 def generateWorkflows(self):
     '''Generates the file that contains one function by workflow.
        Those functions are called by Plone for registering the workflows.'''
     workflows = ''
     for wfDescr in self.workflows:
         # Compute state names & info, transition names & infos, managed
         # permissions
         stateNames=','.join(['"%s"' % sn for sn in wfDescr.getStateNames()])
         stateInfos = wfDescr.getStatesInfo(asDumpableCode=True)
         transitionNames = ','.join(['"%s"' % tn for tn in \
         transitionInfos = wfDescr.getTransitionsInfo(asDumpableCode=True)
         managedPermissions = ','.join(['"%s"' % tn for tn in \
         wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wfDescr.klass)
         workflows += '%s\ndef create_%s(self, id):\n    ' \
             'stateNames = [%s]\n    ' \
             'stateInfos = %s\n    ' \
             'transitionNames = [%s]\n    ' \
             'transitionInfos = %s\n    ' \
             'managedPermissions = [%s]\n    ' \
             'return WorkflowCreator("%s", DCWorkflowDefinition, ' \
             'stateNames, "%s", stateInfos, transitionNames, ' \
             'transitionInfos, managedPermissions, PROJECTNAME, ' \
             'ExternalMethod).run()\n' \
             'addWorkflowFactory(create_%s,\n    id="%s",\n    ' \
             'title="%s")\n\n' % (wfDescr.getScripts(), wfName, stateNames,
             stateInfos, transitionNames, transitionInfos,
             managedPermissions, wfName, wfDescr.getInitialStateName(),
             wfName, wfName, wfName)
     repls = self.repls.copy()
     repls['workflows'] = workflows
     self.copyFile('workflows.py', repls, destFolder='Extensions')
 def generateWorkflow(self, wfDescr):
     '''This method does not generate the workflow definition, which is done
        in self.generateWorkflows. This method just creates the i18n labels
        related to the workflow described by p_wfDescr.'''
     k = wfDescr.klass
     print 'Generating %s.%s (gen-workflow)...' % (k.__module__, k.__name__)
     # Identify Plone workflow name
     wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(wfDescr.klass)
     # Add i18n messages for states and transitions
     for sName in wfDescr.getStateNames():
         poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, sName), '', sName)
     for tName, tLabel in wfDescr.getTransitionNames(withLabels=True):
         poMsg = PoMessage('%s_%s' % (wfName, tName), '', tLabel)
     for transition in wfDescr.getTransitions():
         if transition.notify:
             # Appy will send a mail when this transition is triggered.
             # So we need 2 i18n labels for every DC transition corresponding
             # to this Appy transition: one for the mail subject and one for
             # the mail body.
             tName = wfDescr.getNameOf(transition) # Appy name
             tNames = wfDescr.getTransitionNamesOf(tName, transition) # DC
             # name(s)
             for tn in tNames:
                 subjectLabel = '%s_%s_mail_subject' % (wfName, tn)
                 poMsg = PoMessage(subjectLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_SUBJECT)
                 bodyLabel = '%s_%s_mail_body' % (wfName, tn)
                 poMsg = PoMessage(bodyLabel, '', PoMessage.EMAIL_BODY)
 def generateConfig(self):
     repls = self.repls.copy()
     # Get some lists of classes
     classes = self.getClasses()
     classesWithCustom = self.getClasses(include='custom')
     classesButTool = self.getClasses(include='allButTool')
     classesAll = self.getClasses(include='all')
     # Compute imports
     imports = ['import %s' % self.applicationName]
     for classDescr in (classesWithCustom + self.workflows):
         theImport = 'import %s' % classDescr.klass.__module__
         if theImport not in imports:
     repls['imports'] = '\n'.join(imports)
     # Compute default add roles
     repls['defaultAddRoles'] = ','.join(
                           ['"%s"' % r for r in self.config.defaultCreators])
     # Compute list of add permissions
     addPermissions = ''
     for classDescr in classesButTool:
         addPermissions += '    "%s":"%s: Add %s",\n' % (classDescr.name,
             self.applicationName, classDescr.name)
     repls['addPermissions'] = addPermissions
     # Compute root classes
     repls['rootClasses'] = ','.join(["'%s'" % c.name \
                                     for c in classesButTool if c.isRoot()])
     # Compute list of class definitions
     repls['appClasses'] = ','.join(['%s.%s' % (c.klass.__module__, \
                                    c.klass.__name__) for c in classes])
     # Compute lists of class names
     repls['appClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % c.name \
                                        for c in classes])
     repls['allClassNames'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % c.name \
                                        for c in classesButTool])
     # Compute classes whose instances must not be catalogued.
     catalogMap = ''
     blackClasses = [self.tool.name]
     for blackClass in blackClasses:
         catalogMap += "catalogMap['%s'] = {}\n" % blackClass
         catalogMap += "catalogMap['%s']['black'] = " \
                       "['portal_catalog']\n" % blackClass
     repls['catalogMap'] = catalogMap
     # Compute workflows
     workflows = ''
     for classDescr in classesAll:
         if hasattr(classDescr.klass, 'workflow'):
             wfName = WorkflowDescriptor.getWorkflowName(
             workflows += '\n    "%s":"%s",' % (classDescr.name, wfName)
     repls['workflows'] = workflows
     # Compute workflow instances initialisation
     wfInit = ''
     for workflowDescr in self.workflows:
         k = workflowDescr.klass
         className = '%s.%s' % (k.__module__, k.__name__)
         wfInit += 'wf = %s()\n' % className
         wfInit += 'wf._transitionsMapping = {}\n'
         for transition in workflowDescr.getTransitions():
             tName = workflowDescr.getNameOf(transition)
             tNames = workflowDescr.getTransitionNamesOf(tName, transition)
             for trName in tNames:
                 wfInit += 'wf._transitionsMapping["%s"] = wf.%s\n' % \
                           (trName, tName)
         # We need a new attribute that stores states in order
         wfInit += 'wf._states = []\n'
         for stateName in workflowDescr.getStateNames(ordered=True):
             wfInit += 'wf._states.append("%s")\n' % stateName
         wfInit += 'workflowInstances[%s] = wf\n' % className
     repls['workflowInstancesInit'] = wfInit
     # Compute the list of ordered attributes (forward and backward,
     # inherited included) for every Appy class.
     attributes = []
     attributesDict = []
     for classDescr in classesAll:
         titleFound = False
         attrs = []
         attrNames = []
         for name, appyType, klass in classDescr.getOrderedAppyAttributes():
             attrs.append(self.getAppyTypePath(name, appyType, klass))
             if name == 'title': titleFound = True
         # Add the "title" mandatory field if not found
         if not titleFound:
             attrs.insert(0, 'copy.deepcopy(appy.gen.title)')
             attrNames.insert(0, 'title')
         # Any backward attributes to append?
         if classDescr.name in self.referers:
             for field, rel in self.referers[classDescr.name]:
                     getattr(field.classDescr.klass, field.fieldName)
                     klass = field.classDescr.klass
                 except AttributeError:
                     klass = field.classDescr.modelClass
                     field.appyType, klass, isBack=True))
         attributes.append('"%s":[%s]' % (classDescr.name,','.join(attrs)))
         aDict = ''
         i = -1
         for attr in attrs:
             i += 1
             aDict += '"%s":attributes["%s"][%d],' % \
                      (attrNames[i], classDescr.name, i)
         attributesDict.append('"%s":{%s}' % (classDescr.name, aDict))
     repls['attributes'] = ',\n    '.join(attributes)
     repls['attributesDict'] = ',\n    '.join(attributesDict)
     # Compute list of used roles for registering them if needed
     specificRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(plone=False)
     repls['roles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in specificRoles])
     globalRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(plone=False, local=False)
     repls['gRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in globalRoles])
     grantableRoles = self.getAllUsedRoles(local=False, grantable=True)
     repls['grRoles'] = ','.join(['"%s"' % r.name for r in grantableRoles])
     # Generate configuration options
     repls['showPortlet'] = self.config.showPortlet
     repls['languages'] = ','.join('"%s"' % l for l in self.config.languages)
     repls['languageSelector'] = self.config.languageSelector
     repls['minimalistPlone'] = self.config.minimalistPlone
     repls['appFrontPage'] = bool(self.config.frontPage)
     repls['sourceLanguage'] = self.config.sourceLanguage
     self.copyFile('config.py', repls)