def threadable_cleanup_final(remote_machines):
    Cleans the files created by this script from the remote machine
      a list containing a single tuple of (user, remotehost)


  <Side Effects>

    # Assume single element if it's not a list
    if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
        remote_machines = [remote_machines]

    # for every machine in our list...
    for machine_tuple in remote_machines:

        username = machine_tuple[0]
        machine = machine_tuple[1]

        deploy_logging.log('Final cleanup', 'Final cleanup of  ' + machine)

        # build up our list of files/folders we need to delete
        cmd_list = []
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf runlocaltests.py')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf hashes.dict')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf ' + machine + '.deployrun.log')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf ' + machine + '.deployrun.err.log')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf testprocess.py')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf verifyfiles.mix')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf ' + machine + '.tgz')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf deploy.tar')
        cmd_list.append('rm -rf cleanup_deploy.py')
        #TODO: cleanup custom scripts as well here?

        # merge the commands into a string that we'll execute
        cmd_str = '; '.join(cmd_list)
        ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr, ssh_errcode = deploy_network.remote_shellexec(
            cmd_str, username, str(machine))

        deploy_logging.print_to_log('Detailed cleanup', ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr,
def threadable_cleanup_final(remote_machines):
    Cleans the files created by this script from the remote machine
      a list containing a single tuple of (user, remotehost)


  <Side Effects>

  # Assume single element if it's not a list
  if type(remote_machines) != type([]):
    remote_machines = [remote_machines]
  # for every machine in our list...
  for machine_tuple in remote_machines:
    username = machine_tuple[0]
    machine = machine_tuple[1]

    deploy_logging.log('Final cleanup', 'Final cleanup of  '+machine)

    # build up our list of files/folders we need to delete
    cmd_list = []
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf runlocaltests.py')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf hashes.dict')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf '+machine+'.deployrun.log')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf '+machine+'.deployrun.err.log')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf testprocess.py')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf verifyfiles.mix')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf '+machine+'.tgz')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf deploy.tar')
    cmd_list.append('rm -rf cleanup_deploy.py')
    #TODO: cleanup custom scripts as well here?
    # merge the commands into a string that we'll execute
    cmd_str = '; '.join(cmd_list)
    ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr, ssh_errcode = deploy_network.remote_shellexec(cmd_str, username, str(machine))

    deploy_logging.print_to_log('Detailed cleanup', ssh_stdout, 
        ssh_stderr, ssh_errcode)
def remote_runcleanup(user, remote_host):
    This function connects to the remote computer and executes the 
    cleanup/setup script.

      the user to log in as
      the IP of the host to get the logs from


  <Side Effects>


  # build up the command list that we'll execute on the remote host
  cmd_list = []

  # extract the cleanup script
  cmd_list.append('tar -xf deploy.tar cleanup_deploy.py')
  # execute the script
  cmd_list.append('python cleanup_deploy.py '+remote_host)

  # join the list together with '; ' between the entries
  cmd_str = '; '.join(cmd_list)
  # our handle to the session
  out, err, returncode = remote_shellexec(cmd_str, user, remote_host)

  deploy_logging.print_to_log('Cleanup/Setup', out, err, returncode)
def remote_runscript(user, remote_host, custom_script_name = '', run_custom_only = False, tar_filename = 'deploy.tar'):
    This function connects to user@remote_host using the specified rsa key.
    Typically, only the user and remote_host fields need to be changed - the 
    RSA key used is the user's default RSA key.  After connecting, this will
    extract runlocaltests.py from the tar_filename and execute it remotely.
      the user to log in as on the remote machine.
      the remote machine's IP to which we'll be uploading files.
      the name(s) as strings of custom scripts to run on the remote machine.
      Should we only run the custom script?
      Optional. Default is deploy.tar. The tar file to upload to the remote 

  <Side Effects>
    Blocks current thread until remote script is done executing.

    No returns.

  # We will build up our list of commands as a list of strings, then 
  # join with the ';' to specifify multiple commands on one line.
  cmd_list = []

  # extract out remote setup script that'll figure out where the files need to 
  # be extracted to
  cmd_list.append('tar -xf '+tar_filename+' runlocaltests.py')

  # The following lines execute the script remotely
  # IMPORTANT - SEE runlocaltests.py for args
  # if verbose flag is set, make the runlocaltests.py script also verbose
  if run_custom_only:
    cmd_list.append('python runlocaltests.py '+remote_host+' -v '+\
        str(deploy_main.verbosity)+' '+custom_script_name+' 1')
  else: # tell the script we're ONLY running the custom files
    cmd_list.append('python runlocaltests.py '+remote_host+' -v '+\
        str(deploy_main.verbosity)+' '+custom_script_name)

  # Create the one string that we'll execute, join with '; '
  command_string = '; '.join(cmd_list)

  # use helper to execute command_string on user@remote_host
  out, err, returncode = remote_shellexec(command_string, user, remote_host)

  deploy_logging.print_to_log(remote_host, out, err, returncode)

  # Once we're done executing the remote script, lets grab the logs
  remote_get_log(user, remote_host)