def update_reference_data(deployment_target): """DEPRECATED. Load reference data into mongodb. Args: deployment_target (string): value from DEPLOYMENT_TARGETS - eg. "minikube", "gcloud-dev", etc. """ check_kubernetes_context(deployment_target) pod_name = get_pod_name('seqr', deployment_target=deployment_target) if not pod_name: raise ValueError( "No 'seqr' pods found. Is the kubectl environment configured in this terminal? and have either of these pods been deployed?" % locals()) # commented out because this is not loaded from settings backup #run_in_pod(pod_name, "python2.7 -u update_all_reference_data --omim-key '$OMIM_KEY'" % locals(), verbose=True, print_command=True) run_in_pod(pod_name, "mkdir -p /seqr/data/reference_data") run_in_pod( pod_name, "wget -N -O /seqr/data/reference_data/seqr-resource-bundle.tar.gz" ) run_in_pod( pod_name, "tar xzf /seqr/data/reference_data/seqr-resource-bundle.tar.gz -C /seqr/data/reference_data", verbose=True) run_in_pod(pod_name, "rm /seqr/data/reference_data/seqr-resource-bundle.tar.gz") # load legacy resources run_in_pod(pod_name, "python -u load_resources", verbose=True) run_in_pod(pod_name, "python -u load_omim", verbose=True)
def deploy(deployment_target, components, output_dir=None, runtime_settings={}): """Deploy one or more components to the kubernetes cluster specified as the deployment_target. Args: deployment_target (string): value from DEPLOYMENT_TARGETS - eg. "minikube", "gcloud-dev", etc. indentifying which cluster to deploy these components to components (list): The list of component names to deploy (eg. "postgres", "phenotips" - each string must be in constants.DEPLOYABLE_COMPONENTS). Order doesn't matter. output_dir (string): path of directory where to put deployment logs and rendered config files runtime_settings (dict): a dictionary of other key-value pairs that override settings file(s) values. """ if not components: raise ValueError("components list is empty") if components and "init-cluster" not in components: check_kubernetes_context(deployment_target) settings = prepare_settings_for_deployment(deployment_target, output_dir, runtime_settings) # make sure namespace exists if "init-cluster" not in components: create_namespace(settings) # call deploy_* functions for each component in "components" list, in the order that these components are listed in DEPLOYABLE_COMPONENTS for component in DEPLOYABLE_COMPONENTS: if component in components: # only deploy requested components func_name = "deploy_" + component.replace("-", "_") f = globals().get(func_name) if f is not None: f(settings) else: raise ValueError("'deploy_{}' function not found. Is '{}' a valid component name?".format(func_name, component))
def load_example_project(deployment_target, genome_version="37", cpu_limit=None, start_with_step=None): """Load example project Args: deployment_target (string): value from DEPLOYMENT_TARGETS - eg. "minikube", "gcloud-dev", etc. genome_version (string): reference genome version - either "37" or "38" """ project_name = "1kg" check_kubernetes_context(deployment_target) pod_name = get_pod_name('seqr', deployment_target=deployment_target) if not pod_name: raise ValueError( "No 'seqr' pod found. Is the kubectl environment configured in this terminal? and have either of these pods been deployed?" % locals()) run_in_pod( pod_name, "wget -N" % locals()) #run_in_pod(pod_name, "gsutil cp %(ped)s ." % locals()) # TODO call APIs instead? run_in_pod( pod_name, "python2.7 -u -m manage create_project -p '1kg.ped' '%(project_name)s'" % locals(), verbose=True) if genome_version == "37": vcf_filename = "1kg.vcf.gz" elif genome_version == "38": vcf_filename = "1kg.liftover.GRCh38.vep.vcf.gz" else: raise ValueError("Unexpected genome_version: %s" % (genome_version, )) load_dataset( deployment_target, project_name=project_name, genome_version=genome_version, sample_type="WES", dataset_type="VARIANTS", cpu_limit=cpu_limit, start_with_step=start_with_step, vcf= "" % locals())
def redeploy(deployment_target, components): if not components: raise ValueError("components list is empty") check_kubernetes_context(deployment_target) # call redeploy_* functions for each component in "components" list, in the order that these components are listed in DEPLOYABLE_COMPONENTS for component in DEPLOYABLE_COMPONENTS: if component in components: # only deploy requested components func_name = "redeploy_" + component.replace("-", "_") f = globals().get(func_name) if f is not None: f(deployment_target) else: raise ValueError( "'redeploy_{}' function not found. Is '{}' a valid component name?".format(func_name, component))
def load_example_project(deployment_target, genome_version="37", cpu_limit=None, start_with_step=None): """Load example project Args: deployment_target (string): value from DEPLOYMENT_TARGETS - eg. "minikube", "gcloud-dev", etc. genome_version (string): reference genome version - either "37" or "38" """ project_name = "1kg" check_kubernetes_context(deployment_target) pod_name = get_pod_name('seqr', deployment_target=deployment_target) if not pod_name: raise ValueError("No 'seqr' pod found. Is the kubectl environment configured in this terminal? and have either of these pods been deployed?" % locals()) run_in_pod(pod_name, "wget -N" % locals()) #run_in_pod(pod_name, "gsutil cp %(ped)s ." % locals()) # TODO call APIs instead? run_in_pod(pod_name, "python2.7 -u -m manage create_project -p '1kg.ped' '%(project_name)s'" % locals(), verbose=True) if genome_version == "37": vcf_filename = "1kg.vcf.gz" elif genome_version == "38": vcf_filename = "1kg.liftover.GRCh38.vep.vcf.gz" else: raise ValueError("Unexpected genome_version: %s" % (genome_version,)) load_dataset( deployment_target, project_name=project_name, genome_version=genome_version, sample_type="WES", dataset_type="VARIANTS", cpu_limit=cpu_limit, start_with_step=start_with_step, vcf="" % locals())
def update_reference_data(deployment_target): """DEPRECATED. Load reference data into mongodb. Args: deployment_target (string): value from DEPLOYMENT_TARGETS - eg. "minikube", "gcloud-dev", etc. """ check_kubernetes_context(deployment_target) pod_name = get_pod_name('seqr', deployment_target=deployment_target) if not pod_name: raise ValueError("No 'seqr' pods found. Is the kubectl environment configured in this terminal? and have either of these pods been deployed?" % locals()) # commented out because this is not loaded from settings backup #run_in_pod(pod_name, "python2.7 -u update_all_reference_data --omim-key '$OMIM_KEY'" % locals(), verbose=True, print_command=True) run_in_pod(pod_name, "mkdir -p /seqr/data/reference_data") run_in_pod(pod_name, "wget -N -O /seqr/data/reference_data/seqr-resource-bundle.tar.gz") run_in_pod(pod_name, "tar xzf /seqr/data/reference_data/seqr-resource-bundle.tar.gz -C /seqr/data/reference_data", verbose=True) run_in_pod(pod_name, "rm /seqr/data/reference_data/seqr-resource-bundle.tar.gz") # load legacy resources run_in_pod(pod_name, "python -u load_resources", verbose=True) run_in_pod(pod_name, "python -u load_omim", verbose=True)