def main(args):
    """Command-line driver for initializing the survey plan.
    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.DEBUG)
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.INFO)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.WARNING)

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration(file_name=args.config_file)
    if args.output_path is not None:
    if args.tiles_file is not None:

    # Tabulate emphemerides if necessary.
    ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem(use_cache=not args.recalc)

    # Calculate design hour angles if necessary.
    fullname = config.get_path(args.save)
    if args.recalc or not os.path.exists(fullname):
        log.info('Initial plan has already been created.')
文件: run.py 项目: desihub/nightwatch
def run_assemble_fibermap(rawfile, outdir):
    '''Run assemble_fibermap using NIGHT, EXPID, and TILE from input raw data file

        rawfile: input desi-EXPID.fits.fz raw data file
        outdir: directory to write fibermap-EXPID.fits files

        path to written fibermap
    hdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 1)
    night, expid = get_night_expid_header(hdr)

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    if 'TILEID' in hdr:

        if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
            log.info('Creating {}'.format(outdir))
            os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)

        fibermap = os.path.join(outdir, 'fibermap-{:08d}.fits'.format(expid))
        cmd = f'assemble_fibermap -n {night} -e {expid} -o {fibermap} --overwrite'
        logfile = '{}/assemble_fibermap-{:08d}.log'.format(outdir, expid)
        msg = 'assemble_fibermap {}/{}'.format(night, expid)
        err = runcmd(cmd, logfile, msg)

        return fibermap

    return None
def main(args):
    """Command-line driver for initializing the survey plan.
    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.DEBUG)
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.INFO)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.WARNING)

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration(file_name=args.config_file)
    if args.output_path is not None:
    if args.tiles_file is not None:

    # Tabulate emphemerides if necessary.
    ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem(use_cache=not args.recalc)

    # Calculate design hour angles if necessary.
    fullname = config.get_path(args.save)
    if args.recalc or not os.path.exists(fullname):
        log.info('Initial plan has already been created.')
    def save(self, name='stats.fits', comment='', overwrite=True):
        """Save a snapshot of these statistics as a binary FITS table.

        The saved file size is ~800 Kb.

        name : str
            File name to write. Will be located in the configuration
            output path unless it is an absolute path. Pass the same
            name to the constructor's ``restore`` argument to restore
            this snapshot.
        comment : str
            Comment to include in the saved header, for documentation
        overwrite : bool
            Silently overwrite any existing file when True.
        hdus = astropy.io.fits.HDUList()
        header = astropy.io.fits.Header()
        header['TILES'] = self.tiles.tiles_file
        header['START'] = self.start_date.isoformat()
        header['STOP'] = self.stop_date.isoformat()
        header['COMMENT'] = comment
        header['EXTNAME'] = 'STATS'    
        hdus.append(astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU(self._data, header=header, name='STATS'))
        config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
        fullname = config.get_path(name)
        hdus.writeto(fullname, overwrite=overwrite)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
        log.info('Saved stats to {}'.format(fullname))
        if comment:
            log.info('Saved with comment "{}".'.format(header['COMMENT']))
 def __init__(self,
     if tiles_file is None:
         self.tiles = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles(bgs_footprint=bgs_footprint)
         self.tiles = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles(tiles_file=tiles_file,
     config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
     if start_date is None:
         self.start_date = config.first_day()
         self.start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date)
     if stop_date is None:
         self.stop_date = config.last_day()
         self.stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date)
     self.num_nights = (self.stop_date - self.start_date).days
     if self.num_nights <= 0:
         raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.')
     # Build our internal array.
     dtype = []
     for name in 'MJD', 'tsched', :
         dtype.append((name, np.float))
     nprograms = len(self.tiles.PROGRAMS)
     for name in 'topen', 'tdead', :
         dtype.append((name, np.float, (nprograms, )))
     for name in 'tscience', 'tsetup', 'tsplit', :
         dtype.append((name, np.float, (self.tiles.npasses, )))
     for name in 'completed', 'nexp', 'nsetup', 'nsplit', 'nsetup_abort', 'nsplit_abort', :
         dtype.append((name, np.int32, (self.tiles.npasses, )))
     self._data = np.zeros(self.num_nights, dtype)
     if restore is not None:
         # Restore array contents from a FITS file.
         fullname = config.get_path(restore)
         with astropy.io.fits.open(fullname, memmap=None) as hdus:
             header = hdus[1].header
             comment = header['COMMENT']
             if header['TILES'] != self.tiles.tiles_file:
                 raise ValueError('Header mismatch for TILES.')
             if header['START'] != self.start_date.isoformat():
                 raise ValueError('Header mismatch for START.')
             if header['STOP'] != self.stop_date.isoformat():
                 raise ValueError('Header mismatch for STOP.')
             self._data[:] = hdus['STATS'].data
         log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
         log.info('Restored stats from {}'.format(fullname))
         if comment:
             log.info('  Comment: "{}".'.format(comment))
         # Initialize local-noon MJD timestamp for each night.
         first_noon = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(
         self._data['MJD'] = first_noon + np.arange(self.num_nights)
 def update(iframe):
     if (iframe + 1) % args.log_interval == 0:
         log.info('Drawing frame {0}/{1}.'.format(iframe + 1, nframes))
     if args.nightly:
         while not animator.draw_exposure(iexp[0], nightly=True):
             iexp[0] += 1
         animator.draw_exposure(iexp=iframe, nightly=False)
     return animator.artists
 def update(iframe):
     if (iframe + 1) % args.log_interval == 0:
         log.info('Drawing frame {0}/{1}.'
                  .format(iframe + 1, nframes))
     if args.nightly:
         while not animator.draw_exposure(iexp[0], nightly=True):
             iexp[0] += 1
         animator.draw_exposure(iexp=iframe, nightly=False)
     return animator.artists
def load(name, extra_nexp=0):
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    name = config.get_path(name)
    with astropy.io.fits.open(name) as hdus:
        header = hdus[0].header
        comment = header['COMMENT']
        nexp = header['NEXP']
        max_nexp = nexp + extra_nexp
        explist = ExposureList(max_nexp=max_nexp)
        explist._exposures[:nexp] = hdus['EXPOSURES'].data
        explist._tiledata[:] = hdus['TILEDATA'].data
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    log.info('Loaded {} exposures from {}'.format(nexp, name))
    if comment:
        log.info('Loaded with comment "{}".'.format(comment))
    return explist
 def __init__(self, start_date=None, stop_date=None, restore=None):
     self.tiles = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles()
     config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
     if start_date is None:
         self.start_date = config.first_day()
         self.start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date)
     if stop_date is None:
         self.stop_date = config.last_day()
         self.stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date)
     self.num_nights = (self.stop_date - self.start_date).days
     if self.num_nights <= 0:
         raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.')
     # Build our internal array.
     dtype = []
     for name in 'MJD', 'tsched',:
         dtype.append((name, np.float))
     nprograms = len(self.tiles.PROGRAMS)
     for name in 'topen', 'tdead',:
         dtype.append((name, np.float, (nprograms,)))
     for name in 'tscience', 'tsetup', 'tsplit',:
         dtype.append((name, np.float, (self.tiles.npasses,)))
     for name in 'completed', 'nexp', 'nsetup', 'nsplit', 'nsetup_abort', 'nsplit_abort',:
         dtype.append((name, np.int32, (self.tiles.npasses,)))
     self._data = np.zeros(self.num_nights, dtype)
     if restore is not None:
         # Restore array contents from a FITS file.
         fullname = config.get_path(restore)
         with astropy.io.fits.open(fullname, memmap=None) as hdus:
             header = hdus[1].header
             comment = header['COMMENT']
             if header['TILES'] != self.tiles.tiles_file:
                 raise ValueError('Header mismatch for TILES.')
             if header['START'] != self.start_date.isoformat():
                 raise ValueError('Header mismatch for START.')
             if header['STOP'] != self.stop_date.isoformat():
                 raise ValueError('Header mismatch for STOP.')
             self._data[:] = hdus['STATS'].data
         log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
         log.info('Restored stats from {}'.format(fullname))
         if comment:
             log.info('  Comment: "{}".'.format(comment))
         # Initialize local-noon MJD timestamp for each night.
         first_noon = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(self.start_date).mjd
         self._data['MJD'] = first_noon + np.arange(self.num_nights)
def main(args=None):
    TODO: document

    Note: this bypasses specsim since we don't have an arclamp model in
    surface brightness units; we only have electrons on the CCD
    import desiutil.log
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    from desiutil.iers import freeze_iers

    if isinstance(args, (list, tuple, type(None))):
        args = parse(args)

    log.info('reading arc data from {}'.format(args.arcfile))
    arcdata = astropy.table.Table.read(args.arcfile)

    wave, phot, fibermap = \
        desisim.simexp.simarc(arcdata, nspec=args.nspec, nonuniform=args.nonuniform)

    log.info('Writing {}'.format(args.fibermap))
    fibermap.meta['NIGHT'] = args.night
    fibermap.meta['EXPID'] = args.expid
    fibermap.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP'
    fibermap.write(args.fibermap, overwrite=args.clobber)

    #- TODO: explain bypassing desisim.io.write_simspec
    header = fits.Header()
    header['EXPID'] = args.expid
    header['NIGHT'] = args.night
    header['FLAVOR'] = 'arc'
    header['DOSVER'] = 'SIM'
    header['EXPTIME'] = 5  #- TODO: add exptime support

    #- TODO: DATE-OBS on night instead of now
    tx = astropy.time.Time(datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime()[0:6]))
    header['DATE-OBS'] = tx.utc.isot

def main(args=None):
    Generates a new flat exposure; see newflat --help for usage options
    import desiutil.log
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    from desiutil.iers import freeze_iers

    if isinstance(args, (list, tuple, type(None))):
        args = parse(args)

    sim, fibermap = \
        desisim.simexp.simflat(args.flatfile, nspec=args.nspec, nonuniform=args.nonuniform)

    log.info('Writing {}'.format(args.fibermap))
    fibermap.meta['NIGHT'] = args.night
    fibermap.meta['EXPID'] = args.expid
    fibermap.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP'
    fibermap.write(args.fibermap, overwrite=args.clobber)

    header = fits.Header()
    header['EXPID'] = args.expid
    header['NIGHT'] = args.night
    header['FLAVOR'] = 'flat'
    header['DOSVER'] = 'SIM'

    #- Set calibrations as happening at 15:00 AZ local time = 22:00 UTC
    year = int(args.night[0:4])
    month = int(args.night[4:6])
    day = int(args.night[6:8])
    tx = astropy.time.Time(datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 22, 0, 0))
    header['DATE-OBS'] = tx.utc.isot

    #- metadata truth and obs dictionary are None
 def __init__(self, restore=None, max_nexp=60000,
     self.tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles()
     self._exposures = np.empty(max_nexp, dtype=[
         ('EXPID', np.int32),
         ('MJD', np.float64),
         ('EXPTIME', np.float32),
         ('TILEID', np.int32),
         ('SNR2FRAC', np.float32),
         ('DSNR2FRAC', np.float32),
         ('AIRMASS', np.float32),
         ('SEEING', np.float32),
         ('TRANSP', np.float32),
         ('SKY', np.float32),
     self._tiledata = np.empty(self.tiles.ntiles, dtype=[
         ('AVAIL', np.int32),
         ('PLANNED', np.int32),
         ('EXPTIME', np.float32),
         ('SNR2FRAC', np.float32),
         ('NEXP', np.int32)
     if restore is not None:
         config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
         fullname = config.get_path(restore)
         with astropy.io.fits.open(fullname, memmap=False) as hdus:
             header = hdus[0].header
             comment = header['COMMENT']
             self.nexp = header['NEXP']
             self._exposures[:self.nexp] = hdus['EXPOSURES'].data
             self._tiledata[:] = hdus['TILEDATA'].data
             self.initial_night = desisurvey.utils.get_date(header['INITIAL']) if header['INITIAL'] else None
         log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
         log.info('Restored stats from {}'.format(fullname))
         if comment:
             log.info('  Comment: "{}".'.format(comment))
         self.nexp = 0
         self._tiledata['AVAIL'] = -1
         self._tiledata['PLANNED'] = -1
         self._tiledata['EXPTIME'] = 0.
         self._tiledata['SNR2FRAC'] = 0.
         self._tiledata['NEXP'] = 0
         self.initial_night = None
     if existing_exposures is not None:
    def save(self, name='exposures.fits', comment='', overwrite=True):
        """Save exposures to a FITS file with two binary tables.

        The saved file size scales linearly with the number of exposures
        added so far, and is independent of the memory size of this

        name : str
            File name to write. Will be located in the configuration
            output path unless it is an absolute path. Pass the same
            name to the constructor's ``restore`` argument to restore
            this snapshot.
        comment : str
            Comment to include in the saved header, for documentation
        overwrite : bool
            Silently overwrite any existing file when True.
        hdus = astropy.io.fits.HDUList()
        header = astropy.io.fits.Header()
        header['TILES'] = self.tiles.tiles_file
        header['NEXP'] = self.nexp
        header['COMMENT'] = comment
        header['INITIAL'] = self.initial_night.isoformat(
        ) if self.initial_night else ''
        header['EXTNAME'] = 'META'
            astropy.io.fits.BinTableHDU(self._tiledata, name='TILEDATA'))
        config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
        name = config.get_path(name)
        hdus.writeto(name, overwrite=overwrite)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
        log.info('Saved {} exposures to {}'.format(self.nexp, name))
        if comment:
            log.info('Saved with comment "{}".'.format(header['COMMENT']))
文件: newarc.py 项目: desihub/desisim
def main(args=None):
    TODO: document
    Note: this bypasses specsim since we don't have an arclamp model in
    surface brightness units; we only have electrons on the CCD
    import desiutil.log
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    if isinstance(args, (list, tuple, type(None))):
        args = parse(args)
    log.info('reading arc data from {}'.format(args.arcfile))
    arcdata = astropy.table.Table.read(args.arcfile)
    wave, phot, fibermap = \
        desisim.simexp.simarc(arcdata, nspec=args.nspec, nonuniform=args.nonuniform)

    log.info('Writing {}'.format(args.fibermap))
    fibermap.meta['NIGHT'] = args.night
    fibermap.meta['EXPID'] = args.expid
    fibermap.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP'
    fibermap.write(args.fibermap, overwrite=args.clobber)

    #- TODO: explain bypassing desisim.io.write_simspec
    header = fits.Header()
    header['EXPID'] = args.expid
    header['NIGHT'] = args.night
    header['FLAVOR'] = 'arc'
    header['DOSVER'] = 'SIM'
    header['EXPTIME'] = 5       #- TODO: add exptime support

    #- TODO: DATE-OBS on night instead of now
    tx = astropy.time.Time(datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime()[0:6]))
    header['DATE-OBS'] = tx.utc.isot

    desisim.io.write_simspec_arc(args.simspec, wave, phot, header, fibermap, overwrite=args.clobber)
    def save(self, name='stats.fits', comment='', overwrite=True):
        """Save a snapshot of these statistics as a binary FITS table.

        The saved file size is ~800 Kb.

        name : str
            File name to write. Will be located in the configuration
            output path unless it is an absolute path. Pass the same
            name to the constructor's ``restore`` argument to restore
            this snapshot.
        comment : str
            Comment to include in the saved header, for documentation
        overwrite : bool
            Silently overwrite any existing file when True.
        hdus = astropy.io.fits.HDUList()
        header = astropy.io.fits.Header()
        header['TILES'] = self.tiles.tiles_file
        header['START'] = self.start_date.isoformat()
        header['STOP'] = self.stop_date.isoformat()
        header['COMMENT'] = comment
        header['EXTNAME'] = 'STATS'
        config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
        fullname = config.get_path(name)
        hdus.writeto(fullname, overwrite=overwrite)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
        log.info('Saved stats to {}'.format(fullname))
        if comment:
            log.info('Saved with comment "{}".'.format(header['COMMENT']))
def main(args=None):
    Generates a new flat exposure; see newflat --help for usage options
    import desiutil.log
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    if isinstance(args, (list, tuple, type(None))):
        args = parse(args)

    sim, fibermap = \
        desisim.simexp.simflat(args.flatfile, nspec=args.nspec, nonuniform=args.nonuniform)

    log.info('Writing {}'.format(args.fibermap))
    fibermap.meta['NIGHT'] = args.night
    fibermap.meta['EXPID'] = args.expid
    fibermap.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'FIBERMAP'
    fibermap.write(args.fibermap, overwrite=args.clobber)

    header = fits.Header()
    header['EXPID'] = args.expid
    header['NIGHT'] = args.night
    header['FLAVOR'] = 'flat'
    header['DOSVER'] = 'SIM'

    #- Set calibrations as happening at 15:00 AZ local time = 22:00 UTC
    year = int(args.night[0:4])
    month = int(args.night[4:6])
    day = int(args.night[6:8])
    tx = astropy.time.Time(datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 22, 0, 0))
    header['DATE-OBS'] = tx.utc.isot

    #- metadata truth and obs dictionary are None
    desisim.io.write_simspec(sim, None, fibermap, None, args.expid, args.night,
        filename=args.simspec, header=header, overwrite=args.clobber)
def get_ephem(use_cache=True, write_cache=True):
    """Return tabulated ephemerides for (START_DATE,STOP_DATE).

    The pyephem module must be installed to calculate ephemerides,
    but is not necessary when a FITS file of precalcuated data is

    use_cache : bool
        Use cached ephemerides from memory or disk if possible
        when True.  Otherwise, always calculate from scratch.
    write_cache : bool
        When True, write a generated table so it is available for
        future invocations. Writing only takes place when a
        cached object is not available or ``use_cache`` is False.

        Object with tabulated ephemerides for (START_DATE,STOP_DATE).
    global _ephem

    # Freeze IERS table for consistent results.

    # Use standardized string representation of dates.
    start_iso = START_DATE.isoformat()
    stop_iso = STOP_DATE.isoformat()
    range_iso = '({},{})'.format(start_iso, stop_iso)

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    # First check for a cached object in memory.
    if use_cache and _ephem is not None:
        if _ephem.start_date != START_DATE or _ephem.stop_date != STOP_DATE:
            raise RuntimeError('START_DATE, STOP_DATE have changed.')
        log.debug('Returning cached ephemerides for {}.'.format(range_iso))
        return _ephem
    # Next check for a FITS file on disk.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    filename = config.get_path('ephem_{}_{}.fits'.format(start_iso, stop_iso))
    if use_cache and os.path.exists(filename):
        # Save restored object in memory.
        _ephem = Ephemerides(START_DATE, STOP_DATE, restore=filename)
        log.info('Restored ephemerides for {} from {}.'
                 .format(range_iso, filename))
        return _ephem
    # Finally, create new ephemerides and save in the memory cache.
    log.info('Building ephemerides for {}...'.format(range_iso))
    _ephem = Ephemerides(START_DATE, STOP_DATE)
    if write_cache:
        # Save the tabulated ephemerides to disk.
        _ephem._table.write(filename, overwrite=True)
        log.info('Saved ephemerides for {} to {}'.format(range_iso, filename))
    return _ephem
def get_ephem(use_cache=True, write_cache=True):
    """Return tabulated ephemerides for (START_DATE,STOP_DATE).

    The pyephem module must be installed to calculate ephemerides,
    but is not necessary when a FITS file of precalcuated data is

    use_cache : bool
        Use cached ephemerides from memory or disk if possible
        when True.  Otherwise, always calculate from scratch.
    write_cache : bool
        When True, write a generated table so it is available for
        future invocations. Writing only takes place when a
        cached object is not available or ``use_cache`` is False.

        Object with tabulated ephemerides for (START_DATE,STOP_DATE).
    global _ephem

    # Freeze IERS table for consistent results.

    # Use standardized string representation of dates.
    start_iso = START_DATE.isoformat()
    stop_iso = STOP_DATE.isoformat()
    range_iso = '({},{})'.format(start_iso, stop_iso)

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    # First check for a cached object in memory.
    if use_cache and _ephem is not None:
        if _ephem.start_date != START_DATE or _ephem.stop_date != STOP_DATE:
            raise RuntimeError('START_DATE, STOP_DATE have changed.')
        log.debug('Returning cached ephemerides for {}.'.format(range_iso))
        return _ephem
    # Next check for a FITS file on disk.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    filename = config.get_path('ephem_{}_{}.fits'.format(start_iso, stop_iso))
    if use_cache and os.path.exists(filename):
        # Save restored object in memory.
        _ephem = Ephemerides(START_DATE, STOP_DATE, restore=filename)
        log.info('Restored ephemerides for {} from {}.'
                 .format(range_iso, filename))
        return _ephem
    # Finally, create new ephemerides and save in the memory cache.
    log.info('Building ephemerides for {}...'.format(range_iso))
    _ephem = Ephemerides(START_DATE, STOP_DATE)
    if write_cache:
        # Save the tabulated ephemerides to disk.
        _ephem._table.write(filename, overwrite=True)
        log.info('Saved ephemerides for {} to {}'.format(range_iso, filename))
    return _ephem
def update_iers(save_name='iers_frozen.ecsv', num_avg=1000):
    """Update the IERS table used by astropy time, coordinates.

    Downloads the current IERS-A table, replaces the last entry (which is
    repeated for future times) with the average of the last ``num_avg``
    entries, and saves the table in ECSV format.

    This should only be called every few months, e.g., with major releases.
    The saved file should then be copied to this package's data/ directory
    and committed to the git repository.

    Requires a network connection in order to download the current IERS-A table.
    Prints information about the update process.

    The :func:`desisurvey.utils.plot_iers` function is useful for inspecting
    IERS tables and how they are extrapolated to DESI survey dates.

    save_name : str
        Name where frozen IERS table should be saved. Must end with the
        .ecsv extension.
    num_avg : int
        Number of rows from the end of the current table to average and
        use for calculating UT1-UTC offsets and polar motion at times
        beyond the table.
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    # Validate the save_name extension.
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(save_name)
    if ext != '.ecsv':
        raise ValueError('Expected .ecsv extension for {0}.'.format(save_name))

    # Download the latest IERS_A table
    iers = astropy.utils.iers.IERS_A.open(astropy.utils.iers.IERS_A_URL)
    last = astropy.time.Time(iers['MJD'][-1], format='mjd').datetime
    log.info('Updating to current IERS-A table with coverage up to {0}.'

    # Loop over the columns used by the astropy IERS routines.
    for name in 'UT1_UTC', 'PM_x', 'PM_y':
        # Replace the last entry with the mean of recent samples.
        mean_value = np.mean(iers[name][-num_avg:].value)
        unit = iers[name].unit
        iers[name][-1] = mean_value * unit
        log.info('Future {0:7s} = {1:.3}'.format(name, mean_value * unit))

    # Strip the original table metadata since ECSV cannot handle it.
    # We only need a single keyword that is checked by IERS_Auto.open().
    iers.meta = dict(data_url='frozen')

    # Save the table. The IERS-B table provided with astropy uses the
    # ascii.cds format but astropy cannot write this format.
    iers.write(save_name, format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True)
    log.info('Wrote updated table to {0}.'.format(save_name))
文件: run.py 项目: desihub/nightwatch
def run_preproc(rawfile, outdir, fibermap=None, ncpu=None, cameras=None):
    '''Runs preproc on the input raw data file, outputting to outdir

        rawfile: input desi-EXPID.fits.fz raw data file
        outdir: directory to write preproc-CAM-EXPID.fits files

        fibermap : path to fibermap-EXPID.fits file
        ncpu: number of CPU cores to use for parallelism; serial if ncpu<=1
        cameras: list of cameras to process; default all found in rawfile

    Returns header of HDU 0 of the input raw data file
    if not os.path.exists(rawfile):
        raise ValueError("{} doesn't exist".format(rawfile))

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
        log.info('Creating {}'.format(outdir))
        os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)

    if cameras is None:
        cameras = which_cameras(rawfile)

    header = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 0)

    arglist = list()
    for camera in cameras:
        args = [
            '--infile', rawfile, '--outdir', outdir, '--fibermap', fibermap,
            '--cameras', camera

    ncpu = min(len(arglist), get_ncpu(ncpu))

    if ncpu > 1:
            'Running preproc in parallel on {} cores for {} cameras'.format(
                ncpu, len(cameras)))
        pool = mp.Pool(ncpu)
        pool.map(desispec.scripts.preproc.main, arglist)
        log.info('Running preproc serially for {} cameras'.format(
        for args in arglist:

    return header
def get_tiles(tiles_file=None, use_cache=True, write_cache=True):
    """Return a Tiles object with optional caching.

    You should normally always use the default arguments to ensure
    that tiles are defined consistently and efficiently between
    different classes.

    tiles_file : str or None
        Use the specified name to override config.tiles_file.
    use_cache : bool
        Use tiles previously cached in memory when True.
        Otherwise, (re)load tiles from disk.
    write_cache : bool
        If tiles need to be loaded from disk with this call,
        save them in a memory cache for future calls.
    global _cached_tiles

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    tiles_file = tiles_file or config.tiles_file()

    if use_cache and tiles_file in _cached_tiles:
        tiles = _cached_tiles[tiles_file]
        log.debug('Using cached tiles for "{}".'.format(tiles_file))
        tiles = Tiles(tiles_file)
        log.info('Initialized tiles from "{}".'.format(tiles_file))
        for pname in Tiles.PROGRAMS:
            pinfo = []
            for passnum in tiles.program_passes[pname]:
            log.info('{:6s} passes(tiles): {}.'.format(pname,
                                                       ', '.join(pinfo)))

    if write_cache:
        _cached_tiles[tiles_file] = tiles
        log.info('Tiles not cached for "{}".'.format(tiles_file))

    return tiles
def get_tiles(tiles_file=None, use_cache=True, write_cache=True):
    """Return a Tiles object with optional caching.

    You should normally always use the default arguments to ensure
    that tiles are defined consistently and efficiently between
    different classes.

    tiles_file : str or None
        Use the specified name to override config.tiles_file.
    use_cache : bool
        Use tiles previously cached in memory when True.
        Otherwise, (re)load tiles from disk.
    write_cache : bool
        If tiles need to be loaded from disk with this call,
        save them in a memory cache for future calls.
    global _cached_tiles

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    tiles_file = tiles_file or config.tiles_file()

    if use_cache and tiles_file in _cached_tiles:
        tiles = _cached_tiles[tiles_file]
        log.debug('Using cached tiles for "{}".'.format(tiles_file))
        tiles = Tiles(tiles_file)
        log.info('Initialized tiles from "{}".'.format(tiles_file))
        for pname in Tiles.PROGRAMS:
            pinfo = []
            for passnum in tiles.program_passes[pname]:
                pinfo.append('{}({})'.format(passnum, tiles.pass_ntiles[passnum]))
            log.info('{:6s} passes(tiles): {}.'.format(pname, ', '.join(pinfo)))

    if write_cache:
        _cached_tiles[tiles_file] = tiles
        log.info('Tiles not cached for "{}".'.format(tiles_file))

    return tiles
文件: run.py 项目: desihub/nightwatch
def run_qproc(rawfile, outdir, ncpu=None, cameras=None):
    Determine the obstype of the rawfile, and run qproc with appropriate options

        rawfile: input desi-EXPID.fits.fz raw data file
        outdir: directory to write qproc-CAM-EXPID.fits files

        ncpu: number of CPU cores to use for parallelism; serial if ncpu<=1
        cameras: list of cameras to process; default all found in rawfile

    Returns header of HDU 0 of the input raw data file, plus dictionary of return codes for each qproc process run.
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
        log.info('Creating {}'.format(outdir))
        os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)

    hdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 0)
    if ('OBSTYPE' not in hdr) and ('FLAVOR' not in hdr):
            "no obstype nor flavor keyword in first hdu header, moving to the next one"
            hdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 1)
        except OSError as err:
            log.error("fitsio error reading HDU 1, trying 2 then giving up")
            hdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 2)
        if 'OBSTYPE' in hdr:
            obstype = hdr['OBSTYPE'].rstrip().upper()
            log.warning('Use FLAVOR instead of missing OBSTYPE')
            obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].rstrip().upper()
        night, expid = get_night_expid_header(hdr)
    except KeyError as e:
        raise (e)

    #- copy coordfile to new folder for pos accuracy
    indir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(rawfile))
    coord_infile = '{}/coordinates-{:08d}.fits'.format(indir, expid)
    coord_outfile = '{}/coordinates-{:08d}.fits'.format(outdir, expid)
    if os.path.isfile(coord_infile):
        print('copying coordfile')
        copyfile(coord_infile, coord_outfile)
        log.warning('No coordinate file for positioner accuracy')

    #- HACK: Workaround for data on 20190626/27 that have blank NIGHT keywords
    #- Note: get_night_expid_header(hdr) should take care of this now, but
    #-       this is left in for robustness just in case
    if night == '        ' or night is None:
            'Correcting blank NIGHT keyword based upon directory structure')
        #- /path/to/NIGHT/EXPID/rawfile.fits
        night = os.path.basename(
        if re.match('20\d{6}', night):
            log.info('Setting NIGHT to {}'.format(night))
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to derive NIGHT for {}'.format(rawfile))

    cmdlist = list()
    loglist = list()
    msglist = list()
    rawcameras = which_cameras(rawfile)
    if cameras is None:
        cameras = rawcameras
    elif len(set(cameras) - set(rawcameras)) > 0:
        missing_cameras = set(cameras) - set(rawcameras)
        for cam in sorted(missing_cameras):
            log.error('{} missing camera {}'.format(os.path.basename(rawfile),
        cameras = sorted(set(cameras) & set(rawcameras))

    for camera in cameras:
        outfiles = dict(
            fibermap='{}/fibermap-{:08d}.fits'.format(outdir, expid),
            logfile='{}/qproc-{}-{:08d}.log'.format(outdir, camera, expid),

        cmd = "desi_qproc -i {rawfile} --fibermap {fibermap} --auto --auto-output-dir {outdir} --cam {camera}".format(
        msglist.append('qproc {}/{} {}'.format(night, expid, camera))

    ncpu = min(len(cmdlist), get_ncpu(ncpu))

    if ncpu > 1 and len(cameras) > 1:
        log.info('Running qproc in parallel on {} cores for {} cameras'.format(
            ncpu, len(cameras)))
        pool = mp.Pool(ncpu)
        errs = pool.starmap(runcmd, zip(cmdlist, loglist, msglist))
        errs = []
        log.info('Running qproc serially for {} cameras'.format(len(cameras)))
        for cmd, logfile, msg in zip(cmdlist, loglist, msglist):
            err = runcmd(cmd, logfile, msg)

    errorcodes = dict()
    for err in errs:
        for key in err.keys():
            errorcodes[key] = err[key]

    jsonfile = '{}/errorcodes-{:08d}.txt'.format(outdir, expid)
    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(errorcodes, outfile)
        print('Wrote {}'.format(jsonfile))

    return hdr
文件: run.py 项目: desihub/nightwatch
def make_plots(infile,
    '''Make plots for a single exposure

        infile: input QA fits file with HDUs like PER_AMP, PER_FIBER, ...
        basedir: write output HTML to basedir/NIGHT/EXPID/

        preprocdir: directory to where the "preproc-*-*.fits" are located. If
            not provided, function will NOT generate any image files from any
            preproc fits file.
        logdir: directory to where the "qproc-*-*.log" are located. If
            not provided, function will NOT display any logfiles.
        rawdir: directory to where the raw data files are located, including 
        "guide-rois-*.fits" and "centroid-*.json" files, are located. If
            not provided, the function will not plot the guide plots.
        cameras: list of cameras (strings) to generate image files of. If not
            provided, will generate a cameras list from parcing through the
            preproc fits files in the preprocdir

    from nightwatch.webpages import amp as web_amp
    from nightwatch.webpages import camfiber as web_camfiber
    from nightwatch.webpages import camera as web_camera
    from nightwatch.webpages import summary as web_summary
    from nightwatch.webpages import lastexp as web_lastexp
    from nightwatch.webpages import guide as web_guide
    from nightwatch.webpages import guideimage as web_guideimage
    from nightwatch.webpages import placeholder as web_placeholder
    from . import io

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    qadata = io.read_qa(infile)
    header = qadata['HEADER']

    night = header['NIGHT']
    expid = header['EXPID']

    #- Early data have wrong NIGHT in header; check by hand
    #- YEARMMDD/EXPID/infile
    dirnight = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(infile)))
    if re.match('20\d{6}', dirnight) and dirnight != str(night):
        log.warning('Correcting {} header night {} to {}'.format(
            infile, night, dirnight))
        night = int(dirnight)
        header['NIGHT'] = night

    #- Create output exposures plot directory if needed
    expdir = os.path.join(basedir, str(night), '{:08d}'.format(expid))
    if not os.path.isdir(expdir):
        log.info('Creating {}'.format(expdir))
        os.makedirs(expdir, exist_ok=True)

    if 'PER_AMP' in qadata:
        htmlfile = '{}/qa-amp-{:08d}.html'.format(expdir, expid)
        pc = web_amp.write_amp_html(htmlfile, qadata['PER_AMP'], header)
        print('Wrote {}'.format(htmlfile))
        htmlfile = '{}/qa-amp-{:08d}.html'.format(expdir, expid)
        pc = web_placeholder.write_placeholder_html(htmlfile, header,

    htmlfile = '{}/qa-camfiber-{:08d}.html'.format(expdir, expid)
    if 'PER_CAMFIBER' in qadata:
            pc = web_camfiber.write_camfiber_html(htmlfile,
            print('Wrote {}'.format(htmlfile))
        except Exception as err:
            web_placeholder.handle_failed_plot(htmlfile, header,
        pc = web_placeholder.write_placeholder_html(htmlfile, header,

    htmlfile = '{}/qa-camera-{:08d}.html'.format(expdir, expid)
    if 'PER_CAMERA' in qadata:
            pc = web_camera.write_camera_html(htmlfile, qadata['PER_CAMERA'],
            print('Wrote {}'.format(htmlfile))
        except Exception as err:
            web_placeholder.handle_failed_plot(htmlfile, header, "PER_CAMERA")
        pc = web_placeholder.write_placeholder_html(htmlfile, header,

    htmlfile = '{}/qa-summary-{:08d}.html'.format(expdir, expid)
    web_summary.write_summary_html(htmlfile, qadata, preprocdir)
    print('Wrote {}'.format(htmlfile))

    #- Note: last exposure goes in basedir, not expdir=basedir/NIGHT/EXPID
    htmlfile = '{}/qa-lastexp.html'.format(basedir)
    web_lastexp.write_lastexp_html(htmlfile, qadata, preprocdir)
    print('Wrote {}'.format(htmlfile))

    if rawdir:
        #- plot guide metric plots
            guidedata = io.get_guide_data(night, expid, rawdir)
            htmlfile = '{}/qa-guide-{:08d}.html'.format(expdir, expid)
            web_guide.write_guide_html(htmlfile, header, guidedata)
            print('Wrote {}'.format(htmlfile))
        except (FileNotFoundError, OSError, IOError):
            print('Unable to find guide data, not plotting guide plots')
            htmlfile = '{}/qa-guide-{:08d}.html'.format(expdir, expid)
            pc = web_placeholder.write_placeholder_html(
                htmlfile, header, "GUIDING")

        #- plot guide image movies
            htmlfile = '{expdir}/guide-image-{expid:08d}.html'.format(
                expdir=expdir, expid=expid)
            image_data = io.get_guide_images(night, expid, rawdir)
            web_guideimage.write_guide_image_html(image_data, htmlfile, night,
            print('Wrote {}'.format(htmlfile))
        except (FileNotFoundError, OSError, IOError):
            print('Unable to find guide data, not plotting guide image plots')
            htmlfile = '{expdir}/guide-image-{expid:08d}.html'.format(
                expdir=expdir, expid=expid)
            pc = web_placeholder.write_placeholder_html(
                htmlfile, header, "GUIDE_IMAGES")

    #- regardless of if logdir or preprocdir, identifying failed qprocs by comparing
    #- generated preproc files to generated logfiles
    qproc_fails = []
    if cameras is None:
        cameras = []
        import glob
        for preprocfile in glob.glob(
                os.path.join(preprocdir, 'preproc-*-*.fits')):
            cameras += [os.path.basename(preprocfile).split('-')[1]]

    log_cams = []
    log_outputs = [
        i for i in os.listdir(logdir) if re.match(r'qproc.*\.log', i)
    for log_output in log_outputs:
        l_cam = log_output.split("-")[1]
        log_cams += [l_cam]
        if l_cam not in cameras:

    from nightwatch.webpages import plotimage as web_plotimage
    if (preprocdir is not None):
        #- plot preprocessed images
        downsample = 4

        ncpu = get_ncpu(None)
        pinput = os.path.join(preprocdir, "preproc-{}-{:08d}.fits")
        output = os.path.join(expdir, "preproc-{}-{:08d}-4x.html")

        argslist = [(pinput.format(cam, expid), output.format(cam, expid),
                     downsample, night) for cam in cameras]

        if ncpu > 1:
            pool = mp.Pool(ncpu)
            pool.starmap(web_plotimage.write_image_html, argslist)

            for args in argslist:

        #- plot preproc nav table
        navtable_output = '{}/qa-amp-{:08d}-preproc_table.html'.format(
            expdir, expid)
        web_plotimage.write_preproc_table_html(preprocdir, night, expid,
                                               downsample, navtable_output)

    if (logdir is not None):
        #- plot logfiles
        log.debug('Log directory: {}'.format(logdir))

        error_colors = dict()
        for log_cam in log_cams:
            qinput = os.path.join(logdir,
                                  "qproc-{}-{:08d}.log".format(log_cam, expid))
            output = os.path.join(
                expdir, "qproc-{}-{:08d}-logfile.html".format(log_cam, expid))
            log.debug('qproc log: {}'.format(qinput))
            e = web_summary.write_logfile_html(qinput, output, night)

            error_colors[log_cam] = e

        #- plot logfile nav table
        htmlfile = '{}/qa-summary-{:08d}-logfiles_table.html'.format(
            expdir, expid)
def initialize(ephem, start_date=None, stop_date=None, step_size=5.0,
               healpix_nside=16, output_name='scheduler.fits'):
    """Calculate exposure-time factors over a grid of times and pointings.

    Takes about 9 minutes to run and writes a 1.3Gb output file with the
    default parameters.

    Requires that healpy is installed.

    ephem : desisurvey.ephem.Ephemerides
        Tabulated ephemerides data to use for planning.
    start_date : date or None
        Survey planning starts on the evening of this date. Must be convertible
        to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`.  Use the first night
        of the ephemerides when None.
    stop_date : date or None
        Survey planning stops on the morning of this date. Must be convertible
        to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`.  Use the first night
        of the ephemerides when None.
    step_size : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`
        Exposure-time factors are tabulated at this interval during each night.
    healpix_nside : int
        Healpix NSIDE parameter to use for binning the sky. Must be a power of
        two.  Values larger than 16 will lead to holes in the footprint with
        the current implementation.
    output_name : str
        Name of the FITS output file where results are saved. A relative path
        refers to the :meth:`configuration output path
    import healpy

    if not isinstance(step_size, u.Quantity):
        step_size = step_size * u.min
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    # Freeze IERS table for consistent results.

    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    output_name = config.get_path(output_name)

    start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date or config.first_day())
    stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date or config.last_day())
    if start_date >= stop_date:
        raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.')
    mjd = ephem._table['noon']
    sel = ((mjd >= desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date).mjd) &
           (mjd < desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(stop_date).mjd))
    t = ephem._table[sel]
    num_nights = len(t)

    # Build a grid of elapsed time relative to local midnight during each night.
    midnight = t['noon'] + 0.5
    t_edges = desisurvey.ephem.get_grid(step_size)
    t_centers = 0.5 * (t_edges[1:] + t_edges[:-1])
    num_points = len(t_centers)

    # Create an empty HDU0 with header info.
    header = astropy.io.fits.Header()
    header['START'] = str(start_date)
    header['STOP'] = str(stop_date)
    header['NSIDE'] = healpix_nside
    header['NPOINTS'] = num_points
    header['STEP'] = step_size.to(u.min).value
    hdus = astropy.io.fits.HDUList()

    # Save time grid.
    hdus.append(astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU(name='GRID', data=t_edges))

    # Load the list of tiles to observe.
    tiles = astropy.table.Table(
        desimodel.io.load_tiles(onlydesi=True, extra=False,

    # Build the footprint as a healpix map of the requested size.
    # The footprint includes any pixel containing at least one tile center.
    npix = healpy.nside2npix(healpix_nside)
    footprint = np.zeros(npix, bool)
    pixels = healpy.ang2pix(
            healpix_nside, np.radians(90 - tiles['DEC'].data),
    footprint[np.unique(pixels)] = True
    footprint_pixels = np.where(footprint)[0]
    num_footprint = len(footprint_pixels)
    log.info('Footprint contains {0} pixels.'.format(num_footprint))

    # Sort pixels in order of increasing phi + 60deg so that the north and south
    # galactic caps are contiguous in the arrays we create below.
    pix_theta, pix_phi = healpy.pix2ang(healpix_nside, footprint_pixels)
    pix_dphi = np.fmod(pix_phi + np.pi / 3, 2 * np.pi)
    sort_order = np.argsort(pix_dphi)
    footprint_pixels = footprint_pixels[sort_order]
    # Calculate sorted pixel (ra,dec).
    pix_theta, pix_phi = healpy.pix2ang(healpix_nside, footprint_pixels)
    pix_ra, pix_dec = np.degrees(pix_phi), 90 - np.degrees(pix_theta)

    # Record per-tile info needed for planning.
    table = astropy.table.Table()
    table['tileid'] = tiles['TILEID'].astype(np.int32)
    table['ra'] = tiles['RA'].astype(np.float32)
    table['dec'] = tiles['DEC'].astype(np.float32)
    table['EBV'] = tiles['EBV_MED'].astype(np.float32)
    table['pass'] = tiles['PASS'].astype(np.int16)
    # Map each tile ID to the corresponding index in our spatial arrays.
    mapper = np.zeros(npix, int)
    mapper[footprint_pixels] = np.arange(len(footprint_pixels))
    table['map'] = mapper[pixels].astype(np.int16)
    # Use a small int to identify the program, ordered by sky brightness:
    # 1=DARK, 2=GRAY, 3=BRIGHT.
    table['program'] = np.full(len(tiles), 4, np.int16)
    for i, program in enumerate(('DARK', 'GRAY', 'BRIGHT')):
        table['program'][tiles['PROGRAM'] == program] = i + 1
    assert np.all(table['program'] > 0)
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(table)
    hdu.name = 'TILES'

    # Average E(B-V) for all tiles falling into a pixel.
    tiles_per_pixel = np.bincount(pixels, minlength=npix)
    EBV = np.bincount(pixels, weights=tiles['EBV_MED'], minlength=npix)
    EBV[footprint] /= tiles_per_pixel[footprint]

    # Calculate dust extinction exposure-time factor.
    f_EBV = 1. / desisurvey.etc.dust_exposure_factor(EBV)

    # Save HDU with the footprint and static dust exposure map.
    table = astropy.table.Table()
    table['pixel'] = footprint_pixels
    table['dust'] = f_EBV[footprint_pixels]
    table['ra'] = pix_ra
    table['dec'] = pix_dec
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(table)
    hdu.name = 'STATIC'

    # Prepare a table of calendar data.
    calendar = astropy.table.Table()
    calendar['midnight'] = midnight
    calendar['monsoon'] = np.zeros(num_nights, bool)
    calendar['fullmoon'] = np.zeros(num_nights, bool)
    calendar['weather'] = np.zeros(num_nights, np.float32)
    # Hardcode annualized average weight.
    weather_weights = np.full(num_nights, 0.723)

    # Prepare a table of ephemeris data.
    etable = astropy.table.Table()
    # Program codes ordered by increasing sky brightness:
    # 1=DARK, 2=GRAY, 3=BRIGHT, 4=DAYTIME.
    etable['program'] = np.full(num_nights * num_points, 4, dtype=np.int16)
    etable['moon_frac'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['moon_ra'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['moon_dec'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['moon_alt'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['zenith_ra'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['zenith_dec'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)

    # Tabulate MJD and apparent LST values for each time step. We don't save
    # MJD values since they are cheap to reconstruct from the index, but
    # do use them below.
    mjd0 = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date).mjd + 0.5
    mjd = mjd0 + np.arange(num_nights)[:, np.newaxis] + t_centers
    times = astropy.time.Time(
        mjd, format='mjd', location=desisurvey.utils.get_location())
    etable['lst'] = times.sidereal_time('apparent').flatten().to(u.deg).value

    # Build sky coordinates for each pixel in the footprint.
    pix_theta, pix_phi = healpy.pix2ang(healpix_nside, footprint_pixels)
    pix_ra, pix_dec = np.degrees(pix_phi), 90 - np.degrees(pix_theta)
    pix_sky = astropy.coordinates.ICRS(pix_ra * u.deg, pix_dec * u.deg)

    # Initialize exposure factor calculations.
    alt, az = np.full(num_points, 90.) * u.deg, np.zeros(num_points) * u.deg
    fexp = np.zeros((num_nights * num_points, num_footprint), dtype=np.float32)
    vband_extinction = 0.15154
    one = np.ones((num_points, num_footprint))

    # Loop over nights.
    for i in range(num_nights):
        night = ephem.get_night(midnight[i])
        date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(midnight[i])
        if date.day == 1:
            log.info('Starting {0} (completed {1}/{2} nights)'
                     .format(date.strftime('%b %Y'), i, num_nights))
        # Initialize the slice of the fexp[] time index for this night.
        sl = slice(i * num_points, (i + 1) * num_points)
        # Do we expect to observe on this night?
        calendar[i]['monsoon'] = desisurvey.utils.is_monsoon(midnight[i])
        calendar[i]['fullmoon'] = ephem.is_full_moon(midnight[i])
        # Look up expected dome-open fraction due to weather.
        calendar[i]['weather'] = weather_weights[i]
        # Calculate the program during this night (default is 4=DAYTIME).
        mjd = midnight[i] + t_centers
        dark, gray, bright = ephem.tabulate_program(mjd)
        etable['program'][sl][dark] = 1
        etable['program'][sl][gray] = 2
        etable['program'][sl][bright] = 3
        # Zero the exposure factor whenever we are not oberving.
        ##fexp[sl] = (dark | gray | bright)[:, np.newaxis]
        fexp[sl] = 1.
        # Transform the local zenith to (ra,dec).
        zenith = desisurvey.utils.get_observer(
            times[i], alt=alt, az=az).transform_to(astropy.coordinates.ICRS)
        etable['zenith_ra'][sl] = zenith.ra.to(u.deg).value
        etable['zenith_dec'][sl] = zenith.dec.to(u.deg).value
        # Calculate zenith angles to each pixel in the footprint.
        pix_sep = pix_sky.separation(zenith[:, np.newaxis])
        # Zero the exposure factor for pixels below the horizon.
        visible = pix_sep < 90 * u.deg
        fexp[sl][~visible] = 0.
        # Calculate the airmass exposure-time penalty.
        X = desisurvey.utils.cos_zenith_to_airmass(np.cos(pix_sep[visible]))
        fexp[sl][visible] /= desisurvey.etc.airmass_exposure_factor(X)
        # Loop over objects we need to avoid.
        for name in config.avoid_bodies.keys:
            f_obj = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator(night, name)
            # Calculate this object's (dec,ra) path during the night.
            obj_dec, obj_ra = f_obj(mjd)
            sky_obj = astropy.coordinates.ICRS(
                ra=obj_ra[:, np.newaxis] * u.deg,
                dec=obj_dec[:, np.newaxis] * u.deg)
            # Calculate the separation angles to each pixel in the footprint.
            obj_sep = pix_sky.separation(sky_obj)
            if name == 'moon':
                etable['moon_ra'][sl] = obj_ra
                etable['moon_dec'][sl] = obj_dec
                # Calculate moon altitude during the night.
                moon_alt, _ = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator(
                    night, 'moon', altaz=True)(mjd)
                etable['moon_alt'][sl] = moon_alt
                moon_zenith = (90 - moon_alt[:,np.newaxis]) * u.deg
                moon_up = moon_alt > 0
                assert np.all(moon_alt[gray] > 0)
                # Calculate the moon illuminated fraction during the night.
                moon_frac = ephem.get_moon_illuminated_fraction(mjd)
                etable['moon_frac'][sl] = moon_frac
                # Convert to temporal moon phase.
                moon_phase = np.arccos(2 * moon_frac[:,np.newaxis] - 1) / np.pi
                # Calculate scattered moon V-band brightness at each pixel.
                V = specsim.atmosphere.krisciunas_schaefer(
                    pix_sep, moon_zenith, obj_sep,
                    moon_phase, desisurvey.etc._vband_extinction).value
                # Estimate the exposure time factor from V.
                X = np.dstack((one, np.exp(-V), 1/V, 1/V**2, 1/V**3))
                T = X.dot(desisurvey.etc._moonCoefficients)
                # No penalty when the moon is below the horizon.
                T[moon_alt < 0, :] = 1.
                fexp[sl] *= 1. / T
                # Veto pointings within avoidance size when the moon is
                # above the horizon. Apply Gaussian smoothing to the veto edge.
                veto = np.ones_like(T)
                dsep = (obj_sep - config.avoid_bodies.moon()).to(u.deg).value
                veto[dsep <= 0] = 0.
                veto[dsep > 0] = 1 - np.exp(-0.5 * (dsep[dsep > 0] / 3) ** 2)
                veto[moon_alt < 0] = 1.
                fexp[sl] *= veto
                # Lookup the avoidance size for this object.
                size = getattr(config.avoid_bodies, name)()
                # Penalize the exposure-time with a factor
                # 1 - exp(-0.5*(obj_sep/size)**2)
                penalty = 1. - np.exp(-0.5 * (obj_sep / size).to(1).value ** 2)
                fexp[sl] *= penalty

    # Save calendar table.
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(calendar)
    hdu.name = 'CALENDAR'

    # Save ephemerides table.
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(etable)
    hdu.name = 'EPHEM'

    # Save dynamic exposure-time factors.
    hdus.append(astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU(name='DYNAMIC', data=fexp))

    # Finalize the output file.
        hdus.writeto(output_name, overwrite=True)
    except TypeError:
        # astropy < 1.3 uses the now deprecated clobber.
        hdus.writeto(output_name, clobber=True)
    log.info('Plan initialization saved to {0}'.format(output_name))
    def run(self, indir, outfile=None, jsonfile=None):
        '''TODO: document'''
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
        log.debug('Running QA in {}'.format(indir))
        print('here qa.runner', indir)
        preprocfiles = sorted(glob.glob('{}/preproc-*.fits'.format(indir)))
        if len(preprocfiles) == 0:
            log.error('No preproc files found in {}'.format(indir))
            return None

        # We can have different obstypes (signal+dark) with calibration data
        # obtained with a calibration slit hooked to a single spectrograph.
        # So we have to loop over all frames to check if there are science,
        # arc, or flat obstypes as guessed by qproc.
        qframefiles = sorted(glob.glob('{}/qframe-*.fits'.format(indir)))
        if len(qframefiles) == 0:  # no qframe so it's either zero or dark
            hdr = fitsio.read_header(preprocfiles[0], 0)
            if 'OBSTYPE' in hdr:
                obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].strip()
                log.warning("Using FLAVOR instead of missing OBSTYPE")
                obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].strip()
            obstype = None
            log.debug("Reading qframe headers to guess flavor ...")
            for qframefile in qframefiles:  # look at all of them and prefer arc or flat over dark or zero
                hdr = fitsio.read_header(qframefile, 0)
                if 'OBSTYPE' in hdr:
                    this_obstype = hdr['OBSTYPE'].strip().upper()
                    log.warning("Using FLAVOR instead of missing OBSTYPE")
                    obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].strip()

                if this_obstype == "ARC" or this_obstype == "FLAT" \
                   or this_obstype  == "TESTARC" or this_obstype == "TESTFLAT" :
                    obstype = this_obstype
                    # we use this so we exit the loop
                elif obstype == None:
                    obstype = this_obstype
                    # we stay in the loop in case another frame has another obstype

        log.debug('Found OBSTYPE={} files'.format(obstype))

        results = dict()

        for qa in self.qalist:
            if qa.valid_obstype(obstype):
                log.info('{} Running {} {}'.format(timestamp(), qa,
                qa_results = None
                    qa_results = qa.run(indir)
                except Exception as err:
                    log.warning('{} failed on {} because {}; skipping'.format(
                        qa, indir, str(err)))
                    exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                    del exc_info
                    #- TODO: print traceback somewhere useful

                if qa_results is not None:
                    if qa.output_type not in results:
                        results[qa.output_type] = list()

                log.debug('Skip {} {} for {}'.format(qa, qa.output_type,
        #- Combine results for different types of QA
        join_keys = dict(
            PER_AMP=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'CAM', 'AMP'],
            PER_CAMERA=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'CAM'],
            PER_FIBER=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'FIBER'],
            PER_SPECTRO=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO'],
            PER_EXP=['NIGHT', 'EXPID'],
            QPROC_STATUS=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'CAM'])

        if jsonfile is not None:
            if os.path.exists(jsonfile):
                with open(jsonfile, 'r') as myfile:
                    json_data = myfile.read()
                json_data = json.loads(json_data)
                json_data = dict()

            rewrite_necessary = False
            for key1 in results:
                if key1 != "PER_CAMFIBER" and key1.startswith("PER_"):
                    colnames_lst = results[key1][0].colnames
                    if key1 in join_keys:
                        for i in join_keys[key1]:

                    if key1 not in json_data:
                        json_data[key1] = colnames_lst
                        rewrite_necessary = True
                        for aspect in colnames_lst:
                            if aspect not in json_data[key1]:
                                json_data[key1] += [aspect]
                                rewrite_necessary = True

            if rewrite_necessary:
                if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(jsonfile)):
                    with open(jsonfile, 'w') as out:
                        json.dump(json_data, out)
                    print('Wrote {}'.format(jsonfile))

        for qatype in list(results.keys()):
            if len(results[qatype]) == 1:
                results[qatype] = results[qatype][0]
                tx = results[qatype][0]
                for i in range(1, len(results[qatype])):
                    tx = join(tx,
                results[qatype] = tx

            #- convert python string to bytes for FITS format compatibility
            if 'AMP' in results[qatype].colnames:
                results[qatype]['AMP'] = results[qatype]['AMP'].astype('S1')
            if 'CAM' in results[qatype].colnames:
                results[qatype]['CAM'] = results[qatype]['CAM'].astype('S1')

            #- TODO: NIGHT/EXPID/SPECTRO/FIBER int64 -> int32 or int16
            #- TODO: metrics from float64 -> float32

        if outfile is not None:
            for tx in results.values():
                night = tx['NIGHT'][0]
                expid = tx['EXPID'][0]

            #- To do: consider propagating header from indir/desi*.fits.fz
            log.info('{} Writing {}'.format(timestamp(), outfile))
            tmpfile = outfile + '.tmp'
            with fitsio.FITS(tmpfile, 'rw', clobber=True) as fx:
                fx.write(np.zeros(3, dtype=float),
                for qatype, qatable in results.items():

            os.rename(tmpfile, outfile)
            log.info('{} Finished writing {}'.format(timestamp(), outfile))

        return results
def main(args):
    """Command-line driver to visualize survey scheduling and progress.
    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.DEBUG)
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.INFO)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.WARNING)

    # Freeze IERS table for consistent results.

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    if args.output_path is not None:
    if args.tiles_file is not None:

    # Look for the exposures file in the output path by default.
    args.exposures = config.get_path(args.exposures)

    # Initialize.
    animator = Animator(args.exposures, args.start, args.stop, args.label,
    log.info('Found {0} exposures from {1} to {2} ({3} nights).'.format(
        animator.num_exp, args.start, args.stop, animator.num_nights))

    if args.expid is not None:
        expid = animator.exposures['EXPID']
        assert np.all(expid == expid[0] + np.arange(len(expid)))
        if (args.expid < expid[0]) or (args.expid > expid[-1]):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Requested exposure ID {0} not available.'.format(args.expid))
        animator.draw_exposure(args.expid - expid[0], args.nightly)
        save_name = args.save + '.png'
        log.info('Saved {0}.'.format(save_name))
        nframes = animator.num_nights if args.nightly else animator.num_exp
        iexp = [0]

        def init():
            return animator.artists

        def update(iframe):
            if (iframe + 1) % args.log_interval == 0:
                log.info('Drawing frame {0}/{1}.'.format(iframe + 1, nframes))
            if args.nightly:
                while not animator.draw_exposure(iexp[0], nightly=True):
                    iexp[0] += 1
                animator.draw_exposure(iexp=iframe, nightly=False)
            return animator.artists

        log.info('Movie will be {:.1f} mins long at {:.1f} frames/sec.'.format(
            nframes / (60 * args.fps), args.fps))
        animation = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(animator.figure,
        writer = matplotlib.animation.writers['ffmpeg'](
            bitrate=2400, fps=args.fps, metadata=dict(artist='surveymovie'))
        save_name = args.save + '.mp4'
        animation.save(save_name, writer=writer, dpi=animator.dpi)
        log.info('Saved {0}.'.format(save_name))
def freeze_iers(name='iers_frozen.ecsv', ignore_warnings=True):
    """Use a frozen IERS table saved with this package.

    This should be called at the beginning of a script that calls
    astropy time and coordinates functions which refer to the UT1-UTC
    and polar motions tabulated by IERS.  The purpose is to ensure
    identical results across systems and astropy releases, to avoid a
    potential network download, and to eliminate some astropy warnings.

    After this call, the loaded table will be returned by
    :func:`astropy.utils.iers.IERS_Auto.open()` and treated like a
    a normal IERS table by all astropy code.  Specifically, this method
    registers an instance of a custom IERS_Frozen class that inherits from
    IERS_B and overrides
    :meth:`astropy.utils.iers.IERS._check_interpolate_indices` to prevent
    any IERSRangeError being raised.

    See http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/utils/iers.html for details.

    This function returns immediately after the first time it is called,
    so it it safe to insert anywhere that consistent IERS models are
    required, and subsequent calls with different args will have no

    The :func:`desisurvey.utils.plot_iers` function is useful for inspecting
    IERS tables and how they are extrapolated to DESI survey dates.

    name : str
        Name of the file to load the frozen IERS table from. Should normally
        be relative and then refers to this package's data/ directory.
        Must end with the .ecsv extension.
    ignore_warnings : bool
        Ignore ERFA and IERS warnings about future dates generated by
        astropy time and coordinates functions. Specifically, ERFA warnings
        containing the string "dubious year" are filtered out, as well
        as AstropyWarnings related to IERS table extrapolation.
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    if desisurvey.utils._iers_is_frozen:
        log.debug('IERS table already frozen.')
    log.info('Freezing IERS table used by astropy time, coordinates.')

    # Validate the save_name extension.
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
    if ext != '.ecsv':
        raise ValueError('Expected .ecsv extension for {0}.'.format(name))

    # Locate the file in our package data/ directory.
    if not os.path.isabs(name):
        name = astropy.utils.data._find_pkg_data_path(
            os.path.join('data', name))
    if not os.path.exists(name):
        raise ValueError('No such IERS file: {0}.'.format(name))

    # Clear any current IERS table.
    # Initialize the global IERS table. We load the table by
    # hand since the IERS open() method hardcodes format='cds'.
        table = astropy.table.Table.read(name, format='ascii.ecsv').filled()
    except IOError:
        raise RuntimeError('Unable to load IERS table from {0}.'.format(name))

    # Define a subclass of IERS_B that overrides _check_interpolate_indices
    # to prevent any IERSRangeError being raised.
    class IERS_Frozen(astropy.utils.iers.IERS_B):
        def _check_interpolate_indices(self, indices_orig, indices_clipped,
                                       max_input_mjd): pass

    # Create and register an instance of this class from the table.
    iers = IERS_Frozen(table)
    astropy.utils.iers.IERS.iers_table = iers
    # Prevent any attempts to automatically download updated IERS-A tables.
    astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_download = False
    astropy.utils.iers.conf.auto_max_age = None
    astropy.utils.iers.conf.iers_auto_url = 'frozen'
    # Sanity check.
    if not (astropy.utils.iers.IERS_Auto.open() is iers):
        raise RuntimeError('Frozen IERS is not installed as the default.')

    if ignore_warnings:
            'ignore', category=astropy._erfa.core.ErfaWarning, message=
            r'ERFA function \"[a-z0-9_]+\" yielded [0-9]+ of \"dubious year')
            'ignore', category=astropy.utils.exceptions.AstropyWarning,
            message=r'Tried to get polar motions for times after IERS data')
            'ignore', category=astropy.utils.exceptions.AstropyWarning,
            message=r'\(some\) times are outside of range covered by IERS')

    # Shortcircuit any subsequent calls to this function.
    desisurvey.utils._iers_is_frozen = True
def main(args):
    """Command-line driver to visualize survey scheduling and progress.
    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.DEBUG)
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.INFO)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.WARNING)

    # Freeze IERS table for consistent results.

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    if args.output_path is not None:
    if args.tiles_file is not None:

    # Look for the exposures file in the output path by default.
    args.exposures = config.get_path(args.exposures)

    # Initialize.
    animator = Animator(
        args.exposures, args.start, args.stop, args.label, args.scores)
    log.info('Found {0} exposures from {1} to {2} ({3} nights).'
             .format(animator.num_exp, args.start, args.stop,

    if args.expid is not None:
        expid = animator.exposures['EXPID']
        assert np.all(expid == expid[0] + np.arange(len(expid)))
        if (args.expid < expid[0]) or (args.expid > expid[-1]):
            raise RuntimeError('Requested exposure ID {0} not available.'
        animator.draw_exposure(args.expid - expid[0], args.nightly)
        save_name = args.save + '.png'
        log.info('Saved {0}.'.format(save_name))
        nframes = animator.num_nights if args.nightly else animator.num_exp
        iexp = [0]
        def init():
            return animator.artists
        def update(iframe):
            if (iframe + 1) % args.log_interval == 0:
                log.info('Drawing frame {0}/{1}.'
                         .format(iframe + 1, nframes))
            if args.nightly:
                while not animator.draw_exposure(iexp[0], nightly=True):
                    iexp[0] += 1
                animator.draw_exposure(iexp=iframe, nightly=False)
            return animator.artists
        log.info('Movie will be {:.1f} mins long at {:.1f} frames/sec.'
                 .format(nframes / (60 * args.fps), args.fps))
        animation = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(
            animator.figure, update, init_func=init, blit=True, frames=nframes)
        writer = matplotlib.animation.writers['ffmpeg'](
            bitrate=2400, fps=args.fps, metadata=dict(artist='surveymovie'))
        save_name = args.save + '.mp4'
        animation.save(save_name, writer=writer, dpi=animator.dpi)
        log.info('Saved {0}.'.format(save_name))
def main(args):
    """Command-line driver for updating the survey plan.
    # Check for a valid fa-delay value.
    if args.fa_delay[-1] not in ('d', 'm', 'q'):
        raise ValueError('fa-delay must have the form Nd, Nm or Nq.')
    fa_delay_type = args.fa_delay[-1]
        fa_delay = int(args.fa_delay[:-1])
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('invalid number in fa-delay.')
    if fa_delay < 0:
        raise ValueError('fa-delay value must be >= 0.')

    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.DEBUG)
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.INFO)
        log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.WARNING)

    # Freeze IERS table for consistent results.

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration(file_name=args.config_file)
    if args.output_path is not None:

    # Load ephemerides.
    ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem()

    # Initialize scheduler.
    if not os.path.exists(config.get_path('scheduler.fits')):
        # Tabulate data used by the scheduler if necessary.
    scheduler = desisurvey.old.schedule.Scheduler()

    # Read priority rules.
    rules = desisurvey.rules.Rules(args.rules)

    if args.create:
        # Load initial design hour angles for each tile.
        design = astropy.table.Table.read(config.get_path('surveyinit.fits'))
        # Create an empty progress record.
        progress = desisurvey.progress.Progress()
        # Initialize the observing priorities.
        priorities = rules.apply(progress)
        # Create the initial plan.
        plan = desisurvey.plan.create(design['HA'], priorities)
        # Start the survey from scratch.
        start = config.first_day()
        # Load an existing plan and progress record.
        if not os.path.exists(config.get_path('plan.fits')):
            log.error('No plan.fits found in output path.')
            return -1
        if not os.path.exists(config.get_path('progress.fits')):
            log.error('No progress.fits found in output path.')
            return -1
        plan = astropy.table.Table.read(config.get_path('plan.fits'))
        progress = desisurvey.progress.Progress('progress.fits')
        # Start the new plan from the last observing date.
        with open(config.get_path('last_date.txt'), 'r') as f:
            start = desisurvey.utils.get_date(f.read().rstrip())

    num_complete, num_total, pct = progress.completed(as_tuple=True)

    # Already observed all tiles?
    if num_complete == num_total:
        log.info('All tiles observed!')
        # Return a shell exit code so scripts can detect this condition.

    # Reached end of the survey?
    if start >= config.last_day():
        log.info('Reached survey end date!')
        # Return a shell exit code so scripts can detect this condition.

    day_number = desisurvey.utils.day_number(start)
        'Planning night[{0}] {1} with {2:.1f} / {3} ({4:.1f}%) completed.'.
        format(day_number, start, num_complete, num_total, pct))

    bookmarked = False
    if not args.create:

        # Update the priorities for the progress so far.
        new_priority = rules.apply(progress)
        changed_priority = (new_priority != plan['priority'])
        if np.any(changed_priority):
            changed_passes = np.unique(plan['pass'][changed_priority])
            log.info('Priorities changed in pass(es) {0}.'.format(', '.join(
                [str(p) for p in changed_passes])))
            plan['priority'] = new_priority
            bookmarked = True

        # Identify any new tiles that are available for fiber assignment.
        plan = desisurvey.plan.update_available(plan, progress, start, ephem,
                                                fa_delay, fa_delay_type)

        # Will update design HA assignments here...

    # Update the progress table for the new plan.
    ptable = progress._table
    new_cover = (ptable['covered'] < 0) & (plan['covered'] <= day_number)
    ptable['covered'][new_cover] = day_number
    new_avail = (ptable['available'] < 0) & plan['available']
    ptable['available'][new_avail] = day_number
    new_plan = (ptable['planned'] < 0) & (plan['priority'] > 0)
    ptable['planned'][new_plan] = day_number

    # Save updated progress.

    # Save the plan.
    plan.write(config.get_path('plan.fits'), overwrite=True)
    if bookmarked:
        # Save a backup of the plan and progress at this point.
def main(args):
    """Command-line driver for running survey simulations.
    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'DEBUG'
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'INFO'
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'WARNING'
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    if args.output_path is not None:
    if args.tiles_file is not None:

    # Initialize simulation progress tracking.
    stats = surveysim.stats.SurveyStatistics(args.start, args.stop)
    explist = surveysim.exposures.ExposureList()

    # Initialize the survey strategy rules.
    rules = desisurvey.rules.Rules(args.rules)
    # Initialize afternoon planning.
    planner = desisurvey.plan.Planner(rules)

    # Initialize next tile selection.
    scheduler = desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler()

    # Generate random weather conditions.
    weather = surveysim.weather.Weather(seed=args.seed, replay=args.replay)

    # Loop over nights.
    num_simulated = 0
    num_nights = (args.stop - args.start).days
    for num_simulated in range(num_nights):
        night = args.start + datetime.timedelta(num_simulated)

        if args.save_restore and num_simulated > 0:
            # Restore the planner and scheduler saved after the previous night.
            planner = desisurvey.plan.Planner(rules, restore='planner_{}.fits'.format(last_night))
            scheduler = desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler(restore='scheduler_{}.fits'.format(last_night))
            scheduler.update_tiles(planner.tile_available, planner.tile_priority)

        # Perform afternoon planning.
        explist.update_tiles(night, *scheduler.update_tiles(*planner.afternoon_plan(night, scheduler.completed)))

        if not desisurvey.utils.is_monsoon(night) and not scheduler.ephem.is_full_moon(night):
            # Simulate one night of observing.
                night, scheduler, stats, explist, weather=weather, use_twilight=args.twilight)
            if scheduler.survey_completed():
                log.info('Survey complete on {}.'.format(night))

        if args.save_restore:
            last_night = night.isoformat()

        if num_simulated % args.log_interval == args.log_interval - 1:
            log.info('Completed {} / {} tiles after {} / {} nights.'.format(
                scheduler.completed_by_pass.sum(), scheduler.tiles.ntiles,
                num_simulated + 1, num_nights))

    explist.save('exposures_{}.fits'.format(args.name), comment=args.comment)
    stats.save('stats_{}.fits'.format(args.name), comment=args.comment)
    if args.verbose:
def main(args):
    """Command-line driver for running survey simulations.
    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'DEBUG'
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'INFO'
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'WARNING'
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    if args.output_path is not None:
    if args.tiles_file is not None:

    # Initialize simulation progress tracking.
    stats = surveysim.stats.SurveyStatistics(args.start, args.stop)
    explist = surveysim.exposures.ExposureList()

    # Initialize the survey strategy rules.
    rules = desisurvey.rules.Rules(args.rules)

    # Initialize afternoon planning.
    planner = desisurvey.plan.Planner(rules)

    # Initialize next tile selection.
    scheduler = desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler()

    # Generate random weather conditions.
    weather = surveysim.weather.Weather(seed=args.seed, replay=args.replay)

    # Loop over nights.
    num_simulated = 0
    num_nights = (args.stop - args.start).days
    for num_simulated in range(num_nights):
        night = args.start + datetime.timedelta(num_simulated)

        if args.save_restore and num_simulated > 0:
            # Restore the planner and scheduler saved after the previous night.
            planner = desisurvey.plan.Planner(
                rules, restore='planner_{}.fits'.format(last_night))
            scheduler = desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler(

        # Perform afternoon planning.
                *planner.afternoon_plan(night, scheduler.completed)))

        if not desisurvey.utils.is_monsoon(
                night) and not scheduler.ephem.is_full_moon(night):
            # Simulate one night of observing.
            if scheduler.survey_completed():
                log.info('Survey complete on {}.'.format(night))

        if args.save_restore:
            last_night = night.isoformat()

        if num_simulated % args.log_interval == args.log_interval - 1:
            log.info('Completed {} / {} tiles after {} / {} nights.'.format(
                scheduler.completed_by_pass.sum(), scheduler.tiles.ntiles,
                num_simulated + 1, num_nights))

    explist.save('exposures_{}.fits'.format(args.name), comment=args.comment)
    stats.save('stats_{}.fits'.format(args.name), comment=args.comment)
    if args.verbose:
def calculate_initial_plan(args):
    """Calculate the initial survey plan.

    Use :func:`desisurvey.plan.load_weather` and
    :func:`desisurvey.plan.load_design_hourangles` to retrieve
    these data from the saved plan.

    args : object
        Object with attributes for parsed command-line arguments.
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles()
    ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem()

    # Initialize the output file to write.
    hdus = fits.HDUList()
    hdr = fits.Header()

    # Calculate average weather factors for each day covered by
    # the ephemerides.
    first = desisurvey.ephem.START_DATE
    last = desisurvey.ephem.STOP_DATE
    years = np.arange(2007, 2018)
    fractions = []
    for year in years:
    weather = 1 - np.mean(fractions, axis=0)
    # Save the weather fractions as the primary HDU.
    hdr['FIRST'] = first.isoformat()
    hdr['YEARS'] = ','.join(['{}'.format(yr) for yr in years])
    start = config.first_day()
    stop = config.last_day()
    assert start >= first and stop <= last
    hdr['START'] = start.isoformat()
    hdr['STOP'] = stop.isoformat()
    hdr['TWILIGHT'] = args.include_twilight
    hdus.append(fits.ImageHDU(weather, header=hdr, name='WEATHER'))

    # Calculate the distribution of available LST in each program
    # during the nominal survey [start, stop).
    ilo, ihi = (start - first).days, (stop - first).days
    lst_hist, lst_bins = ephem.get_available_lst(

    # Initialize the output results table.
    design = astropy.table.Table()
    design['INIT'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles)
    design['HA'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles)
    design['TEXP'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles)

    # Optimize each program separately.
    stretches = dict(DARK=args.dark_stretch,
    for pindex, program in enumerate(tiles.PROGRAMS):
        sel = tiles.program_mask[program]
        if not np.any(sel):
            log.info('Skipping {} program with no tiles.'.format(program))
        # Initialize an LST summary table.
        table = astropy.table.Table(meta={'ORIGIN': lst_bins[0]})
        table['AVAIL'] = lst_hist[pindex]
        # Initailize an optimizer for this program.
        opt = desisurvey.optimize.Optimizer(program,
        table['INIT'] = opt.plan_hist.copy()
        design['INIT'][sel] = opt.ha_initial
        # Initialize annealing cycles.
        ncycles = 0
        binsize = 360. / args.nbins
        frac = args.adjust / binsize
        smoothing = args.smooth
        # Loop over annealing cycles.
        while ncycles < args.max_cycles:
            start_score = opt.eval_score(opt.plan_hist)
            for i in range(opt.ntiles):
            if smoothing > 0:
            stop_score = opt.eval_score(opt.plan_hist)
            delta = (stop_score - start_score) / start_score
            RMSE = opt.RMSE_history[-1]
            loss = opt.loss_history[-1]
            log.info('[{:03d}] dHA={:5.3f}deg '.format(ncycles + 1, frac *
                                                       binsize) +
                     'RMSE={:6.2f}% LOSS={:5.2f}% delta(score)={:+5.1f}%'.
                     format(1e2 * RMSE, 1e2 * loss, 1e2 * delta))
            # Both conditions must be satisfied to terminate.
            if RMSE < args.max_rmse and delta > -args.epsilon:
            # Anneal parameters for next cycle.
            frac *= args.anneal
            smoothing *= args.anneal
            ncycles += 1
        plan_sum = opt.plan_hist.sum()
        avail_sum = opt.lst_hist_sum
        margin = (avail_sum - plan_sum) / plan_sum
            '{} plan uses {:.1f}h with {:.1f}h avail ({:.1f}% margin).'.format(
                program, plan_sum, avail_sum, 1e2 * margin))
        # Save planned LST usage.
        table['PLAN'] = opt.plan_hist
        hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(table, name=program))

        # Calculate exposure times in (solar) seconds.
        texp, _ = opt.get_exptime(opt.ha)
        texp *= 24. * 3600. / 360. * 0.99726956583
        # Save results for this program.
        design['HA'][sel] = opt.ha
        design['TEXP'][sel] = texp

    hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(design, name='DESIGN'))
    fullname = config.get_path(args.save)
    hdus.writeto(fullname, overwrite=True)
    log.info('Saved initial plan to "{}".'.format(fullname))
def main(args):
    """Command-line driver for running survey simulations.
    # Set up the logger
    if args.debug:
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'DEBUG'
        args.verbose = True
    elif args.verbose:
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'INFO'
        os.environ['DESI_LOGLEVEL'] = 'WARNING'
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    # Set the output path if requested.
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    if args.output_path is not None:
    if args.tiles_file is not None:

    if args.existing_exposures is not None:
        exps = Table.read(args.existing_exposures)
        tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles()
        idx, mask = tiles.index(exps['TILEID'], return_mask=True)
        firstnight = max(exps['NIGHT'][mask])
        if args.start != config.first_day():
            raise ValueError('Cannot set both start and existing-exposures!')
        args.start = '-'.join(
            [firstnight[:4], firstnight[4:6], firstnight[6:]])
        args.start = desisurvey.utils.get_date(args.start)
        exps = exps[mask]
        exps = None

    # Initialize simulation progress tracking.
    stats = surveysim.stats.SurveyStatistics(args.start, args.stop)
    explist = surveysim.exposures.ExposureList(existing_exposures=exps)

    # Initialize the survey strategy rules.
    if args.rules is None:
        rulesfile = config.rules_file()
        rulesfile = args.rules
    rules = desisurvey.rules.Rules(rulesfile)
    log.info('Rules loaded from {}.'.format(rulesfile))

    # Initialize afternoon planning.
    planner = desisurvey.plan.Planner(rules, simulate=True)

    # Initialize next tile selection.
    scheduler = desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler(planner)

    # Generate random weather conditions.
    weather = surveysim.weather.Weather(
        seed=args.seed, replay=args.replay,

    # Loop over nights.
    num_simulated = 0
    num_nights = (args.stop - args.start).days
    for num_simulated in range(num_nights):
        night = args.start + datetime.timedelta(num_simulated)

        if args.save_restore and num_simulated > 0:
            # Restore the planner and scheduler saved after the previous night.
            planner = desisurvey.plan.Planner(rules, restore='desi-status-{}.ecsv'.format(last_night),
            scheduler = desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler(planner)

        # Perform afternoon planning.
        explist.update_tiles(night, *planner.afternoon_plan(night))

        if not desisurvey.utils.is_monsoon(night) and not scheduler.ephem.is_full_moon(night):
            # Simulate one night of observing.
                night, scheduler, stats, explist, weather=weather,
                use_twilight=args.twilight, use_simplesky=args.simplesky)
            if scheduler.plan.survey_completed():
                log.info('Survey complete on {}.'.format(night))

        if args.save_restore:
            last_night = desisurvey.utils.night_to_str(night)

        if num_simulated % args.log_interval == args.log_interval - 1:
            log.info('Completed {} / {} tiles after {} / {} nights.'.format(
                num_simulated + 1, num_nights))

    explist.save('exposures_{}.fits'.format(args.name), comment=args.comment)
    stats.save('stats_{}.fits'.format(args.name), comment=args.comment)
    if args.verbose:
文件: run.py 项目: desihub/nightwatch
def write_tables(indir, outdir, expnights=None):
    Parses directory for available nights, exposures to generate
    nights and exposures tables
        indir : directory of nights
        outdir : directory where to write nights table

        expnights (list) : only update exposures tables for these nights
    import re
    from astropy.table import Table
    from nightwatch.webpages import tables as web_tables
    from pkg_resources import resource_filename
    from shutil import copyfile
    from collections import Counter

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    log.info(f'Tabulating exposures in {indir}')

    #- Count night/expid directories to get num exp per night
    expdirs = sorted(glob.glob(f"{indir}/20*/[0-9]*"))
    nights = list()
    re_expid = re.compile('^\d{8}$')
    re_night = re.compile('^20\d{6}$')
    for expdir in expdirs:
        expid = os.path.basename(expdir)
        night = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(expdir))
        if re_expid.match(expid) and re_night.match(night):

    num_exp_per_night = Counter(nights)

    #- Build the exposures table for the requested nights
    rows = list()
    for expdir in expdirs:
        expid = os.path.basename(expdir)
        night = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(expdir))
        if re_expid.match(expid) and re_night.match(night) and \
           (expnights is None or int(night) in expnights):

            night = int(night)
            expid = int(expid)

            qafile = os.path.join(expdir, 'qa-{:08d}.fits'.format(expid))

            #- gets the list of failed qprocs for each expid
            expfiles = os.listdir(expdir)
            preproc_cams = [
                i.split("-")[1] for i in expfiles
                if re.match(r'preproc-.*-.*.fits', i)
            log_cams = [
                i.split("-")[1] for i in expfiles if re.match(r'.*\.log', i)
            qfails = [i for i in log_cams if i not in preproc_cams]

            if os.path.exists(qafile):
                    with fitsio.FITS(qafile) as fits:
                        qproc_status = fits['QPROC_STATUS'].read()
                        exitcode = np.count_nonzero(qproc_status['QPROC_EXIT'])
                except IOError:
                    exitcode = 0

                log.error('Missing {}'.format(qafile))

    if len(rows) == 0:
        msg = "No exp dirs found in {}/NIGHT/EXPID".format(indir)
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    exposures = Table(rows)

    caldir = os.path.join(outdir, 'static')
    if not os.path.isdir(caldir):

    files = [
        'bootstrap.js', 'bootstrap.css', 'bootstrap-year-calendar.css',
        'bootstrap-year-calendar.js', 'jquery_min.js', 'popper_min.js',
    for f in files:
        outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'static', f)
        if not os.path.exists(outfile):
            infile = resource_filename('nightwatch', os.path.join('static', f))
            copyfile(infile, outfile)

    nightsfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'nights.html')
    web_tables.write_calendar(nightsfile, num_exp_per_night)

def initialize(ephem,
    """Calculate exposure-time factors over a grid of times and pointings.

    Takes about 9 minutes to run and writes a 1.3Gb output file with the
    default parameters.

    Requires that healpy is installed.

    ephem : desisurvey.ephem.Ephemerides
        Tabulated ephemerides data to use for planning.
    start_date : date or None
        Survey planning starts on the evening of this date. Must be convertible
        to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`.  Use the first night
        of the ephemerides when None.
    stop_date : date or None
        Survey planning stops on the morning of this date. Must be convertible
        to a date using :func:`desisurvey.utils.get_date`.  Use the first night
        of the ephemerides when None.
    step_size : :class:`astropy.units.Quantity`
        Exposure-time factors are tabulated at this interval during each night.
    healpix_nside : int
        Healpix NSIDE parameter to use for binning the sky. Must be a power of
        two.  Values larger than 16 will lead to holes in the footprint with
        the current implementation.
    output_name : str
        Name of the FITS output file where results are saved. A relative path
        refers to the :meth:`configuration output path
    import healpy

    if not isinstance(step_size, u.Quantity):
        step_size = step_size * u.min
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()

    # Freeze IERS table for consistent results.

    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    output_name = config.get_path(output_name)

    start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date or config.first_day())
    stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date or config.last_day())
    if start_date >= stop_date:
        raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.')
    mjd = ephem._table['noon']
    sel = ((mjd >= desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date).mjd) &
           (mjd < desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(stop_date).mjd))
    t = ephem._table[sel]
    num_nights = len(t)

    # Build a grid of elapsed time relative to local midnight during each night.
    midnight = t['noon'] + 0.5
    t_edges = desisurvey.ephem.get_grid(step_size)
    t_centers = 0.5 * (t_edges[1:] + t_edges[:-1])
    num_points = len(t_centers)

    # Create an empty HDU0 with header info.
    header = astropy.io.fits.Header()
    header['START'] = str(start_date)
    header['STOP'] = str(stop_date)
    header['NSIDE'] = healpix_nside
    header['NPOINTS'] = num_points
    header['STEP'] = step_size.to(u.min).value
    hdus = astropy.io.fits.HDUList()

    # Save time grid.
    hdus.append(astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU(name='GRID', data=t_edges))

    # Load the list of tiles to observe.
    tiles = astropy.table.Table(

    # Build the footprint as a healpix map of the requested size.
    # The footprint includes any pixel containing at least one tile center.
    npix = healpy.nside2npix(healpix_nside)
    footprint = np.zeros(npix, bool)
    pixels = healpy.ang2pix(healpix_nside, np.radians(90 - tiles['DEC'].data),
    footprint[np.unique(pixels)] = True
    footprint_pixels = np.where(footprint)[0]
    num_footprint = len(footprint_pixels)
    log.info('Footprint contains {0} pixels.'.format(num_footprint))

    # Sort pixels in order of increasing phi + 60deg so that the north and south
    # galactic caps are contiguous in the arrays we create below.
    pix_theta, pix_phi = healpy.pix2ang(healpix_nside, footprint_pixels)
    pix_dphi = np.fmod(pix_phi + np.pi / 3, 2 * np.pi)
    sort_order = np.argsort(pix_dphi)
    footprint_pixels = footprint_pixels[sort_order]
    # Calculate sorted pixel (ra,dec).
    pix_theta, pix_phi = healpy.pix2ang(healpix_nside, footprint_pixels)
    pix_ra, pix_dec = np.degrees(pix_phi), 90 - np.degrees(pix_theta)

    # Record per-tile info needed for planning.
    table = astropy.table.Table()
    table['tileid'] = tiles['TILEID'].astype(np.int32)
    table['ra'] = tiles['RA'].astype(np.float32)
    table['dec'] = tiles['DEC'].astype(np.float32)
    table['EBV'] = tiles['EBV_MED'].astype(np.float32)
    table['pass'] = tiles['PASS'].astype(np.int16)
    # Map each tile ID to the corresponding index in our spatial arrays.
    mapper = np.zeros(npix, int)
    mapper[footprint_pixels] = np.arange(len(footprint_pixels))
    table['map'] = mapper[pixels].astype(np.int16)
    # Use a small int to identify the program, ordered by sky brightness:
    # 1=DARK, 2=GRAY, 3=BRIGHT.
    table['program'] = np.full(len(tiles), 4, np.int16)
    for i, program in enumerate(('DARK', 'GRAY', 'BRIGHT')):
        table['program'][tiles['PROGRAM'] == program] = i + 1
    assert np.all(table['program'] > 0)
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(table)
    hdu.name = 'TILES'

    # Average E(B-V) for all tiles falling into a pixel.
    tiles_per_pixel = np.bincount(pixels, minlength=npix)
    EBV = np.bincount(pixels, weights=tiles['EBV_MED'], minlength=npix)
    EBV[footprint] /= tiles_per_pixel[footprint]

    # Calculate dust extinction exposure-time factor.
    f_EBV = 1. / desisurvey.etc.dust_exposure_factor(EBV)

    # Save HDU with the footprint and static dust exposure map.
    table = astropy.table.Table()
    table['pixel'] = footprint_pixels
    table['dust'] = f_EBV[footprint_pixels]
    table['ra'] = pix_ra
    table['dec'] = pix_dec
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(table)
    hdu.name = 'STATIC'

    # Prepare a table of calendar data.
    calendar = astropy.table.Table()
    calendar['midnight'] = midnight
    calendar['monsoon'] = np.zeros(num_nights, bool)
    calendar['fullmoon'] = np.zeros(num_nights, bool)
    calendar['weather'] = np.zeros(num_nights, np.float32)
    # Hardcode annualized average weight.
    weather_weights = np.full(num_nights, 0.723)

    # Prepare a table of ephemeris data.
    etable = astropy.table.Table()
    # Program codes ordered by increasing sky brightness:
    # 1=DARK, 2=GRAY, 3=BRIGHT, 4=DAYTIME.
    etable['program'] = np.full(num_nights * num_points, 4, dtype=np.int16)
    etable['moon_frac'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['moon_ra'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['moon_dec'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['moon_alt'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['zenith_ra'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)
    etable['zenith_dec'] = np.zeros(num_nights * num_points, dtype=np.float32)

    # Tabulate MJD and apparent LST values for each time step. We don't save
    # MJD values since they are cheap to reconstruct from the index, but
    # do use them below.
    mjd0 = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(start_date).mjd + 0.5
    mjd = mjd0 + np.arange(num_nights)[:, np.newaxis] + t_centers
    times = astropy.time.Time(mjd,
    etable['lst'] = times.sidereal_time('apparent').flatten().to(u.deg).value

    # Build sky coordinates for each pixel in the footprint.
    pix_theta, pix_phi = healpy.pix2ang(healpix_nside, footprint_pixels)
    pix_ra, pix_dec = np.degrees(pix_phi), 90 - np.degrees(pix_theta)
    pix_sky = astropy.coordinates.ICRS(pix_ra * u.deg, pix_dec * u.deg)

    # Initialize exposure factor calculations.
    alt, az = np.full(num_points, 90.) * u.deg, np.zeros(num_points) * u.deg
    fexp = np.zeros((num_nights * num_points, num_footprint), dtype=np.float32)
    vband_extinction = 0.15154
    one = np.ones((num_points, num_footprint))

    # Loop over nights.
    for i in range(num_nights):
        night = ephem.get_night(midnight[i])
        date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(midnight[i])
        if date.day == 1:
            log.info('Starting {0} (completed {1}/{2} nights)'.format(
                date.strftime('%b %Y'), i, num_nights))
        # Initialize the slice of the fexp[] time index for this night.
        sl = slice(i * num_points, (i + 1) * num_points)
        # Do we expect to observe on this night?
        calendar[i]['monsoon'] = desisurvey.utils.is_monsoon(midnight[i])
        calendar[i]['fullmoon'] = ephem.is_full_moon(midnight[i])
        # Look up expected dome-open fraction due to weather.
        calendar[i]['weather'] = weather_weights[i]
        # Calculate the program during this night (default is 4=DAYTIME).
        mjd = midnight[i] + t_centers
        dark, gray, bright = ephem.tabulate_program(mjd)
        etable['program'][sl][dark] = 1
        etable['program'][sl][gray] = 2
        etable['program'][sl][bright] = 3
        # Zero the exposure factor whenever we are not oberving.
        ##fexp[sl] = (dark | gray | bright)[:, np.newaxis]
        fexp[sl] = 1.
        # Transform the local zenith to (ra,dec).
        zenith = desisurvey.utils.get_observer(
            times[i], alt=alt, az=az).transform_to(astropy.coordinates.ICRS)
        etable['zenith_ra'][sl] = zenith.ra.to(u.deg).value
        etable['zenith_dec'][sl] = zenith.dec.to(u.deg).value
        # Calculate zenith angles to each pixel in the footprint.
        pix_sep = pix_sky.separation(zenith[:, np.newaxis])
        # Zero the exposure factor for pixels below the horizon.
        visible = pix_sep < 90 * u.deg
        fexp[sl][~visible] = 0.
        # Calculate the airmass exposure-time penalty.
        X = desisurvey.utils.cos_zenith_to_airmass(np.cos(pix_sep[visible]))
        fexp[sl][visible] /= desisurvey.etc.airmass_exposure_factor(X)
        # Loop over objects we need to avoid.
        for name in config.avoid_bodies.keys:
            f_obj = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator(night, name)
            # Calculate this object's (dec,ra) path during the night.
            obj_dec, obj_ra = f_obj(mjd)
            sky_obj = astropy.coordinates.ICRS(
                ra=obj_ra[:, np.newaxis] * u.deg,
                dec=obj_dec[:, np.newaxis] * u.deg)
            # Calculate the separation angles to each pixel in the footprint.
            obj_sep = pix_sky.separation(sky_obj)
            if name == 'moon':
                etable['moon_ra'][sl] = obj_ra
                etable['moon_dec'][sl] = obj_dec
                # Calculate moon altitude during the night.
                moon_alt, _ = desisurvey.ephem.get_object_interpolator(
                    night, 'moon', altaz=True)(mjd)
                etable['moon_alt'][sl] = moon_alt
                moon_zenith = (90 - moon_alt[:, np.newaxis]) * u.deg
                moon_up = moon_alt > 0
                assert np.all(moon_alt[gray] > 0)
                # Calculate the moon illuminated fraction during the night.
                moon_frac = ephem.get_moon_illuminated_fraction(mjd)
                etable['moon_frac'][sl] = moon_frac
                # Convert to temporal moon phase.
                moon_phase = np.arccos(2 * moon_frac[:, np.newaxis] -
                                       1) / np.pi
                # Calculate scattered moon V-band brightness at each pixel.
                V = specsim.atmosphere.krisciunas_schaefer(
                    pix_sep, moon_zenith, obj_sep, moon_phase,
                # Estimate the exposure time factor from V.
                X = np.dstack((one, np.exp(-V), 1 / V, 1 / V**2, 1 / V**3))
                T = X.dot(desisurvey.etc._moonCoefficients)
                # No penalty when the moon is below the horizon.
                T[moon_alt < 0, :] = 1.
                fexp[sl] *= 1. / T
                # Veto pointings within avoidance size when the moon is
                # above the horizon. Apply Gaussian smoothing to the veto edge.
                veto = np.ones_like(T)
                dsep = (obj_sep - config.avoid_bodies.moon()).to(u.deg).value
                veto[dsep <= 0] = 0.
                veto[dsep > 0] = 1 - np.exp(-0.5 * (dsep[dsep > 0] / 3)**2)
                veto[moon_alt < 0] = 1.
                fexp[sl] *= veto
                # Lookup the avoidance size for this object.
                size = getattr(config.avoid_bodies, name)()
                # Penalize the exposure-time with a factor
                # 1 - exp(-0.5*(obj_sep/size)**2)
                penalty = 1. - np.exp(-0.5 * (obj_sep / size).to(1).value**2)
                fexp[sl] *= penalty

    # Save calendar table.
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(calendar)
    hdu.name = 'CALENDAR'

    # Save ephemerides table.
    hdu = astropy.io.fits.table_to_hdu(etable)
    hdu.name = 'EPHEM'

    # Save dynamic exposure-time factors.
    hdus.append(astropy.io.fits.ImageHDU(name='DYNAMIC', data=fexp))

    # Finalize the output file.
        hdus.writeto(output_name, overwrite=True)
    except TypeError:
        # astropy < 1.3 uses the now deprecated clobber.
        hdus.writeto(output_name, clobber=True)
    log.info('Plan initialization saved to {0}'.format(output_name))
def stdouterr_redirected(to=None, comm=None):
    Redirect stdout and stderr to a file.

    The general technique is based on:


    One difference here is that each process in the communicator
    redirects to a different temporary file, and the upon exit
    from the context the rank zero process concatenates these
    in order to the file result.

        to (str): The output file name.
        comm (mpi4py.MPI.Comm): The optional MPI communicator.
    nproc = 1
    rank = 0
    if comm is not None:
        nproc = comm.size
        rank = comm.rank

    # The currently active POSIX file descriptors
    fd_out = sys.stdout.fileno()
    fd_err = sys.stderr.fileno()

    # The DESI loggers.
    desi_loggers = desiutil.log._desiutil_log_root

    def _redirect(out_to, err_to):

        # Flush the C-level buffers
        if c_stdout is not None:
        if c_stderr is not None:

        # This closes the python file handles, and marks the POSIX
        # file descriptors for garbage collection- UNLESS those
        # are the special file descriptors for stderr/stdout.

        # Close fd_out/fd_err if they are open, and copy the
        # input file descriptors to these.
        os.dup2(out_to, fd_out)
        os.dup2(err_to, fd_err)

        # Create a new sys.stdout / sys.stderr that points to the
        # redirected POSIX file descriptors.  In Python 3, these
        # are actually higher level IO objects.
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
            sys.stdout = os.fdopen(fd_out, "wb")
            sys.stderr = os.fdopen(fd_err, "wb")
            # Python 3 case
            sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(os.fdopen(fd_out, 'wb'))
            sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(os.fdopen(fd_err, 'wb'))

        # update DESI logging to use new stdout
        for name, logger in desi_loggers.items():
            hformat = None
            while len(logger.handlers) > 0:
                h = logger.handlers[0]
                if hformat is None:
                    hformat = h.formatter._fmt
            # Add the current stdout.
            ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
            formatter = logging.Formatter(hformat, datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')

    # redirect both stdout and stderr to the same file

    if to is None:
        to = "/dev/null"

    if rank == 0:
        log = get_logger()
        log.info("Begin log redirection to {} at {}".format(
            to, time.asctime()))

    # Save the original file descriptors so we can restore them later
    saved_fd_out = os.dup(fd_out)
    saved_fd_err = os.dup(fd_err)

        pto = to
        if to != "/dev/null":
            pto = "{}_{}".format(to, rank)

        # open python file, which creates low-level POSIX file
        # descriptor.
        file = open(pto, "w")

        # redirect stdout/stderr to this new file descriptor.
        _redirect(out_to=file.fileno(), err_to=file.fileno())

        yield  # allow code to be run with the redirected output

        # close python file handle, which will mark POSIX file
        # descriptor for garbage collection.  That is fine since
        # we are about to overwrite those in the finally clause.

        # flush python handles for good measure

        # restore old stdout and stderr
        _redirect(out_to=saved_fd_out, err_to=saved_fd_err)

        if nproc > 1:

        # concatenate per-process files
        if rank == 0:
            with open(to, "w") as outfile:
                for p in range(nproc):
                        "================= Process {} =================\n".
                    fname = "{}_{}".format(to, p)
                    with open(fname) as infile:

        if nproc > 1:

        if rank == 0:
            log = get_logger()
            log.info("End log redirection to {} at {}".format(
                to, time.asctime()))

        # flush python handles for good measure

def add_calibration_exposures(exposures, flats_per_night=3, arcs_per_night=3,
                              darks_per_night=0, zeroes_per_night=0,
                              exptime=None, readout=30.0):
    """Prepare a list of science exposures for desisim.wrap-newexp.

    Insert calibration exposures at the start of each night, and add
    the following columns for all exposures: EXPID, PROGRAM, NIGHT,

    exposures : table like or :class:`surveysim.exposures.ExposureList`
        A table of science exposures including, at a minimum,
        MJD, EXPTIME and TILEID columns. The exposures must be sorted
        by increasing MJD. Could be a numpy recarray, an astropy
        table, or an ExposureList object. Columns other than
        the required ones are copied to the output.
    flats_per_night : :class:`int`, optional
        Add this many arc exposures per night (default 3).
    arcs_per_night : :class:`int`, optional
        Add this many arc exposures per night (default 3).
    darks_per_night : :class:`int`, optional
        Add this many dark exposures per night (default 0).
    zeroes_per_night : :class:`int`, optional
        Add this many zero exposures per night (default 0).
    exptime : :class:`dict`, optional
        A dictionary setting calibration exposure times for each
        calibration flavor.
    readout : :class:`float`, optional
        Set readout time for calibration exposures (default 30.0 s).

        The output table augmented with calibration exposures and
        additional columns.

        If the input is not sorted by increasing MJD/timestamp.
    if isinstance(exposures, surveysim.exposures.ExposureList):
        exposures = exposures._exposures[:exposures.nexp]
    nexp = len(exposures)
    MJD = exposures['MJD']
    if not np.all(np.diff(MJD) > 0):
        raise ValueError("Input is not sorted by increasing MJD!")
    if exptime is None:
        exptime = {'flat': 10.0, 'arc': 10.0, 'dark': 1000.0, 'zero': 0.0}

    # Define the start of night calibration sequence.
    calib_time = lambda x: exptime[x] + readout
    calib_sequence = (['arc']*arcs_per_night + ['flat']*flats_per_night +
                      ['dark']*darks_per_night + ['zero']*zeroes_per_night)
    calib_times = np.cumsum(np.array([calib_time(c) for c in calib_sequence]))[::-1]

    # Group exposures by night.
    MJD0 = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(desisurvey.utils.get_date(MJD[0])).mjd
    night_idx = np.floor(MJD - MJD0).astype(int)
    nights = np.unique(night_idx)
    ncalib = len(calib_sequence) * len(nights)

    # Initialize the output table.
    output = astropy.table.Table()
    nout = nexp + ncalib
    output['EXPID'] = np.arange(nout, dtype=np.int32)
    template = astropy.table.Table(dtype=exposures.dtype)
    for colname in template.colnames:
        col = template[colname]
        output[colname] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=col.dtype, length=nout)
    output['PROGRAM'] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=(str, len('BRIGHT')), length=nout)
    output['NIGHT'] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=(str, len('YYYYMMDD')), length=nout)
    output['FLAVOR'] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=(str, len('science')), length=nout)
    tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles()

    # Moon parameters are hardcoded for now.
    output['MOONFRAC'] = 0.5
    output['MOONALT'] = -10.
    output['MOONSEP'] = 90.

    # Loop over nights.
    out_idx = 0
    for n in nights:
        sel = (night_idx == n)
        nsel = np.count_nonzero(sel)
        first = np.where(sel)[0][0]
        MJD_first = MJD[first]
        NIGHT = desisurvey.utils.get_date(MJD_first).isoformat().replace('-', '')
        # Append the calibration sequence.
        for j, c in enumerate(calib_sequence):
            output['MJD'][out_idx] = MJD_first - calib_times[j]/86400.0
            output['EXPTIME'][out_idx] = exptime[c]
            output['TILEID'][out_idx] = -1
            output['PROGRAM'][out_idx] = 'CALIB'
            output['NIGHT'][out_idx] = NIGHT
            output['FLAVOR'][out_idx] = c
            out_idx += 1
        # Append the night's science exposures.
        outslice = slice(out_idx, out_idx + nsel)
        for colname in template.colnames:
            output[colname][outslice] = exposures[colname][sel]
        TILEIDs = exposures['TILEID'][sel]
        output['PROGRAM'][outslice] = [
            tiles.pass_program[p] for p in tiles.passnum[tiles.index(TILEIDs)]]
        output['NIGHT'][outslice] = NIGHT
        output['FLAVOR'][outslice] = 'science'
        out_idx += nsel
    assert out_idx == nout

    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    log.info('Added {} nightly calibration sequences of {} exposures each to {} science exposures.'
             .format(len(nights), len(calib_sequence), nexp))
    return output
def calculate_initial_plan(args):
    """Calculate the initial survey plan.

    Use :func:`desisurvey.plan.load_weather` and
    :func:`desisurvey.plan.load_design_hourangles` to retrieve
    these data from the saved plan.

    args : object
        Object with attributes for parsed command-line arguments.
    log = desiutil.log.get_logger()
    config = desisurvey.config.Configuration()
    tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles()
    ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem()

    # Initialize the output file to write.
    hdus = fits.HDUList()
    hdr = fits.Header()

    # Calculate average weather factors for each day covered by
    # the ephemerides.
    first = desisurvey.ephem.START_DATE
    last = desisurvey.ephem.STOP_DATE
    years = np.arange(2007, 2018)
    fractions = []
    for year in years:
            desimodel.weather.dome_closed_fractions(first, last, replay='Y{}'.format(year)))
    weather = 1 - np.mean(fractions, axis=0)
    # Save the weather fractions as the primary HDU.
    hdr['FIRST'] = first.isoformat()
    hdr['YEARS'] = ','.join(['{}'.format(yr) for yr in years])
    start = config.first_day()
    stop = config.last_day()
    assert start >= first and stop <= last
    hdr['START'] = start.isoformat()
    hdr['STOP'] = stop.isoformat()
    hdr['TWILIGHT'] = args.include_twilight
    hdus.append(fits.ImageHDU(weather, header=hdr, name='WEATHER'))

    # Calculate the distribution of available LST in each program
    # during the nominal survey [start, stop).
    ilo, ihi = (start - first).days, (stop - first).days
    lst_hist, lst_bins = ephem.get_available_lst(
        nbins=args.nbins, weather=weather[ilo:ihi], include_twilight=args.include_twilight)

    # Initialize the output results table.
    design = astropy.table.Table()
    design['INIT'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles)
    design['HA'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles)
    design['TEXP'] = np.zeros(tiles.ntiles)

    # Optimize each program separately.
    stretches = dict(
    for pindex, program in enumerate(tiles.PROGRAMS):
        sel = tiles.program_mask[program]
        if not np.any(sel):
            log.info('Skipping {} program with no tiles.'.format(program))
        # Initialize an LST summary table.
        table = astropy.table.Table(meta={'ORIGIN': lst_bins[0]})
        table['AVAIL'] = lst_hist[pindex]
        # Initailize an optimizer for this program.
        opt = desisurvey.optimize.Optimizer(
            program, lst_bins, lst_hist[pindex], init=args.init, center=None,
        table['INIT'] = opt.plan_hist.copy()
        design['INIT'][sel] = opt.ha_initial
        # Initialize annealing cycles.
        ncycles = 0
        binsize = 360. / args.nbins
        frac = args.adjust / binsize
        smoothing = args.smooth
        # Loop over annealing cycles.
        while ncycles < args.max_cycles:
            start_score = opt.eval_score(opt.plan_hist)
            for i in range(opt.ntiles):
            if smoothing > 0:
            stop_score = opt.eval_score(opt.plan_hist)
            delta = (stop_score - start_score) / start_score
            RMSE = opt.RMSE_history[-1]
            loss = opt.loss_history[-1]
                '[{:03d}] dHA={:5.3f}deg '.format(ncycles + 1, frac * binsize) +
                'RMSE={:6.2f}% LOSS={:5.2f}% delta(score)={:+5.1f}%'
                .format(1e2*RMSE, 1e2*loss, 1e2*delta))
            # Both conditions must be satisfied to terminate.
            if RMSE < args.max_rmse and delta > -args.epsilon:
            # Anneal parameters for next cycle.
            frac *= args.anneal
            smoothing *= args.anneal
            ncycles += 1
        plan_sum = opt.plan_hist.sum()
        avail_sum = opt.lst_hist_sum
        margin = (avail_sum - plan_sum) / plan_sum
        log.info('{} plan uses {:.1f}h with {:.1f}h avail ({:.1f}% margin).'
                 .format(program, plan_sum, avail_sum, 1e2 * margin))
        # Save planned LST usage.
        table['PLAN'] = opt.plan_hist
        hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(table, name=program))

        # Calculate exposure times in (solar) seconds.
        texp, _ = opt.get_exptime(opt.ha)
        texp *= 24. * 3600. / 360. * 0.99726956583
        # Save results for this program.
        design['HA'][sel] = opt.ha
        design['TEXP'][sel] = texp

    hdus.append(fits.BinTableHDU(design, name='DESIGN'))
    fullname = config.get_path(args.save)
    hdus.writeto(fullname, overwrite=True)
    log.info('Saved initial plan to "{}".'.format(fullname))