
  ret_data = {}     # empty dictionary

  for svc, rpc in run_list.items():
    rsp = rpc()                           # execute the RPC
    ret_data[svc] = dict(rsp[0].attrib)   # copy the attributes into a dictionary

  return ret_data
##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# add this new routine to the WLC "ez" section.
wlc.ez( helper=system_services )

# now call the service
print "Retrieving System Services ..."
si = wlc.ez.system_services()

# now show the info:
print "System Services:"

# and you could do things like:
# >>> [svc for svc in si.keys() if si[svc]['enabled'] == "YES"]
# ['httpd', 'sshd', 'telnetd']
# >>> [svc for svc in si.keys() if si[svc]['enabled'] != "YES"]
# ['tftpd']
    data = {}
    for ap in ap_list:
        data[ap.get('apnum')] = {}
    return data
def boot_ap( wlc, *vargs, **kvargs ):
    # XXX - add a filter for booting AP by name or serial
    rpc = wlc.RpcMaker('act')
    rpc.data = E('BOOT', E('BOOT-DAP', E('DAP-REF')))

    if 'apnum' in kvargs:
        dapref = rpc.data.find('.//DAP-REF')
        dapref.set('dap-id', kvargs['apnum'])
        r = rpc()
        raise ValueError("You must provide an AP number")

    return True

# bind the helper to the WLC
wlc.ez( helper=show_ap )
wlc.ez( helper=boot_ap )

  # now merge the template with the vars
  as_txt = template.render( env_vars )
  # now convert the txt to XML
  return etree.XML( as_txt )

def create_vlan( wlc, *vargs, **kvargs ):
  vlan_vars = {
    'name': kvargs['name'],
    'number': kvargs['number']
  rpc = wlc.RpcMaker( trans='SET', target='vlan-table' )
  rpc.data = j2_to_xml( 'create-vlan.j2.xml', vlan_vars )
  return wlc.rpc( rpc.as_xml )

# bind the helper to the WLC
wlc.ez( show_vlans, alias="vinfo")
wlc.ez( create_vlan )

vlan_create_list = [
  {'name': 'Bob1', 'number': '1001'},
  {'name': 'Bob2', 'number': '1002'},
  {'name': 'Bob3', 'number': '1003'},
  {'name': 'Bob4', 'number': '1004'},
  {'name': 'Bob5', 'number': '1005'},
# then you could do something like:
#>>> for vlan in vlan_create_list:
#...    wlc.ez.create_vlan( **vlan )

import demowlcutils
from demowlcutils import ppxml, WLC_login
from pprint import pprint as pp 
from lxml.builder import E
from jnpr.wlc import WirelessLanController as WLC
from client_helper import find_client, clear_client, get_clients

wlc = WLC_login()

# add client routines to the WLC "ez" section.
# XXX - this seems wrong? shouldn't this get loaded automatically?
wlc.ez( helper=find_client)
wlc.ez( helper=clear_client)
wlc.ez( helper=get_clients)

# mac address for testing, should be a current session
#mac = '10:40:f3:e6:fc:26'
#mac = '88:53:95:2a:d4:37'
mac = 'bc:67:78:08:25:bb'

##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
####  run the find client routine, searching for active sessions by mac, ip 
####  and name. This command does not have an equivalent CLI command.
##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# call the service by mac
print "Finding user session by mac..."
client = wlc.ez.find_client( macaddress = mac )
    ret_data = {}  # empty dictionary

    for svc, rpc in run_list.items():
        rsp = rpc()  # execute the RPC
        ret_data[svc] = dict(
            rsp[0].attrib)  # copy the attributes into a dictionary

    return ret_data

##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# add this new routine to the WLC "ez" section.

# now call the service
print "Retrieving System Services ..."
si = wlc.ez.system_services()

# now show the info:
print "System Services:"

# and you could do things like:
# >>> [svc for svc in si.keys() if si[svc]['enabled'] == "YES"]
# ['httpd', 'sshd', 'telnetd']
# >>> [svc for svc in si.keys() if si[svc]['enabled'] != "YES"]
# ['tftpd']
import demowlcutils
from demowlcutils import ppxml, WLC_login
from pprint import pprint as pp
from lxml.builder import E
from jnpr.wlc import WirelessLanController as WLC
from client_helper import find_client, clear_client, get_clients

wlc = WLC_login()

# add client routines to the WLC "ez" section.
# XXX - this seems wrong? shouldn't this get loaded automatically?

# mac address for testing, should be a current session
#mac = '10:40:f3:e6:fc:26'
#mac = '88:53:95:2a:d4:37'
mac = 'bc:67:78:08:25:bb'

##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
####  run the find client routine, searching for active sessions by mac, ip
####  and name. This command does not have an equivalent CLI command.
##### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# call the service by mac
print "Finding user session by mac..."
client = wlc.ez.find_client(macaddress=mac)

# show the info:
    ap_list = rsp.findall('.//DAP')
    data = {}

    for ap in ap_list:
        data[ap.get('apnum')] = {}

    return data

def boot_ap(wlc, *vargs, **kvargs):
    # XXX - add a filter for booting AP by name or serial
    rpc = wlc.RpcMaker('act')

    rpc.data = E('BOOT', E('BOOT-DAP', E('DAP-REF')))

    if 'apnum' in kvargs:
        dapref = rpc.data.find('.//DAP-REF')
        dapref.set('dap-id', kvargs['apnum'])

        r = rpc()
        raise ValueError("You must provide an AP number")

    return True

# bind the helper to the WLC