def isdir(path, silent=False, vfs=True): """ Comprueba si la ruta es un directorio @param path: ruta @type path: str @rtype: bool @return: Retorna True si la ruta existe y es un directorio """ path = encode(path) try: if xbmc_vfs and vfs: if not scrapertools.find_single_match(path, '(^\w+:\/\/)'): return os.path.isdir(path) if path.endswith('/') or path.endswith('\\'): path = path[:-1] dirs, files = xbmcvfs.listdir(dirname(path)) base_name = basename(path) for dir in dirs: if base_name == dir: return True return False elif path.lower().startswith("smb://"): return samba.isdir(path) else: return os.path.isdir(path) except: logger.error("ERROR when checking the directory: %s" % path) if not silent: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False
def update(folder_content=config.get_setting("folder_tvshows"), folder=""): """ Actualiza la libreria dependiendo del tipo de contenido y la ruta que se le pase. @type folder_content: str @param folder_content: tipo de contenido para actualizar, series o peliculas @type folder: str @param folder: nombre de la carpeta a escanear. """ payload = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.Scan", "id": 1} if folder: folder = str(folder) videolibrarypath = config.get_videolibrary_config_path() if folder.endswith('/') or folder.endswith('\\'): folder = folder[:-1] update_path = None if videolibrarypath.startswith("special:"): if videolibrarypath.endswith('/'): videolibrarypath = videolibrarypath[:-1] update_path = videolibrarypath + "/" + folder_content + "/" + folder + "/" else: #update_path = filetools.join(videolibrarypath, folder_content, folder) + "/" # Problemas de encode en "folder" update_path = filetools.join(videolibrarypath, folder_content, ' ').rstrip() if not scrapertools.find_single_match(update_path, '(^\w+:\/\/)'): payload["params"] = {"directory": update_path} """while xbmc.getCondVisibility('Library.IsScanningVideo()'):
def remove_smb_credential(path): """ devuelve el path sin contraseña/usuario para paths de SMB @param path: ruta @type path: str @return: cadena sin credenciales @rtype: str """ if not scrapertools.find_single_match(path, '(^\w+:\/\/)'): return path protocol = scrapertools.find_single_match(path, '(^\w+:\/\/)') path_without_credentials = scrapertools.find_single_match( path, '^\w+:\/\/(?:[^;\n]+;)?(?:[^:@\n]+[:|@])?(?:[^@\n]+@)?(.*?$)') if path_without_credentials: return (protocol + path_without_credentials) else: return path
def remove_tags(title): """ devuelve el titulo sin tags como color @type title: str @param title: title @rtype: str @return: cadena sin tags """ title_without_tags = scrapertools.find_single_match( title, '\[color .+?\](.+)\[\/color\]') if title_without_tags: return title_without_tags else: return title
def encode(path, _samba=False): """ Codifica una ruta según el sistema operativo que estemos utilizando. El argumento path tiene que estar codificado en utf-8 @type path unicode o str con codificación utf-8 @param path parámetro a codificar @type _samba bool @para _samba si la ruta es samba o no @rtype: str @return ruta codificada en juego de caracteres del sistema o utf-8 si samba """ if not isinstance(path, unicode): path = unicode(path, "utf-8", "ignore") if scrapertools.find_single_match(path, '(^\w+:\/\/)') or _samba: path = path.encode("utf-8", "ignore") else: if fs_encoding and not PY3: path = path.encode(fs_encoding, "ignore") return path
def verify_directories_created(): from dependencies import logger, filetools, xbmc_videolibrary config_paths = [["videolibrarypath", "videolibrary"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) # videoteca if path == "videolibrarypath": if not saved_path: saved_path = xbmc_videolibrary.search_library_path() if saved_path: set_setting(path, saved_path) if not saved_path: saved_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + "/" + default set_setting(path, saved_path) saved_path = xbmc.translatePath(saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) config_paths = [["folder_movies", "CINE"], ["folder_tvshows", "SERIES"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = default set_setting(path, saved_path) content_path = filetools.join(get_videolibrary_path(), saved_path) if not filetools.exists(content_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, content_path)) # si se crea el directorio filetools.mkdir(content_path) from dependencies import xbmc_videolibrary xbmc_videolibrary.update_sources(get_setting("videolibrarypath")) xbmc_videolibrary.update_sources(get_setting("downloadpath")) try: from dependencies import scrapertools # Buscamos el archivo addon.xml del skin activo skindir = filetools.join(xbmc.translatePath("special://home"), 'addons', xbmc.getSkinDir(), 'addon.xml') if not os.path.isdir(skindir): return # No hace falta mostrar error en el log si no existe la carpeta # Extraemos el nombre de la carpeta de resolución por defecto folder = "" data = res = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, '(<res .*?>)') for r in res: if 'default="true"' in r: folder = scrapertools.find_single_match(r, 'folder="([^"]+)"') break # Comprobamos si existe en el addon y sino es así, la creamos default = filetools.join(get_runtime_path(), 'resources', 'skins', 'Default') if folder and not filetools.exists(filetools.join(default, folder)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.join(default, folder)) # Copiamos el archivo a dicha carpeta desde la de 720p si éste no existe o si el tamaño es diferente if folder and folder != '720p': for root, folders, files in filetools.walk( filetools.join(default, '720p')): for f in files: if not filetools.exists(filetools.join(default, folder, f)) or \ (filetools.getsize(filetools.join(default, folder, f)) != filetools.getsize(filetools.join(default, '720p', f))): filetools.copy(filetools.join(default, '720p', f), filetools.join(default, folder, f), True) except: import traceback logger.error("Al comprobar o crear la carpeta de resolución") logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
def update_sources(new='', old=''): if new == old: return SOURCES_PATH = xbmc.translatePath("special://userdata/sources.xml") if filetools.isfile(SOURCES_PATH): xmldoc = minidom.parse(SOURCES_PATH) else: xmldoc = minidom.Document() source_nodes = xmldoc.createElement("sources") for type in ['programs', 'video', 'music', 'picture', 'files']: nodo_type = xmldoc.createElement(type) element_default = xmldoc.createElement("default") element_default.setAttribute("pathversion", "1") nodo_type.appendChild(element_default) source_nodes.appendChild(nodo_type) xmldoc.appendChild(source_nodes) # collect nodes # nodes = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("video") video_node = xmldoc.childNodes[0].getElementsByTagName("video")[0] paths_node = video_node.getElementsByTagName("path") if old: # delete old path for node in paths_node: if == old: parent = node.parentNode remove = parent.parentNode remove.removeChild(parent) # write changes if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: #PY3 filetools.write( SOURCES_PATH, '\n'.join([ x for x in xmldoc.toprettyxml().splitlines() if x.strip() ])) else: filetools.write(SOURCES_PATH, '\n'.join([ x for x in xmldoc.toprettyxml().splitlines() if x.strip() ]), vfs=False)"The path %s has been removed from sources.xml" % old) if new: # create new path list_path = [ for p in paths_node] if new in list_path:"The path %s already exists in sources.xml" % new) return"The path %s does not exist in sources.xml" % new) # if the path does not exist we create one source_node = xmldoc.createElement("source") # <name> Node name_node = xmldoc.createElement("name") sep = os.sep if new.startswith("special://") or scrapertools.find_single_match( new, r'(^\w+:\/\/)'): sep = "/" name = new if new.endswith(sep): name = new[:-1] name_node.appendChild(xmldoc.createTextNode(name.rsplit(sep)[-1])) source_node.appendChild(name_node) # <path> Node path_node = xmldoc.createElement("path") path_node.setAttribute("pathversion", "1") path_node.appendChild(xmldoc.createTextNode(new)) source_node.appendChild(path_node) # <allowsharing> Node allowsharing_node = xmldoc.createElement("allowsharing") allowsharing_node.appendChild(xmldoc.createTextNode('true')) source_node.appendChild(allowsharing_node) # Añadimos <source> a <video> video_node.appendChild(source_node) # write changes if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: #PY3 filetools.write( SOURCES_PATH, '\n'.join([ x for x in xmldoc.toprettyxml().splitlines() if x.strip() ])) else: filetools.write(SOURCES_PATH, '\n'.join([ x for x in xmldoc.toprettyxml().splitlines() if x.strip() ]), vfs=False)"The path %s has been added to sources.xml" % new)
def set_content(content_type, silent=False, custom=False): """ Procedure to auto-configure the kodi video library with the default values @type content_type: str ('movie' o 'tvshow') @param content_type: content type to configure, series or movies """ logger.debug() continuar = True msg_text = "" videolibrarypath = config.get_setting("videolibrarypath") if content_type == 'movie': scraper = [ config.get_localized_string(70093), config.get_localized_string(70096) ] if not custom: seleccion = 0 # tmdb else: seleccion = platformtools.dialog_select( config.get_localized_string(70094), scraper) # Instalar The Movie Database if seleccion == -1 or seleccion == 0: if not xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon('): if not silent: # Ask if we want to install install = platformtools.dialog_yesno( config.get_localized_string(60046), '') else: install = True if install: try: # Install xbmc.executebuiltin( 'InstallAddon(', True) logger.debug( "Instalado el Scraper de películas de TheMovieDB") except: pass continuar = (install and xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon(')) if not continuar: msg_text = config.get_localized_string(60047) if continuar: xbmc.executebuiltin( 'Addon.OpenSettings(', True) # Instalar Universal Movie Scraper elif seleccion == 1: if continuar and not xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon(metadata.universal)'): continuar = False if not silent: # Ask if we want to install metadata.universal install = platformtools.dialog_yesno( config.get_localized_string(70095), '') else: install = True if install: try: xbmc.executebuiltin('InstallAddon(metadata.universal)', True) if xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon(metadata.universal)'): continuar = True except: pass continuar = (install and continuar) if not continuar: msg_text = config.get_localized_string(70097) if continuar: xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(metadata.universal)', True) else: # SERIES scraper = [ config.get_localized_string(70093), config.get_localized_string(70098) ] if not custom: seleccion = 0 # tmdb else: seleccion = platformtools.dialog_select( config.get_localized_string(70107), scraper) # Instalar The Movie Database if seleccion == -1 or seleccion == 0: if continuar and not xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon('): continuar = False if not silent: # Ask if we want to install install = platformtools.dialog_yesno( config.get_localized_string(60050), '') else: install = True if install: try: # Install xbmc.executebuiltin( 'InstallAddon(', True) if xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon(' ): continuar = True except: pass continuar = (install and continuar) if not continuar: msg_text = config.get_localized_string(60051) if continuar: xbmc.executebuiltin( 'Addon.OpenSettings(', True) # Instalar The TVDB elif seleccion == 1: if not xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon('): if not silent: #Ask if we want to install install = platformtools.dialog_yesno( config.get_localized_string(60048), '') else: install = True if install: try: # Install xbmc.executebuiltin('InstallAddon(', True) logger.debug("The TVDB series Scraper installed ") except: pass continuar = (install and xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon(')) if not continuar: msg_text = config.get_localized_string(60049) if continuar: xbmc.executebuiltin('Addon.OpenSettings(', True) idPath = 0 idParentPath = 0 if continuar: continuar = False # We look for the idPath sql = 'SELECT MAX(idPath) FROM path' nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: idPath = records[0][0] + 1 sql_videolibrarypath = videolibrarypath if sql_videolibrarypath.startswith("special://"): sql_videolibrarypath = sql_videolibrarypath.replace( '/profile/', '/%/').replace('/home/userdata/', '/%/') sep = '/' elif scrapertools.find_single_match(sql_videolibrarypath, r'(^\w+:\/\/)'): sep = '/' else: sep = os.sep if not sql_videolibrarypath.endswith(sep): sql_videolibrarypath += sep # We are looking for the idParentPath sql = 'SELECT idPath, strPath FROM path where strPath LIKE "%s"' % sql_videolibrarypath nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: idParentPath = records[0][0] videolibrarypath = records[0][1][:-1] continuar = True else: # There is no videolibrarypath in the DB: we insert it sql_videolibrarypath = videolibrarypath if not sql_videolibrarypath.endswith(sep): sql_videolibrarypath += sep sql = 'INSERT INTO path (idPath, strPath, scanRecursive, useFolderNames, noUpdate, exclude) VALUES ' \ '(%s, "%s", 0, 0, 0, 0)' % (idPath, sql_videolibrarypath) nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: continuar = True idParentPath = idPath idPath += 1 else: msg_text = config.get_localized_string(70101) if continuar: continuar = False # We set strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive and strSettings if content_type == 'movie': strContent = 'movies' scanRecursive = 2147483647 if seleccion == -1 or seleccion == 0: strScraper = '' path_settings = xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile/addon_data/" ) elif seleccion == 1: strScraper = 'metadata.universal' path_settings = xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile/addon_data/metadata.universal/settings.xml" ) if not os.path.exists(path_settings): logger.debug("%s: %s" % (content_type, path_settings + " doesn't exist")) return continuar settings_data = strSettings = ' '.join(settings_data.split()).replace("> <", "><") strSettings = strSettings.replace("\"", "\'") strActualizar = "Do you want to set this Scraper in Spanish as the default option for movies?" if not videolibrarypath.endswith(sep): videolibrarypath += sep strPath = videolibrarypath + config.get_setting( "folder_movies") + sep else: strContent = 'tvshows' scanRecursive = 0 if seleccion == -1 or seleccion == 0: strScraper = '' path_settings = xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile/addon_data/" ) elif seleccion == 1: strScraper = '' path_settings = xbmc.translatePath( "special://profile/addon_data/" ) if not os.path.exists(path_settings): logger.debug("%s: %s" % (content_type, path_settings + " doesn't exist")) return continuar settings_data = strSettings = ' '.join(settings_data.split()).replace("> <", "><") strSettings = strSettings.replace("\"", "\'") strActualizar = "Do you want to configure this Scraper in Spanish as a default option for series?" if not videolibrarypath.endswith(sep): videolibrarypath += sep strPath = videolibrarypath + config.get_setting( "folder_tvshows") + sep logger.debug("%s: %s" % (content_type, strPath)) # We check if strPath already exists in the DB to avoid duplicates sql = 'SELECT idPath FROM path where strPath="%s"' % strPath nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) sql = "" if nun_records == 0: # Insertamos el scraper sql = 'INSERT INTO path (idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, useFolderNames, ' \ 'strSettings, noUpdate, exclude, idParentPath) VALUES (%s, "%s", "%s", "%s", %s, 0, ' \ '"%s", 0, 0, %s)' % ( idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, strSettings, idParentPath) else: if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos configurar como opcion por defecto actualizar = platformtools.dialog_yesno( config.get_localized_string(70098), strActualizar) else: actualizar = True if actualizar: # Actualizamos el scraper idPath = records[0][0] sql = 'UPDATE path SET strContent="%s", strScraper="%s", scanRecursive=%s, strSettings="%s" ' \ 'WHERE idPath=%s' % (strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, strSettings, idPath) if sql: nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: continuar = True if not continuar: msg_text = config.get_localized_string(60055) if not continuar: heading = config.get_localized_string(70102) % content_type elif content_type == 'tvshow' and not xbmc.getCondVisibility( 'System.HasAddon('): heading = config.get_localized_string(70103) % content_type msg_text = config.get_localized_string(60058) else: heading = config.get_localized_string(70103) % content_type msg_text = config.get_localized_string(70104) logger.debug("%s: %s" % (heading, msg_text)) return continuar