def Ls(self):
    List subservices and actions in the current service.
    w = self.shell.stdout.write

    def run():
        # Print services
        if self.service.get_subservices():
            yield termcolor.colored(' ** Services **', 'cyan')
            def column_iterator():
                for name, service in self.service.get_subservices():
                    yield termcolor.colored(name, type_of_service(service).color), len(name)
            for line in in_columns(column_iterator(), self.shell.pty):
                yield line

        # Print actions
        if self.service.get_actions():
            yield termcolor.colored(' ** Actions **', 'cyan')
            def column_iterator():
                for name, action in self.service.get_actions():
                    yield termcolor.colored(name, type_of_action(action).color), len(name)
            for line in in_columns(column_iterator(), self.shell.pty):
                yield line

    lesspipe(run(), self.shell.pty)
def Ls(self, context):
    List subservices and actions in the current service.
    w = self.shell.stdout.write

    def run():
        # Print services
        if self.service.get_subservices():
            yield termcolor.colored(' ** Services **', 'cyan')
            def column_iterator():
                for name, service in self.service.get_subservices():
                    yield termcolor.colored(name, type_of_service(service).color), len(name)
            for line in in_columns(column_iterator(), self.shell.pty):
                yield line

        # Print actions
        if self.service.get_actions():
            yield termcolor.colored(' ** Actions **', 'cyan')
            def column_iterator():
                for name, action in self.service.get_actions():
                    yield termcolor.colored(name, type_of_action(action).color), len(name)
            for line in in_columns(column_iterator(), self.shell.pty):
                yield line

    lesspipe(run(), self.shell.pty)
def Find(self, context):
    def _list_nested_services(service, prefix):
        for name, action in service.get_actions():
            yield '%s %s' % (prefix, termcolor.colored(name, service.get_group().color))

        for name, subservice in service.get_subservices():
            # Check the parent, to avoid loops.
            if subservice.parent == service:
                for i in _list_nested_services(subservice, '%s %s' % (prefix, termcolor.colored(name, subservice.get_group().color))):
                    yield i

    lesspipe(_list_nested_services(self.service, ''), self.shell.pty)
def Find(self):
    def _list_nested_services(service, prefix):
        for name, action in service.get_actions():
            yield '%s %s' % (prefix, termcolor.colored(name, service.get_group().color))

        for name, subservice in service.get_subservices():
            # Check the parent, to avoid loops.
            if subservice.parent == service:
                for i in _list_nested_services(subservice, '%s %s' % (prefix, termcolor.colored(name, subservice.get_group().color))):
                    yield i

    lesspipe(_list_nested_services(self.service, ''), self.shell.pty)
    def print_all_completions(self, all_completions):

        # Create an iterator which yields all the comments (in their color),
        # and pass it through in_columns/lesspipe
        def column_items():
            for w in all_completions:
                handler_type = w[1].handler_type
                text = '%s%s' % (termcolor.colored(w[0], handler_type.color),
                length = len(w[0]) + len(handler_type.postfix)
                yield text, length

        lesspipe(in_columns(column_items(), self.pty), self.pty)
    def print_all_completions(self, all_completions):

        # Create an iterator which yields all the comments (in their color),
        # and pass it through in_columns/lesspipe
        def column_items():
            for w in all_completions:
                handler_type = w[1].handler_type
                text = '%s%s' % (
                    termcolor.colored(w[0], handler_type.color),
                    termcolor.colored(handler_type.postfix, handler_type.postfix_color))
                length = len(w[0]) + len(handler_type.postfix)
                yield text, length

        lesspipe(in_columns(column_items(), self.pty), self.pty)
def SourceCode(self):
    Print the source code of a service.
    import inspect

    from pygments import highlight
    from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
    from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter
    from deployer.console import choice, NoInput

    options = []

    for m in self.service.__class__.__mro__:
        if m.__module__ != 'deployer.service' and m != object:
            options.append( ('%s.%s' % (
                  termcolor.colored(m.__module__, 'red'),
                  termcolor.colored(m.__name__, 'yellow')), m) )

    if len(options) > 1:
            service_class = choice('Choose service definition', options)
        except NoInput:
        service_class = options[0][1]

    def run():
            # Retrieve source
            source = inspect.getsource(service_class)

            # Highlight code
            source = highlight(source, PythonLexer(), TerminalFormatter())

            for l in source.split('\n'):
                yield l.rstrip('\n')
        except IOError:
            yield 'Could not retrieve source code.'

    lesspipe(run(), self.shell.pty)
def Inspect(self, context):
    Inspection of the current service. Show host mappings and other information.
    def inspect():
        # Print full name
        yield termcolor.colored('  Service:    ', 'cyan') + \
              termcolor.colored(self.service.__repr__(path_only=True), 'yellow')

        # Service class definition created on
        yield termcolor.colored('  Created on: ', 'cyan') + \
              termcolor.colored(self.service._creation_date, 'red')

        # Print mro
        yield termcolor.colored('  Mro:', 'cyan')
        i = 1
        for m in self.service.__class__.__mro__:
            if m.__module__ != 'deployer.service' and m != object:
                yield termcolor.colored('              %i ' % i, 'cyan') + \
                      termcolor.colored('%s.' % m.__module__, 'red') + \
                      termcolor.colored('%s' % m.__name__, 'yellow')
                i += 1

        # Print host mappings
        yield termcolor.colored('  Hosts:', 'cyan')

        for role in sorted(self.service.hosts._hosts.keys()):
            items = self.service.hosts._hosts[role]
            yield termcolor.colored('         "%s"' % role, 'yellow')
            i = 1
            for host in sorted(items, key=lambda h:h.slug):
                yield termcolor.colored('            %3i ' % i, 'cyan') + \
                      termcolor.colored('%-25s (%s)' % (host.slug, getattr(host, 'address', '')), 'red')
                i += 1

        # Print the first docstring (look to the parents)
        for m in self.service.__class__.__mro__:
            if m.__module__ != 'deployer.service' and m != object and m.__doc__:
                yield termcolor.colored('  Docstring:\n', 'cyan') + \
                      termcolor.colored(m.__doc__ or '<None>', 'red')

        # Actions
        yield termcolor.colored('  Actions:', 'cyan')

        def item_iterator():
            for name, a in self.service.get_actions():
                yield termcolor.colored(name, 'red'), len(name)

        for line in in_columns(item_iterator(), self.shell.pty, margin_left=13):
            yield line

        # Services
        yield termcolor.colored('  Sub services:', 'cyan')

            # Group by service group
        grouper = lambda i:i[1].get_group()
        for group, services in groupby(sorted(self.service.get_subservices(), key=grouper), grouper):
            yield termcolor.colored('         "%s"' % group.__name__, 'yellow')

            # Create iterator for all the items in this group
            def item_iterator():
                for name, s in services:
                    if s.parent == self.service:
                        text = termcolor.colored(name, type_of_service(s).color)
                        length = len(name)
                        text = termcolor.colored('%s -> %s' % (name, s.__repr__(path_only=True)), type_of_service(s).color)
                        length = len('%s -> %s' % (name, s.__repr__(path_only=True)))
                    yield text, length

            # Show in columns
            for line in in_columns(item_iterator(), self.shell.pty, margin_left=13):
                yield line

    lesspipe(inspect(), self.shell.pty)
def Inspect(self):
    Inspection of the current service. Show host mappings and other information.
    def inspect():
        # Print full name
        yield termcolor.colored('  Service:    ', 'cyan') + \
              termcolor.colored(self.service.__repr__(path_only=True), 'yellow')

        # Service class definition created on
        yield termcolor.colored('  Created on: ', 'cyan') + \
              termcolor.colored(self.service._creation_date, 'red')

        # Print mro
        yield termcolor.colored('  Mro:', 'cyan')
        i = 1
        for m in self.service.__class__.__mro__:
            if m.__module__ != 'deployer.service' and m != object:
                yield termcolor.colored('              %i ' % i, 'cyan') + \
                      termcolor.colored('%s.' % m.__module__, 'red') + \
                      termcolor.colored('%s' % m.__name__, 'yellow')
                i += 1

        # File names
        yield termcolor.colored('  Files:', 'cyan')
        i = 1
        for m in self.service.__class__.__mro__:
            if m.__module__ != 'deployer.service' and m != object:
                yield termcolor.colored('              %i ' % i, 'cyan') + \
                      termcolor.colored(getfile(m), 'red')
                i += 1

        # Print host mappings
        yield termcolor.colored('  Hosts:', 'cyan')

        for role in sorted(self.service.hosts._hosts.keys()):
            items = self.service.hosts._hosts[role]
            yield termcolor.colored('         "%s"' % role, 'yellow')
            i = 1
            for host in sorted(items, key=lambda h:h.slug):
                yield termcolor.colored('            %3i ' % i, 'cyan') + \
                      termcolor.colored('%-25s (%s)' % (host.slug, getattr(host, 'address', '')), 'red')
                i += 1

        # Print the first docstring (look to the parents)
        for m in self.service.__class__.__mro__:
            if m.__module__ != 'deployer.service' and m != object and m.__doc__:
                yield termcolor.colored('  Docstring:\n', 'cyan') + \
                      termcolor.colored(m.__doc__ or '<None>', 'red')

        # Actions
        yield termcolor.colored('  Actions:', 'cyan')

        def item_iterator():
            for name, a in self.service.get_actions():
                yield termcolor.colored(name, 'red'), len(name)

        for line in in_columns(item_iterator(), self.shell.pty, margin_left=13):
            yield line

        # Services
        yield termcolor.colored('  Sub services:', 'cyan')

            # Group by service group
        grouper = lambda i:i[1].get_group()
        for group, services in groupby(sorted(self.service.get_subservices(), key=grouper), grouper):
            yield termcolor.colored('         "%s"' % group.__name__, 'yellow')

            # Create iterator for all the items in this group
            def item_iterator():
                for name, s in services:
                    if s.parent == self.service:
                        text = termcolor.colored(name, type_of_service(s).color)
                        length = len(name)
                        text = termcolor.colored('%s -> %s' % (name, s.__repr__(path_only=True)), type_of_service(s).color)
                        length = len('%s -> %s' % (name, s.__repr__(path_only=True)))
                    yield text, length

            # Show in columns
            for line in in_columns(item_iterator(), self.shell.pty, margin_left=13):
                yield line

    lesspipe(inspect(), self.shell.pty)