    def insert_hashes(self, sid, hashes):
        Insert series of hash => song_id, offset
        values into the database.
        values = []
        for hash, offset in hashes:
            values.append((hash, sid, offset))

        with self.cursor() as cur:
            for split_values in grouper(values, 1000):
                cur.executemany(self.INSERT_FINGERPRINT, split_values)
    def return_matches(self, hashes):
        Return the (song_id, offset_diff) tuples associated with
        a list of (sha1, sample_offset) values.
        # Create a dictionary of hash => offset pairs for later lookups
        mapper = {}
        for hash, offset in hashes:
            mapper[hash] = offset

        # Get an iteratable of all the hashes we need
        values = mapper.keys()
        for split_values in grouper(values, 900):
            results = self._DBSession.query(Fingerprint.hash, Fingerprint.song_id,
            for hash, sid, offset in results:
                # (sid, db_offset - song_sampled_offset)
                yield (sid, offset - mapper[hash])
    def return_matches(self, hashes):
        Return the (song_id, offset_diff) tuples associated with
        a list of (sha1, sample_offset) values.
        # Create a dictionary of hash => offset pairs for later lookups
        mapper = {}
        for hash, offset in hashes:
            mapper[hash] = offset

        # Get an iteratable of all the hashes we need
        values = mapper.keys()

        with self.cursor() as cur:
            for split_values in grouper(values, 1000):
                # Create our IN part of the query
                query = self.SELECT_MULTIPLE
                query = query % ', '.join(['UNHEX(%s)'] * len(split_values))

                cur.execute(query, split_values)

                for hash, sid, offset in cur:
                    # (sid, db_offset - song_sampled_offset)
                    yield (sid, offset - mapper[hash])