def read_gaia_file(filename, header=False):
    """Read in a Gaia healpix file in the appropriate format for desitarget.

    filename : :class:`str`
        File name of a single Gaia "chunks" file.

    header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        If ``True`` then return (data, header) instead of just data.

        Gaia data translated to targeting format (upper-case etc.) with the
        columns corresponding to `desitarget.gaiamatch.gaiadatamodel`

        - A better location for this might be in `desitarget.io`?
    # ADM check we aren't going to have an epic fail on the the version of fitsio

    # ADM prepare to read in the Gaia data by reading in columns
    fx = fitsio.FITS(filename, upper=True)
    fxcolnames = fx[1].get_colnames()
    hdr = fx[1].read_header()

    # ADM the default list of columns
    readcolumns = list(ingaiadatamodel.dtype.names)
    # ADM read 'em in
    outdata = fx[1].read(columns=readcolumns)
    # ADM change the data model to what we want for each column
    outdata.dtype = gaiadatamodel.dtype

    # ADM the proper motion ERRORS need to be converted to IVARs
    # ADM remember to leave 0 entries as 0
    for col in ['PMRA_IVAR', 'PMDEC_IVAR', 'PARALLAX_IVAR']:
        w = np.where(outdata[col] != 0)[0]
        outdata[col][w] = 1. / (outdata[col][w]**2.)

    # ADM return data read in from the Gaia file, with the header if requested
    if header:
        return outdata, hdr
        return outdata
def read_gaia_file(filename, header=False, addobjid=False):
    """Read in a Gaia healpix file in the appropriate format for desitarget.

    filename : :class:`str`
        File name of a single Gaia "healpix-" file.
    header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        If ``True`` then return (data, header) instead of just data.
    addobjid : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``
        Include, in the output, two additional columns. A column
        "GAIA_OBJID" that is the integer number of each row read from
        file and a column "GAIA_BRICKID" that is the integer number of
        the file itself.

        Gaia data translated to targeting format (upper-case etc.) with the
        columns corresponding to `desitarget.gaiamatch.gaiadatamodel`

        - A better location for this might be in `desitarget.io`?
    # ADM check for an epic fail on the the version of fitsio.

    # ADM prepare to read in the Gaia data by reading in columns.
    fx = fitsio.FITS(filename, upper=True)
    fxcolnames = fx[1].get_colnames()
    hdr = fx[1].read_header()

    # ADM the default list of columns.
    readcolumns = list(ingaiadatamodel.dtype.names)
    # ADM read 'em in.
    outdata = fx[1].read(columns=readcolumns)
    # ADM change the data model to what we want for each column.
    outdata.dtype.names = gaiadatamodel.dtype.names

    # ADM the proper motion ERRORS need to be converted to IVARs.
    # ADM remember to leave 0 entries as 0.
    for col in ['PMRA_IVAR', 'PMDEC_IVAR', 'PARALLAX_IVAR']:
        w = np.where(outdata[col] != 0)[0]
        outdata[col][w] = 1. / (outdata[col][w]**2.)

    # ADM if requested, add an object identifier for each file row.
    if addobjid:
        newdt = outdata.dtype.descr
        for tup in ('GAIA_BRICKID', '>i4'), ('GAIA_OBJID', '>i4'):
        nobjs = len(outdata)
        newoutdata = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=newdt)
        for col in outdata.dtype.names:
            newoutdata[col] = outdata[col]
        newoutdata['GAIA_OBJID'] = np.arange(nobjs)
        nside = _get_gaia_nside()
        hpnum = radec2pix(nside, outdata["GAIA_RA"], outdata["GAIA_DEC"])
        # ADM int should fail if HEALPix in the file aren't unique.
        newoutdata['GAIA_BRICKID'] = int(np.unique(hpnum))
        outdata = newoutdata

    # ADM return data from the Gaia file, with the header if requested.
    if header:
        return outdata, hdr
        return outdata