文件: bssn.py 项目: paralab/SymPyGR
def bssn_puncture_gauge(eta_damp, isStaged=False, prefix=""):

    if (not isStaged):

        C1 = dendro.get_first_christoffel()
        C2 = dendro.get_second_christoffel()
        C2_spatial = dendro.get_complete_christoffel(chi)
        [R, Rt, Rphi, CalGt] = dendro.compute_ricci(Gt, chi)

        a_rhs = l1 * dendro.lie(b, a) - 2 * a * K

        b_rhs = [(Rational(3, 4) * (lf0 + lf1 * a) * B[i] +
                  l2 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, b[i])) for i in dendro.e_i]

        gt_rhs = dendro.lie(b, gt, weight) - 2 * a * At

        chi_rhs = dendro.lie(b, chi, weight) + Rational(2, 3) * (chi * a * K)

        AikAkj = Matrix([
                At[i, k] *
                sum([dendro.inv_metric[k, l] * At[l, j] for l in dendro.e_i])
                for k in dendro.e_i
            ]) for i, j in dendro.e_ij

        At_rhs = dendro.lie(b, At, weight) + chi * dendro.trace_free(
            a * R - dendro.DiDj(a)) + a * (K * At - 2 * AikAkj.reshape(3, 3))

        K_rhs = dendro.lie(b, K) - dendro.laplacian(
            a, chi) + a * (K * K / 3 + dendro.sqr(At))

        At_UU = dendro.up_up(At)

        Gt_rhs = Matrix([sum(b[j]*ad(j,Gt[i]) for j in dendro.e_i) for i in dendro.e_i]) - \
                Matrix([sum(CalGt[j]*d(j,b[i]) for j in dendro.e_i) for i in dendro.e_i]) + \
                Rational(2,3)*Matrix([ CalGt[i] * sum(d(j,b[j]) for j in dendro.e_i)  for i in dendro.e_i ]) + \
                Matrix([sum([igt[j, k] * d2(j, k, b[i]) + igt[i, j] * d2(j, k, b[k])/3 for j, k in dendro.e_ij]) for i in dendro.e_i]) - \
                Matrix([sum([2*At_UU[i, j]*d(j, a) for j in dendro.e_i]) for i in dendro.e_i]) + \
                Matrix([sum([2*a*dendro.C2[i, j, k]*At_UU[j, k] for j,k in dendro.e_ij]) for i in dendro.e_i]) - \
                Matrix([sum([a*(3/chi*At_UU[i,j]*d(j, chi) + Rational(4,3)*dendro.inv_metric[i, j]*d(j, K)) for j in dendro.e_i]) for i in dendro.e_i])

        Gt_rhs = [item for sublist in Gt_rhs.tolist() for item in sublist]

        B_rhs = [
            (Gt_rhs[i] - eta_damp * B[i] + l3 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, B[i]) -
             l4 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, Gt[i])) for i in dendro.e_i

        # generate code

        outs = [a_rhs, b_rhs, gt_rhs, chi_rhs, At_rhs, K_rhs, Gt_rhs, B_rhs]
        vnames = [
            'a_rhs', 'b_rhs', 'gt_rhs', 'chi_rhs', 'At_rhs', 'K_rhs', 'Gt_rhs',
        dendro.generate_cpu(outs, vnames, '[pp]')

        # note: these are just the symbolic vars that is being used to generate the
        # Gt_rhs by satges

        _Gt_rhs_s1 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s1_", "[pp]")
        _Gt_rhs_s2 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s2_", "[pp]")
        _Gt_rhs_s3 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s3_", "[pp]")
        _Gt_rhs_s4 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s4_", "[pp]")
        _Gt_rhs_s5 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s5_", "[pp]")
        _Gt_rhs_s6 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s6_", "[pp]")
        _Gt_rhs_s7 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s7_", "[pp]")
        _CalGt = dendro.vec3("CalGt", "[pp]")
        _Gt_rhs = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs", "[pp]")

        # Gt_rhs staged vars that is being used to generate the code.
        At_UU = dendro.sym_3x3("At_UU", "[pp]")
        CalGt = dendro.vec3("CalGt", "[pp]")
        Gt_rhs_s1 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s1_", "[pp]")
        Gt_rhs_s2 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s2_", "[pp]")
        Gt_rhs_s3 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s3_", "[pp]")
        Gt_rhs_s4 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s4_", "[pp]")
        Gt_rhs_s5 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s5_", "[pp]")
        Gt_rhs_s6 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s6_", "[pp]")
        Gt_rhs_s7 = dendro.vec3("Gt_rhs_s7_", "[pp]")

        C1 = dendro.get_first_christoffel()
        C2 = dendro.get_second_christoffel()
        C2_spatial = dendro.get_complete_christoffel(chi)
        [R, Rt, Rphi, CalGt] = dendro.compute_ricci(Gt, chi)

        a_rhs = l1 * dendro.lie(b, a) - 2 * a * K

        b_rhs = [(Rational(3, 4) * (lf0 + lf1 * a) * B[i] +
                  l2 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, b[i])) for i in dendro.e_i]

        gt_rhs = dendro.lie(b, gt, weight) - 2 * a * At

        chi_rhs = dendro.lie(b, chi, weight) + Rational(2, 3) * (chi * a * K)

        AikAkj = Matrix([
                At[i, k] *
                sum([dendro.inv_metric[k, l] * At[l, j] for l in dendro.e_i])
                for k in dendro.e_i
            ]) for i, j in dendro.e_ij

        At_rhs = dendro.lie(b, At, weight) + chi * dendro.trace_free(
            a * R - dendro.DiDj(a)) + a * (K * At - 2 * AikAkj.reshape(3, 3))

        K_rhs = dendro.lie(b, K) - dendro.laplacian(
            a, chi) + a * (K * K / 3 + dendro.sqr(At))

        At_UU = dendro.up_up(At)

        Gt_rhs_s1 = ([
            sum(b[j] * ad(j, Gt[i]) for j in dendro.e_i) for i in dendro.e_i
        Gt_rhs_s2 = ([
            sum(_CalGt[j] * d(j, b[i]) for j in dendro.e_i) for i in dendro.e_i
        Gt_rhs_s3 = ([
            _CalGt[i] * sum(d(j, b[j]) for j in dendro.e_i) for i in dendro.e_i
        Gt_rhs_s4 = ([
                igt[j, k] * d2(j, k, b[i]) + igt[i, j] * d2(j, k, b[k]) / 3
                for j, k in dendro.e_ij
            ]) for i in dendro.e_i
        Gt_rhs_s5 = ([
            sum([2 * At_UU[i, j] * d(j, a) for j in dendro.e_i])
            for i in dendro.e_i
        Gt_rhs_s6 = ([
                2 * a * dendro.C2[i, j, k] * At_UU[j, k]
                for j, k in dendro.e_ij
            ]) for i in dendro.e_i
        Gt_rhs_s7 = ([
                a * (3 / chi * At_UU[i, j] * d(j, chi) +
                     Rational(4, 3) * dendro.inv_metric[i, j] * d(j, K))
                for j in dendro.e_i
            ]) for i in dendro.e_i

        Gt_rhs = Matrix(_Gt_rhs_s1) - \
            Matrix(_Gt_rhs_s2) + \
            Rational(2,3)*Matrix(_Gt_rhs_s3) + \
            Matrix(_Gt_rhs_s4) - \
            Matrix(_Gt_rhs_s5) + \
            Matrix(_Gt_rhs_s6) - \

        Gt_rhs = [item for sublist in Gt_rhs.tolist() for item in sublist]

        B_rhs = [
            (Gt_rhs[i] - eta_damp * B[i] + l3 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, B[i]) -
             l4 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, Gt[i])) for i in dendro.e_i

        outs = [
            a_rhs, b_rhs, gt_rhs, chi_rhs, At_rhs, K_rhs, CalGt, Gt_rhs_s1,
            Gt_rhs_s2, Gt_rhs_s3, Gt_rhs_s4, Gt_rhs_s5, Gt_rhs_s6, Gt_rhs_s7,
            Gt_rhs, B_rhs
        vnames = [
            'a_rhs', 'b_rhs', 'gt_rhs', 'chi_rhs', 'At_rhs', 'K_rhs', 'CalGt',
            'Gt_rhs_s1_', 'Gt_rhs_s2_', 'Gt_rhs_s3_', 'Gt_rhs_s4_',
            'Gt_rhs_s5_', 'Gt_rhs_s6_', 'Gt_rhs_s7_', 'Gt_rhs', 'B_rhs'

        # generate code

        numVars = len(outs)
        for i in range(0, numVars):
            dendro.generate_separate([outs[i]], [vnames[i]], '[pp]')
C1 = dendro.get_first_christoffel()
C2 = dendro.get_second_christoffel()
#what's this...tried to comment it out and python compilation fails
C2_spatial = dendro.get_complete_christoffel(chi)
R, Rt, Rphi, CalGt = dendro.compute_ricci(Gt, chi)
# evolution equations

a_rhs = l1 * dendro.lie(b, a) - 2 * a * K + 0 * dendro.kodiss(a)

#[ewh] In the had code, this is treated as an advective derivative.
#      I think this should be:
#         l2 * dendro.vec_j_del_j(b, b[i])
b_rhs = [
    S(3) / 4 * (lf0 + lf1 * a) * B[i] + l2 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, b[i])
    for i in dendro.e_i
] + dendro.kodiss(b)

gt_rhs = dendro.lie(b, gt, weight) - 2 * a * At + 0 * dendro.kodiss(gt)

chi_rhs = dendro.lie(
    b, chi, weight) + Rational(2, 3) * (chi * a * K) + 0 * dendro.kodiss(chi)

AikAkj = Matrix([
        At[i, k] *
        sum([dendro.inv_metric[k, l] * At[l, j] for l in dendro.e_i])
        for k in dendro.e_i
    ]) for i, j in dendro.e_ij
C1 = dendro.get_first_christoffel()
C2 = dendro.get_second_christoffel()
#what's this...tried to comment it out and python compilation fails
C2_spatial = dendro.get_complete_christoffel(chi)
R, Rt, Rphi, CalGt = dendro.compute_ricci(Gt, chi)
# evolution equations

a_rhs = l1*dendro.lie(b, a) - 2*a*K + 0*dendro.kodiss(a)

#[ewh] In the had code, this is treated as an advective derivative.
#      I think this should be:
#         l2 * dendro.vec_j_del_j(b, b[i])
b_rhs = [ S(3)/4 * (lf0 + lf1*a) * B[i] +
        l2 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, b[i])
         for i in dendro.e_i ] + dendro.kodiss(b)

gt_rhs = dendro.lie(b, gt, weight) - 2*a*At + 0*dendro.kodiss(gt)

chi_rhs = dendro.lie(b, chi, weight) + Rational(2,3) * (chi*a*K) + 0*dendro.kodiss(chi)

AikAkj = Matrix([sum([At[i, k] * sum([dendro.inv_metric[k, l]*At[l, j] for l in dendro.e_i]) for k in dendro.e_i]) for i, j in dendro.e_ij])

#ewh2 At_rhs = dendro.lie(b, At, weight) + dendro.trace_free(chi*(dendro.DiDj(a) + a*R)) + a*(K*At - 2*AikAkj.reshape(3, 3))
At_rhs = dendro.lie(b, At, weight) + chi*dendro.trace_free( a*R - dendro.DiDj(a)) + a*(K*At - 2*AikAkj.reshape(3, 3)) + 0*dendro.kodiss(At)

#K_rhs = dendro.vec_k_del_k(b, K) - dendro.laplacian(a) + a*(1/3*K*K + dendro.sqr(At))
K_rhs = dendro.lie(b, K) - dendro.laplacian(a,chi) + a*(K*K/3 + dendro.sqr(At)) + 0*dendro.kodiss(K)

At_UU = dendro.up_up(At)
C1 = dendro.get_first_christoffel()
C2 = dendro.get_second_christoffel()
#what's this...tried to comment it out and python compilation fails
C2_spatial = dendro.get_complete_christoffel(chi)
R, Rt, Rphi, CalGt = dendro.compute_ricci(Gt, chi)
# evolution equations

a_rhs = l1 * dendro.lie(b, a) - 2 * a * K

#[ewh] In the had code, this is treated as an advective derivative.
#      I think this should be:
#         l2 * dendro.vec_j_del_j(b, b[i])
b_rhs = [(3 / 4) * (lf0 + lf1 * a) * B[i] + l2 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, b[i])
         for i in dendro.e_i]

gt_rhs = dendro.lie(b, gt, weight) - 2 * a * At

chi_rhs = dendro.lie(b, chi, weight) + (2 / 3) * (chi * a * K)

AikAkj = Matrix([
        At[i, k] *
        sum([dendro.inv_metric[k, l] * At[l, j] for l in dendro.e_i])
        for k in dendro.e_i
    ]) for i, j in dendro.e_ij

#ewh2 At_rhs = dendro.lie(b, At, weight) + dendro.trace_free(chi*(dendro.DiDj(a) + a*R)) + a*(K*At - 2*AikAkj.reshape(3, 3))
# generate metric related quantities
igt = dendro.get_inverse_metric()

C1 = dendro.get_first_christoffel()
C2 = dendro.get_second_christoffel()
#what's this...tried to comment it out and python compilation fails
C2_spatial = dendro.get_complete_christoffel(chi)
R, Rt, Rphi, CalGt = dendro.compute_ricci(Gt, chi)
# evolution equations

a_rhs = l1*dendro.lie(b, a) - 2*a*K 

b_rhs = [ S(3)/4 * (lf0 + lf1*a) * B[i] + l2 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, b[i]) for i in dendro.e_i ] 

gt_rhs = dendro.lie(b, gt, weight) - 2*a*At 

chi_rhs = dendro.lie(b, chi, weight) + Rational(2,3) * (chi*a*K) 

AikAkj = Matrix([sum([At[i, k] * sum([dendro.inv_metric[k, l]*At[l, j] for l in dendro.e_i]) for k in dendro.e_i]) for i, j in dendro.e_ij])

At_rhs = dendro.lie(b, At, weight) + chi*dendro.trace_free( a*R - dendro.DiDj(a)) + a*(K*At - 2*AikAkj.reshape(3, 3)) 

K_rhs = dendro.lie(b, K) - dendro.laplacian(a,chi) + a*(K*K/3 + dendro.sqr(At)) 

At_UU = dendro.up_up(At)

Gt_rhs_s1= ([sum(b[j]*ad(j,Gt[i]) for j in dendro.e_i) for i in dendro.e_i])
Gt_rhs_s2= ([sum(_CalGt[j]*d(j,b[i]) for j in dendro.e_i) for i in dendro.e_i])
igt = dendro.get_inverse_metric()

eta_func = R0 * sqrt(
    sum([igt[i, j] * d(i, chi) * d(j, chi)
         for i, j in dendro.e_ij])) / ((1 - chi**ep1)**ep2)

C1 = dendro.get_first_christoffel()
C2 = dendro.get_second_christoffel()
C2_spatial = dendro.get_complete_christoffel(chi)
[R, Rt, Rphi, CalGt] = dendro.compute_ricci(Gt, chi)

a_rhs = l1 * dendro.lie(b, a) - 2 * a * K

b_rhs = [
    (Rational(3, 4) * (lf0 + lf1 * a) * B[i] + l2 * dendro.vec_j_ad_j(b, b[i]))
    for i in dendro.e_i

gt_rhs = dendro.lie(b, gt, weight) - 2 * a * At

chi_rhs = dendro.lie(b, chi, weight) + Rational(2, 3) * (chi * a * K)

AikAkj = Matrix([
        At[i, k] *
        sum([dendro.inv_metric[k, l] * At[l, j] for l in dendro.e_i])
        for k in dendro.e_i
    ]) for i, j in dendro.e_ij