def get_base_model(model, pooling=None): if model == 'resnet50': base_model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_tensor=keras.layers.Input(shape=(224, 224, 3))) elif model == 'vgg16': base_model = VGG16(include_top=False, weights='imagenet', pooling=pooling, input_tensor=keras.layers.Input(shape=(224, 224, 3))) elif model == 'vgg19': base_model = VGG19(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_tensor=keras.layers.Input(shape=(224, 224, 3))) elif model == 'inception_v3': base_model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_tensor=keras.layers.Input(shape=(299, 299, 3))) elif model == 'xception': base_model = Xception(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_tensor=keras.layers.Input(shape=(299, 299, 3))) elif model == 'densenet121': base_model = densenet121_model(img_rows=224, img_cols=224, color_type=3, num_classes=N_classes) elif model == 'densenet161': base_model = densenet161_model(img_rows=224, img_cols=224, color_type=3, num_classes=N_classes) elif model == 'densenet169': base_model = densenet169_model(img_rows=224, img_cols=224, color_type=3, num_classes=N_classes) else: assert False, '{} is not an implemented model!'.format(model) return base_model
def denseNet121(input_dim, nd_classes): weights_path = '../weights/densenet121_weights_tf.h5' # Test pretrained model # base_model = densenet121.DenseNet(reduction=0.5, classes=1000, weights_path=weights_path) model = densenet121.densenet121_model(img_rows=input_dim, img_cols=input_dim, color_type=3, num_classes=nd_classes, weights_path=weights_path) return model
reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau('val_acc', factor=0.1, patience=int(patience / 4), verbose=1) trained_models_path = 'models/model' model_names = trained_models_path + '.{epoch:02d}-{val_acc:.4f}.hdf5' model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(model_names, monitor='val_acc', verbose=1, save_best_only=True) num_gpu = len(get_available_gpus()) if num_gpu >= 2: with tf.device("/cpu:0"): model = densenet121_model(img_rows=img_height, img_cols=img_width, color_type=num_channels, num_classes=num_classes) if pretrained_path is not None: model.load_weights(pretrained_path) new_model = multi_gpu_model(model, gpus=num_gpu) # rewrite the callback: saving through the original model and not the multi-gpu model. model_checkpoint = MyCbk(model) else: new_model = densenet121_model(img_rows=img_height, img_cols=img_width, color_type=num_channels, num_classes=num_classes) if pretrained_path is not None: new_model.load_weights(pretrained_path)
x_train = x[val_split_num:] y_train = y[val_split_num:] x_test = x[:val_split_num] y_test = y[:val_split_num] x_train = x_train.astype('float32') x_test = x_test.astype('float32') x_train /= 255 x_test /= 255 return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, test_img_nos, test # get model model = densenet121_model(img_rows=128, img_cols=128, color_type=3, num_classes=1000) model.load_weights('./cp_weights.hdf5') model.compile(optimizer=SGD(lr=0.0001, momentum=0.9), loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']) # get data img_size = 128 split_rate = 0.1 (x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, test_img_nos, test) = get_data(img_size, split_rate) datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=30, width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2,
def getDenseNet121(self, train_images, train_labels, load_saved_model, model_save_path, use_pretraining, pretrained_weights_path, train_dir, val_dir, fine_tuning_method, batch_size, num_epochs, optimizer, loss, initial_epoch, sample, lr=None): """ :param load_saved_model: boolean (whether to just load the model from weights path) :param model_save_path: (final model weights path, if load_pretrained is true) :param pretrained_weights_path: if load_trained is false and if use_pretraining is true, the path of weights to load for pre-training :param train_dir: training data directory :param val_dir: validation data directory :param use_pretraining: boolean, whether to use pre-training or train from scratch :param fine_tuning_method: whether to use end-to-end pre-training or phase-by-phase pre-training :param batch_size: batch_size to use while fitting the model :param num_epochs: number of epochs to train the model :param optimizer: type of optimizer to use (sgd|adagrad) :param loss: type of loss to use (mse|l1) :param initial_epoch: starting epoch to start training :return: Returns the AlexNet model according to the parameters provided """ print(get_time_string() + 'Creating DenseNet121 model..') img_rows, img_cols = 224, 224 # Resolution of inputs channels = 3 if load_saved_model: if model_save_path is None: raise Exception('Unable to load trained model as model_save_path is None!') print(get_time_string() + 'Loading saved model from ' + model_save_path + '..') model = load_model(model_save_path, custom_objects={'Scale': customlayers.Scale}) else: model = densenet121_model(img_rows=img_rows, img_cols=img_cols, channels=channels, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES_YEARBOOK, use_pretraining=use_pretraining, pretrained_weights_path=pretrained_weights_path, optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, fine_tuning_method=fine_tuning_method) if initial_epoch >= num_epochs: print(get_time_string() + 'Not fitting the model since initial_epoch is >= num_epochs. Returning model..') return model # Start Fine-tuning print(get_time_string() + 'Fitting the model..') for e in range(initial_epoch, num_epochs): print_line() print('Starting epoch ' + str(e)) print_line() completed = 0 for x_chunk, y_chunk in chunks(train_images, train_labels, batch_size, DENSENET121_ARCHITECTURE): print(get_time_string() + 'Fitting model for chunk of size ' + str(len(x_chunk)) + '...'), y_chunk, batch_size=batch_size, nb_epoch=1, verbose=1 ) completed += len(x_chunk) print(get_time_string() + str(completed) + ' of ' + str(len(train_images)) + ' complete. ') file_name = self.getCheckpointFileName(base_model_save_path=model_save_path, epoch=e) print(get_time_string() + 'Saving model to ' + file_name) print(get_time_string() + 'Epoch ' + str(e) + ' complete. Evaluating on validation set..') evaluateYearbookFromModel(model=model, architecture=DENSENET121_ARCHITECTURE, sample=sample) print_line() #, train_labels, # batch_size=batch_size, # nb_epoch=num_epochs, # shuffle=True, # verbose=1, validation_data=(processed_valid_images, valid_labels), # callbacks=[self.getCheckpointer(model_save_path)], # initial_epoch=initial_epoch # ) print(get_time_string() + 'Fitting complete. Returning model..') if model_save_path is not None: print(get_time_string() + 'Saving final model to ' + model_save_path + '..') return model