""" desitarget.cmx.cmx_targetmask ============================= This looks more like a script than an actual module. """ from desiutil.bitmask import BitMask from desitarget.targetmask import load_mask_bits _bitdefs = load_mask_bits("cmx") try: cmx_mask = BitMask('cmx_mask', _bitdefs) cmx_obsmask = BitMask('cmx_obsmask', _bitdefs) except TypeError: cmx_mask = object() cmx_obsmask = object()
print('Assigned targets: {}'.format(len(_assigned))) ## Retain only the science targets; Dropping standards etc. _assigned = _assigned[_assigned['FA_TYPE'].quantity == 1] print('Assigned science: {}'.format(len(_assigned))) ## Load one tile, currently. Tile = 74057 sv_mtl = Table(fits.open(scratch + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/mtls/svmtl_{:06d}.fits'.format(Tile))[1].data) ## Limit to only BGS. sv_mtl = sv_mtl[sv_mtl['SV1_BGS_TARGET'].quantity.value > 0] print('Total targets in Tile {}: {}.'.format(Tile, len(sv_mtl))) ## _bitdefs = load_mask_bits("sv1") bgs_mask = BitMask('sv1_bgs_mask', _bitdefs) types = bgs_mask.names() bits = [bgs_mask.bitnum(x) for x in types] ## Those that were assigned in this tile. assigned = join(_assigned, sv_mtl, keys=['BRICKID', 'BRICK_OBJID'], join_type='inner') ## SV Target class. splits = {} title = '' ## for _type in ['BGS_FAINT', 'BGS_BRIGHT', 'BGS_FAINT_EXT', 'BGS_LOWQ', 'BGS_FIBMAG']: sample = _type.split('_')