def test_decode_variants(self): variants = [ test_utils.make_variant(start=1), test_utils.make_variant(start=2) ] encoded = [variant.SerializeToString() for variant in variants] actual = variantutils.decode_variants(encoded) # We have an iterable, so actual isn't equal to variants. self.assertNotEqual(actual, variants) # Making actual a list now makes it equal. self.assertEqual(list(actual), variants)
def test_get_training_batches(self, compressed_inputs): golden_dataset = make_golden_dataset(compressed_inputs) batch_size = 16 with tf.Session() as sess: mock_model = mock.MagicMock(autospec=modeling.DeepVariantModel) mock_model.preprocess_image.side_effect = functools.partial( tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad, target_height=107, target_width=221) batch = data_providers.make_training_batches( golden_dataset.get_slim_dataset(), mock_model, batch_size) # We should have called our preprocess_image exactly once. We don't have # the actual objects to test for the call, though. test_utils.assert_called_once_workaround( mock_model.preprocess_image) # Get our images, labels, and variants for further testing. coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord, sess=sess) images, labels, variants = # Checks that our labels are the right shape and are one-hot encoded. self.assertEqual( (batch_size, 107, 221, pileup_image.DEFAULT_NUM_CHANNEL), images.shape) self.assertEqual((batch_size, ), labels.shape) for label in labels: self.assertTrue(0 <= label <= 2) # Check that our variants has the shape we expect and actually contain # variants by decoding them and checking the reference_name. self.assertEqual((batch_size, ), variants.shape) for variant in variantutils.decode_variants(variants): self.assertEqual(variant.reference_name, 'chr20') # Shutdown tensorflow coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads)
def test_prepare_inputs(self, filename, expand_to_file_pattern): source_path = test_utils.test_tmpfile(filename) io_utils.write_tfrecords(self.examples, source_path) if expand_to_file_pattern: # Transform foo@3 to foo-?????-of-00003. source_path = io_utils.NormalizeToShardedFilePattern(source_path) with self.test_session() as sess: _, variants, _ = call_variants.prepare_inputs( source_path, self.model, batch_size=1) seen_variants = [] try: while True: seen_variants.extend( except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: pass self.assertItemsEqual(self.variants, variantutils.decode_variants(seen_variants))
def _select(encoded_variants): weights = [ 1.0 * variant_p_func(variant) for variant in variantutils.decode_variants(encoded_variants) ] return np.array(weights, dtype=np.float32)