    def load(self, materials):
        name_map = {
            'POSITION': 'in_position',
            'NORMAL': 'in_normal',
            'TEXCOORD_0': 'in_uv',
            'TANGENT': 'in_tangent',
            'JOINTS_0': 'in_joints',
            'WEIGHTS_0': 'in_heights',
            'COLOR_0': 'in_color0',

        meshes = []

        # Read all primitives as separate meshes for now
        # According to the spec they can have different materials and vertex format
        for primitive in self.primitives:

            vao = VAO(self.name, mode=primitive.mode or moderngl.TRIANGLES)

            # Index buffer
            component_type, index_vbo = self.load_indices(primitive)
            if index_vbo is not None:

            attributes = {}
            vbos = self.prepare_attrib_mapping(primitive)

            for vbo_info in vbos:
                dtype, buffer = vbo_info.create()
                    " ".join([
                        "{}{}".format(attr[1], DTYPE_BUFFER_TYPE[dtype])
                        for attr in vbo_info.attributes
                    [name_map[attr[0]] for attr in vbo_info.attributes],

                for attr in vbo_info.attributes:
                    attributes[attr[0]] = {
                        'name': name_map[attr[0]],
                        'components': attr[1],
                        'type': vbo_info.component_type.value,

            bbox_min, bbox_max = self.get_bbox(primitive)
                    if primitive.material is not None else None,

        return meshes
def plane_xz(size=(10, 10), resolution=(10, 10)) -> VAO:
    Generates a plane on the xz axis of a specific size and resolution

    :param size: (x, y) tuple
    :param resolution: (x, y) tuple
    :return: VAO
    sx, sz = size
    rx, rz = resolution
    dx, dz = sx / rx, sz / rz  # step
    ox, oz = -sx / 2, -sz / 2  # start offset

    def gen_pos():
        for z in range(rz):
            for x in range(rx):
                yield ox + x * dx
                yield 0
                yield oz + z * dz

    def gen_uv():
        for z in range(rz):
            for x in range(rx):
                yield x / (rx - 1)
                yield 1 - z / (rz - 1)

    def gen_normal():
        for z in range(rx * rz):
            yield 0.0
            yield 1.0
            yield 0.0

    def gen_index():
        for z in range(rz - 1):
            for x in range(rx - 1):
                # quad poly left
                yield z * rz + x + 1
                yield z * rz + x
                yield z * rz + x + rx
                # quad poly right
                yield z * rz + x + 1
                yield z * rz + x + rx
                yield z * rz + x + rx + 1

    pos_data = numpy.fromiter(gen_pos(), dtype=numpy.float32)
    uv_data = numpy.fromiter(gen_uv(), dtype=numpy.float32)
    normal_data = numpy.fromiter(gen_normal(), dtype=numpy.float32)
    index_data = numpy.fromiter(gen_index(), dtype=numpy.uint32)

    vao = VAO("plane_xz", mode=moderngl.TRIANGLES)

    vao.buffer(pos_data, '3f', ['in_position'])
    vao.buffer(uv_data, '2f', ['in_uv'])
    vao.buffer(normal_data, '3f', ['in_normal'])

    vao.index_buffer(index_data, index_element_size=4)

    return vao
def sphere(radius=0.5, sectors=32, rings=16) -> VAO:
    Generate a sphere

    :param radius: Radius or the sphere
    :param rings: number or horizontal rings
    :param sectors: number of vertical segments
    :return: VAO containing the sphere
    R = 1.0 / (rings - 1)
    S = 1.0 / (sectors - 1)

    vertices = [0] * (rings * sectors * 3)
    normals = [0] * (rings * sectors * 3)
    uvs = [0] * (rings * sectors * 2)

    v, n, t = 0, 0, 0
    for r in range(rings):
        for s in range(sectors):
            y = math.sin(-math.pi / 2 + math.pi * r * R)
            x = math.cos(2 * math.pi * s * S) * math.sin(math.pi * r * R)
            z = math.sin(2 * math.pi * s * S) * math.sin(math.pi * r * R)

            uvs[t] = s * S
            uvs[t + 1] = r * R

            vertices[v] = x * radius
            vertices[v + 1] = y * radius
            vertices[v + 2] = z * radius

            normals[n] = x
            normals[n + 1] = y
            normals[n + 2] = z

            t += 2
            v += 3
            n += 3

    indices = [0] * rings * sectors * 6
    i = 0
    for r in range(rings - 1):
        for s in range(sectors - 1):
            indices[i] = r * sectors + s
            indices[i + 1] = (r + 1) * sectors + (s + 1)
            indices[i + 2] = r * sectors + (s + 1)

            indices[i + 3] = r * sectors + s
            indices[i + 4] = (r + 1) * sectors + s
            indices[i + 5] = (r + 1) * sectors + (s + 1)
            i += 6

    vbo_vertices = context.ctx().buffer(
        numpy.array(vertices, dtype=numpy.float32).tobytes())
    vbo_normals = context.ctx().buffer(
        numpy.array(normals, dtype=numpy.float32).tobytes())
    vbo_uvs = context.ctx().buffer(
        numpy.array(uvs, dtype=numpy.float32).tobytes())
    vbo_elements = context.ctx().buffer(
        numpy.array(indices, dtype=numpy.uint32).tobytes())

    vao = VAO("sphere", mode=mlg.TRIANGLES)
    # VBOs
    vao.buffer(vbo_vertices, '3f', ['in_position'])
    vao.buffer(vbo_normals, '3f', ['in_normal'])
    vao.buffer(vbo_uvs, '2f', ['in_uv'])
    vao.index_buffer(vbo_elements, index_element_size=4)

    return vao