class CurrentEstimation(object): global_frame = 'left/base_link' def __init__(self): # Variables = False self.first_config = False self.curr = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) self.curr_buff = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) self.pos_buff = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) K_mot = np.array([0.,1.122861,0.695228,0.,0.,0.]) # Change K self.param = np.array([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.],[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]]) # initial is 0 self.z = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) # initial is 0 self.time = [0] self.qdd = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) # Generic configuration np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True) # Read configuration parameters self.ns = rospy.get_namespace() robot_name = self.ns.replace('/','') if len(robot_name) == 0: #~ robot_name = 'right' rospy.logerr('Namespace is required by this script.') return js_rate = read_parameter('/%s/joint_state_controller/publish_rate' % robot_name, 125.0) self.dt = 1. / js_rate # Populate the OpenRAVE environment and robot rospack = rospkg.RosPack() models_dir = rospack.get_path('denso_openrave') env = Environment() denso_base = env.ReadRobotXMLFile(models_dir + '/objects/denso_base.kinbody.xml') denso_base.SetName('denso_base') env.Add(denso_base) robot = env.ReadRobotXMLFile(models_dir + '/robots/denso_ft_sensor_handle.robot.xml') robot.SetName(robot_name) env.Add(robot) self.rave = Manipulator(env, robot, 'denso_ft_sensor_handle') self.rave.EnableCollisionChecker() RaveSetDebugLevel(DebugLevel.Fatal) # enable OpenRave GUI #~ env.SetViewer('QtCoin') # Denso Controllers self.denso = JointPositionController(robot_name) self.rave.SetDOFValues(self.denso.get_joint_positions()) self.rate = rospy.Rate(js_rate) # Subscribe to FT sensor and joint state rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/raw' % robot_name, WrenchStamped, self.ft_sensor_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/%s/joint_states' % robot_name, JointState, self.joint_states_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/diagnostics' % robot_name, DiagnosticArray, self.diagnostics_cb) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) if hasattr(self, 'wrench') and hasattr(self, 'ft_status') and hasattr(self, 'effort') and hasattr(self, 'position'): break rospy.loginfo('Succefully connected to [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name) rospy.loginfo('Succefully connected to [/%s/joint_states/] topics' % robot_name) # Move to first pre-contact position Tprecontact = tr.euler_matrix(0, -np.pi/2 - np.pi/4 + 10/180.0*np.pi, 0) Tprecontact[:3,3] = np.array([0.3, 0., -0.018]) self.move_robot(Tprecontact) # Move to second pre-contact position Tprecontact[0,3] -= 0.01 self.move_robot(Tprecontact) rospy.sleep(0.5) # Move until contact is happening (speed = 0.25 cm/s) q = self.rave.GetDOFValues() J = np.zeros((6,6)) curr_ref = self.curr[-1] dx = np.array([-0.002*self.dt, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) dq_buf = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]) Wref = np.array(self.wrench) contact_force = np.array([1.0,10.0,5.0,0.0]),num = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.ft_status == DiagnosticStatus().OK: J[:3,:] = rave.manipulator.CalculateJacobian() J[3:,:] = rave.manipulator.CalculateAngularVelocityJacobian() dq =, dx) self.qdd = (dq - dq_buf) / self.dt / self.dt dq_buf = dq q += dq self.rave.SetDOFValues(q) self.rave.SetDOFVelocities(dq/self.dt) self.denso.set_joint_positions(q) self.rate.sleep() # Calculate F/T Tor = [] for (i,Ki) in enumerate(K_mot): Tor.append(Ki*(self.curr[i] - curr_ref[i]) + self.param[2,i] + self.z[i]) global_ft_calc = -, Tor) T = self.rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(self.rave.GetDOFValues()) force_frame_transform bXeF = force_frame_transform(T) local_ft_calc =, global_ft_calc) print 'local_ft_calc: ' for (i,loc_i) in enumerate(local_ft_calc): print('%f ' %loc_i) print '\n' # FT sensor W = np.array(self.wrench) F = W[:3] - Wref[:3] if ((np.linalg.norm(F) > contact_force[num]) and (num<2)) or ((np.linalg.norm(F) < contact_force[num]) and (num>=2)): rospy.loginfo('Contact %d detected' %(num+1)) if(num==0): = True self.first_config = True num +=1 if(num==2): dx[0] = -dx[0] rospy.loginfo('Last local_ft_calc:') local_ft_calc rospy.loginfo('Last F:') F rospy.loginfo('Move to next contact point') rospy.sleep(3) continue else: rospy.loginfo('FT Sensor failed') def move_robot(self, trans): self.rave.MoveToHandPosition(trans) while not self.rave.IsControllerDone() and not rospy.is_shutdown(): q = self.rave.GetDOFValues() self.denso.set_joint_positions(q) self.rate.sleep() def curr_sgn(self): # Compute Inverse Dynamics arm Tmot = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(self.qdd) Tm = Tmot[0] Tc = Tmot[1] Tg = Tmot[2] # Total computable torque Tor = (Tm + Tc + Tg) sgn = [] for (i,Ti) in enumerate(Tor): if(Ti<0): sgn.append(-1) else: sgn.append(1) return sgn def ft_sensor_cb(self, msg): force = vector_msg_to_np(msg.wrench.force) torque = vector_msg_to_np(msg.wrench.torque) self.wrench = np.hstack((force, torque)) def diagnostics_cb(self, msg): self.ft_status = msg.status[0].level def joint_states_cb(self, msg): self.position = np.array(msg.position) self.effort = np.array(msg.effort) q_sign = np.sign(self.position - self.pos_buff) self.pos_buff = self.position cur = [] if not( self.sgn = self.curr_sgn() for (i,sgn_i) in enumerate(self.sgn): cur.append(sgn_i * self.effort[i]) self.curr = np.vstack((self.curr,cur)) else: if(self.first_config): self.param = np.array([[0.,-0.756017,-0.416826,0.,0.,0.],[0.,-0.065002,-0.078240,0.,0.,0.],[0.,12.066892,5.219690,0.,0.,0.]]) self.z = np.array([0.,-12.474310,-6.174117,0.,0.,0.]) self.first_config = False for (i,sgn_i) in enumerate(self.sgn): if (q_sign[i]==0.): continue if (not(np.sign(sgn_i * self.effort[i] - self.curr[-1,i])==q_sign[i])) and (abs(self.curr[-1,i])<2.0): self.sgn[i] = -self.sgn[i] cur.append(self.sgn[i] * self.effort[i]) self.curr = np.vstack((self.curr,cur)) dz = np.multiply(self.param[0], (self.curr[-1] - self.curr_buff)) + np.multiply(np.multiply(self.param[1],np.absolute(self.curr[-1] - self.curr_buff)),self.z) self.z = self.z + dz self.curr_buff = self.curr[-1]
def __init__(self): # Generic configuration np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True) # Read configuration parameters self.ns = rospy.get_namespace() robot_name = self.ns.replace('/','') if len(robot_name) == 0: rospy.logerr('Namespace is required by this script.') return js_rate = read_parameter('/%s/joint_state_controller/publish_rate' % robot_name, 125.0) # Populate the OpenRAVE environment and robot rospack = rospkg.RosPack() models_dir = rospack.get_path('denso_openrave') env = Environment() denso_base = env.ReadRobotXMLFile(models_dir + '/objects/denso_base.kinbody.xml') denso_base.SetName('denso_base') env.Add(denso_base) robot = env.ReadRobotXMLFile(models_dir + '/robots/denso_ft_sensor_handle.robot.xml') robot.SetName(robot_name) env.Add(robot) rave = Manipulator(env, robot, 'denso_ft_sensor_handle') rave.EnableCollisionChecker() RaveSetDebugLevel(DebugLevel.Fatal) # enable OpenRave GUI #~ env.SetViewer('QtCoin') # Denso Controllers denso = JointPositionController(robot_name) rave.SetDOFValues(denso.get_joint_positions()) rate = rospy.Rate(js_rate) # Move to first pre-contact position Tprecontact = tr.euler_matrix(0, -np.pi/2 - np.pi/4 + 20/180.0*np.pi, 0) Tprecontact[:3,3] = np.array([0.3, 0., -0.018]) #~ draw = draw_frame(env,Tprecontact) self.move_robot(denso, rave, Tprecontact, rate) # Move to second pre-contact position Tprecontact[0,3] -= 0.01 #~ draw = draw_frame(env,Tprecontact) self.move_robot(denso, rave, Tprecontact, rate) rospy.sleep(0.5) # Subscribe to FT sensor rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/raw' % robot_name, WrenchStamped, self.ft_sensor_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/diagnostics' % robot_name, DiagnosticArray, self.diagnostics_cb) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) if hasattr(self, 'wrench') and hasattr(self, 'ft_status'): break rospy.loginfo('Succefully connected to [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name) # Move until contact is happening (speed = 0.25 cm/s) q = rave.GetDOFValues() dt = 1. / js_rate dx = np.array([-0.0025*dt, 0, 0]) Wref = np.array(self.wrench) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.ft_status == DiagnosticStatus().OK: J = rave.manipulator.CalculateJacobian() dq =, dx) q += dq rave.SetDOFValues(q) denso.set_joint_positions(q) rate.sleep() # FT sensor W = np.array(self.wrench) F = W[:3] - Wref[:3] if (np.linalg.norm(F) > 1.): rospy.loginfo('Contact detected') break else: rospy.loginfo('FT Sensor failed') # Apply sinusoidal motion profile using jacobian velocity #~ x(t) = A * math.sin(w*t - (np.pi / 2.)) for freq in np.array([0.01 , 0.03 , 0.1 , 0.3, 1.0]): # 0.01 , 0.03 , 0.1 , 0.3, 1.0 A = 0.0005 w = 2.*np.pi*freq t = 0 rospy.loginfo('Applying motion profile with freq %f Hz' %freq) while (t < 5./freq) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.ft_status == DiagnosticStatus().OK: J = rave.manipulator.CalculateJacobian() dx[0] = -w * A*math.cos(w*t - (np.pi / 2.)) * dt dq =, dx) q += dq denso.set_joint_positions(q) rate.sleep() rave.SetDOFValues(q) t += dt else: rospy.loginfo('FT Sensor failed') rospy.loginfo('Finished motion profile freq %f Hz' %freq) rospy.sleep(1)
class CurrentEstimation(object): global_frame = 'left/base_link' def __init__(self): # Generic configuration np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True) # Read configuration parameters self.ns = rospy.get_namespace() robot_name = self.ns.replace('/','') if len(robot_name) == 0: rospy.logerr('Namespace is required by this script.') #~ robot_name = 'right' return js_rate = read_parameter('/%s/joint_state_controller/publish_rate' % robot_name, 250.0) # Populate the OpenRAVE environment and robot rospack = rospkg.RosPack() models_dir = rospack.get_path('denso_openrave') env = Environment() denso_base = env.ReadRobotXMLFile(models_dir + '/objects/denso_base.kinbody.xml') denso_base.SetName('denso_base') env.Add(denso_base) robot = env.ReadRobotXMLFile(models_dir + '/robots/denso_ft_sensor_handle.robot.xml') robot.SetName(robot_name) env.Add(robot) self.rave = Manipulator(env, robot, 'denso_ft_sensor_handle') self.rave.EnableCollisionChecker() RaveSetDebugLevel(DebugLevel.Fatal) # enable OpenRave GUI #~ env.SetViewer('QtCoin') # Denso Controllers self.denso = JointPositionController(robot_name) self.rave.SetDOFValues(self.denso.get_joint_positions()) #~ denso = 0 self.rate = rospy.Rate(js_rate) # Subscribe to FT sensor rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/raw' % robot_name, WrenchStamped, self.ft_sensor_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/diagnostics' % robot_name, DiagnosticArray, self.diagnostics_cb) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) if hasattr(self, 'wrench') and hasattr(self, 'ft_status'): break rospy.loginfo('Succefully connected to [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name) # Move to first pre-contact position q = self.rave.GetDOFValues() q[1] = np.pi/2 Tprecontact = self.rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q) self.move_robot(Tprecontact) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): continue def move_robot(self, trans): self.rave.MoveToHandPosition(trans) while not self.rave.IsControllerDone() and not rospy.is_shutdown(): q = self.rave.GetDOFValues() self.denso.set_joint_positions(q) self.rate.sleep() def ft_sensor_cb(self, msg): force = vector_msg_to_np(msg.wrench.force) torque = vector_msg_to_np(msg.wrench.torque) self.wrench = np.hstack((force, torque)) def diagnostics_cb(self, msg): self.ft_status = msg.status[0].level
class PoseRefinement(object): global_frame = 'left/base_link' def __init__(self): # Generic configuration np.set_printoptions(precision = 4, suppress=True) # Read configuration parameters left_robot_name = read_parameter('~left_robot_name', 'left') self.js_rate = read_parameter('/%s/joint_state_controller/publish_rate' % left_robot_name, 125.0) self.table_id = int(read_parameter('~table_id', 2)) self.stick_id = int(read_parameter('~stick_id', 3)) # Populate the OpenRAVE environment rospack = rospkg.RosPack() models_dir = rospack.get_path('denso_openrave') env = Environment() left_robot = env.ReadRobotXMLFile(models_dir + '/robots/denso_ft_gripper_with_base.robot.xml') left_robot.SetName('left_robot') table = env.ReadKinBodyXMLFile(models_dir + '/objects/table.kinbody.xml') pin = env.ReadKinBodyXMLFile(models_dir + '/objects/pin.kinbody.xml') wood_stick = env.ReadKinBodyXMLFile(models_dir + '/objects/wood_stick.kinbody.xml') env.Add(left_robot) env.Add(table) env.Add(pin) env.Add(wood_stick) self.left_rave = Manipulator(env, left_robot, 'denso_ft_sensor_gripper') #Change the limits of the gripper in the model so that the model in openrave can close until touch the pin [lowerlimits, upperlimits] = left_robot.GetDOFLimits() upperlimits[-1] = np.deg2rad(43) left_robot.SetDOFLimits(lowerlimits, upperlimits) RaveSetDebugLevel(DebugLevel.Fatal) # Place elements in OpenRAVE using TF information self.tf_updater = TFtoOpenRAVE(env, self.global_frame) self.tf_updater.add_body('%s/base_link' % left_robot_name, left_robot, duration=5.) self.tf_updater.add_body('rigid_body_%d' % self.table_id, table, duration=5.) self.tf_updater.add_body('rigid_body_%d' % self.stick_id, wood_stick) self.tf_updater.start() env.SetViewer('QtCoin') # Denso Controllers self.left_denso = JointPositionController(left_robot_name) self.left_rave.SetDOFValues(self.left_denso.get_joint_positions()) self.left_rave.EnableCollisionChecker() rospy.Subscriber('/optitrack_rigid_bodies', RigidBodyArray, self.optitrack_cb) rospy.loginfo('Reading object poses from optitrack...') #Set the pin into the position-in openrave env (grasped by the gripper) q_denso = self.left_denso.get_joint_positions() T_denso = self.left_rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q_denso) c90 = np.cos(np.pi/2) s90 = np.sin(np.pi/2) T_pininhand = np.array( [[c90,-s90, 0, 0.015], [s90, c90, 0, 0 ], [0 ,0 , 1, 0.005 ], [0 ,0 , 0, 1 ]]) pin.SetTransform(, T_pininhand)) self.left_rave.CloseGripper() self.left_rave.robot.WaitForController(5) with self.left_rave.env: self.left_rave.robot.Grab(pin) # Position-based explicit force control self.state_alive = False rospy.Subscriber('/%s/endpoint_state' % left_robot_name, EndpointState, self.endpoint_state_cb) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for [/%s/endpoint_state] topic' % left_robot_name) self.state_alive = False while not self.state_alive and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/diagnostics' % left_robot_name, DiagnosticArray, self.diagnostics_cb) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % left_robot_name) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) if hasattr(self, 'wrench') and hasattr(self, 'ft_status'): break rospy.loginfo('Succefully connected to [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % left_robot_name) # Real code that make the robot move exploration_data = [] # TODO: identify 3 points of 3 planes to explore (will be developed further, using region growing or planar detector..) point1 = np.array([0,0,0,1]) direction = np.array([0,0,-1]) ex1 = [point1,direction] exploration_data.append(ex1) point2 = np.array([-0.03,-0.01,-0.05,1]) direction2 = np.array([1,0,0]) ex2 = [point2,direction2] exploration_data.append(ex2) point3 = np.array([0., -0.01,-0.05,1]) direction3 = np.array([0,1,0]) ex3 = [point3,direction3] exploration_data.append(ex3) #TODO: Estimate the pin position do_the_pin_estimation = raw_input('Press E if you want to estimate the pin position ') if do_the_pin_estimation == 'e' or do_the_pin_estimation == 'E': estimate_hand2pin() else: self.T_hand2pin = np.eye(4) self.T_hand2pin[:3,3] = np.array([-0.03,0,-0.015]) # TODO: Collect measurements o_p = 2e-3 o_n = 15/180.0*np.pi Tws = wood_stick.GetTransform() Tws[:3,3] = Tws[:3,3] + np.array([0.00,0.0,0.017]) collecteddata = [] self.forcelist = [] for i in range(3): waitkey = raw_input("Press Enter to collect new data point...") num_points = 0 point =,exploration_data[i][0]) direction =[:3,:3],exploration_data[i][1]) touched = self.touch_surface(point[:3], direction, 0.4 , 0.03) if not((touched==np.zeros(3)).all()): num_points +=1 d = [touched, direction, o_p,o_n] collecteddata.append(d) print "Found ", num_points, " point(s) on the surface\n" print "New point found: ", touched ,"\n" else: print "Not touched! Moving to another exploration position" while num_points < 2: #TODO: plan new point waitkey = raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") radius = np.random.uniform(0.01,0.015) rand_perpendicular_vector = perpendicular_vector(direction)/np.linalg.norm(perpendicular_vector(direction)) new_point = point[:3] + radius*rand_perpendicular_vector new_direction = direction #TODO: approach and touch touched = self.touch_surface(new_point, new_direction, 0.4 , 0.03) #TODO: update num_points if not((touched==np.zeros(3)).all()): num_points +=1 d = [touched, new_direction, o_p,o_n] collecteddata.append(d) print "Found ", num_points, " point(s) on the surface\n" print "New point found: ", touched ,"\n" else: print "Not touched! Moving to another exploration position" if rospy.is_shutdown(): return rospy.loginfo("COLLECT MEASUREMENT DONE") print collecteddata # TODO: Insert the pin into the hole rospy.loginfo("Move the pin to the correct position and start inserting") delta0 = 22 dim = 6 # 6 DOFs ptcl0 = ParticleFilterLib.Particle(Tws[:3,3], tr.euler_from_matrix(Tws[:3,:3])) V0 = ParticleFilterLib.Region([ptcl0], delta0) M = 6 # No. of particles per delta-neighbohood delta_desired = 0.9 # Terminal value of delta woodstick = env.ReadKinBodyXMLFile('wood_stick.xml') env.Add(woodstick,True) env.Remove(wood_stick) list_particles, weights = ParticleFilterLib.ScalingSeries(V0, collecteddata, M, delta0, delta_desired, dim, body = woodstick, env = env) est = ParticleFilterLib.VisualizeParticles(list_particles, weights, env= env, body=woodstick, showestimated = True) # print "Real transf. ", Tws # self.touch_surface(est[:3,3], direction, 0.4 , 0.03) rospy.loginfo("DONE") def touch_surface(self, point, direction, touch_force = 0.4, tolerance = 0.02): """ Move the robot to the pre-touched point with the given DIRECTION and TOLERANCE, then approach the surface following the given direction. Return the touched point if any @type point: array([x,y,z]) @param point: stores the point position @type direction: array([n1,n2,n3]) @param directions: stores the appoaching direction (counter the normal of the surface) @type force: float @param force: condition for the touch event @type tolerance: float @param tolerance: distance to the surface (in meter) """ direction = direction/np.linalg.norm(direction) found = False #------1ST STAGE------# # TODO: move to the pre-touched point with given direction Tmove = np.eye(4) Tpin = np.eye(4) Ppin = point - tolerance*direction Tpin[:3,3] = Ppin for angle in np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,36): Rpin = get_rotation_matrix(angle, direction) Tpin[:3,:3] = Rpin[:3,:3] Tmove =, self.T_hand2pin) #note that: Tmove this the transformation of the gripper NOT the pin. The transf. sent to the robot is Tmove try: self.left_rave.MoveToHandPosition(Tmove) rospy.loginfo('Moving the hand to pre-touched position') found = True break except PlanningError: continue if not found: rospy.logwarn('Failed MoveToHandPosition for moving the hand to the pre-touched position') return rate = rospy.Rate(self.js_rate) while not self.left_rave.IsControllerDone() and not rospy. is_shutdown(): q = self.left_rave.GetDOFValues() self.left_denso.set_joint_positions(q) rate.sleep() # waitkey = raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") #~ #------2ND STAGE------# #~ # TODO: approach the surface with the given direction dt = 1. / self.js_rate q = self.left_rave.GetDOFValues() q_exploration = np.array(q) Wref = np.array(self.wrench) dx = 0.005*dt*direction #0.007 rospy.loginfo('Approaching') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.ft_status == DiagnosticStatus().OK: J = self.left_rave.manipulator.CalculateJacobian() dq =, dx) q += dq self.left_rave.SetDOFValues(q) self.left_denso.set_joint_positions(q) rate.sleep() # FT sensor W = np.array(self.wrench) F = W[:3] - Wref[:3] if (np.linalg.norm(F) > touch_force): rospy.sleep(1) self.forcelist.append(np.array(self.wrench) - Wref) rospy.loginfo('Contact detected') rospy.loginfo('Moving back to pre-touched position') q_b = self.left_rave.GetDOFValues() dx_b = -0.025*dt*direction while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.ft_status == DiagnosticStatus().OK: J_b = self.left_rave.manipulator.CalculateJacobian() dq_b =, dx_b) q_b += dq_b self.left_rave.SetDOFValues(q_b) self.left_denso.set_joint_positions(q_b) rate.sleep() # FT sensor W_b = np.array(self.wrench) # print 1 if np.linalg.norm(self.left_rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q_b)[:3,3] - (self.left_rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q_exploration)[:3,3])) < 1e-4: rospy.loginfo('Successfully move hand to pre-touched position') return,np.linalg.inv(self.T_hand2pin))[:3,3] elif np.linalg.norm(self.left_rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q)[:3,3] - (self.left_rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q_exploration)[:3,3])) > tolerance + (0.007): rospy.loginfo('No object surface here') rospy.loginfo('Moving back to pre-touched position') q_b = self.left_rave.GetDOFValues() dx_b = -0.025*dt*direction while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.ft_status == DiagnosticStatus().OK: J_b = self.left_rave.manipulator.CalculateJacobian() dq_b =, dx_b) q_b += dq_b self.left_rave.SetDOFValues(q_b) self.left_denso.set_joint_positions(q_b) rate.sleep() # FT sensor W_b = np.array(self.wrench) if np.linalg.norm(self.left_rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q_b)[:3,3] - (self.left_rave.GetEndEffectorTransform(q_exploration)[:3,3])) < 1e-4: rospy.loginfo('Successfully move hand to pre-touched position') return np.array([0,0,0]) rospy.loginfo('Finished!') #------3RD STAGE------# # TODO: return the touched point return def estimate_hand2pin(): #TODO: Estimate the pin position ###NOT UPDATED """Position of the pin is crucial (especially in z direction) (y = 0, x is compensated as the approaching direction is always follow x direction) """ self.T_hand2pin = np.eye(4) self.T_hand2pin[:3,3] = np.array([-0.03,0,-0.015]) #initial transf. list_planepoints = [] self.forcelist = [] waitkey = raw_input("Press Enter to start the pin estimation...") plane = [] num_points = 0 point =,exploration_data[0][0]) direction =[:3,:3],exploration_data[0][1]) print "oringinal", point touched = self.touch_surface(point[:3], direction, 0.4 , 0.03) if not((touched==np.zeros(3)).all()): num_points +=1 plane.append(touched) self.T_hand2pin[0,3] = self.T_hand2pin[0,3] + np.linalg.norm(point[:3]-touched[:3]) waitkey = raw_input("Press Enter to start the pin estimation...") print "Found ", num_points, " point(s) on the surface\n" print "New point found: ", touched ,"\n" else: print "Not touched\n" while num_points <3: #plan new point waitkey = raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") radius = np.random.uniform(0.005,0.0125) rand_perpendicular_vector = perpendicular_vector(direction)/np.linalg.norm(perpendicular_vector(direction)) new_point = point[:3] + radius*rand_perpendicular_vector new_direction = direction #approach and touch touched = self.touch_surface(new_point, new_direction, 0.4 , 0.03) #update num_points if not((touched==np.zeros(3)).all()): num_points +=1 plane.append(touched) print "Found ", num_points, " point(s) on the surface\n" print "New point found: ", touched ,"\n" print new_point, "\n" avg = np.zeros(6) for w in self.forcelist: avg = avg + w avg = avg/len(self.forcelist) print avg # print np.linalg.norm(avg[3:])/np.linalg.norm(avg[:3])-0.155 self.T_hand2pin[2,3] = 0.155-np.linalg.norm(avg[3:])/np.linalg.norm(avg[:3]) # update z direction print "The new-estimated-pin-hand transformation:\n",self.T_hand2pin def endpoint_state_cb(self, msg): force = vector_msg_to_np(msg.wrench.force) torque = vector_msg_to_np(msg.wrench.torque) self.wrench = np.hstack((force, torque)) self.jnt_pos_filt = np.array(msg.joint_state.position) if not self.state_alive: self.state_alive = True def diagnostics_cb(self, msg): self.ft_status = msg.status[0].level def optitrack_cb(self, msg): if msg.header.frame_id != self.global_frame: return for rigid_body in msg.bodies: if rigid_body.tracking_valid: if == self.table_id: frame = posemath.fromMsg(rigid_body.pose) self.Ttable = posemath.toMatrix(frame) if == self.stick_id: frame = posemath.fromMsg(rigid_body.pose) self.Tshort = posemath.toMatrix(frame)