文件: floc.py 项目: tsokawe/fragnew
    def evolve_floc(self, Deform = True, MaxTimes = 100, TimeRange = None, FullOutput = False):
            MaxTimes         int; number of time points to compute the stress over. The deformation
                             integral returns more than we want to use for efficiency reasons when
                             doing these computations over thousands of flocs at once.
            TimeRange        [t0, t1, dt] or None. If None (default), will use dfm's set_tau_cap
                             function to automatically determine the time step and final time.
            FullOutput       Bool; if True will set attributes Ra, wV, and T (see below).

        Sets Attributes::
            forces[MaxTimes][NEdges]       float, NEdges is the number of edges in the floc. i j entry
                                           is the fragmentation force acting against the j plane at time i
            aV[MaxTimes][3]                float, axes lenghts at each time step
            Ra[MaxTimes][2]                float, the two unique entries defining rotation R (cos theta, sin theta)
            wV[MaxTimes][3]                float, angular velocity at each time step
            T[MaxTimes]                    float, times 
        if len(self.mst_sph) == 0:
            # then the floc is size 1 and won't fragment so we don't bother deforming it
            Ra = np.array([])
            wV = np.array([])
            T = np.array([])
            forces = np.array([])
            # compute the time interval if we don't have one
            if TimeRange == None:
                t0, t1, dt, tau, cap = dfm.set_tau_cap(self.a0, self.lam, self.mu, self.gammadot, self.Gamma)
                t0,t1,dt = TimeRange
            # deform the floc (or just rotate if not deforming or is too elongated already)
            if ( (Deform == True) & (self.a0[0] / self.a0[1] < 6.0) ):
                aV, Ra, wV, T = dfm.deform(t0, t1, dt, self.a0, self.lam, self.mu, self.gammadot, self.Gamma, True)
                aV, Ra, wV, T = dfm.solid_rotations(t0, t1, dt, self.a0, self.gammadot, True)
            # shorten the length of the output
            if np.shape(T)[0] > MaxTimes:
                StepSize = int(np.floor(np.shape(T)[0] / MaxTimes))
                aV = np.ascontiguousarray( aV[::StepSize] )
                Ra = np.ascontiguousarray( Ra[::StepSize] )
                wV = np.ascontiguousarray( wV[::StepSize] )
                T =  np.ascontiguousarray( T[::StepSize]  )
            # get the force matrix
            forces = frc.py_set_force_Vectorized(aV, Ra, wV, self.pnV_sph, \
                                                 self.pxV_sph, self.gammadot, self.p0, self.mu)
            self.aV = aV
        if FullOutput == True:
            self.Ra = Ra
            self.wV = wV
            self.T = T
        self.forces = forces
x  = R.T * x'


R from deform is the map from the body-frame to the laboratory frame.
The way we check this is to apply R to the vector (0,1,0). We can think
of this like a point on the ellipsoid, scaled to unit length. We know
that the shear field we apply will cause the ellipsoid to rotate 
clockwise in the XY plane. Applying R to (0,1,0) causes this vector
to rotate clockwise in the XY plane, which means it sends the point
(0,1,0) in the body-fixed frame to its coordinates in the lab frame. 

# import the constants
lam, mu, gammadot, Gamma, max_stress, p0 = import_constants()
# set the initial axes
a0 = np.array([180., 160., 140.])
# compute the time interval
t0,t1,dt,tau,cap = dfm.set_tau_cap(a0, lam, mu, gammadot, Gamma)
# get the rotations, axes and angular velocity
axes, R, w, T = dfm.deform(t0,t1,dt,a0,lam,mu,gammadot,Gamma, JustAngles = True)
Rm = np.zeros([len(T),3,3])
for i in range(len(T)):
    Rm[i] = dfm.angles_to_matrix(R[i])
# how does R rotate things? let's see. 
x0 = np.array([0,1.,0])
xR = np.dot(Rm,x0)
# xR is a unit vector rotating clockwise in the XY plane, as desired.