    def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        if self.timeout and "timeout" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout

        if "headers" not in kwargs:
            kwargs['headers'] = {}

        kwargs['headers']['X-Request-Group'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        resp = super(WrappedSession, self).request(
            method, self.base_url + url, **kwargs

        if resp.status_code >= 200 and resp.status_code < 400:
            return resp
        elif resp.status_code == 400:
            raise BadRequestError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 404:
            text = resp.text
            if not text:
                text = "404 {} {}".format(method, url)
            raise NotFoundError(text)
        elif resp.status_code == 409:
            raise ConflictError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 429:
            raise RateLimitError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 504:
            raise GatewayTimeoutError(
                "Your request timed out on the server. "
                "Consider reducing the complexity of your request."
            raise ServerError(resp.text)
def read_blosc_array(metadata, data):
    output = np.empty(metadata['shape'], dtype=np.dtype(metadata['dtype']))
    ptr = output.__array_interface__['data'][0]

    for _ in metadata['chunks']:
        raw_size, buffer = read_blosc_buffer(data)
        blosc.decompress_ptr(buffer, ptr)
        ptr += raw_size

    bytes_received = ptr - output.__array_interface__['data'][0]

    if bytes_received != output.nbytes:
        raise ServerError("Did not receive complete array (got {}, expected {})".format(
            bytes_received, output.nbytes))

    return output
    def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        if self.timeout and 'timeout' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout

        resp = super(WrappedSession, self).request(method, self.base_url + url, **kwargs)

        if resp.status_code >= 200 and resp.status_code < 400:
            return resp
        elif resp.status_code == 400:
            raise BadRequestError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 404:
            raise NotFoundError("404 %s %s" % (method, url))
        elif resp.status_code == 409:
            raise ConflictError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 429:
            raise RateLimitError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 504:
            raise GatewayTimeoutError(
                "Your request timed out on the server. "
                "Consider reducing the complexity of your request.")
            raise ServerError(resp.text)
    def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        if self.timeout and self.ATTR_TIMEOUT not in kwargs:
            kwargs[self.ATTR_TIMEOUT] = self.timeout

        if self.ATTR_HEADERS not in kwargs:
            kwargs[self.ATTR_HEADERS] = {}

        kwargs[self.ATTR_HEADERS][HttpHeaderKeys.RequestGroup] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        resp = super(WrappedSession, self).request(
            method, self.base_url + url, **kwargs

        if resp.status_code >= 200 and resp.status_code < 400:
            return resp
        elif resp.status_code == 400:
            raise BadRequestError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 404:
            text = resp.text
            if not text:
                text = "404 {} {}".format(method, url)
            raise NotFoundError(text)
        elif resp.status_code == 409:
            raise ConflictError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 422:
            raise BadRequestError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == 429:
            raise RateLimitError(
                resp.text, retry_after=resp.headers.get(HttpHeaderKeys.RetryAfter)
        elif resp.status_code == 504:
            raise GatewayTimeoutError(
                "Your request timed out on the server. "
                "Consider reducing the complexity of your request."
            raise ServerError(resp.text)
    def request(self, method, url, **kwargs):
        """Sends an HTTP request and emits Descartes Labs specific errors.

        method: str
            The HTTP method to use.
        url: str
            The URL to send the request to.
        kwargs: dict
            Additional arguments.  See `requests.request

            A :py:class:`request.Response` object.

            Either a 400 or 422 HTTP response status code was encountered.
            A 404 HTTP response status code was encountered.
            A 407 HTTP response status code was encountered and the resulting
            :py:meth:`handle_proxy_authentication` did not indicate that the
            proxy authentication was handled.
            A 409 HTTP response status code was encountered.
            A 429 HTTP response status code was encountered.
            A 504 HTTP response status code was encountered.
            Any HTTP response status code larger than 400 that was not covered above
            is returned as a ServerError.  The original HTTP response status code
            can be found in the attribute :py:attr:`original_status`.

        if self.timeout and self.ATTR_TIMEOUT not in kwargs:
            kwargs[self.ATTR_TIMEOUT] = self.timeout

        if self.ATTR_HEADERS not in kwargs:
            kwargs[self.ATTR_HEADERS] = {}

            HttpHeaderKeys.RequestGroup] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        resp = super(Session, self).request(method, self.base_url + url,

        if (resp.status_code >= HttpStatusCode.Ok
                and resp.status_code < HttpStatusCode.BadRequest):
            return resp
        elif resp.status_code == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
            raise BadRequestError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == HttpStatusCode.NotFound:
            text = resp.text
            if not text:
                text = "{} {} {}".format(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, method, url)
            raise NotFoundError(text)
        elif resp.status_code == HttpStatusCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired:
            if not self.handle_proxy_authentication(method, url, **kwargs):
                raise ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError()
        elif resp.status_code == HttpStatusCode.Conflict:
            raise ConflictError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == HttpStatusCode.UnprocessableEntity:
            raise BadRequestError(resp.text)
        elif resp.status_code == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests:
            raise RateLimitError(resp.text,
        elif resp.status_code == HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout:
            raise GatewayTimeoutError(
                "Your request timed out on the server. "
                "Consider reducing the complexity of your request.")
            # The whole error hierarchy has some problems.  Originally a ClientError
            # could be thrown by our client libraries, but any HTTP error was a
            # ServerError.  That changed and HTTP errors below 500 became ClientErrors.
            # That means that this actually should be split in ClientError for
            # status < 500 and ServerError for status >= 500, but that might break
            # things.  So instead, we'll add the original status.
            server_error = ServerError(resp.text)
            server_error.original_status = resp.status_code
            raise server_error