def __init__(self, sensor_models, calibration_model, lr=1e-4, batch_size=20, log_dir=None, **kwargs): self.graph = T.core.Graph() self.log_dir = log_dir with self.graph.as_default(): self.calibration_model = calibration_model self.board_ids = list(sensor_models.keys()) self.board_map = {b: i for i, b in enumerate(self.board_ids)} self.sensor_map = sensor_models self.sensor_models = [ sensor_models[board_id] for board_id in self.board_ids ] self.architecture = pickle.dumps( [sensor_models, calibration_model]) self.batch_size = batch_size = lr self.learning_rate = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), []) self.sensors = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 3]) self.env = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 3]) self.board = T.placeholder(T.core.int32, [None]) self.boards = T.transpose( T.pack([self.board, T.range(T.shape(self.board)[0])])) self.rep = T.gather_nd( T.pack([ sensor_model(self.sensors) for sensor_model in self.sensor_models ]), self.boards) self.rep_ = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, self.rep.get_shape()[-1]]) rep_env = T.concat([self.rep, self.env], -1) rep_env_ = T.concat([self.rep_, self.env], -1) self.y_ = self.calibration_model(rep_env) self.y_rep = self.calibration_model(rep_env_) self.y = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 2]) self.loss = T.mean((self.y - self.y_)**2) self.mae = T.mean(T.abs(self.y - self.y_)) T.core.summary.scalar('MSE', self.loss) T.core.summary.scalar('MAE', self.mae) self.summary = T.core.summary.merge_all() self.train_op = T.core.train.AdamOptimizer( self.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss) self.session = T.interactive_session(graph=self.graph)
def __init__(self, features, model=None, batch_size=20, lr=1e-4): super(NeuralNetwork, self).__init__(features) self.graph = T.core.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): self.architecture = pickle.dumps(model) self.model = model #Relu(6, 200) >> Relu(200) >> Relu(200) >> Relu(200) >> Linear(2) self.batch_size = batch_size = lr self.X = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 6]) self.y = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 2]) self.y_ = self.model(self.X) self.loss = T.mean((self.y - self.y_) ** 2) self.train_op = T.core.train.AdamOptimizer( self.session = T.interactive_session(graph=self.graph)
def xavier(shape, constant=1): """ Xavier initialization of network weights""" fan_in, fan_out = get_fans(shape) low = -constant*np.sqrt(6.0/(fan_in + fan_out)) high = constant*np.sqrt(6.0/(fan_in + fan_out)) return T.random_uniform(shape, minval=low, maxval=high, dtype=T.floatx())
def create_parameter(self, name, shape, initial_value=None): if name not in self.parameters: if initial_value is None: parameter = T.variable( initialize_weights(self.initialization, shape), name=name, ) else: parameter = T.variable( np.array(initial_value, dtype=T.floatx()), name=name, ) self.parameters[name] = parameter
idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(70000)) X = X[idx] labels = labels[idx].astype(np.int32) y = np.zeros((N, 10)) for i in range(N): y[i, labels[i]] = 1 split = int(0.9 * N) train_idx, test_idx = idx[:split], idx[split:] Xtrain, Xtest = X[train_idx], X[test_idx] ytrain, ytest = y[train_idx], y[test_idx] X_in = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 28, 28, 1]) Y_in = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 10]) conv_net = Conv((2, 2, 10)) >> Conv((2, 2, 20)) >> Flatten() >> Linear(10) logits = conv_net(X_in) predictions = T.argmax(logits, -1) loss = T.mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=Y_in)) train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-3).minimize(loss) sess = T.interactive_session() def train(n_iter, batch_size=20): for i in range(n_iter): idx = np.random.permutation(Xtrain.shape[0])[:batch_size] result =[loss, train_op], { X_in : Xtrain[idx], Y_in : ytrain[idx] })
ellipse = 2. *, circle) + mean[:, None] if line: line.set_data(ellipse) line.set_alpha(alpha) else: ax.plot(ellipse[0], ellipse[1], linestyle='-', linewidth=2) N = 1000 K = 5 D = 2 sigma = 0.5 sigma0 = 100 data = generate_data(N, D, K, sigma=sigma, sigma0=sigma0, seed=None) p_pi = Dirichlet(T.constant(10.0 * np.ones([K], dtype=T.floatx()))) p_theta = NIW( list( map(lambda x: T.constant(np.array(x).astype(T.floatx())), [np.eye(D) * sigma, np.zeros(D), 1, D + 1]))) prior = (p_pi, p_theta) np.random.seed(None) X = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, D]) batch_size = T.shape(X)[0] q_pi = make_variable(Dirichlet(np.ones([K], dtype=T.floatx()))) q_theta = make_variable( NIW( map(lambda x: np.array(x).astype(T.floatx()), [
ellipse = 2. *, circle) + mean[:, None] if line: line.set_data(ellipse) line.set_alpha(alpha) else: ax.plot(ellipse[0], ellipse[1], linestyle='-', linewidth=2) N = 1000 K = 5 D = 2 sigma = 0.5 sigma0 = 100 X = generate_data(N, D, K, sigma=sigma, sigma0=sigma0, seed=None) p_pi = Dirichlet(T.constant(10.0 * np.ones([K], dtype=T.floatx()))) p_theta = NIW( list( map(lambda x: T.constant(np.array(x).astype(T.floatx())), [np.eye(D) * sigma, np.zeros(D), 1, D + 1]))) prior = (p_pi, p_theta) np.random.seed(None) q_pi = make_variable(Dirichlet(np.ones([K], dtype=T.floatx()))) q_theta = make_variable( NIW( map(lambda x: np.array(x).astype(T.floatx()), [ np.tile(np.eye(D)[None] * 100, [K, 1, 1]), np.random.multivariate_normal( mean=np.zeros([D]), cov=np.eye(D) * 20, size=[K]),
_, l =[train_op, loss], {X: X_data[idx], Y: Y_data[idx]}) if i % 1000 == 0: print(l) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() model_path = Path('results') / / 'models' / 'model_latest.pkl' dataset1 = load(args.round1, args.location1, args.board1) dataset2 = load(args.round2, args.location2, args.board2) train = dataset1[0].join(dataset2[0], lsuffix='-left').dropna() test = dataset1[1].join(dataset2[1], lsuffix='-left').dropna() model = joblib.load(model_path) fixer_model = pickle.loads(model.architecture)[0][args.board2] X = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 3]) Y = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, 3]) Y_ = fixer_model(X) loss = T.mean((Y - Y_)**2) train_op = T.core.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize( loss, var_list=fixer_model.get_parameters()) X_data_train = train[[s + '-left' for s in sensor_features]].as_matrix() Y_data_train = model.representation(train[sensor_features], train['board']) X_data_test = test[[s + '-left' for s in sensor_features]].as_matrix() Y_data_test = model.representation(test[sensor_features], test['board']) sess = T.interactive_session() fit_nn(X_data_train, Y_data_train, fixer_model, batch_size=64) train_preds = model.calibrate(, {X: X_data_train}),
X += np.random.normal(size=X.shape, scale=np.sqrt(noise)) return X data = generate_data(1000) N = data.shape[0] yt, yt1 = data[:, :-1], data[:, 1:] yt, yt1 = yt.reshape([-1, D]), yt1.reshape([-1, D]) transition_net = Tanh(D, 500) >> Tanh(500) >> nn.Gaussian(D) transition_net.initialize() rec_net = Tanh(D, 500) >> Tanh(500) >> nn.Gaussian(D) rec_net.initialize() Yt = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, D]) Yt1 = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, D]) batch_size = T.shape(Yt)[0] num_batches = N / T.to_float(batch_size) Yt_message = Gaussian.pack([ T.tile(T.eye(D)[None] * noise, [batch_size, 1, 1]), T.einsum('ab,ib->ia', T.eye(D) * noise, Yt) ]) Yt1_message = Gaussian.pack([ T.tile(T.eye(D)[None] * noise, [batch_size, 1, 1]), T.einsum('ab,ib->ia', T.eye(D) * noise, Yt1) ]) transition = Gaussian(transition_net(Yt)).expected_value()
def initialize(self): self.graph = T.core.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): prior_params = self.prior_params.copy() prior_type = prior_params.pop('prior_type') self.prior = PRIOR_MAP[prior_type](self.ds, self.da, self.horizon, **prior_params) cost_params = self.cost_params.copy() cost_type = cost_params.pop('cost_type') self.cost = COST_MAP[cost_type](self.ds, self.da, **cost_params) self.O = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, None,]) self.U = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, None, self.du]) self.C = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, None]) self.S = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, None, self.ds]) self.A = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, None, self.da]) self.t = T.placeholder(T.int32, []) self.state, self.action = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, self.ds]), T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, self.da]) if self.prior.has_dynamics(): self.next_state = self.prior.next_state(self.state, self.action, self.t) self.prior_dynamics = self.prior.get_dynamics() self.num_data = T.scalar() self.beta = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), []) self.learning_rate = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), []) self.model_learning_rate = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), []) self.S_potentials = util.map_network(self.state_encoder)(self.O) self.A_potentials = util.map_network(self.action_encoder)(self.U) if self.prior.is_dynamics_prior(): self.data_strength = T.placeholder(T.floatx(), []) self.max_iter = T.placeholder(T.int32, []) posterior_dynamics, (encodings, actions) = \ self.prior.posterior_dynamics(self.S_potentials, self.A_potentials, data_strength=self.data_strength, max_iter=self.max_iter) self.posterior_dynamics_ = posterior_dynamics, (encodings.expected_value(), actions.expected_value()) if self.prior.is_filtering_prior(): self.prior_dynamics_stats = self.prior.sufficient_statistics() self.dynamics_stats = ( T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, self.ds, self.ds]), T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, self.ds, self.ds + self.da]), T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None, self.ds + self.da, self.ds + self.da]), T.placeholder(T.floatx(), [None]), ) S_natparam = self.S_potentials.get_parameters('natural') num_steps = T.shape(S_natparam)[1] self.padded_S = stats.Gaussian(T.core.pad( self.S_potentials.get_parameters('natural'), [[0, 0], [0, self.horizon - num_steps], [0, 0], [0, 0]] ), 'natural') self.padded_A = stats.GaussianScaleDiag([ T.core.pad(self.A_potentials.get_parameters('regular')[0], [[0, 0], [0, self.horizon - num_steps], [0, 0]]), T.core.pad(self.A_potentials.get_parameters('regular')[1], [[0, 0], [0, self.horizon - num_steps], [0, 0]]) ], 'regular') self.q_S_padded, self.q_A_padded = self.prior.encode( self.padded_S, self.padded_A, dynamics_stats=self.dynamics_stats ) self.q_S_filter = self.q_S_padded.filter(max_steps=num_steps) self.q_A_filter = self.q_A_padded.__class__( self.q_A_padded.get_parameters('natural')[:, :num_steps] , 'natural') self.e_q_S_filter = self.q_S_filter.expected_value() self.e_q_A_filter = self.q_A_filter.expected_value() (self.q_S, self.q_A), self.prior_kl, self.kl_grads, = self.prior.posterior_kl_grads( self.S_potentials, self.A_potentials, self.num_data ) self.q_S_sample = self.q_S.sample()[0] self.q_A_sample = self.q_A.sample()[0] self.q_O = util.map_network(self.state_decoder)(self.q_S_sample) self.q_U = util.map_network(self.action_decoder)(self.q_A_sample) self.q_O_sample = self.q_O.sample()[0] self.q_U_sample = self.q_U.sample()[0] self.q_O_ = util.map_network(self.state_decoder)(self.S) self.q_U_ = util.map_network(self.action_decoder)(self.A) self.q_O__sample = self.q_O_.sample()[0] self.q_U__sample = self.q_U_.sample()[0] self.cost_likelihood = self.cost.log_likelihood(self.q_S_sample, self.C) if self.cost.is_cost_function(): self.evaluated_cost = self.cost.evaluate(self.S) self.log_likelihood = T.sum(self.q_O.log_likelihood(self.O), axis=1) self.elbo = T.mean(self.log_likelihood + self.cost_likelihood - self.prior_kl) train_elbo = T.mean(self.log_likelihood + self.beta * (self.cost_likelihood - self.prior_kl)) T.core.summary.scalar("encoder-stdev", T.mean(self.S_potentials.get_parameters('regular')[0])) T.core.summary.scalar("log-likelihood", T.mean(self.log_likelihood)) T.core.summary.scalar("cost-likelihood", T.mean(self.cost_likelihood)) T.core.summary.scalar("prior-kl", T.mean(self.prior_kl)) T.core.summary.scalar("beta", self.beta) T.core.summary.scalar("elbo", self.elbo) T.core.summary.scalar("beta-elbo", train_elbo) for k, v in T.core.summary.scalar(k, T.mean(v)) self.summary = T.core.summary.merge_all() neural_params = ( self.state_encoder.get_parameters() + self.state_decoder.get_parameters() + self.action_encoder.get_parameters() + self.action_decoder.get_parameters() ) cost_params = self.cost.get_parameters() if len(neural_params) > 0: optimizer = T.core.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate) gradients, variables = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(-train_elbo, var_list=neural_params)) gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 5.0) self.neural_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, variables)) else: self.neural_op = T.core.no_op() if len(cost_params) > 0: self.cost_op = T.core.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate).minimize(-self.elbo, var_list=cost_params) else: self.cost_op = T.core.no_op() if len(self.kl_grads) > 0: if self.prior.is_dynamics_prior(): # opt = lambda x: T.core.train.MomentumOptimizer(x, 0.5) opt = lambda x: T.core.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(x) else: opt = T.core.train.AdamOptimizer self.dynamics_op = opt(self.model_learning_rate).apply_gradients([ (b, a) for a, b in self.kl_grads ]) else: self.dynamics_op = T.core.no_op() self.train_op =, self.dynamics_op, self.cost_op) self.session = T.interactive_session(graph=self.graph, allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False)
sns.set_style('white') import numpy as np from tqdm import trange from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from deepx import T from deepx.nn import * from deepx.stats import Gaussian, Dirichlet, NIW, Categorical, kl_divergence, Bernoulli from activations import Gaussian as GaussianLayer from activations import GaussianStats N = 1000 D = 10 p_w = Gaussian([ T.constant(np.eye(D).astype(T.floatx()))[None], T.constant(np.zeros(D).astype(T.floatx()))[None] ]) def logistic(x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) # def generate_data(N, D): # with T.session() as s: # w = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=np.zeros(D), cov=np.eye(D)) # X = np.random.normal(size=(N, D)) # p = logistic(np.einsum('ia,a->i', X, w))
from deepx import stats, T N, H, ds, da = 1, 2, 4, 2 # random rotation for state-state transition A = np.zeros([H - 1, ds, ds]) for t in range(H - 1): theta = 0.5 * np.pi * np.random.rand() rot = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) out = np.zeros((ds, ds)) out[:2, :2] = rot q = np.linalg.qr(np.random.randn(ds, ds))[0] A[t] = A = T.constant(A, dtype=T.floatx()) B = T.constant(0.1 * np.random.randn(H - 1, ds, da), dtype=T.floatx()) Q = T.matrix_diag( np.random.uniform(low=0.9, high=1.1, size=[H - 1, ds]).astype(np.float32)) prior = stats.Gaussian([T.eye(ds), T.zeros(ds)]) p_S = stats.Gaussian([ T.eye(ds, batch_shape=[N, H]), T.constant(np.random.randn(N, H, ds), dtype=T.floatx()) ]) potentials = stats.Gaussian.unpack( p_S.get_parameters('natural')) + [p_S.log_z()] actions = T.constant(np.random.randn(N, H, da), dtype=T.floatx()) lds = stats.LDS(((A, B, Q), prior, potentials, actions))