Source for Analysis") init_source = cmseek.getsource(site, cua) if init_source[0] != '1': cmseek.error( "Aborting CMSeek! Couldn't connect to site \n Error: %s" % init_source[1]) return else: scode = init_source[1] headers = init_source[2] if site != init_source[3] and site + '/' != init_source[3]:'Target redirected to: ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + init_source[3] + cmseek.cln) follow_redir = input('[#] Set ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + init_source[3] + cmseek.cln + ' as target? (y/n): ') if follow_redir.lower() == 'y': site = init_source[3] cmseek.statement( "Reinitiating Headers and Page Source for Analysis") tmp_req = cmseek.getsource(site, cua) scode = tmp_req[1] headers = tmp_req[2] if scode == '': # silly little check thought it'd come handy cmseek.error('Aborting detection, source code empty') return cmseek.statement("Detection Started") ## init variables cms = '' # the cms id if detected cms_detected = '0' # self explanotory detection_method = '' # ^ ga = '0' # is generator available ga_content = '' # Generator content ## Parse generator meta tag parse_generator = generator.parse(scode) ga = parse_generator[0] ga_content = parse_generator[1] cmseek.statement("Using headers to detect CMS (Stage 1 of 4)") header_detection = header.check(headers) if header_detection[0] == '1': detection_method = 'header' cms = header_detection[1] cms_detected = '1' if cms_detected == '0' and ga == '1': # cms detection via generator cmseek.statement( "Using Generator meta tag to detect CMS (Stage 2 of 4)") gen_detection = generator.scan(ga_content) if gen_detection[0] == '1': detection_method = 'generator' cms = gen_detection[1] cms_detected = '1' else: cmseek.statement('Skipping stage 2 of 4: No Generator meta tag found') if cms_detected == '0': # Check cms using source code cmseek.statement("Using source code to detect CMS (Stage 3 of 4)") source_check = source.check(scode, site) if source_check[0] == '1': detection_method = 'source' cms = source_check[1] cms_detected = '1' if cms_detected == '0': # Check cms using robots.txt cmseek.statement("Using robots.txt to detect CMS (Stage 4 of 4)") robots_check = robots.check(site, cua) if robots_check[0] == '1': detection_method = 'robots' cms = robots_check[1] cms_detected = '1' if cms_detected == '1': cmseek.success('CMS Detected, CMS ID: ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cms + cmseek.cln + ', Detection method: ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.lblue + detection_method + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('detection_param', detection_method) cmseek.update_log('cms_id', cms) # update log cmseek.statement('Getting CMS info from database') # freaking typo cms_info = getattr(cmsdb, cms) if cms_info['deeps'] == '1': # cmseek.success('Starting ' + cmseek.bold + cms_info['name'] + ' deep scan' + cmseek.cln) advanced.start(cms, site, cua, ga, scode, ga_content) return elif cms_info['vd'] == '1': cmseek.success('Starting version detection') cms_version = '0' # Failsafe measure cms_version = version_detect.start(cms, site, cua, ga, scode, ga_content) cmseek.clearscreen() cmseek.banner("CMS Scan Results") result.cms(cms_info['name'], cms_version, cms_info['url']) cmseek.update_log('cms_name', cms_info['name']) # update log if cms_version != '0' and cms_version != None: cmseek.update_log('cms_version', cms_version) # update log cmseek.update_log('cms_url', cms_info['url']) # update log comptime = round(time.time() - cmseek.cstart, 2) log_dir = cmseek.log_dir if log_dir is not "": log_file = log_dir + "/cms.json" result.end(str(cmseek.total_requests), str(comptime), log_file) ''' cmseek.result('Target: ', site) cmseek.result("Detected CMS: ", cms_info['name']) cmseek.update_log('cms_name', cms_info['name']) # update log if cms_version != '0' and cms_version != None: cmseek.result("CMS Version: ", cms_version) cmseek.update_log('cms_version', cms_version) # update log cmseek.result("CMS URL: ", cms_info['url']) cmseek.update_log('cms_url', cms_info['url']) # update log ''' return else: # nor version detect neither DeepScan available cmseek.clearscreen() cmseek.banner("CMS Scan Results") result.cms(cms_info['name'], '0', cms_info['url']) comptime = round(time.time() - cmseek.cstart, 2) log_dir = cmseek.log_dir if log_dir is not "": log_file = log_dir + "/cms.json" result.end(str(cmseek.total_requests), str(comptime), log_file) ''' cmseek.result('Target: ', site) cmseek.result("Detected CMS: ", cms_info['name']) cmseek.update_log('cms_name', cms_info['name']) # update log cmseek.result("CMS URL: ", cms_info['url']) cmseek.update_log('cms_url', cms_info['url']) # update log ''' return else: print('\n') cmseek.error( 'CMS Detection failed, if you know the cms please help me improve CMSeeK by reporting the cms along with the target by creating an issue' ) print(''' {2}Create issue:{3} {4}Title:{5} [SUGGESTION] CMS detction failed! {6}Content:{7} - CMSeeK Version: {0} - Target: {1} - Probable CMS: <name and/or cms url> N.B: Create issue only if you are sure, please avoid spamming! '''.format(cmseek.cmseek_version, site, cmseek.bold, cmseek.cln, cmseek.bold, cmseek.cln, cmseek.bold, cmseek.cln)) return return
def main_proc(site, cua): cmseek.clearscreen() cmseek.banner("CMS Detection And Deep Scan")"Scanning Site: " + site) cmseek.statement("User Agent: " + cua) cmseek.statement("Collecting Headers and Page Source for Analysis") init_source = cmseek.getsource(site, cua) if init_source[0] != '1': cmseek.error( "Aborting CMSeek! Couldn't connect to site \n Error: %s" % init_source[1]) return else: scode = init_source[1] headers = init_source[2] if site != init_source[3] and site + '/' != init_source[3]:'Target redirected to: ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + init_source[3] + cmseek.cln) follow_redir = input('[#] Set ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + init_source[3] + cmseek.cln + ' as target? (y/n): ') if follow_redir.lower() == 'y': site = init_source[3] if scode == '': # silly little check thought it'd come handy cmseek.error('Aborting detection, source code empty') return cmseek.statement("Detection Started") ## init variables cms = '' # the cms id if detected cms_detected = '0' # self explanotory detection_method = '' # ^ ga = '0' # is generator available if 'generator' in scode or 'Generator' in scode: ga = '1' cmseek.statement("Using headers to detect CMS (Stage 1 of 3)") header_detection = header.check(headers) if header_detection[0] == '1': detection_method = 'header' cms = header_detection[1] cms_detected = '1' if cms_detected == '0' and ga == '1': # cms detection via generator cmseek.statement( "Using Generator meta tag to detect CMS (Stage 2 of 3)") gen_detection = source.generator(scode) if gen_detection[0] == '1': detection_method = 'generator' cms = gen_detection[1] cms_detected = '1' else: # Check cms using source code cmseek.statement("Using source code to detect CMS (Stage 3 of 3)") source_check = source.check(scode, site) if source_check[0] == '1': detection_method = 'source' cms = source_check[1] cms_detected = '1' if cms_detected == '1': cmseek.success('CMS Detected, CMS ID: ' + cmseek.bold + cms + cmseek.cln + ', Detection method: ' + cmseek.bold + detection_method + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('detection_param', detection_method) cmseek.update_log('cms_id', cms) # update log cmseek.statement('Getting CMS info from databse') cms_info = getattr(cmsdb, cms) if cms_info['deeps'] == '1': # cmseek.success('Starting ' + cmseek.bold + cms_info['name'] + ' deep scan' + cmseek.cln) advanced.start(cms, site, cua, ga, scode) return elif cms_info['vd'] == '1': cmseek.success('Version detection available') cms_version = version_detect.start(cms, site, cua, ga, scode) cmseek.clearscreen() cmseek.banner("CMS Scan Results") cmseek.result('Target: ', site) cmseek.result("Detected CMS: ", cms_info['name']) cmseek.update_log('cms_name', cms_info['name']) # update log if cms_version != '0': cmseek.result("CMS Version: ", cms_version) cmseek.update_log('cms_version', cms_version) # update log cmseek.result("CMS URL: ", cms_info['url']) cmseek.update_log('cms_url', cms_info['url']) # update log return else: # nor version detect neither DeepScan available cmseek.clearscreen() cmseek.banner("CMS Scan Results") cmseek.result('Target: ', site) cmseek.result("Detected CMS: ", cms_info['name']) cmseek.update_log('cms_name', cms_info['name']) # update log cmseek.result("CMS URL: ", cms_info['url']) cmseek.update_log('cms_url', cms_info['url']) # update log return else: print('\n') cmseek.error( 'CMS Detection failed, if you know the cms please help me improve CMSeeK by reporting the cms along with the target by creating an issue' ) print(''' {2}Create issue:{3} {4}Title:{5} [SUGGESTION] CMS detction failed! {6}Content:{7} - CMSeeK Version: {0} - Target: {1} - Probable CMS: <name and/or cms url> N.B: Create issue only if you are sure, please avoid spamming! '''.format(cmseek.cmseek_version, site, cmseek.bold, cmseek.cln, cmseek.bold, cmseek.cln, cmseek.bold, cmseek.cln)) return return
def main_proc(site,cua): cmseek.clearscreen() cmseek.banner("CMS Detection And Deep Scan")"Scanning Site: " + site) cmseek.statement("User Agent: " + cua) cmseek.statement("Collecting Headers and Page Source for Analysis") init_source = cmseek.getsource(site, cua) if init_source[0] != '1': cmseek.error("Aborting CMSeek! Couldn't connect to site \n Error: %s" % init_source[1]) return else: scode = init_source[1] headers = init_source[2] if site != init_source[3] and site + '/' != init_source[3]:'Target redirected to: ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + init_source[3] + cmseek.cln) follow_redir = input('[#] Set ' + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + init_source[3] + cmseek.cln + ' as target? (y/n): ') if follow_redir.lower() == 'y': site = init_source[3] cmseek.statement("Detection Started") cmseek.statement("Using headers to detect CMS (Stage 1 of 2)") c1 = header.check(headers) if c1[0] == "1": # Do this shit later cmseek.success("CMS Detected, CMS ID: \"%s\" - looking up database for CMS information" % c1[1]) cmseek.update_log('detection_param','header') # update log cmseek.update_log('cms_id',c1[1]) # update log cka = getattr(cmsdb, c1[1]) if cka['deeps'] != '1': # Deep Scan if cka['vd'] != '1': # Version Detection not available for the cms show basic stuff print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log else: cmseek.statement("CMS Version is detectable, detecting CMS Version") ### Detect version cms_version = version_detect.start(c1[1], site, cua, '1', scode) print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log if cms_version != '0': cmseek.result('',"CMS Version: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cms_version + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_version',cms_version) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log # return else: advanced.start(c1[1], site, cua, '2', scode) ## The 2 suggests that generator check has not been performed else: cmseek.warning('No luck with headers... Continuing with source code') cmseek.statement("Checking for generator meta tag in source code") if 'Generator' in scode or 'generator' in scode: cmseek.success("Generator meta tag found.. Continuing with detection (2.1 of 2.2)") ga = "1" ## Generator tag found .. this will come in handy later to save us some milliseconds ;) c21 = source.generator(scode) if c21[0] == '1': cmseek.success("CMS Detected, CMS ID: \"%s\" - looking up database for CMS information" % c21[1]) cmseek.update_log('detection_param','generator') # update log cmseek.update_log('cms_id',c21[1]) # update log cka = getattr(cmsdb, c21[1]) if cka['deeps'] != '1': # Deep Scan not available if cka['vd'] != '1': # Version Detection not available for the cms show basic stuff print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log else: cmseek.statement("CMS Version is detectable, detecting CMS Version") ### Detect version cms_version = version_detect.start(c21[1], site, cua, '1', scode) print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log if cms_version != '0': cmseek.result('',"CMS Version: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cms_version + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_version',cms_version) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log # return else: advanced.start(c21[1], site, cua, '1', scode) elif c21[0] == '2': # Empty Source code cmseek.error("Source code was empty... exiting CMSeek") # return else: ## CMS Detection unsuccessful via generator meta tag cmseek.warning('Could not detect CMS from the generator meta tag, (Procceeding with scan 2.2 of 2.2)') c22 = source.check(scode, site) if c22[0] == '1': cmseek.success("CMS Detected, CMS ID: \"%s\" - looking up database for CMS information" % c22[1]) cmseek.update_log('detection_param','source') # update log cmseek.update_log('cms_id',c22[1]) # update log cka = getattr(cmsdb, c22[1]) if cka['deeps'] != '1': # Deep Scan not available if cka['vd'] != '1': # Version Detection not available for the cms show basic stuff print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log else: cmseek.statement("CMS Version is detectable, detecting CMS Version") cms_version = version_detect.start(c22[1], site, cua, '1', scode) ### Detect version print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log if cms_version != '0': cmseek.result('',"CMS Version: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cms_version + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_version',cms_version) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log return else: advanced.start(c22[1], site, cua, '1', scode) elif c22[0] == '2': # Empty Source code cmseek.error("Source code was empty... exiting CMSeek") return else: cmseek.error("Couldn't detect cms... :( \n Sorry master didn't mean to dissapoint but bye for now \n Can't handle this much disappintment \n\n") return else: cmseek.warning("Generator meta tag not found! (Procceeding with scan 2.2 of 2.2)") ga = '0' ## Generator meta tag not found as i freakin said earlier this will come in handy later c22 = source.check(scode, site) if c22[0] == '1': cmseek.success("CMS Detected, CMS ID: \"%s\" - looking up database for CMS information" % c22[1]) cmseek.update_log('detection_param','source') # update log cmseek.update_log('cms_id',c22[1]) # update log cka = getattr(cmsdb, c22[1]) if cka['deeps'] != '1': # Deep Scan not available if cka['vd'] != '1': # Version Detection not available for the cms show basic stuff print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log else: cmseek.statement("CMS Version is detectable, detecting CMS Version") cms_version = version_detect.start(c22[1], site, cua, '0', scode) ### Detect version print('\n') cmseek.result('',"CMS Name: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['name'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_name',cka['name']) # update log if cms_version != '0': cmseek.result('',"CMS Version: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cms_version + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_version',cms_version) # update log cmseek.result('',"CMS Link: " + cmseek.bold + cmseek.fgreen + cka['url'] + cmseek.cln) cmseek.update_log('cms_url',cka['url']) # update log return else: advanced.start(c22[1], site, cua, '0', scode) elif c22[0] == '2': # Empty Source code cmseek.error("Source code was empty... exiting CMSeek") return else: cmseek.error("Couldn't detect cms... :( \n Sorry master didn't mean to dissapoint but bye for now \n Can't handle this much disappintment \n\n") return