def test_dot() -> None: """ Test that the dot file is well generated """ # Given source_files: Iterator[SourceFile] = iter([SIMPLE_FILE]) drawer = GraphDrawer(Graph("tests/graph.svg")) use_case = DrawGraphUC(drawer, PARSER, source_files) # When # Then with open("/tmp/", encoding="utf-8") as dot: lines = sorted(dot.readlines()) assert lines == sorted([ "digraph G {\n", "splines=true;\n", f"node[shape=box fontname=Arial style=filled fillcolor={drawer.graph.node_color}];\n", f"bgcolor={drawer.graph.background_color}\n", "\n", '"simple_module" -> "module"\n', '"simple_module" -> "module.inside.module"\n', '"simple_module" -> "amodule"\n', "}\n", ])
def create_graph_use_case(self) -> DrawGraphUC: """ Plumbing to make draw_graph use case working. """ graph_conf = read_graph_config(self.args.config) if self.args.config else None code_parser = PythonParser() source_files = source_file_iterator(self.args.root_dir) graph = Graph(self.args.output, graph_conf) graph_drawer = GraphDrawer(graph) return DrawGraphUC(graph_drawer, code_parser, source_files, graph_conf)
def test_not_svg_with_dot(mock_method) -> None: """ Test that no svg file is created when .dot in argument """ # Given source_files: Iterator[SourceFile] = iter([SIMPLE_FILE]) drawer = GraphDrawer(Graph("tests/")) use_case = DrawGraphUC(drawer, PARSER, source_files) # When # Then mock_method.assert_not_called()
def create_graph_use_case(self) -> DrawGraphUC: """ Plumbing to make draw_graph use case working. """ graph_conf = read_graph_config(self.args.config) if self.args.config else None if self.args.lang: lang = self.args.lang elif graph_conf and "lang" in graph_conf: lang = graph_conf["lang"] else: lang = "python" code_parser = PythonParser() if lang in ["py", "python"] else GoParser() source_files = source_file_iterator(self.args.root_dir, lang[:2]) graph = Graph(self.args.output, graph_conf) graph_drawer = GraphDrawer(graph) return DrawGraphUC(graph_drawer, code_parser, source_files, graph_conf)