# Model Parameters
alpha = 0.01                               # marginal adjustment cost
beta  = [0.8, 0.03]                         # marginal production cost parameters
pbar  = 1.0                                # long-run average market price
sigma = 0.2                                # market price shock standard deviation
delta = 0.9                                # discount factor

# Deterministic Steady-State
sstar = (pbar - beta[0]) / beta[1]             # deterministic steady-state state

# Continuous State Shock Distribution
m = 3                                      # number of market price shocks
mu = np.log(pbar) - sigma ** 2 / 2                   # mean log price
p, w = qnwlogn(m, mu, sigma ** 2)              # market price shocks and probabilities
q = np.tile(w, (m, 1))                      # market price transition probabilities

# Approximation Structure
n = 50                                     # number of collocation nodes
smin =  0                                  # minimum state
smax = 20                                  # maximum state
basis = BasisSpline(n, smin, smax, labels=['lagged production'])        # basis functions

def bounds(s, i, j):
    return np.zeros_like(s), np.full(s.shape, np.inf)

def reward(s, q, i, j):

# Model Parameters
alpha = 0.01  # marginal adjustment cost
beta = [0.8, 0.03]  # marginal production cost parameters
pbar = 1.0  # long-run average market price
sigma = 0.2  # market price shock standard deviation
delta = 0.9  # discount factor

# Deterministic Steady-State
sstar = (pbar - beta[0]) / beta[1]  # deterministic steady-state state

# Continuous State Shock Distribution
m = 3  # number of market price shocks
mu = np.log(pbar) - sigma**2 / 2  # mean log price
p, w = qnwlogn(m, mu, sigma**2)  # market price shocks and probabilities
q = np.tile(w, (m, 1))  # market price transition probabilities

# Approximation Structure
n = 50  # number of collocation nodes
smin = 0  # minimum state
smax = 20  # maximum state
basis = BasisSpline(n, smin, smax,
                    labels=['lagged production'])  # basis functions

def bounds(s, i, j):
    return np.zeros_like(s), np.full(s.shape, np.inf)

from compecon import BasisChebyshev, DPmodel
from demos.setup import np, plt, demo
from compecon.quad import qnwlogn


# Model Parameters
a = [1, -2]                                 # producer benefit function parameters
b = [2, -3]                                 # recreational user benefit function parameters
ymean = 1.0                                # mean rainfall
sigma = 0.2                                # rainfall volatility
delta = 0.9                                # discount factor

# Continuous State Shock Distribution
m = 3                                      # number of rainfall shocks
e, w = qnwlogn(m,np.log(ymean)-sigma ** 2/2,sigma ** 2) # rainfall shocks and proabilities

# Approximation Structure
n    = 15                                  # number of collocation nodes
smin =  2                                  # minimum state
smax =  10                                  # maximum state
basis = BasisChebyshev(n, smin, smax, labels=['reservoir'])        # basis functions

def bounds(s, i, j):
  return np.zeros_like(s), s.copy()

def reward(s, x, i, j):
def reward(s, k, i, j):
    sk = s - k
    f = np.log(sk)
    fx= - sk ** -1
    fxx = - sk ** -2
    return f, fx, fxx
sigma = 0.1
e,w = qnwnorm(m, -sigma**2 / 2, sigma**2)

growth_model = DPmodel(basis, reward, transition, bounds,

# ======== Steady-State
sstar = (beta * delta) ** (beta / (1 - beta))   # steady-state wealth
kstar = beta * delta * sstar                    # steady-state capital investment
vstar = np.log(sstar - kstar) / (1 - delta)     # steady-state value
pstar = 1 / (sstar * (1 - beta * delta))        # steady-state shadow price
b = 1 / (1 - delta * beta)

# ===========   Compute Analytic Solution at Collocation Nodes
vtrue = vstar + b * (np.log(snodes) - np.log(sstar))
ktrue = delta * beta * snodes

# Set a refined grid to evaluate the functions
#Wealth = np.linspace(smin, smax, n * 10)
order = np.atleast_2d([0, 1])

# ===========  Solve Bellman Equation
options = dict(print=True,
from demos.setup import np, plt, demo
from compecon.quad import qnwlogn


# Model Parameters
a = [1, -2]  # producer benefit function parameters
b = [2, -3]  # recreational user benefit function parameters
ymean = 1.0  # mean rainfall
sigma = 0.2  # rainfall volatility
delta = 0.9  # discount factor

# Continuous State Shock Distribution
m = 3  # number of rainfall shocks
e, w = qnwlogn(m,
               np.log(ymean) - sigma**2 / 2,
               sigma**2)  # rainfall shocks and proabilities

# Approximation Structure
n = 15  # number of collocation nodes
smin = 2  # minimum state
smax = 10  # maximum state
basis = BasisChebyshev(n, smin, smax, labels=['reservoir'])  # basis functions

def bounds(s, i, j):
    return np.zeros_like(s), s.copy()

def reward(s, x, i, j):
    a0, a1 = a