def __init__(self, user=None): self._api_url = '%s/%s' % (NAVIGATOR.API_URL.get().strip('/'), VERSION) self._username = get_navigator_auth_username() self._password = get_navigator_auth_password() self.user = user # Navigator does not support Kerberos authentication while other components usually requires it self._client = UnsecureHttpClient(self._api_url, logger=LOG) self._client.set_basic_auth(self._username, self._password) self._root = resource.Resource(self._client, urlencode=False) # For search_entities_interactive self.__headers = {} self.__params = ()
def __init__(self, user=None): super(AtlasApi, self).__init__(user) self._api_url = CATALOG.API_URL.get().strip('/') self._username = CATALOG.SERVER_USER.get() self._password = get_catalog_auth_password() # Navigator does not support Kerberos authentication while other components usually requires it self._client = UnsecureHttpClient(self._api_url, logger=LOG) self._client.set_basic_auth(self._username, self._password) self._root = resource.Resource(self._client, urlencode=False) # For search_entities_interactive self.__headers = {} self.__params = ()
class AtlasApi(Api): """ """ DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS = (('originalName', 3), ('originalDescription', 1), ('name', 10), ('description', 3), ('tags', 5)) CATALOG_NAMESPACE = '__cloudera_internal_catalog_hue' NAV_TO_ATLAS_TYPE = { 'table': 'hive_table', 'database': 'hive_db', 'field': 'hive_column' } ATLAS_TO_NAV_TYPE = { 'hive_table': 'TABLE', 'hive_db': 'DATABASE', 'hive_column': 'FIELD' } CLASSIFICATION_RE = re.compile('(?:tag|tags|classification)\s*\:\s*(?:(?:\"([^"]+)\")|([^ ]+))\s*', re.IGNORECASE) TYPE_RE = re.compile('type\s*\:\s*([^ ]+)\s*', re.IGNORECASE) OWNER_RE = re.compile('owner\s*\:\s*([^ ]+)\s*', re.IGNORECASE) def __init__(self, user=None): super(AtlasApi, self).__init__(user) self._api_url = CATALOG.API_URL.get().strip('/') self._username = CATALOG.SERVER_USER.get() self._password = get_catalog_auth_password() # Navigator does not support Kerberos authentication while other components usually requires it self._client = UnsecureHttpClient(self._api_url, logger=LOG) self._client.set_basic_auth(self._username, self._password) self._root = resource.Resource(self._client, urlencode=False) # For search_entities_interactive self.__headers = {} self.__params = () #self._fillup_properties() # Disabled currently def _get_types_from_sources(self, sources): default_entity_types = entity_types = ('DATABASE', 'TABLE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD', 'FILE', 'VIEW', 'S3BUCKET', 'OPERATION', 'DIRECTORY') if 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW', 'DATABASE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD') default_entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW') elif 'hdfs' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') default_entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') elif 's3' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') default_entity_types = ('DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') return default_entity_types, entity_types def adapt_atlas_entity_to_navigator(self, atlas_entity): nav_entity = { "created": 'createTime' in atlas_entity['attributes'] and atlas_entity['attributes']['createTime'], "customProperties": None, "description": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('description'), "identity": atlas_entity['guid'], "internalType": atlas_entity['typeName'], "meaningNames": atlas_entity['meaningNames'], # Atlas specific "meanings": atlas_entity['meanings'], # Atlas specific "name": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('name'), "original_name": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('name'), "originalDescription": None, "originalName": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('name'), "owner": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('owner'), "parentPath": '', # Set below "properties": {}, # Set below "sourceType": '', # Set below "tags": atlas_entity['classificationNames'], "type": self.ATLAS_TO_NAV_TYPE.get(atlas_entity['typeName'].lower()) or atlas_entity['typeName'] } # Convert Atlas qualified name of form db.tbl.col@cluster to parentPath of form /db/tbl if atlas_entity['typeName'].lower().startswith('hive_'): nav_entity['sourceType'] = 'HIVE' qualified_path_parts = re.sub(r'@.*$', '', atlas_entity['attributes'].get('qualifiedName')).split('.') qualified_path_parts.pop() # it's just the parent path we want so remove the entity name nav_entity['parentPath'] = '/' + '/'.join(qualified_path_parts) if 'classifications' in atlas_entity: for atlas_classification in atlas_entity['classifications']: if 'attributes' in atlas_classification: for key, value in atlas_classification['attributes'].iteritems(): nav_entity['properties'][key] = value return nav_entity def fetch_single_entity(self, dsl_query): ''' REQUEST: hue:8889/metadata/api/navigator/find_entity?type=database&name=default SAMPLE response for Navigator find_entity response {"status": 0, "entity": { "customProperties": null, "deleteTime": null, "fileSystemPath": "hdfs://", "description": null, "params": null, "type": "DATABASE", "internalType": "hv_database", "sourceType": "HIVE", "tags": [], "deleted": false, "technicalProperties": null, "userEntity": false, "originalDescription": "Default Hive database", "metaClassName": "hv_database", "properties": {"__cloudera_internal__hueLink": ""}, "identity": "23", "firstClassParentId": null, "name": null, "extractorRunId": "7##1", "sourceId": "7", "packageName": "nav", "parentPath": null, "originalName": "default"}} ''' response = { "status": 0, "entity": [] } try : atlas_response = self._root.get('/v2/search/dsl?query=%s' % dsl_query, headers=self.__headers, params=self.__params) if not 'entities' in atlas_response or len(atlas_response['entities']) < 1: raise CatalogEntityDoesNotExistException('Could not find entity with query: %s' % dsl_query) for atlas_entity in atlas_response['entities']: response['entity'].append(self.adapt_atlas_entity_to_navigator(atlas_entity)) return response['entity'][0] except RestException as e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % dsl_query) if e.code == 401: raise CatalogAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_database(self, name): # Search with Atlas API for hive database with specific name if get_catalog_search_cluster(): qualifiedNameCriteria = 'qualifiedName=\'%s@%s\'' % (name, get_catalog_search_cluster()) else: qualifiedNameCriteria = 'qualifiedName like \'%s@*\'' % name return self.fetch_single_entity('hive_db where %s' % qualifiedNameCriteria) def get_table(self, database_name, table_name, is_view=False): # Search with Atlas API for hive tables with specific name if get_catalog_search_cluster(): qualifiedNameCriteria = 'qualifiedName=\'%s.%s@%s\'' % (database_name, table_name, get_catalog_search_cluster()) else: qualifiedNameCriteria = 'qualifiedName like \'%s.%s@*\'' % (database_name, table_name) return self.fetch_single_entity('hive_table where %s' % qualifiedNameCriteria) def get_field(self, database_name, table_name, field_name): # Search with Atlas API for hive tables with specific qualified name if get_catalog_search_cluster(): qualifiedNameCriteria = 'qualifiedName=\'%s.%s.%s@%s\'' % (database_name, table_name, field_name, get_catalog_search_cluster()) else: qualifiedNameCriteria = 'qualifiedName like \'%s.%s.%s@*\'' % (database_name, table_name, field_name) return self.fetch_single_entity('hive_column where %s' % qualifiedNameCriteria) def search_entities_interactive(self, query_s=None, limit=100, offset=0, facetFields=None, facetPrefix=None, facetRanges=None, filterQueries=None, firstClassEntitiesOnly=None, sources=None): response = { "status": 0, "results": [], "facets": { "tags": {} } } # This takes care of the list_tags endpoint if not query_s and facetFields and 'tags' in facetFields: classification_response = self._root.get('/v2/types/typedefs?type=classification') for classification_def in classification_response['classificationDefs']: if ' ' in classification_def['name']: response['facets']['tags']['"' + classification_def['name'] + '"'] = -1 else: response['facets']['tags'][classification_def['name']] = -1 return response query_s = (query_s.strip() if query_s else '').replace('*', '') atlas_type = None classification = None owner = None # Take the first classification and type facets and ignore other as we can't search multiple in Atlas. classification_facets = self.CLASSIFICATION_RE.findall(query_s) if classification_facets: classification = classification_facets[0][0] or classification_facets[0][1] query_s = self.CLASSIFICATION_RE.sub('', query_s).strip() atlas_type = 'Asset' # Filtered below to just contain hive_db, hive_table or hive_column owner_facets = self.OWNER_RE.findall(query_s) if owner_facets: owner = owner_facets[0] query_s = self.OWNER_RE.sub('', query_s).strip() type_facets = self.TYPE_RE.findall(query_s) if type_facets: atlas_type = self.NAV_TO_ATLAS_TYPE[type_facets[0].lower()] or type_facets[0] query_s = self.TYPE_RE.sub('', query_s).strip() data = { 'attributes': None, 'classification': classification, 'entityFilters': { 'condition': 'AND', 'criterion': [{ 'condition': 'OR', 'criterion': [{ 'attributeName': 'name', 'attributeValue': query_s, 'operator': 'contains' }, { 'attributeName': 'description', 'attributeValue': query_s, 'operator': 'contains' }] }] }, 'excludeDeletedEntities': True, 'includeClassificationAttributes': True, 'includeSubClassifications': True, 'includeSubTypes': True, 'limit': limit, 'offset': 0, 'tagFilters': None, 'termName': None, 'typeName': atlas_type or 'hive_table' } if get_catalog_search_cluster(): data['entityFilters']['criterion'].append({ 'attributeName': 'qualifiedName', 'operator': 'contains', 'attributeValue': '@' + get_catalog_search_cluster() }) if owner: data['entityFilters']['criterion'].append({ 'attributeName': 'owner', 'operator': 'startsWith', 'attributeValue': owner }) try: atlas_response ='/v2/search/basic', data=json.dumps(data), contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE) # Adapt Atlas entities to Navigator structure in the results if 'entities' in atlas_response: for atlas_entity in atlas_response['entities']: if atlas_type != 'Asset' or atlas_entity['typeName'].lower() in ['hive_db', 'hive_table', 'hive_column']: response['results'].append(self.adapt_atlas_entity_to_navigator(atlas_entity)) return response except RestException as e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % data) if e.code == 401: raise CatalogAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise CatalogApiException(e.message) # search_enties is only used by the table browser to fetch child entities of a given table or database. def search_entities(self, query_s, limit=100, offset=0, raw_query=False, **filters): try: found_entities = [] search_terms = [term for term in query_s.strip().split()] if query_s else [] parentPath = None for term in search_terms: if 'parentPath:' in term: name, val = term.split(':') parentPath = val.strip('"').lstrip('/').replace('/', '.') if query_s == 'type:database': if get_catalog_search_cluster(): atlas_dsl_query = 'from hive_db where qualifiedName like \'*@%s\' limit %s' % ( get_catalog_search_cluster(), limit ) else: atlas_dsl_query = 'from hive_db limit %s' % limit elif not parentPath: return found_entities else: atlas_type = 'hive_table' if parentPath.count('.') == 0 else 'hive_column' if get_catalog_search_cluster(): atlas_dsl_query = 'from %s where qualifiedName like \'%s*@%s\' limit %s' % ( atlas_type, parentPath, get_catalog_search_cluster(), limit ) else: atlas_dsl_query = 'from %s where qualifiedName like \'%s*\' limit %s' % (atlas_type, parentPath, limit) atlas_response = self._root.get('/v2/search/dsl?query=%s' % atlas_dsl_query) # Adapt Atlas entities to Navigator structure in the results if 'entities' in atlas_response: for atlas_entity in atlas_response['entities']: found_entities.append(self.adapt_atlas_entity_to_navigator(atlas_entity)) return found_entities except RestException as e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % atlas_dsl_query) if e.code == 401: raise CatalogAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def suggest(self, prefix=None): try: return self._root.get('interactive/suggestions?query=%s' % (prefix or '*')) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % prefix LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_entity(self, entity_id): """ # TODO: get entity by Atlas __guid or qualifiedName GET /v2/search/dsl?query=? """ try: return self._root.get('entities/%s' % entity_id, headers=self.__headers, params=self.__params) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get entity %s: %s' % (entity_id, str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def update_entity(self, entity, **metadata): """ PUT /api/v3/entities/:id """ try: # Workarounds NAV-6187: if we don't re-send those, they would get erased. properties = { 'name': entity['name'], 'description': entity['description'], 'properties': entity['properties'] or {}, 'customProperties': entity['customProperties'] or {} } properties.update(metadata) data = json.dumps(properties) return self._root.put('entities/%(identity)s' % entity, params=self.__params, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, allow_redirects=True, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to update entity %s: %s' % (entity['identity'], e) LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_cluster_source_ids(self): return [] # params = ( # ('query', 'clusterName:"%s"' % get_navigator_hue_server_name()), # ('limit', 200), # ) # # return self._root.get('entities', headers=self.__headers, params=params) def add_tags(self, entity_id, tags): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) new_tags = entity['tags'] or [] new_tags.extend(tags) return self.update_entity(entity, tags=new_tags) def delete_tags(self, entity_id, tags): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) new_tags = entity['tags'] or [] for tag in tags: if tag in new_tags: new_tags.remove(tag) return self.update_entity(entity, tags=new_tags) def update_properties(self, entity_id, properties, modified_custom_metadata=None, deleted_custom_metadata_keys=None): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) if modified_custom_metadata: properties['properties'] = entity['properties'] or {} properties['properties'].update(modified_custom_metadata) if deleted_custom_metadata_keys: properties['properties'] = entity['properties'] or {} for key in deleted_custom_metadata_keys: if key in properties['properties']: del properties['properties'][key] return self.update_entity(entity, **properties) def delete_metadata_properties(self, entity_id, property_keys): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) new_props = entity['properties'] or {} for key in property_keys: if key in new_props: del new_props[key] return self.update_entity(entity, properties=new_props) def get_lineage(self, entity_id): """ GET /api/v3/lineage/entityIds=:id """ try: params = self.__params params += ( ('entityIds', entity_id), ) return self._root.get('lineage', headers=self.__headers, params=params) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get lineage for entity ID %s: %s' % (entity_id, str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def create_namespace(self, namespace, description=None): try: data = json.dumps({'name': namespace, 'description': description}) return'models/namespaces/', data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to create namespace: %s' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_namespace(self, namespace): try: return self._root.get('models/namespaces/%(namespace)s' % {'namespace': namespace}) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get namespace: %s' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def create_namespace_property(self, namespace, properties): try: data = json.dumps(properties) return'models/namespaces/%(namespace)s/properties' % {'namespace': namespace}, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to create namespace %s property' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_namespace_properties(self, namespace): try: return self._root.get('models/namespaces/%(namespace)s/properties' % {'namespace': namespace}) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to create namespace %s property' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def map_namespace_property(self, clazz, properties): try: data = json.dumps(properties) return'models/packages/nav/classes/%(class)s/properties' % {'class': clazz}, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to map class %s property' % clazz LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_model_properties_mapping(self): try: return self._root.get('models/properties/mappings') except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get models properties mappings' LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def _fillup_properties(self): global _HAS_CATALOG_NAMESPACE if _HAS_CATALOG_NAMESPACE is None: response = self.get_namespace(namespace=AtlasApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE) if not response: self.create_namespace(namespace=AtlasApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE, description="Set of fields to augment the data catalog") properties = self.get_namespace_properties(namespace=AtlasApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE) if not [_property for _property in properties if _property['name'] == 'relatedDocuments']: self.create_namespace_property(namespace=AtlasApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE, properties={ "name": "relatedDocuments", "displayName": "Related documents", "description": "List of Hue document UUIDs related to this entity", "multiValued": True, "maxLength": 36, "pattern": ".*", # UUID "enumValues": None, "type": "TEXT" }) # Might want to check if the mapping is already done for clazz in ('hv_table', 'hv_view'): self.map_namespace_property(clazz, properties=[{ "namespace": AtlasApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE, "name": "relatedDocuments" }]) _HAS_CATALOG_NAMESPACE = True def _get_boosted_term(self, term): return 'AND'.join([ '(%s)' % 'OR'.join(['(%s:%s*^%s)' % (field, term, weight) for (field, weight) in AtlasApi.DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS]), # Matching fields '(%s)' % 'OR'.join(['(%s:[* TO *])' % field for (field, weight) in AtlasApi.DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS]) # Boost entities with enriched fields # Could add certain customProperties and properties ]) def _clean_path(self, path): return path.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1], self._escape_slashes(path.rstrip('/')) def _escape_slashes(self, s): return s.replace('/', '\/')
class AtlasApi(Api): """ """ DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS = (('originalName', 3), ('originalDescription', 1), ('name', 10), ('description', 3), ('tags', 5)) CATALOG_NAMESPACE = '__cloudera_internal_catalog_hue' def __init__(self, user=None): super(AtlasApi, self).__init__(user) self._api_url = CATALOG.API_URL.get().strip('/') self._username = get_catalog_auth_username() self._password = get_catalog_auth_password() # Navigator does not support Kerberos authentication while other components usually requires it self._client = UnsecureHttpClient(self._api_url, logger=LOG) self._client.set_basic_auth(self._username, self._password) self._root = resource.Resource( self._client, urlencode=False) # For search_entities_interactive self.__headers = {} self.__params = () #self._fillup_properties() # Disabled currently def _get_types_from_sources(self, sources): default_entity_types = entity_types = ('DATABASE', 'TABLE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD', 'FILE', 'VIEW', 'S3BUCKET', 'OPERATION', 'DIRECTORY') if 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW', 'DATABASE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD') default_entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW') elif 'hdfs' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') default_entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') elif 's3' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') default_entity_types = ('DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') return default_entity_types, entity_types def search_entities_interactive(self, query_s=None, limit=100, offset=0, facetFields=None, facetPrefix=None, facetRanges=None, filterQueries=None, firstClassEntitiesOnly=None, sources=None): try: pagination = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': CATALOG.FETCH_SIZE_SEARCH_INTERACTIVE.get(), } f = { "outputFormat": { "type": "dynamic" }, "name": { "type": "dynamic" }, "lastModified": { "type": "date" }, "sourceType": { "type": "dynamic" }, "parentPath": { "type": "dynamic" }, "lastAccessed": { "type": "date" }, "type": { "type": "dynamic" }, "sourceId": { "type": "dynamic" }, "partitionColNames": { "type": "dynamic" }, "serDeName": { "type": "dynamic" }, "created": { "type": "date" }, "fileSystemPath": { "type": "dynamic" }, "compressed": { "type": "bool" }, "clusteredByColNames": { "type": "dynamic" }, "originalName": { "type": "dynamic" }, "owner": { "type": "dynamic" }, "extractorRunId": { "type": "dynamic" }, "userEntity": { "type": "bool" }, "sortByColNames": { "type": "dynamic" }, "inputFormat": { "type": "dynamic" }, "serDeLibName": { "type": "dynamic" }, "originalDescription": { "type": "dynamic" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "type": "dynamic" } } auto_field_facets = ["tags", "type"] + f.keys() query_s = (query_s.strip() if query_s else '') + '*' last_query_term = [term for term in query_s.split()][-1] if last_query_term and last_query_term != '*': last_query_term = last_query_term.rstrip('*') (fname, fval) = last_query_term.split( ':') if ':' in last_query_term else (last_query_term, '') auto_field_facets = [ f for f in auto_field_facets if f.startswith(fname) ] facetFields = facetFields or auto_field_facets[:5] entity_types = [] fq_type = [] if filterQueries is None: filterQueries = [] if sources: default_entity_types, entity_types = self._get_types_from_sources( sources) if 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: fq_type = default_entity_types filterQueries.append( 'sourceType:HIVE OR sourceType:IMPALA') elif 'hdfs' in sources: fq_type = entity_types elif 's3' in sources: fq_type = default_entity_types filterQueries.append('sourceType:s3') if query_s.strip().endswith( 'type:*'): # To list all available types fq_type = entity_types search_terms = [term for term in query_s.strip().split() ] if query_s else [] query = [] for term in search_terms: if ':' not in term: query.append(self._get_boosted_term(term)) else: name, val = term.split(':') if val: # Allow to type non default types, e.g for SQL: type:FIEL* if name == 'type': # Make sure type value still makes sense for the source term = '%s:%s' % (name, val.upper()) fq_type = entity_types if name.lower() not in [ 'type', 'tags', 'owner', 'originalname', 'originaldescription', 'lastmodifiedby' ]: # User Defined Properties are prefixed with 'up_', i.e. "department:sales" -> "up_department:sales" query.append('up_' + term) else: filterQueries.append(term) filterQueries.append('deleted:false') body = {'query': ' '.join(query) or '*'} if fq_type: filterQueries += [ '{!tag=type} %s' % ' OR '.join(['type:%s' % fq for fq in fq_type]) ] source_ids = self.get_cluster_source_ids() if source_ids: body['query'] = source_ids + '(' + body['query'] + ')' body['facetFields'] = facetFields or [ ] # Currently mandatory in API if facetPrefix: body['facetPrefix'] = facetPrefix if facetRanges: body['facetRanges'] = facetRanges if filterQueries: body['filterQueries'] = filterQueries if firstClassEntitiesOnly: body['firstClassEntitiesOnly'] = firstClassEntitiesOnly data = json.dumps(body) # ?typeName=hive_db # /search/dsl?query=hive_db%20where%20name='default' return '/search/basic?limit=%(limit)s&offset=%(offset)s' % pagination, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) except RestException, e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % json.dumps(body)) if e.code == 401: raise CatalogAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise CatalogApiException(e.message)
class AtlasApi(Api): """ """ DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS = (('originalName', 3), ('originalDescription', 1), ('name', 10), ('description', 3), ('tags', 5)) CATALOG_NAMESPACE = '__cloudera_internal_catalog_hue' NAV_TO_ATLAS_TYPE = { 'table': 'hive_table', 'database': 'hive_db', 'field': 'hive_column' } ATLAS_TO_NAV_TYPE = { 'hive_table': 'TABLE', 'hive_db': 'DATABASE', 'hive_column': 'FIELD' } def __init__(self, user=None): super(AtlasApi, self).__init__(user) self._api_url = CATALOG.API_URL.get().strip('/') self._username = CATALOG.SERVER_USER.get() self._password = get_catalog_auth_password() # Navigator does not support Kerberos authentication while other components usually requires it self._client = UnsecureHttpClient(self._api_url, logger=LOG) self._client.set_basic_auth(self._username, self._password) self._root = resource.Resource( self._client, urlencode=False) # For search_entities_interactive self.__headers = {} self.__params = () #self._fillup_properties() # Disabled currently def _get_types_from_sources(self, sources): default_entity_types = entity_types = ('DATABASE', 'TABLE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD', 'FILE', 'VIEW', 'S3BUCKET', 'OPERATION', 'DIRECTORY') if 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW', 'DATABASE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD') default_entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW') elif 'hdfs' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') default_entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') elif 's3' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') default_entity_types = ('DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') return default_entity_types, entity_types def adapt_atlas_entity_to_navigator(self, atlas_entity): nav_entity = { "created": 'createTime' in atlas_entity['attributes'] and atlas_entity['attributes']['createTime'], "customProperties": None, "description": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('description'), "identity": atlas_entity['guid'], "internalType": atlas_entity['typeName'], "meaningNames": atlas_entity['meaningNames'], # Atlas specific "meanings": atlas_entity['meanings'], # Atlas specific "name": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('name'), "original_name": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('name'), "originalDescription": None, "originalName": atlas_entity['attributes'].get('name'), "owner": atlas_entity.get('owner'), "parentPath": '', # Set below "properties": {}, # Set below "sourceType": '', # Set below "tags": atlas_entity['classificationNames'], "type": self.ATLAS_TO_NAV_TYPE.get(atlas_entity['typeName'].lower()) or atlas_entity['typeName'] } # Convert Atlas qualified name of form db.tbl.col@cluster to parentPath of form /db/tbl if atlas_entity['typeName'].lower().startswith('hive_'): nav_entity['sourceType'] = 'HIVE' qualified_path_parts = re.sub( r'@.*$', '', atlas_entity['attributes'].get('qualifiedName')).split('.') qualified_path_parts.pop( ) # it's just the parent path we want so remove the entity name nav_entity['parentPath'] = '/' + '/'.join(qualified_path_parts) if 'classifications' in atlas_entity: for atlas_classification in atlas_entity['classifications']: if 'attributes' in atlas_classification: for key, value in atlas_classification[ 'attributes'].iteritems(): nav_entity['properties'][key] = value return nav_entity def parse_atlas_response(self, atlas_response): ''' REQUEST: hue:8889/metadata/api/navigator/find_entity?type=database&name=default SAMPLE response for Navigator find_entity response {"status": 0, "entity": { "customProperties": null, "deleteTime": null, "fileSystemPath": "hdfs://", "description": null, "params": null, "type": "DATABASE", "internalType": "hv_database", "sourceType": "HIVE", "tags": [], "deleted": false, "technicalProperties": null, "userEntity": false, "originalDescription": "Default Hive database", "metaClassName": "hv_database", "properties": {"__cloudera_internal__hueLink": ""}, "identity": "23", "firstClassParentId": null, "name": null, "extractorRunId": "7##1", "sourceId": "7", "packageName": "nav", "parentPath": null, "originalName": "default"}} ''' response = {"status": 0, "entity": []} if not atlas_response['entities']: LOG.error('No entities in atlas response to parse: %s' % json.dumps(atlas_response)) for atlas_entity in atlas_response['entities']: response['entity'].append( self.adapt_atlas_entity_to_navigator(atlas_entity)) return response['entity'][0] def get_database(self, name): # Search with Atlas API for hive database with specific name try: dsl_query = '+'.join(['hive_db', 'where', 'name=%s']) % name atlas_response = self._root.get('/v2/search/dsl?query=%s' % dsl_query, headers=self.__headers, params=self.__params) return self.parse_atlas_response(atlas_response) except RestException, e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % dsl_query) if e.code == 401: raise CatalogAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise CatalogApiException(e.message)
class NavigatorApi(Api): """ """ DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS = (('originalName', 3), ('originalDescription', 1), ('name', 10), ('description', 3), ('tags', 5)) CATALOG_NAMESPACE = '__cloudera_internal_catalog_hue' def __init__(self, user=None): super(NavigatorApi, self).__init__(user) self._api_url = '%s/%s' % (NAVIGATOR.API_URL.get().strip('/'), VERSION) self._username = get_navigator_auth_username() self._password = get_navigator_auth_password() # Navigator does not support Kerberos authentication while other components usually requires it self._client = UnsecureHttpClient(self._api_url, logger=LOG) self._client.set_basic_auth(self._username, self._password) self._root = resource.Resource( self._client, urlencode=False) # For search_entities_interactive self.__headers = {} self.__params = {} #self._fillup_properties() # Disabled currently def _get_types_from_sources(self, sources): default_entity_types = entity_types = ('DATABASE', 'TABLE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD', 'FILE', 'VIEW', 'S3BUCKET', 'OPERATION', 'DIRECTORY') if 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW', 'DATABASE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD') default_entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW') elif 'hdfs' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') default_entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') elif 's3' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') default_entity_types = ('DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') return default_entity_types, entity_types def search_entities_interactive(self, query_s=None, limit=100, offset=0, facetFields=None, facetPrefix=None, facetRanges=None, filterQueries=None, firstClassEntitiesOnly=None, sources=None): try: pagination = { 'offset': offset, 'limit': NAVIGATOR.FETCH_SIZE_SEARCH_INTERACTIVE.get(), } f = { "outputFormat": { "type": "dynamic" }, "name": { "type": "dynamic" }, "lastModified": { "type": "date" }, "sourceType": { "type": "dynamic" }, "parentPath": { "type": "dynamic" }, "lastAccessed": { "type": "date" }, "type": { "type": "dynamic" }, "sourceId": { "type": "dynamic" }, "partitionColNames": { "type": "dynamic" }, "serDeName": { "type": "dynamic" }, "created": { "type": "date" }, "fileSystemPath": { "type": "dynamic" }, "compressed": { "type": "bool" }, "clusteredByColNames": { "type": "dynamic" }, "originalName": { "type": "dynamic" }, "owner": { "type": "dynamic" }, "extractorRunId": { "type": "dynamic" }, "userEntity": { "type": "bool" }, "sortByColNames": { "type": "dynamic" }, "inputFormat": { "type": "dynamic" }, "serDeLibName": { "type": "dynamic" }, "originalDescription": { "type": "dynamic" }, "lastModifiedBy": { "type": "dynamic" } } auto_field_facets = ["tags", "type"] + list(f.keys()) query_s = (query_s.strip() if query_s else '') + '*' query_s = query_s.replace('tag:', 'tags:').replace('classification:', 'tags:') last_query_term = [term for term in query_s.split()][-1] if last_query_term and last_query_term != '*': last_query_term = last_query_term.rstrip('*') (fname, fval) = last_query_term.split( ':') if ':' in last_query_term else (last_query_term, '') auto_field_facets = [ f for f in auto_field_facets if f.startswith(fname) ] facetFields = facetFields or auto_field_facets[:5] entity_types = [] fq_type = [] if filterQueries is None: filterQueries = [] if sources: default_entity_types, entity_types = self._get_types_from_sources( sources) if 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: fq_type = default_entity_types filterQueries.append( 'sourceType:HIVE OR sourceType:IMPALA') elif 'hdfs' in sources: fq_type = entity_types elif 's3' in sources: fq_type = default_entity_types filterQueries.append('sourceType:s3') if query_s.strip().endswith( 'type:*'): # To list all available types fq_type = entity_types search_terms = [term for term in query_s.strip().split() ] if query_s else [] query = [] for term in search_terms: if ':' not in term: query.append(self._get_boosted_term(term)) else: name, val = term.split(':') if val: # Allow to type non default types, e.g for SQL: type:FIEL* if name == 'type': # Make sure type value still makes sense for the source term = '%s:%s' % (name, val.upper()) fq_type = entity_types if name.lower() not in [ 'type', 'tags', 'owner', 'originalname', 'originaldescription', 'lastmodifiedby' ]: # User Defined Properties are prefixed with 'up_', i.e. "department:sales" -> "up_department:sales" query.append('up_' + term) else: filterQueries.append(term) filterQueries.append('deleted:false') body = {'query': ' '.join(query) or '*'} if fq_type: filterQueries += [ '{!tag=type} %s' % ' OR '.join(['type:%s' % fq for fq in fq_type]) ] source_ids = get_cluster_source_ids(self) if source_ids: body['query'] = source_ids + '(' + body['query'] + ')' body['facetFields'] = facetFields or [ ] # Currently mandatory in API if facetPrefix: body['facetPrefix'] = facetPrefix if facetRanges: body['facetRanges'] = facetRanges if filterQueries: body['filterQueries'] = filterQueries if firstClassEntitiesOnly: body['firstClassEntitiesOnly'] = firstClassEntitiesOnly data = json.dumps(body) response = 'interactive/entities?limit=%(limit)s&offset=%(offset)s' % pagination, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) response['results'] = list( islice(self._secure_results(response['results']), limit)) # Apply Sentry perms return response except RestException as e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % json.dumps(body)) if e.code == 401: raise CatalogAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def search_entities(self, query_s, limit=100, offset=0, raw_query=False, **filters): """ Solr edismax query parser syntax. :param query_s: a query string of search terms (e.g. - sales quarterly); Currently the search will perform an OR boolean search for all terms (split on whitespace), against a whitelist of search_fields. """ sources = filters.get('sources', []) default_entity_types, entity_types = self._get_types_from_sources( sources) try: params = self.__params if not raw_query: query_s = query_s.replace('{', '\\{').replace( '}', '\\}').replace('(', '\\(').replace(')', '\\)').replace( '[', '\\[').replace(']', '\\]') search_terms = [term for term in query_s.strip().split()] query_clauses = [] user_filters = [] source_type_filter = [] for term in search_terms: if ':' not in term: if ('sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources): if '.' in term: parent, term = term.rsplit('.', 1) user_filters.append('parentPath:"/%s"' % parent.replace('.', '/')) query_clauses.append(self._get_boosted_term(term)) else: name, val = term.split(':') if val: if name == 'type': term = '%s:%s' % (name, val.upper().strip('*')) default_entity_types = entity_types # Make sure type value still makes sense for the source user_filters.append( term + '*') # Manual filter allowed e.g. type:VIE* ca filter_query = '*' if query_clauses: filter_query = 'OR'.join( ['(%s)' % clause for clause in query_clauses]) user_filter_clause = 'AND '.join( ['(%s)' % f for f in user_filters]) or '*' source_filter_clause = 'OR'.join([ '(%s:%s)' % ('type', entity_type) for entity_type in default_entity_types ]) if 's3' in sources: source_type_filter.append('sourceType:s3') elif 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: source_type_filter.append( 'sourceType:HIVE OR sourceType:IMPALA') filter_query = '%s AND (%s) AND (%s)' % ( filter_query, user_filter_clause, source_filter_clause) if source_type_filter: filter_query += ' AND (%s)' % 'OR '.join( source_type_filter) source_ids = get_cluster_source_ids(self) if source_ids: filter_query = source_ids + '(' + filter_query + ')' else: filter_query = query_s params.update({ 'query': filter_query, 'offset': offset, 'limit': NAVIGATOR.FETCH_SIZE_SEARCH.get() }) response = self._root.get('entities', headers=self.__headers, params=params) response = list(islice(self._secure_results(response), limit)) # Apply Sentry perms return response except RestException as e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % query_s) if e.code == 401: raise CatalogAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise CatalogApiException(e) def _secure_results(self, results, checker=None): # TODO: to move directly to Catalog API if NAVIGATOR.APPLY_SENTRY_PERMISSIONS.get(): checker = get_checker(self.user, checker) action = 'SELECT' def getkey(result): key = {u'server': get_hive_sentry_provider()} if result['type'] == 'TABLE' or result['type'] == 'VIEW': key['db'] = result.get('parentPath', '') and result.get( 'parentPath', '').strip('/') key['table'] = result.get('originalName', '') elif result['type'] == 'DATABASE': key['db'] = result.get('originalName', '') elif result['type'] == 'FIELD': parents = result.get('parentPath', '').strip('/').split('/') if len(parents) == 2: key['db'], key['table'] = parents key['column'] = result.get('originalName', '') return key return checker.filter_objects(results, action, key=getkey) else: return results def suggest(self, prefix=None): try: return self._root.get('interactive/suggestions?query=%s' % (prefix or '*')) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % prefix LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def find_entity(self, source_type, type, name, **filters): """ GET /api/v3/entities?query=((sourceType:<source_type>)AND(type:<type>)AND(originalName:<name>)) """ try: params = self.__params query_filters = { 'sourceType': source_type, 'originalName': name, 'deleted': 'false' } for key, value in list(filters.items()): query_filters[key] = value filter_query = 'AND'.join( '(%s:%s)' % (key, value) for key, value in list(query_filters.items())) filter_query = '%(type)s AND %(filter_query)s' % { 'type': '(type:%s)' % 'TABLE OR type:VIEW' if type == 'TABLE' else type, # Impala don't always say that a table is actually a view 'filter_query': filter_query } source_ids = get_cluster_source_ids(self) if source_ids: filter_query = source_ids + '(' + filter_query + ')' params.update({ 'query': filter_query, 'offset': 0, 'limit': 2 # We are looking for single entity, so limit to 2 to check for multiple results }) response = self._root.get('entities', headers=self.__headers, params=params) if not response: raise CatalogEntityDoesNotExistException( 'Could not find entity with query filters: %s' % str(query_filters)) elif len(response) > 1: raise CatalogApiException( 'Found more than 1 entity with query filters: %s' % str(query_filters)) return response[0] except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to find entity: %s' % str(e) LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_entity(self, entity_id): """ GET /api/v3/entities/:id """ try: return self._root.get('entities/%s' % entity_id, headers=self.__headers, params=self.__params) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get entity %s: %s' % (entity_id, str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def update_entity(self, entity, **metadata): """ PUT /api/v3/entities/:id """ try: # Workarounds NAV-6187: if we don't re-send those, they would get erased. properties = { 'name': entity['name'], 'description': entity['description'], 'properties': entity['properties'] or {}, 'customProperties': entity['customProperties'] or {} } properties.update(metadata) data = json.dumps(properties) return self._root.put('entities/%(identity)s' % entity, params=self.__params, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, allow_redirects=True, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to update entity %s: %s' % (entity['identity'], e) LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_cluster_source_ids(self): params = { 'query': 'clusterName:"%s"' % get_navigator_hue_server_name(), 'limit': 200 } return self._root.get('entities', headers=self.__headers, params=params) def add_tags(self, entity_id, tags): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) new_tags = entity['tags'] or [] new_tags.extend(tags) return self.update_entity(entity, tags=new_tags) def delete_tags(self, entity_id, tags): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) new_tags = entity['tags'] or [] for tag in tags: if tag in new_tags: new_tags.remove(tag) return self.update_entity(entity, tags=new_tags) def update_properties(self, entity_id, properties, modified_custom_metadata=None, deleted_custom_metadata_keys=None): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) if modified_custom_metadata: properties['properties'] = entity['properties'] or {} properties['properties'].update(modified_custom_metadata) if deleted_custom_metadata_keys: properties['properties'] = entity['properties'] or {} for key in deleted_custom_metadata_keys: if key in properties['properties']: del properties['properties'][key] return self.update_entity(entity, **properties) def delete_metadata_properties(self, entity_id, property_keys): entity = self.get_entity(entity_id) new_props = entity['properties'] or {} for key in property_keys: if key in new_props: del new_props[key] return self.update_entity(entity, properties=new_props) def get_lineage(self, entity_id): """ GET /api/v3/lineage/entityIds=:id """ try: params = self.__params params.update({'entityIds': entity_id}) return self._root.get('lineage', headers=self.__headers, params=params) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get lineage for entity ID %s: %s' % (entity_id, str(e)) LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def create_namespace(self, namespace, description=None): try: data = json.dumps({'name': namespace, 'description': description}) return'models/namespaces/', data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to create namespace: %s' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_namespace(self, namespace): try: return self._root.get('models/namespaces/%(namespace)s' % {'namespace': namespace}) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get namespace: %s' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def create_namespace_property(self, namespace, properties): try: data = json.dumps(properties) return 'models/namespaces/%(namespace)s/properties' % {'namespace': namespace}, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to create namespace %s property' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_namespace_properties(self, namespace): try: return self._root.get( 'models/namespaces/%(namespace)s/properties' % {'namespace': namespace}) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to create namespace %s property' % namespace LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def map_namespace_property(self, clazz, properties): try: data = json.dumps(properties) return 'models/packages/nav/classes/%(class)s/properties' % {'class': clazz}, data=data, contenttype=_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE, clear_cookies=True) except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to map class %s property' % clazz LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def get_model_properties_mapping(self): try: return self._root.get('models/properties/mappings') except RestException as e: msg = 'Failed to get models properties mappings' LOG.error(msg) raise CatalogApiException(e.message) def _fillup_properties(self): global _HAS_CATALOG_NAMESPACE if _HAS_CATALOG_NAMESPACE is None: response = self.get_namespace( namespace=NavigatorApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE) if not response: self.create_namespace( namespace=NavigatorApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE, description="Set of fields to augment the data catalog") properties = self.get_namespace_properties( namespace=NavigatorApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE) if not [ _property for _property in properties if _property['name'] == 'relatedDocuments' ]: self.create_namespace_property( namespace=NavigatorApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE, properties={ "name": "relatedDocuments", "displayName": "Related documents", "description": "List of Hue document UUIDs related to this entity", "multiValued": True, "maxLength": 36, "pattern": ".*", # UUID "enumValues": None, "type": "TEXT" }) # Might want to check if the mapping is already done for clazz in ('hv_table', 'hv_view'): self.map_namespace_property( clazz, properties=[{ "namespace": NavigatorApi.CATALOG_NAMESPACE, "name": "relatedDocuments" }]) _HAS_CATALOG_NAMESPACE = True def _get_boosted_term(self, term): return 'AND'.join([ # Matching fields '(%s)' % 'OR'.join([ '(%s:%s*^%s)' % (field, term, weight) for (field, weight) in NavigatorApi.DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS ]), # Boost entities with enriched fields '(%s)' % 'OR'.join([ '(%s:[* TO *])' % field for (field, weight) in NavigatorApi.DEFAULT_SEARCH_FIELDS ]) # Could add certain customProperties and properties ]) def _clean_path(self, path): return path.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1], self._escape_slashes( path.rstrip('/')) def _escape_slashes(self, s): return s.replace('/', '\/')
class NavigatorApi(object): """ """ def __init__(self, user=None): self._api_url = '%s/%s' % (NAVIGATOR.API_URL.get().strip('/'), VERSION) self._username = get_navigator_auth_username() self._password = get_navigator_auth_password() self.user = user # Navigator does not support Kerberos authentication while other components usually requires it self._client = UnsecureHttpClient(self._api_url, logger=LOG) self._client.set_basic_auth(self._username, self._password) self._root = resource.Resource( self._client, urlencode=False) # For search_entities_interactive self.__headers = {} self.__params = () def _get_types_from_sources(self, sources): default_entity_types = entity_types = ('DATABASE', 'TABLE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD', 'FILE', 'VIEW', 'S3BUCKET', 'OPERATION', 'DIRECTORY') if 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW', 'DATABASE', 'PARTITION', 'FIELD') default_entity_types = ('TABLE', 'VIEW') elif 'hdfs' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') default_entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY') elif 's3' in sources: entity_types = ('FILE', 'DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') default_entity_types = ('DIRECTORY', 'S3BUCKET') return default_entity_types, entity_types def search_entities(self, query_s, limit=100, offset=0, **filters): """ Solr edismax query parser syntax. :param query_s: a query string of search terms (e.g. - sales quarterly); Currently the search will perform an OR boolean search for all terms (split on whitespace), against a whitelist of search_fields. """ search_fields = ('originalName', 'originalDescription', 'name', 'description', 'tags') sources = filters.get('sources', []) default_entity_types, entity_types = self._get_types_from_sources( sources) try: query_s = query_s.replace('{', '\\{').replace('}', '\\}').replace( '(', '\\(').replace(')', '\\)').replace('[', '\\[').replace(']', '\\]') params = self.__params search_terms = [term for term in query_s.strip().split()] query_clauses = [] user_filters = [] source_type_filter = [] for term in search_terms: if ':' not in term: if ('sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources): if '.' in term: parent, term = term.rsplit('.', 1) user_filters.append('parentPath:"/%s"' % parent.replace('.', '/')) query_clauses.append('OR'.join([ '(%s:*%s*)' % (field, term) for field in search_fields ])) else: name, val = term.split(':') if val: if name == 'type': term = '%s:%s' % (name, val.upper().strip('*')) default_entity_types = entity_types # Make sure type value still makes sense for the source user_filters.append( term + '*') # Manual filter allowed e.g. type:VIE* ca filter_query = '*' if query_clauses: filter_query = 'OR'.join( ['(%s)' % clause for clause in query_clauses]) user_filter_clause = 'AND '.join( ['(%s)' % f for f in user_filters]) or '*' source_filter_clause = 'OR'.join([ '(%s:%s)' % ('type', entity_type) for entity_type in default_entity_types ]) if 's3' in sources: source_type_filter.append('sourceType:s3') elif 'sql' in sources or 'hive' in sources or 'impala' in sources: source_type_filter.append( 'sourceType:HIVE OR sourceType:IMPALA') filter_query = '%s AND (%s) AND (%s)' % ( filter_query, user_filter_clause, source_filter_clause) if source_type_filter: filter_query += ' AND (%s)' % 'OR '.join(source_type_filter) source_ids = get_cluster_source_ids(self) if source_ids: filter_query = source_ids + '(' + filter_query + ')' params += ( ('query', filter_query), ('offset', offset), ('limit', NAVIGATOR.FETCH_SIZE_SEARCH.get()), ) response = self._root.get('entities', headers=self.__headers, params=params) response = list(islice(self._secure_results(response), limit)) # Apply Sentry perms return response except RestException, e: LOG.error('Failed to search for entities with search query: %s' % query_s) if e.code == 401: raise NavigathorAuthException(_('Failed to authenticate.')) else: raise NavigatorApiException(e)