def gaia_in_file(infile, maglim=18):
    """Retrieve the Gaia objects from a HEALPixel-split Gaia file.

    maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18
        Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band.

        Gaia objects in the passed Gaia file brighter than `maglim`,
        formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`.

       - A "Gaia file" here is as made by, e.g.
    # ADM read in the Gaia file and limit to the passed magnitude.
    objs = read_gaia_file(infile)
    ii = objs['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim
    objs = objs[ii]

    # ADM rename GAIA_RA/DEC to RA/DEC, as that's what's used for GFAs.
    for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
        objs.dtype.names = [radec if col == "GAIA_"+radec else col
                            for col in objs.dtype.names]

    # ADM initiate the GFA data model.
    gfas = np.zeros(len(objs), dtype=gfadatamodel.dtype)
    # ADM make sure all columns initially have "ridiculous" numbers
    gfas[...] = -99.
    for col in gfas.dtype.names:
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), (bytes, str)):
            gfas[col] = 'U'
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), int):
            gfas[col] = -1

    # ADM populate the common columns in the Gaia/GFA data models.
    cols = set(gfas.dtype.names).intersection(set(objs.dtype.names))
    for col in cols:
        gfas[col] = objs[col]

    # ADM update the Gaia morphological type.
    gfas["TYPE"] = gaia_morph(gfas)

    # ADM populate the BRICKID columns.
    gfas["BRICKID"] = bricks.brickid(gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"])

    return gfas
def gaia_in_file(infile, maglim=18, mindec=-30., mingalb=10.):
    """Retrieve the Gaia objects from a HEALPixel-split Gaia file.

    infile : :class:`str`
        File name of a single Gaia "healpix" file.
    maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18
        Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band.
    mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30
        Minimum declination (o) to include for output Gaia objects.
    mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10
        Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output Gaia objects
        (e.g. send 10 to limit to areas beyond -10o <= b < 10o)"

        Gaia objects in the passed Gaia file brighter than `maglim`,
        formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`.

       - A "Gaia healpix file" here is as made by, e.g.
    # ADM read in the Gaia file and limit to the passed magnitude.
    objs = read_gaia_file(infile)
    ii = objs['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim
    objs = objs[ii]

    # ADM rename GAIA_RA/DEC to RA/DEC, as that's what's used for GFAs.
    for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
        objs.dtype.names = [
            radec if col == "GAIA_" + radec else col
            for col in objs.dtype.names

    # ADM initiate the GFA data model.
    gfas = np.zeros(len(objs), dtype=gfadatamodel.dtype)
    # ADM make sure all columns initially have "ridiculous" numbers
    gfas[...] = -99.
    for col in gfas.dtype.names:
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), (bytes, str)):
            gfas[col] = 'U'
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), int):
            gfas[col] = -1
    # ADM some default special cases. Default to REF_EPOCH of Gaia DR2,
    # ADM make RA/Dec very precise for Gaia measurements.
    gfas["REF_EPOCH"] = 2015.5
    gfas["RA_IVAR"], gfas["DEC_IVAR"] = 1e16, 1e16

    # ADM populate the common columns in the Gaia/GFA data models.
    cols = set(gfas.dtype.names).intersection(set(objs.dtype.names))
    for col in cols:
        gfas[col] = objs[col]

    # ADM update the Gaia morphological type.
    gfas["TYPE"] = gaia_morph(gfas)

    # ADM populate the BRICKID columns.
    gfas["BRICKID"] = bricks.brickid(gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"])

    # ADM limit by Dec first to speed transform to Galactic coordinates.
    decgood = is_in_box(gfas, [0., 360., mindec, 90.])
    gfas = gfas[decgood]
    # ADM now limit to requesed Galactic latitude range.
    bbad = is_in_gal_box(gfas, [0., 360., -mingalb, mingalb])
    gfas = gfas[~bbad]

    return gfas
def gaia_in_file(infile,
    """Retrieve the Gaia objects from a HEALPixel-split Gaia file.

    infile : :class:`str`
        File name of a single Gaia "healpix" file.
    maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18
        Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band.
    mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30
        Minimum declination (o) to include for output Gaia objects.
    mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10
        Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output Gaia objects
        (e.g. send 10 to limit to areas beyond -10o <= b < 10o)"
    nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None`
        (NESTED) HEALPix `nside` to use with `pixlist`.
    pixlist : :class:`list` or `int`, optional, defaults to `None`
        Only return sources in a set of (NESTED) HEALpixels at the
        supplied `nside`.
    addobjid : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        If ``True``, include, in the output, a column "GAIA_OBJID"
        that is the integer number of each row read from file.

        Gaia objects in the passed Gaia file brighter than `maglim`,
        formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`.

       - A "Gaia healpix file" here is as made by, e.g.
    # ADM read in the Gaia file and limit to the passed magnitude.
    objs = read_gaia_file(infile, addobjid=addobjid)
    ii = objs['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim
    objs = objs[ii]

    # ADM rename GAIA_RA/DEC to RA/DEC, as that's what's used for GFAs.
    for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
        objs.dtype.names = [
            radec if col == "GAIA_" + radec else col
            for col in objs.dtype.names

    # ADM initiate the GFA data model.
    dt = gfadatamodel.dtype.descr
    if addobjid:
        for tup in ('GAIA_BRICKID', '>i4'), ('GAIA_OBJID', '>i4'):

    gfas = np.zeros(len(objs), dtype=dt)
    # ADM make sure all columns initially have "ridiculous" numbers
    gfas[...] = -99.
    for col in gfas.dtype.names:
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), (bytes, str)):
            gfas[col] = 'U'
        if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), int):
            gfas[col] = -1
    # ADM some default special cases. Default to REF_EPOCH of Gaia DR2,
    # ADM make RA/Dec very precise for Gaia measurements.
    gfas["REF_EPOCH"] = 2015.5
    gfas["RA_IVAR"], gfas["DEC_IVAR"] = 1e16, 1e16

    # ADM populate the common columns in the Gaia/GFA data models.
    cols = set(gfas.dtype.names).intersection(set(objs.dtype.names))
    for col in cols:
        gfas[col] = objs[col]

    # ADM update the Gaia morphological type.
    gfas["TYPE"] = gaia_morph(gfas)

    # ADM populate the BRICKID columns.
    gfas["BRICKID"] = bricks.brickid(gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"])

    # ADM limit by HEALPixel first as that's the fastest.
    if pixlist is not None:
        inhp = is_in_hp(gfas, nside, pixlist)
        gfas = gfas[inhp]
    # ADM limit by Dec first to speed transform to Galactic coordinates.
    decgood = is_in_box(gfas, [0., 360., mindec, 90.])
    gfas = gfas[decgood]
    # ADM now limit to requesed Galactic latitude range.
    if mingalb > 1e-9:
        bbad = is_in_gal_box(gfas, [0., 360., -mingalb, mingalb])
        gfas = gfas[~bbad]

    return gfas