def generate_settings_accessor(in_file: str, out_header: str, out_src: str, mvvm_files: list): node_tree = SettingsNode("") # parse primary file xml = parse(in_file) root = xml.getroot() includes = add_tree_normal(node_tree, root) # additional mvvm files for file in mvvm_files: xml = parse(file) add_tree_mvvm(node_tree, xml) # print a flat key list flatten(node_tree) # create the actual header with open(out_header, "w") as file: prefix = root.attrib["prefix"] if "prefix" in root.attrib else "" create_settings_file_header(file, root.attrib["name"], node_tree, includes, prefix) with open(out_src, "w") as file: backend = root.attrib[ "backend"] if "backend" in root.attrib else "QSettingsAccessor" create_settings_file_source(file, os.path.basename(out_header), root.attrib["name"], node_tree, backend)
def test_diff(self): logging.debug("Starting diff tests:\n") subdir = 'diff_tests' #Go through the 'expected' files as the driver. test_files = [] for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(TEST_DIRECTORY, subdir)): if 'expected.' in item: test_files.append(item) failed_tests = [] for test in test_files: actual_file = test.replace('expected', 'actual') actual_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(TEST_DIRECTORY, subdir), actual_file) expected_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(TEST_DIRECTORY, subdir), test) logging.debug("Testing: " + test) actual_xml = parse(actual_file).getroot() expected_xml = parse(expected_file).getroot() compare_sql = False compare_tuples = False if 'expected.sql' in test: compare_sql = True if 'expected.tuples' in test: compare_tuples = True if 'expected.both' in test: compare_tuples = True compare_sql = True test_config = TdvtTestConfig(compare_sql, compare_tuples) results = tdvt_core.TestResult(test_config=test_config) results.add_test_results(actual_xml, actual_file) expected_output = tdvt_core.TestResult(test_config=test_config) expected_output.add_test_results(expected_xml, '') num_diffs, diff_string = tdvt_core.diff_test_results( results, expected_output) results.set_best_matching_expected_output(expected_output, expected_file, 0, [0]) if results.all_passed() and 'shouldfail' not in test: logging.debug("Test passed: " + test) self.assertTrue(True) elif not results.all_passed() and 'shouldfail' in test: logging.debug("Test passed: " + test) self.assertTrue(True) else: logging.debug("Test failed: " + test) failed_tests.append(test) self.assertTrue(False) logging.debug("\n") if failed_tests: logging.debug("All failed tests:\n") for item in failed_tests: logging.debug("Failed -- " + item) logging.debug("Ending diff tests:\n") return len(test_files), len(failed_tests)
def main(self, url, login, password, path): try: self.client = wordpress_xmlrpc.Client(url, login, password) except wordpress_xmlrpc.exceptions.ServerConnectionError as exc: if '301 Moved Permanently' in exc.args[0]: print("301 redirect, trying HTTPS protocol.") ssl_url = url.replace('http://', 'https://') self.client = wordpress_xmlrpc.Client(ssl_url, login, password) # This is just to make sure that the credentials are OK before we jump # to XML parsing. # Parse the XML. Give 2 seconds for parsing to prevent abuse. signal.alarm(PARSE_TIMEOUT) if path.endswith('.gz'): target = else: target = path self.tree = parse(target) signal.alarm(0) entries = self.tree.findall('.//entry') for n, entry in enumerate(entries, 1): print("%d/%d" % (n, len(entries))) self.handle_post(entry) print("Done. You can now change wordpress password.")
def _format(self, data: AnyStr) -> Union[List, Dict]: """Transform raw data from server into python native type.""" data = parse(StringIO(data)) xml_data = [] child_tag = list(data.getroot().iter())[1] if child_tag.tag == ResponseDataConst.STATUS: child_tag_element = list(child_tag.iter())[1] if child_tag_element.tag == ResponseDataConst.ERROR: # error message does not follow # same structure as data message. # trying to follow the same error message # structure from json error response. attribs = child_tag_element.attrib xml_data = { MiscConst.ERRORS: [{ ResponseConst.CODE: attribs[ResponseDataConst.CODE], ResponseConst.DETAIL: attribs[ResponseDataConst.DESCRIPTION] }] } else: xml_data = [child.attrib for child in list(data.iter())[1:]] return xml_data
def __init__(self, input_filename, template_model=None, savings_dir=None, verbosity=0, tmax=None): self.input_filename = input_filename self.hdul = self.verbosity = verbosity if self.verbosity > 0: if tmax is not None and tmax < 1: raise Exception('Need a non-zero positive tmax') self.tmax = tmax self.model_filename = template_model self.model_tree = None if self.model_filename: self.model_tree = parse(self.model_filename) self.savings_dir = '.' if savings_dir: if os.path.isabs(savings_dir): self.savings_dir = savings_dir else: self.savings_dir = os.path.join(self.savings_dir, savings_dir) try: os.makedirs(self.savings_dir) if self.verbosity > 0: print("Created the data dir: {}".format(self.savings_dir), file=sys.stderr) except FileExistsError as e: if self.verbosity > 1: print("The data dir already exists", file=sys.stderr)
def _getroot(self) -> str: r"""获取Xml节点 :Usage: _getroot() """ return parse(self.filename).getroot()
def _load(self): try: data = BytesIO(self._pdf.Root.Metadata.get_stream_buffer()) except AttributeError: self._create_xmp() else: self._xmp = parse(data)
def _get_requirements_pom_xml(path: str) -> list: """ Get list of requirements from Maven project. Files supported are pom.xml :param path: Project path """ reqs = [] namespaces = {'xmlns': ''} for full_path in full_paths_in_dir(path): if not full_path.endswith('pom.xml'): continue tree = parse(full_path) root = tree.getroot() deps = root.findall(".//xmlns:dependency", namespaces=namespaces) for dep in deps: artifact_id = dep.find("xmlns:artifactId", namespaces=namespaces) version = dep.find("xmlns:version", namespaces=namespaces) if version is not None: if version.text.startswith('$'): reqs.append((full_path, artifact_id.text, None)) else: reqs.append((full_path, artifact_id.text, version.text)) else: reqs.append((full_path, artifact_id.text, None)) return reqs
def loadFromFile(self,filename): xmlf=parse(filename) reports=xmlf.getroot() if reports.get('lib').upper()=='QTRPT': self.Pages=[ReportPage(pg) for pg in reports] else: self.Pages=[]
def add_signature(fp): if not HMAC_KEY: return fp new_archive_fp = BytesIO() with ZipFile(new_archive_fp, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as new_archive: with ZipFile(fp, "r") as archive: for file_name in archive.namelist(): if file_name != "docProps/custom.xml": with, "r") as f: new_archive.writestr(file_name, signature = compute_hmac(archive, HMAC_KEY) with"docProps/custom.xml", "r") as f: xml = parse(f) hmac_prop_value = extract_signature_node_from_xml(xml) if hmac_prop_value is not None: hmac_prop_value.text = signature custom_props_fp = BytesIO() xml.write(custom_props_fp, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8") new_archive.writestr("docProps/custom.xml", return new_archive_fp
def warn_file_specific_rules_tdr(path_to_file: Path): xml_tree = parse(str(path_to_file)) root = xml_tree.getroot() attribute_list = root.find( './/connection-normalizer/required-attributes/attribute-list') if not attribute_list: return authentication_attr_exists = False server_attr_exists = False for attr in attribute_list.iter('attr'): if attr.text == 'authentication': authentication_attr_exists = True if attr.text == 'server': server_attr_exists = True if not authentication_attr_exists: logger.warning( "Warning: 'authentication' attribute is missing from " "<connection-normalizer>/<required-attributes>/<attribute-list> in " + str(path_to_file) + ".") if not server_attr_exists: logger.warning( "Warning: 'server' attribute is missing from " "<connection-normalizer>/<required-attributes>/<attribute-list> in " + str(path_to_file) + ".")
def access_request_handler(): access_details = readAccessReq() # Reading the Access Request try: tree = parse('scanner_details.xml') # Reading the Scanner Details root = tree.getroot() # Access request handler for scanners # Read Nessus scanner details scanner = root.find('nessus') execute_nessus = scanner.get('enabled') if execute_nessus == '1': # print(scanner) if scanner.find('host').text is None or scanner.find('username').text is None or scanner.find('host').text is None: xml_error("Nessus data missing in scanner_details.xml") print("Nessus" + " host@:" + scanner.find('host').text) # print(scanner.find('username').text) usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Nessus" + ": ") nessus_details = {'uname': scanner.find('username').text, 'passwd': usr_passwd, 'host': scanner.find('host').text} # Scanner task calls from here Utilities.printLog("Executing Nessus tasks") nessusObj = nes.Nessus(nessus_details) # Create Nessus scanner class obj msg = nessusObj.handleAccessReq(access_details, nessus_details) # Login | Add User | Logout # Read Nexpose scanner details scanner = root.find('nexpose') execute_nexpose = scanner.get('enabled') if execute_nexpose == '1': # print(scanner) if scanner.find('host').text is None or scanner.find('username').text is None or scanner.find('host').text is None: xml_error("Nexpose data missing in scanner_details.xml") print("Nexpose" + " host@:" + scanner.find('host').text) # print(scanner.find('username').text) usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Nexpose" + ": ") nexpose_details = {'uname': scanner.find('username').text, 'passwd': usr_passwd, 'host': scanner.find('host').text} # Scanner task calls from here Utilities.printLog("Executing Nexpose tasks") nexposeObj = nex.Nexpose(nexpose_details) # Create Nexpose scanner class obj msg += "\n"+nexposeObj.handleAccessReq(access_details, nexpose_details) # Login | SaveSite | Add User | Logout # Read Qualys scanner details scanner = root.find('qualys') execute_qualys = scanner.get('enabled') if execute_qualys == '1': # print(scanner) if scanner.find('host').text is None or scanner.find('username').text is None or scanner.find('host').text is None: xml_error("Qualys data missing in scanner_details.xml") print("Qualys" + " host@:" + scanner.find('host').text) # print(scanner.find('username').text) usr_passwd = input("Please enter your password for " + " Qualys" + ": ") qualys_details = {'uname': scanner.find('username').text, 'passwd': usr_passwd, 'host': scanner.find('host').text} # Scanner task calls from here Utilities.printLog("Executing Qualys tasks") qualysObj = qua.Qualys(qualys_details) # Create Qualys scanner class obj qualysObj.handleAccessReq(access_details, qualys_details) # Login | Add Asset | Add Asset Grp | Add User msg +="\nQualys\nDetails send to email." Utilities.write_to_file(msg) except Exception as e: Utilities.printException("In fun access_request_handler():"+ str(e))
def readAccessReq(): # read access request from XML try: ip = "" usrlst = [] tree = parse('access_request.xml') root = tree.getroot() for child in root.findall('user'): uname = child.find('uname').text name = child.find('name').text email = child.find('email').text if uname is None or name is None or email is None: xml_error("Data missing in access_request.xml") usrlst.append(uname + ',' + name + ',' + email) asst_det = root.find('asset_details') site_det = root.find('site') site_name = site_det.get('name') site_desc = site_det.get('desc') for ipchild in asst_det.findall('ip'): if ipchild.text is None: xml_error("IP missing in access_request.xml") ip = ip + "," + ipchild.text # print(ip) ip = ip.strip(',') access_req = {'userList': usrlst, 'ip': ip, 'site_name': site_name, 'site_desc': site_desc} # print(access_req) return access_req except Exception as e: Utilities.printException("Error with access_request.xml."+ str(e))
def get_proposal_code(proposal_zip: Union[str, BinaryIO]) -> Optional[str]: """Extract the proposal code from a proposal file.""" if not zipfile.is_zipfile(proposal_zip): raise ValueError("The file supplied is not a zip file") try: archive = ZipFile(proposal_zip, "r") file ="Proposal.xml") except KeyError: raise KeyError("The zip file contains no file Proposal.xml.") from None tree = parse(file) proposal = tree.getroot() if "code" not in proposal.attrib: raise ValueError("No proposal code supplied in the file Proposal.xml.") _, _, tag = proposal.tag.rpartition("}") # ignore namespace if tag != "Proposal": raise ValueError( "The root element in the file Proposal.xml is not called Proposal" ) proposal_code = proposal.attrib["code"] if proposal_code.startswith("2"): return proposal_code elif proposal_code.startswith("Unsubmitted-") or proposal_code == "": return None else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid proposal code: {proposal_code}.")
def validate_file_specific_rules(file_to_test: ConnectorFile, path_to_file: Path, xml_violations_buffer: List[str]) -> bool: if file_to_test.file_type == 'connection-fields': xml_tree = parse(str(path_to_file)) root = xml_tree.getroot() for child in root.iter('field'): if 'name' in child.attrib: field_name = child.attrib['name'] if not (field_name in PLATFORM_FIELD_NAMES or field_name.startswith(VENDOR_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX)): xml_violations_buffer.append( "Element 'field', attribute 'name'='" + field_name + "' not an allowed value. See 'Connection Field Platform Integration' section of documentation for allowed values." ) return False if 'category' in child.attrib: category = child.attrib['category'] optional = child.attrib.get('optional', 'true') == 'true' default_present = child.attrib.get('default-value', '') != '' if category == 'advanced' and not optional and not default_present: xml_violations_buffer.append( "Element 'field', attribute 'name'='" + field_name + "': Required fields in the Advanced category must be assigned a default value." ) return False return True
def readAccessReq(): # read access request from XML try: ip = "" usrlst = [] tree = parse('access_request.xml') root = tree.getroot() for child in root.findall('user'): uname = child.find('uname').text name = child.find('name').text email = child.find('email').text if uname is None or name is None or email is None: xml_error("Data missing in access_request.xml") usrlst.append(uname + ',' + name + ',' + email) asst_det = root.find('asset_details') site_det = root.find('site') site_name = site_det.get('name') site_desc = site_det.get('desc') for ipchild in asst_det.findall('ip'): if ipchild.text is None: xml_error("IP missing in access_request.xml") ip = ip + "," + ipchild.text # print(ip) ip = ip.strip(',') access_req = { 'userList': usrlst, 'ip': ip, 'site_name': site_name, 'site_desc': site_desc } # print(access_req) return access_req except Exception as e: Utilities.printException("Error with access_request.xml." + str(e))
def main(self, url, login, password, path): if not url.endswith('xmlrpc.php'): print("[EN] WARNING: URL doesn't end with xmlrpc.php. Perhaps you " "forgot to put it here?\n" "[PL] OSTREZENIE: URL nie konczy sie na xmlrpc.php. To dosc " "nietypowe - moze to pomylka?\n") # This is just to make sure that the credentials are OK before we jump # to XML parsing. self.client = self._login(url, login, password) # Parse the XML. Give 2 seconds for parsing to prevent abuse. signal.alarm(PARSE_TIMEOUT) if path.endswith('.gz'): target = else: target = path self.tree = parse(target) signal.alarm(0) entries = self.tree.findall('.//entry') for n, entry in enumerate(entries, 1): print("%d/%d" % (n, len(entries))) self.handle_post(entry) print("Done. You can now change wordpress password.")
def validate_file_specific_rules(file_to_test: ConnectorFile, path_to_file: Path, xml_violations_buffer: List[str]) -> bool: if file_to_test.file_type == 'connection-fields': field_names = set() xml_tree = parse(str(path_to_file)) root = xml_tree.getroot() for child in root.iter('field'): if 'name' in child.attrib: field_name = child.attrib['name'] if not (field_name in PLATFORM_FIELD_NAMES or field_name.startswith(VENDOR_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX)): xml_violations_buffer.append( "Element 'field', attribute 'name'='" + field_name + "' not an allowed value. See 'Connection Field Platform Integration' section of documentation for allowed values." ) return False if field_name in field_names: xml_violations_buffer.append( "A field with the field name = " + field_name + " already exists. Cannot have multiple fields with the same name." ) return False if field_name == 'instanceurl': used_for_oauth = False for conditions in child.iter("conditions"): for condition in conditions.iter("condition"): if 'field' in condition.attrib: if condition.attrib[ 'field'] == 'authentication': if 'value' in condition.attrib: if condition.attrib[ 'value'] == 'oauth': used_for_oauth = True if not used_for_oauth: xml_violations_buffer.append( "Element 'field', attribute 'name'='instanceurl' can only be used conditional on field " + "'authentication' with 'value'='oauth'. See 'Connection Field Platform Integration' section " + "of documentation for more information.") return False field_names.add(field_name) if 'category' in child.attrib: category = child.attrib['category'] optional = child.attrib.get('optional', 'true') == 'true' default_present = child.attrib.get('default-value', '') != '' if category == 'advanced' and not optional and not default_present: xml_violations_buffer.append( "Element 'field', attribute 'name'='" + field_name + "': Required fields in the Advanced category must be assigned a default value." ) return False return True
def _read_gpx(self): """Parses an xml file containing GPS data Data points are assumed to be in a Geographic coordinate system Returns a pandas DataFrame containing the parsed GPS data if parse was successful and None otherwise. """ # Parsing XML file elements = parse(self.source) points = [] for element in elements.iter(): if element.tag.find("trkpt") == -1: continue latitude = element.attrib.get("lat", None) longitude = element.attrib.get("lon", None) elevation = element[0].text if (not latitude or not longitude or not elevation): raise ValueError("Unexpected tag for lat/lon/ele.") try: latitude = pd.to_numeric(latitude) longitude = pd.to_numeric(longitude) elevation = pd.to_numeric(elevation) utm = UtmCoordinate.create_from_geographic( latitude, longitude, elevation) entry = (latitude, longitude, utm.elevation, utm.northing, utm.easting) points.append(entry) except Exception as exception: raise exception if len(points) == 0: raise(ValueError("Unable to find valid points within the provided GPX file.")) # Generate DataFrame columns = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'elevation', 'northing', 'easting'] data = pd.DataFrame.from_records(points, columns=columns) # Generate x, y, z data['x'] = data['easting'] - data['easting'].min() data['y'] = data['northing'] - data['northing'].min() data['z'] = data['elevation'] - data['elevation'].min() selection = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'elevation'] return data[selection]
def _from_xml_oem(cls, file_path): parts = parse(str(file_path)).getroot() header = components.HeaderSection._from_xml(parts) segments = [ components.EphemerisSegment._from_xml(part, header.version) for part in parts[1] ] return cls(header, segments)
def __init__(self, saveFile, read_data=False): self.saveFile = saveFile if read_data == False: root = parse(saveFile).getroot() else: root = ElementTree.fromstring(saveFile) self.root = root
def parse_entities(file_path="CorePlusUAWithModern.xml"): tree = parse(file_path) root = tree.getroot() for child in root.findall('item'): try: parse_and_store_item(child) except ItemAlreadyExists: print("Small dirty place for testing")
def scan_root(file): """ Function returns the root element for tree of given nessus file with scan results. :param file: given nessus file :return: root element for this tree. """ scan_file_parsed = parse(file) root = scan_file_parsed.getroot() return root
def get_xml(): """Load and parse safely xml.""" try: return parse("theoryexamhe_data.xml") except Exception as e: print(e) return None
def get_report_data(xmlfile, file_path_list=[]): """Convert xml file to dict :param xmlfile: xml file to parse :param file_path_list: Full file path for any manipulation """ issues = [] metrics = {} file_ref = {} if not file_path_list: file_path_list = [] et = parse(xmlfile) root = et.getroot() for child in root: issue = {} if child.tag.lower() == "BugInstance".lower(): issue = child.attrib if "priority" in child.attrib: priority = child.attrib["priority"] if priority in PRIORITY_MAP: issue["issue_severity"] = PRIORITY_MAP.get( priority, priority) if "cweid" in child.attrib and child.attrib["cweid"]: issue["test_id"] = "CWE-" + child.attrib["cweid"] elif "type" in child.attrib and child.attrib["type"]: issue["test_id"] = child.attrib["type"] for ele in child.iter(): if ele.tag.lower() == "ShortMessage".lower(): issue["title"] = ele.text if ele.tag.lower() == "LongMessage".lower(): issue["description"] = ele.text if ele.tag.lower() == "Message".lower(): issue["description"] = issue[ "description"] + " \n" + ele.text if ele.tag.lower() == "SourceLine".lower() and ( ele.attrib.get("synthetic") == "true" or ele.attrib.get("primary") == "true"): issue["line"] = ele.attrib["start"] fname = ele.attrib["sourcepath"] if fname in file_ref: fname = file_ref[fname] else: # FIXME: This logic is too slow. # Tools like find-sec-bugs are not reliably reporting the full path # so such a lookup is required for tf in file_path_list: if tf.endswith(fname): file_ref[fname] = tf fname = tf break issue["filename"] = fname issues.append(issue) if child.tag.lower() == "FindBugsSummary".lower(): metrics = {"summary": child.attrib} return issues, metrics
def parse_heavym(self): tree = parse(self.heavym_path) root = tree.getroot() groups_root = root.find('sequence').find('groups') groups = root.findall("./sequence/groups/group") self.next_group_id = max(list(map(lambda x: int(x.get('id')), groups))) + 1 faces = root.findall(".//groups/group/faces/face") self.next_face_id = max(list(map(lambda x: int(x.get('id')), faces))) + 1
def warn_file_specific_rules_dialect(path_to_file: Path): xml_tree = parse(str(path_to_file)) root = xml_tree.getroot() if 'base' in root.attrib and root.attrib['base'] == 'DefaultSQLDialect': logger.warning( 'Warning: DefaultSQLDialect is not a recommended base to inherit from, ' 'please see the documentation for current best practices: ' '' )
def create_qm_files(self): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: self.tmpdir = tmpdir self.fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.in_file))[0] xml_in = parse(self.in_file) root = xml_in.getroot() depends = root.find("dependencies") for locale in self.collect_locales(depends.get("root")): self.create_qm_metafile(copy.deepcopy(xml_in), locale)
def parseXML(xml): tree = parse(xml) root = tree.getroot() urls = [] for item in root.findall('./channel/item/guid'): urls.append(item.text) return urls
def main(): for f, file in enumerate(files[0:1]): ns = "{}" locations = parse(file).getroot().find('locations').findall('GameLocation') assert locations[1].attrib[ns+'type'] == 'Farm' farm = locations[1] print(str(f)+' of '+str(len(files)-1)) structure.update(moveRecursivelyOverXml(farm)) # print structure return structure
def run_diff(test_config, diff): root_directory = get_root_dir() allowed_test_path = os.path.join(root_directory, diff) test_path_base = os.path.split(allowed_test_path)[0] test_name = os.path.split(allowed_test_path)[1] actual, actual_diff, setup, expected_files, next_path = get_test_file_paths( test_path_base, test_name, test_config.output_dir) logging.debug('actual_path: ' + actual) diff_count_map = {} for f in expected_files: logging.debug('expected_path: ' + f) if os.path.isfile(f) and os.path.isfile(actual): logging.debug("Diffing " + actual + " and " + f) actual_xml = None expected_xml = None try: actual_xml = parse(actual).getroot() except ParseError as e: logging.debug("Exception parsing actual file: " + actual + " exception: " + str(e)) continue try: expected_xml = parse(f).getroot() except ParseError as e: logging.debug("Exception parsing expected file: " + f + " exception: " + str(e)) continue result = TestResult(test_config=test_config) result.add_test_results(actual_xml, actual) expected_output = TestResult(test_config=test_config) expected_output.add_test_results(expected_xml, '') num_diffs, diff_string = result.diff_test_results(expected_output) logging.debug(diff_string) diff_count_map[f] = sum(num_diffs) for t in diff_count_map: logging.debug(t + ' Number of differences: ' + str(diff_count_map[t])) return 0
def q1(path: str = "news.rss") -> None: tree = parse(path) with open("description.txt", "w") as df, open("output.txt", "w") as of: for elem in tree.iter(tag="description"): elem_text = re.sub(r"<.+?>", "", elem.text) news_story = [] text = elem_text.replace(" ", "") if text: df.write(text + "\n") news_story += jieba.lcut(text) of.write(" ".join(news_story) + "\n")
def main(): for f, file in enumerate(files[0:1]): ns = "{}" locations = parse(file).getroot().find("locations").findall( "GameLocation") assert locations[1].attrib[ns + "type"] == "Farm" farm = locations[1] print(str(f) + " of " + str(len(files) - 1)) structure.update(moveRecursivelyOverXml(farm)) # print structure return structure
def validate_file_specific_rules_tdr(file_to_test: ConnectorFile, path_to_file: Path, xml_violations_buffer: List[str], properties: ConnectorProperties) -> bool: xml_tree = parse(str(path_to_file)) root = xml_tree.getroot() attribute_list = root.find( './/connection-normalizer/required-attributes/attribute-list') # The connection resolver appears after the dialog elements in the manifest's xml, so we know # USES_TCD is accurate here if not attribute_list and properties.uses_tcd: xml_violations_buffer.append( "Connectors using a .tcd file cannot use inferred connection resolver," "must manually populate required-attributes/attributes-list in " + str(path_to_file) + ".") return False # Check that all the connection-fields attributes are in the required attributes if properties.connection_fields and attribute_list: attributes = [] for attr in attribute_list.iter(): attributes.append(attr.text) if len(attributes) > 0 and properties.connection_fields: for field in properties.connection_fields: if field == 'instanceurl': continue if field not in attributes: xml_violations_buffer.append( "Attribute '" + field + "' in connection-fields but not in required-attributes list." ) return False if len( attributes ) > 0 and properties.connection_metadata_database and not properties.uses_tcd: if 'dbname' not in attributes: logger.warning( "Warning: connection-metadata 'database' enabled but 'dbname' is not in required-attributes list. Consider adding it if the value is used in connection-builder or connection-properties scripts" ) properties_builder = root.find('.//connection-properties') if not properties_builder and properties.is_jdbc: xml_violations_buffer.append( "Connectors using a 'jdbc' superclass must declare a <connection-properties> element in " + str(path_to_file) + ".") return False return True
def create_dataset_from_zip(context, data_dict): upload = data_dict.get('upload') private = data_dict.get('private', True) map_package = upload.file tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-mapactionzip') metadata_paths = [] file_paths = [] with zipfile.ZipFile(map_package, 'r') as z: z.extractall(tempdir) for f in z.namelist(): full_path = os.path.join(tempdir, f) if f.endswith('.xml'): metadata_paths.append(full_path) else: file_paths.append(full_path) assert len(metadata_paths) == 1 metadata_file = metadata_paths[0] et = parse(metadata_file) dataset_dict = {} owner_org = data_dict.get('owner_org') if owner_org: dataset_dict['owner_org'] = owner_org else: private = False dataset_dict['title'] = join_lines(et.find('.//mapdata/title').text) map_id = et.find('.//mapdata/ref').text operation_id = et.find('.//mapdata/operationID').text dataset_dict['name'] = slugify('%s %s' % (operation_id, map_id)) dataset_dict['notes'] = join_lines(et.find('.//mapdata/summary').text) dataset_dict['private'] = private dataset_dict['extras'] = [ {'key': k, 'value': v} for (k, v) in metadataimporter.map_metadata_to_ckan_extras(et).items() ] dataset = toolkit.get_action('package_create')(context, dataset_dict) for resource_file in file_paths: resource = { 'package_id': dataset['id'], 'path': resource_file, } _create_and_upload_local_resource(context, resource) return dataset
def __init__(self): self._configuration_file_ = "robobackup-configuration.xml" # parse robobackup-configuration.xml # check root element try: path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(\ os.path.relpath(__file__)), \ self._configuration_file_) etree = parse(path) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except logbook.critical(_("Error parsing ") + \ self._configuration_file_) self._root_ = etree.getroot() if self._root_.tag != "backup": logbook.critical(self._configuration_file_ + \ _(" does not have <backup> as root-element"))
def getFarmInfo(saveFileLocation, read_data=False): sprite = namedtuple('Sprite', ['name', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'index', 'type', 'growth', 'flipped', 'orientation']) ns = "{}" farm = {} if read_data is False: root = parse(saveFileLocation).getroot() else: root = ElementTree.fromstring(saveFileLocation) # Farm Objects locations = root.find('locations').findall("GameLocation") s = [] for item in locations[1].find('objects').iter("item"): f = False obj = item.find('value').find('Object') name = obj.find('name').text x = int(item.find('key').find('Vector2').find('X').text) y = int(item.find('key').find('Vector2').find('Y').text) i = int(obj.find('parentSheetIndex').text) t = obj.find('type').text a = False if obj.find('flipped').text == 'true': f = True if 'Fence' in name or name == 'Gate': t = int(obj.find('whichType').text) a = False if name == 'Gate': a = True name = 'Fence' else: name = 'Object' s.append(sprite(name, x, y, 0, 0, i, t, a, f, obj.find('name').text)) d = {k[0]: [a for a in s if a[0] == k[0]] for k in s} try: farm['Fences'] = checkSurrounding(d['Fence']) except Exception as e: pass farm['objects'] = [a for a in s if != 'Fence'] # Terrain Features tf = [] crops = [] for item in locations[1].find('terrainFeatures').iter('item'): s = None loc = None f = False name = item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').get(ns+'type') if name == 'Tree': t = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('treeType').text) s = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('growthStage').text) if item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('flipped').text == 'true': f= True if name == 'Flooring': t = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('whichFloor').text) s = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('whichView').text) if name == "HoeDirt": crop = item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('crop') if crop is not None: crop_x = int(item.find('key').find('Vector2').find('X').text) crop_y = int(item.find('key').find('Vector2').find('Y').text) crop_phase = int(crop.find('currentPhase').text) crop_location = int(crop.find('rowInSpriteSheet').text) if crop_location in [26, 27, 28, 29, 31]: r = int(crop.find('tintColor').find('R').text) g = int(crop.find('tintColor').find('G').text) b = int(crop.find('tintColor').find('B').text) days = int(crop.find('dayOfCurrentPhase').text) o = ((r, g, b), days) else: o = None crop_flip = False if crop.find('flip').text == 'true': crop_flip = True crop_dead = False if crop.find('dead').text == 'true': crop_dead = True crops.append(sprite('HoeDirtCrop', crop_x, crop_y, 1, 1, crop_dead, crop_location, crop_phase, crop_flip, o)) if name == "FruitTree": t = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('treeType').text) s = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('growthStage').text) if item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('flipped').text == 'true': f= True if name == "Grass": t = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('grassType').text) s = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('numberOfWeeds').text) loc = int(item.find('value').find('TerrainFeature').find('grassSourceOffset').text) x = int(item.find('key').find('Vector2').find('X').text) y = int(item.find('key').find('Vector2').find('Y').text) tf.append(sprite(name, x, y, 1, 1, loc, t, s, f, None)) d = {k[0]: [a for a in tf if a[0] == k[0]] for k in tf} excludes = ['Flooring', 'HoeDirt', 'Crop'] farm['terrainFeatures'] = [a for a in tf if not in excludes] farm['Crops'] = crops try: farm['Flooring'] = checkSurrounding(d['Flooring']) except Exception as e: pass try: farm['HoeDirt'] = (checkSurrounding(d['HoeDirt'])) except: pass # Resource Clumps s = [] for item in locations[1].find('resourceClumps').iter('ResourceClump'): name = item.get(ns+'type') if name is None: name = 'ResourceClump' t = int(item.find('parentSheetIndex').text) x = int(item.find('tile').find('X').text) y = int(item.find('tile').find('Y').text) w = int(item.find('width').text) h = int(item.find('height').text) s.append(sprite(name, x, y, w, h, None, t, None, None, None)) farm['resourceClumps'] = s s = [] for item in locations[1].find('buildings').iter('Building'): name = 'Building' x = int(item.find('tileX').text) y = int(item.find('tileY').text) w = int(item.find('tilesWide').text) h = int(item.find('tilesHigh').text) t = item.find('buildingType').text s.append(sprite(name, x, y, w, h, None, t, None, None, None)) farm['buildings'] = s house = sprite('House', 58, 14, 10, 6, int(root.find('player').find('houseUpgradeLevel').text), None, None, None, None) hasGreenhouse = False for location in locations: if location.find('name').text == "CommunityCenter": cats = location.find('areasComplete').findall('boolean') if cats[0].text == 'true': hasGreenhouse = True # Check for letter to confirm player has unlocked greenhouse, thanks /u/BumbleBHE for letter in root.find('player').find('mailReceived').iter('string'): if letter.text == "ccPantry": hasGreenhouse = True if hasGreenhouse: greenHouse = sprite('Greenhouse', 25, 12, 0, 6, 1, None, None, None, None) else: greenHouse = sprite('Greenhouse', 25, 12, 0, 6, 0, None, None, None, None) farm['misc'] = [house, greenHouse] return farm
import sys from defusedxml.ElementTree import fromstring, parse if len(sys.argv) > 1: fn = sys.argv[1] else: fn = input('Filename: ') try: root = parse(fn).getroot() print(root) except FileNotFoundError: try: root = parse(fn+'.xml').getroot() print(root) except FileNotFoundError: print('File '+fn+'not found!')
def lineReceived(self, line): "As soon as any data is received, write it back." data_as_xml = parse(line) print("DEBUG: line is {0}".format(line)) self.sendLine(line)
def parse_nmap_xml(nmap_xml): """Build the global list of variables to be called throughout this script""" global v4_addr, mac_addr, v6_addr, os_cpe, ports_info, mac_vendor, host_name, cpe, ex_info, \ svc_nse_script_id, svc_nse_script_output, product_type, product_vendor, product_name, product_version,\ product_update, product_edition, product_language, os_product, svc_cpe_product_type, svc_cpe_product_name,\ svc_cpe_product_version, svc_cpe_product_update, svc_cpe_product_edition, svc_cpe_product_language,\ protocol, portid, service_name, ex_info, service_product, host_nse_script_id, host_nse_script_output,\ inventory_svcs, add_inventory_svcs, inventory_svcs_id_list, svc_product, add_svc_product """Connect to the database""" Session = modules.db_connect.connect() session = Session() """Parse the nmap xml files from this directory, and build the tree""" tree = parse(nmap_xml) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag == 'nmaprun': """Find all the hosts in the nmap scan""" for host in root.findall('host'): """Set variables""" v4_addr = None v6_addr = None mac_addr = None mac_vendor = None ostype = None os_cpe = None ports_info = [] host_name = None cpe = 'None' product_type = None product_vendor = None product_name = None product_version = None product_update = None product_edition = None product_language = None os_product = 'None' svc_cpe_product_type = 'None' svc_cpe_product_vendor = None svc_cpe_product_name = None svc_cpe_product_version = None svc_cpe_product_update = None svc_cpe_product_edition = None svc_cpe_product_language = None protocol = None portid = None service_name = None ex_info = None service_product = None host_nse_script_id = None host_nse_script_output = None svc_nse_script_id = None svc_nse_script_output = None svc_nse_script_id_a = [] svc_nse_script_output_a = [] host_nse_script_id_a = [] host_nse_script_output_a = [] """Get the hosts state, and find all addresses""" state = host[0].get('state') if state == 'up': addresses = host.findall('address') for address in addresses: if address.attrib.get('addrtype') == 'ipv4': v4_addr = address.attrib.get('addr') if address.attrib.get('addrtype') == 'mac': mac_addr = address.attrib.get('addr') mac_vendor = address.attrib.get('vendor') if address.attrib.get('addrtype') == 'ipv6': v6_addr = address.attrib.get('addr') """Get the hostname""" host_info = host.find('hostnames') hostname = host_info.find('hostname') try: host_name = hostname.get('name') except AttributeError: """Nothing found""" """Get OS Info""" os_elm = host.find('os') try: osmatch_elm = os_elm.find('osmatch') osclass_elm = osmatch_elm.findall('osclass') ostype = osclass_elm[0].get('type') os_cpe = osclass_elm[0][0].text except: """Nothing found""" """Get Host NSE Script Info""" try: find_host_nse_scripts = host.find('hostscript') for host_nse_script in find_host_nse_scripts: host_nse_script_id = host_nse_script.get('id') host_nse_script_output = host_nse_script.get('output') """Build a dictionary of the NSE script names and output""" host_nse_script_id_a.append(host_nse_script_id) host_nse_script_output_a.append(host_nse_script_output) except TypeError: """Nothing found""" current_state = state name = host_name ipv4 = v4_addr ipv6 = v6_addr mac = mac_addr m_vendor = mac_vendor current_os = os_cpe """Clean the slate""" stmt = (update(InventoryHost).where(InventoryHost.ipv4_addr == ipv4) .values(macaddr=None, ipv6_addr=None, host_name=None, mac_vendor_id=None, state='down', product_id=None)) try: session.execute(stmt) session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: session.rollback() """Find Vendor for MAC address""" add_mac_vendor = MACVendor(name=m_vendor) try: session.add(add_mac_vendor) session.commit() select_mac = session.query(MACVendor).filter_by(name=m_vendor).first() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: session.rollback() select_mac = session.query(MACVendor).filter_by(name=m_vendor).first() """Build product info for host OS""" try: os_product = current_os.split(':') except AttributeError: """Nothing Found""" try: product_type = os_product[1] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: product_vendor = os_product[2] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: product_name = os_product[3] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: product_version = os_product[4] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: product_update = os_product[5] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: product_edition = os_product[6] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: product_language = os_product[6] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" """Add the OS Vendor to the database""" add_prod_vendor = Vendor(name=product_vendor) try: session.add(add_prod_vendor) session.commit() """Get for product info""" select_prod_vendor = session.query(Vendor).filter_by(name=product_vendor).first() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: """Vendor exists""" session.rollback() """Get for product info""" select_prod_vendor = session.query(Vendor).filter_by(name=product_vendor).first() """Get the OS if it exists""" os_product = session.query(Product).filter_by(product_type=product_type.replace('/', ''),, name=product_name, version=product_version, product_update=product_update, edition=product_edition, language=product_language).first() """Add the OS product to the database""" add_product = Product(product_type=product_type.replace('/', ''),, name=product_name, version=product_version, product_update=product_update, edition=product_edition, language=product_language) """If the OS product does not exist, add it""" if os_product is None: try: session.add(add_product) session.commit() """Get the OS""" os_product = session.query(Product).filter_by(product_type=product_type.replace('/', ''),, name=product_name, version=product_version, product_update=product_update, edition=product_edition, language=product_language).first() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: """This should not happen, but if it does..""" session.rollback() """Add host info to database""" add_inventory_host = InventoryHost(ipv4_addr=ipv4, ipv6_addr=ipv6, macaddr=mac, host_type=ostype, host_name=name,, state=current_state, try: session.add(add_inventory_host) session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: """I exist, update me instead""" session.rollback() stmt = (update(InventoryHost).where(InventoryHost.ipv4_addr == ipv4) .values(macaddr=mac, ipv6_addr=ipv6, host_name=name, host_type=ostype,, state=current_state, session.execute(stmt) session.commit() """Get the for this host""" inventory_hosts = session.query(InventoryHost).filter_by(ipv4_addr=ipv4).first() """Clean out the old HostNseScript""" session.query(HostNseScript).filter(HostNseScript.host_id == session.commit() """Add the new HostNseScripts""" host_nse_script_keys = host_nse_script_id_a host_nse_script_values = host_nse_script_output_a host_nse_scripts_dict = dict(zip(host_nse_script_keys, host_nse_script_values)) for k, v in host_nse_scripts_dict.items(): add_nse_script_op = HostNseScript(, name=k, output=v) session.add(add_nse_script_op) session.commit() """Find all port Info""" port_info = host.findall('ports') """Clean out the old Inventory_svcs""" session.query(InventorySvc).filter(InventorySvc.host_id == session.commit() for ports in port_info: inventory_svcs_id_list = [] p = ports.findall('port') for each_port in p: protocol = each_port.get('protocol') portid = each_port.get('portid') service_info = each_port.find('service') findall_cpe = service_info.findall('cpe') try: cpe = findall_cpe[0].text except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: ex_info = service_info.get('extrainfo') except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" """Get the NSE script info""" findall_svc_nse_scripts = each_port.findall('script') try: svc_nse_scripts = findall_svc_nse_scripts for svc_nse_script in svc_nse_scripts: svc_nse_script_id = svc_nse_script.get('id') svc_nse_script_output = svc_nse_script.get('output') """Build a dictionary of the NSE script names and output""" svc_nse_script_id_a.append(svc_nse_script_id) svc_nse_script_output_a.append(svc_nse_script_output) except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" service_name = service_info.get('name') service_product = service_info.get('product') """Build product info for SVC CPE""" try: svc_cpe_product = cpe.split(':') except AttributeError: """Nothing Found""" try: svc_cpe_product_type = svc_cpe_product[1] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: svc_cpe_product_vendor = svc_cpe_product[2] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: svc_cpe_product_name = svc_cpe_product[3] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: svc_cpe_product_version = svc_cpe_product[4] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: svc_cpe_product_update = svc_cpe_product[5] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: svc_cpe_product_edition = svc_cpe_product[6] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" try: svc_cpe_product_language = svc_cpe_product[6] except IndexError: """Nothing Found""" """Add SVC and CPE info to database""" if 'cpe:' in cpe: """Add CPE Vendor info to the database""" add_svc_cpe_prod_vendor = Vendor(name=svc_cpe_product_vendor) try: session.add(add_svc_cpe_prod_vendor) session.commit() """Get the CPE""" select_cpe_prod_vendor = session.query(Vendor).filter_by(name=svc_cpe_product_vendor).first() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: """You must already exist, just get the CPE""" session.rollback() select_cpe_prod_vendor = session.query(Vendor).filter_by(name=svc_cpe_product_vendor).first() finally: """What ever you do, make sure you get the CPE!""" select_cpe_prod_vendor = session.query(Vendor).filter_by(name=svc_cpe_product_vendor).first() """Add SVC CPE Product info to database""" try: """Get the""" svc_product = session.query(Product)\ .filter_by(product_type=svc_cpe_product_type.replace('/', ''),, name=svc_cpe_product_name, version=svc_cpe_product_version, product_update=svc_cpe_product_update, edition=svc_cpe_product_edition, language=svc_cpe_product_language).first() except AttributeError: """Nothing Found""" try: """Add the new Product to the database""" add_svc_product = Product(product_type=svc_cpe_product_type.replace('/', ''),, name=svc_cpe_product_name, version=svc_cpe_product_version, product_update=svc_cpe_product_update, edition=svc_cpe_product_edition, language=svc_cpe_product_language) except AttributeError: """Nothing Found""" """If the product does not exist, add it""" if svc_product is None: try: session.add(add_svc_product) session.commit() """Get the of the Product you just added""" svc_product = session.query(Product)\ .filter_by(product_type=svc_cpe_product_type.replace('/', ''),, name=svc_cpe_product_name, version=svc_cpe_product_version, product_update=svc_cpe_product_update, edition=svc_cpe_product_edition, language=svc_cpe_product_language).first() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: """Then you must already exist.""" session.rollback() """Add the new inventory_svc""" add_inventory_svcs = InventorySvc(, protocol=protocol, portid=portid, name=service_name, svc_product=service_product,, extra_info=ex_info) try: session.add(add_inventory_svcs) session.commit() """Get the""" svc = session.query(InventorySvc).filter_by(, protocol=protocol, portid=portid, name=service_name, svc_product=service_product,, extra_info=ex_info).first() """Add the new SvcNseScripts""" svc_nse_script_keys = svc_nse_script_id_a svc_nse_script_values = svc_nse_script_output_a """Put the two NSE id and output lists together as a dictionary""" svc_nse_scripts_dict = dict(zip(svc_nse_script_keys, svc_nse_script_values)) for k, v in svc_nse_scripts_dict.items(): add_nse_script_op = SvcNseScript(, name=k, output=v) session.add(add_nse_script_op) session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: """Then I must exist, but I can't...""" session.rollback() """Clear variables so loop back is clean""" v4_addr = None v6_addr = None mac_addr = None mac_vendor = None ostype = None os_cpe = None ports_info = [] host_name = None cpe = 'None' product_type = None product_vendor = None product_name = None product_version = None product_update = None product_edition = None product_language = None os_product = 'None' svc_cpe_product_type = 'None' svc_cpe_product_vendor = None svc_cpe_product_name = None svc_cpe_product_version = None svc_cpe_product_update = None svc_cpe_product_edition = None svc_cpe_product_language = None protocol = None portid = None service_name = None ex_info = None service_product = None host_nse_script_id = None host_nse_script_output = None svc_nse_script_id = None svc_nse_script_output = None svc_nse_script_id_a = [] svc_nse_script_output_a = [] host_nse_script_id_a = [] host_nse_script_output_a = [] """Add SVC only info to database""" else: add_inventory_svcs = InventorySvc(, protocol=protocol, portid=portid, name=service_name, svc_product=service_product, extra_info=ex_info) try: session.add(add_inventory_svcs) session.commit() """Get the""" inventory_svcs = session.query(InventorySvc).filter_by(, protocol=protocol, portid=portid, name=service_name, svc_product=service_product, extra_info=ex_info).first() except sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: """Then I must exist, but I can't...""" session.rollback() session.commit() """Add the new SvcNseScripts""" svc_nse_script_keys = svc_nse_script_id_a svc_nse_script_values = svc_nse_script_output_a svc_nse_scripts_dict = dict(zip(svc_nse_script_keys, svc_nse_script_values)) for k, v in svc_nse_scripts_dict.items(): add_nse_script_op = SvcNseScript(, name=k, output=v) session.add(add_nse_script_op) session.commit() """Clear variables so loop back is clean""" v4_addr = None v6_addr = None mac_addr = None mac_vendor = None ostype = None os_cpe = None ports_info = [] host_name = None cpe = 'None' product_type = None product_vendor = None product_name = None product_version = None product_update = None product_edition = None product_language = None os_product = 'None' svc_cpe_product_type = 'None' svc_cpe_product_vendor = None svc_cpe_product_name = None svc_cpe_product_version = None svc_cpe_product_update = None svc_cpe_product_edition = None svc_cpe_product_language = None protocol = None portid = None service_name = None ex_info = None service_product = None host_nse_script_id = None host_nse_script_output = None svc_nse_script_id = None svc_nse_script_output = None svc_nse_script_id_a = [] svc_nse_script_output_a = [] host_nse_script_id_a = [] host_nse_script_output_a = [] else: print('This XML file is not supported!') exit() session.close()
try: from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse except ImportError: print("defusedxml not found, downgrading to builtin XML parsing library.") from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse if sys.argv[1] is None: raise SystemExit("need a file to convert") if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): raise SystemExit("File {} does not exist".format(sys.argv[1])) # keep file name, to use for outputs name = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] # parse file, extract hosts, map by open port found et = parse(sys.argv[1]) et.findall("host") xhosts = et.findall("host") portmap = ddict(list) for xhost in xhosts: _hostaddr = xhost.getchildren()[0].items()[1][1] _port = xhost.getchildren()[1].getchildren()[0].items()[1][1] portmap[_port].append(_hostaddr) # dump to files corresponding to each port name for port, hosts in portmap.iteritems(): outname = "{}-port{}.list".format(name, port) with open(outname, "w") as ofd: for host in hosts: ofd.write("{}\n".format(host)) print("wrote {}".format(outname))
def decode(self, data, charset=None, mimetype=None): try: return parse(data) except ParseError as exc: raise DecodeError(u'Could not decode as %s: %s' % (self.mimetype, exc,))
def setUp(self): et = parse(custom_helpers.get_test_xml()) self.extras_dict = metadataimporter.map_metadata_to_ckan_extras(et) self.assertTrue(len(self.extras_dict) > 0)
from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse from collections import Counter import sys sys.path.append("..") from models import User_Music from app import db parsed_file = parse("itunes.xml") root = parsed_file.getroot() listings = root.findall('dict/dict/dict') def parse_iTunes(listings): parsed = [] for listing in listings: for index, child in enumerate(listing): if child.text == "Artist": parsed.append(listing[index + 1].text) return parsed parsed_results = parse_iTunes(listings) counted_results = Counter(parsed_results) sorted_results = sorted(counted_results.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]) sorted_results.reverse() def add_user_music_to_database(results): for result in results: band = User_Music(artistName = result[0], count = result[1], userId = "6acebe51-1c90-4dd8-828f-d1c13d52f743")
def loadNotes(self): self._preProcessFile() from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse tree = parse(self.tempname) root = tree.getroot() for part in root.findall('part'): repCount = 0 #Reading the part: for measure in part.findall('measure'): self._lastAcc = dict() self._accidental = self._getAccidentalOfFirstNote(measure.find('note')) #Reading one Measure data = [] rep = measure.find('attributes/measure-style/measure-repeat') if rep is not None and rep.attrib['type'].lower() == 'start': repCount = 1 else: if rep is not None and rep.attrib['type'].lower() == 'stop': c = int(rep.text) block = [] repCount = repCount - 1 for i in range(len(self.measures) - repCount, len(self.measures)): block.append(self.measures[i]) self.measures = self.measures + block repCount = 0 if repCount > 0: repCount = repCount + 1 continue # Here we load the notes for inthebox in measure.findall('DoletSibelius-Unexported-box'): #reading all the BOX REPEATS: rep = inthebox.find('direction/direction-type/words') if rep is not None: rep = int(rep.text) minLine = float("Inf") maxLine = 0 extraRep = 0 extraLine = 0 for i in range(0, rep): if i == 1: extraRep = 1 / (rep + 1) extraLine = extraRep / (maxLine - minLine + 1) for note in inthebox.findall('note'): #Notes in the box new = self._readNote(note) if new is None: continue if i == 0: if new['lineNumber'] < minLine: minLine = new['lineNumber'] if new['lineNumber'] > maxLine: maxLine = new['lineNumber'] else: new['lineNumber'] = self._calcLineNumber(new['lineNumber'], i, [minLine, maxLine, extraRep, extraLine]) data.append(new) for note in measure.findall('note'): #regular notes: new = self._readNote(note) if new is None: continue data.append(new) if len(data) > 0: self.measures.append(data) del data
def parse_xml(self, fh=None, etree=None, resources=None, capability=None, sitemapindex=None): """Parse XML Sitemap and add to resources object. Reads from fh or etree and adds resources to a resorces object (which must support the add method). Returns the resources object. Also sets self.resources_created to be the number of resources created. We adopt a very lax approach here. The parsing is properly namespace aware but we search just for the elements wanted and leave everything else alone. This method will read either sitemap or sitemapindex documents. Behavior depends on the sitemapindex parameter: - None - will read either - False - SitemapIndexError exception if sitemapindex detected - True - SitemapIndexError exception if sitemap detected Will set self.parsed_index based on whether a sitemap or sitemapindex document was read: - False - sitemap - True - sitemapindex """ if (resources is None): resources = ResourceContainer() if (fh is not None): etree = parse(fh) elif (etree is None): raise ValueError("Neither fh or etree set") # check root element: urlset (for sitemap), sitemapindex or bad root_tag = etree.getroot().tag resource_tag = None # will be <url> or <sitemap> depending on type self.parsed_index = None if (root_tag == '{' + SITEMAP_NS + "}urlset"): self.parsed_index = False if (sitemapindex is not None and sitemapindex): raise SitemapIndexError( "Got sitemap when expecting sitemapindex", etree) resource_tag = '{' + SITEMAP_NS + "}url" elif (root_tag == '{' + SITEMAP_NS + "}sitemapindex"): self.parsed_index = True if (sitemapindex is not None and not sitemapindex): raise SitemapIndexError( "Got sitemapindex when expecting sitemap", etree) resource_tag = '{' + SITEMAP_NS + "}sitemap" else: raise SitemapParseError( "XML is not sitemap or sitemapindex (root element is <%s>)" % root_tag) # have what we expect, read it in_preamble = True self.resources_created = 0 seen_top_level_md = False for e in etree.getroot().getchildren(): # look for <rs:md> and <rs:ln>, first <url> ends # then look for resources in <url> blocks if (e.tag == resource_tag): in_preamble = False # any later rs:md or rs:ln is error r = self.resource_from_etree(e, self.resource_class) try: resources.add(r) except SitemapDupeError: self.logger.warning( "dupe of: %s (lastmod=%s)" % (r.uri, r.lastmod)) self.resources_created += 1 elif (e.tag == "{" + RS_NS + "}md"): if (in_preamble): if (seen_top_level_md): raise SitemapParseError( "Multiple <rs:md> at top level of sitemap") else: = self.md_from_etree(e, 'preamble') seen_top_level_md = True else: raise SitemapParseError( "Found <rs:md> after first <url> in sitemap") elif (e.tag == "{" + RS_NS + "}ln"): if (in_preamble): resources.ln.append(self.ln_from_etree(e, 'preamble')) else: raise SitemapParseError( "Found <rs:ln> after first <url> in sitemap") else: # element we don't recognize, ignore pass # check that we read to right capability document if (capability is not None): if ('capability' not in if (capability == 'resourcelist'): self.logger.warning( 'No capability specified in sitemap, assuming resourcelist')['capability'] = 'resourcelist' else: raise SitemapParseError("Expected to read a %s document, but no capability specified in sitemap" % (capability)) if (['capability'] != capability): raise SitemapParseError("Expected to read a %s document, got %s" % (capability,['capability'])) # return the resource container object return(resources)