def initialize(self, alias_data): from import Response self.data_response = Response() self.data_response.open_connection() self.alias_data = alias_data self.param_extractor = ParamExtractor(self) self.path_extractor = PathExtractor(self) self.entity_factory = EntityFactory(self.alias_data) self.brute_detector = Detector(self.alias_data)
def __init__(self, alias_data): self.POS_to_use = ["J", "N", "V", "R", "I"] self.extra_stop_words = ["show"] self.stopwords = stopwords.words('english') self.stopwords.extend(self.extra_stop_words) self.skip_words = [ "all", "any", "anything", "display", "every", "everything", "find", "go", "like", "looking", "nice", "pair", "show", "some", "something", "want" ] self.stemmer = PorterStemmer() self.tokenizer = nltk.WordPunctTokenizer() self.alias_data = alias_data self.entity_factory = EntityFactory(self.alias_data)
def __init__(self, alias_data): self.POS_to_use = ["J", "N", "V", "R", "I"] self.extra_stop_words = [ "show" ] self.stopwords = stopwords.words('english') self.stopwords.extend(self.extra_stop_words) self.skip_words = [ "all", "any", "anything", "display", "every", "everything", "find", "go", "like", "looking", "nice", "pair", "show", "some", "something", "want" ] self.stemmer = PorterStemmer() self.tokenizer = nltk.WordPunctTokenizer() self.alias_data = alias_data self.entity_factory = EntityFactory(self.alias_data)
class Detector: def __init__(self, alias_data): self.POS_to_use = ["J", "N", "V", "R", "I"] self.extra_stop_words = [ "show" ] self.stopwords = stopwords.words('english') self.stopwords.extend(self.extra_stop_words) self.skip_words = [ "all", "any", "anything", "display", "every", "everything", "find", "go", "like", "looking", "nice", "pair", "show", "some", "something", "want" ] self.stemmer = PorterStemmer() self.tokenizer = nltk.WordPunctTokenizer() self.alias_data = alias_data self.entity_factory = EntityFactory(self.alias_data) def detect_intent(self, preperation_result): return { "confidence": 80.0, "intent": "include" } def detect(self, q): preperation_result = self.preparation(q) outcome = self.detect_intent(preperation_result) outcome["entities"] = [] entities = self.detect_entities(self.alias_data, preperation_result) for x in entities["detections"]: outcome["entities"].append(self.entity_factory.create(x["type"], x["key"], source=x["source"])) for x in entities["non_detections"]: outcome["entities"].append(self.entity_factory.create("unknown", x, confidence=10.0)) return [outcome] def preparation(self, q): # used_query = q.lower().strip() used_query = q result = { "used_query": used_query, "original_query": q } raw_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(used_query) token_spans = list(self.tokenizer.span_tokenize(used_query)) tagged_words = nltk.pos_tag(raw_tokens) result["tokens"] = [] for index, value in enumerate(raw_tokens): lower_value = value.lower() stop_word = lower_value in self.stopwords skip_word = lower_value in self.skip_words result["tokens"].append({ "value": lower_value, "start": token_spans[index][0], "end": token_spans[index][1], "pos": tagged_words[index][1], "use": tagged_words[index][1][0] in self.POS_to_use and not stop_word and not skip_word, "stem": self.stemmer.stem(lower_value), "stop_word": stop_word, "skip_word": skip_word }) return result def create_found_doc(self, term, tokens, found_item, start, end): return { "term": term, "tokens": tokens, "found_item": found_item, "start": start, "end": end, "position": "%s_%s" % (start, end) } def find_matches(self, ngram_size: int, tokens: list, vocab, can_not_match=None): if can_not_match is None: can_not_match = [] res = { "found": [], "can_not_match": can_not_match } tokens_to_use = [x for x in tokens if x["use"]] n = min(len(tokens_to_use), ngram_size) for ngram in ngrams(tokens_to_use, n): ngram_term = " ".join( x["value"] for x in ngram ) start = ngram[0]["start"] end = ngram[-1:][0]["end"] if ngram_term in vocab["en"]: # must be copied in this way key = "%s_%s" % (start, end) new_doc = self.create_found_doc( ngram_term, [x["value"] for x in ngram], vocab["en"][ngram_term], start, end ) if not any(y for y in res["found"] if new_doc["position"] == y["position"]): res["found"].append(new_doc) elif n > 0: new_found_items = self.find_matches( n - 1, tokens, vocab, can_not_match=res["can_not_match"] )["found"] res["found"].extend( [x for x in new_found_items if not any(y for y in res["found"] if x["position"] == y["position"])] ) elif n == 0 and ngram[0]["use"] and ngram[0]["pos"][0] in self.POS_to_use and ngram[0] not in res[ "can_not_match"]: res["can_not_match"].append(ngram[0]) flattened_tokens = [x for entity in res["found"] for x in entity["tokens"]] res["can_not_match"] = [x for x in res["can_not_match"] if x["value"] not in flattened_tokens] return res def autocorrect_query(self, used_query, found_entities): corrected_query = used_query corrected = False # need to work from end of string backwards otherwise it gets messed up with adding/removing chars for entity in sorted(found_entities, key=itemgetter("start"), reverse=True): for x in [x for x in entity["found_item"] if x["match_type"] == "spelling"]: corrected = True corrected_query = corrected_query[0:entity["start"]] + x["display_name"] + corrected_query[ entity["end"]:] if corrected: return corrected_query else: return None def key_matches(self, found_entities): return [x["found_item"][0] for x in found_entities] def unique_matches(self, found_entities): # flattened = [{ # "type": x["type"], # "key": x["key"], # "source": x["source"] # } for entity in found_entities for x in entity["found_item"]] flattened = [{ "type": x["type"], "key": x["key"], "source": x["source"] } for entity in found_entities for x in entity["found_item"]] return list({v['type'] + v['key']: v for v in flattened}.values()) def unique_non_detections(self, can_not_match): return list(set(x["value"] for x in can_not_match)) def format_found_entities(self, all_found): unique_items = [] for current_item in all_found: if not any([x for x in all_found if current_item["position"] != x["position"] and current_item["start"] >= x["start"] and current_item["end"] <= x["end"]]): unique_items.append(current_item) return unique_items def detect_entities(self, vocab, preparation_result): found_entities = self.find_matches(3, preparation_result["tokens"], vocab) found = self.format_found_entities(found_entities["found"]) autocorrected_query = self.autocorrect_query( preparation_result["used_query"], found ) key_matches = self.key_matches(found) # unique_entities = self.unique_matches(found) res = { "detections": key_matches, "non_detections": self.unique_non_detections(found_entities["can_not_match"]) } if autocorrected_query is not None: res["autocorrected_query"] = autocorrected_query return res
class Detect(RequestHandler): brute_detector = None alias_data = None data_response = None param_extractor = None path_extractor = None entity_factory = None def data_received(self, chunk): pass def initialize(self, alias_data): from import Response self.data_response = Response() self.data_response.open_connection() self.alias_data = alias_data self.param_extractor = ParamExtractor(self) self.path_extractor = PathExtractor(self) self.entity_factory = EntityFactory(self.alias_data) self.brute_detector = Detector(self.alias_data) def on_finish(self): pass @asynchronous def post(self, *args, **kwargs): self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') detection_id = ObjectId() "app=detection,function=detect,detection_id=%s,application_id=%s,session_id=%s,q=%s", detection_id, self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), self.param_extractor.query()) if False: url = "%smessage?v=%s&q=%s&msg_id=%s" % ( WIT_URL, WIT_URL_VERSION, url_escape(self.param_extractor.query()), str(detection_id)) r = HTTPRequest(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % WIT_TOKEN}) client = AsyncHTTPClient() client.fetch(r, callback=self.wit_call_back) else: date = outcomes = self.brute_detector.detect(self.param_extractor.query()) self.data_response.insert(self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), detection_id, "brute", date, self.param_extractor.query(), outcomes=outcomes) self.set_status(202) self.set_header("Location", "/%s" % str(detection_id)) self.set_header("_id", str(detection_id)) self.finish() Worker(self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), detection_id, date, self.param_extractor.query(), self.param_extractor.skip_slack_log(), detection_type="wit", outcomes=outcomes).start() @asynchronous def get(self, detection_id, *args, **kwargs): data = self.data_response.get( self.path_extractor.detection_id(detection_id)) if data is not None: self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.set_status(200) self.finish( dumps({ "type": data["type"], "q": data["q"], "outcomes": data["outcomes"], "_id": data["_id"], "version": data["version"], "timestamp": data["timestamp"] })) else: self.set_status(404) self.finish() def wit_call_back(self, response): data = json_decode(response.body) outcomes = [] date = for outcome in data["outcomes"]: entities = [] for _type in outcome["entities"].keys(): if _type not in ["polite"]: for value in outcome["entities"][_type]: suggested = value[ "suggested"] if "suggested" in value else False key = value["value"]["value"] if type( value["value"]) is dict else value["value"] entity = self.entity_factory.create( _type, key, suggested) # TODO this needs to be moved somewhere else preferably a seperate service call entities.append(entity) outcomes.append({ "confidence": outcome["confidence"] * 100, "intent": outcome["intent"], "entities": entities }) self.data_response.insert(self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), ObjectId(data["msg_id"]), "wit", date, self.param_extractor.query(), outcomes=outcomes) self.set_status(202) self.set_header("Location", "/%s" % data["msg_id"]) self.set_header("_id", data["msg_id"]) self.finish() Worker(self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), ObjectId(data["msg_id"]), date, self.param_extractor.query(), self.param_extractor.skip_slack_log(), detection_type="wit", outcomes=outcomes).start()
class Detector: def __init__(self, alias_data): self.POS_to_use = ["J", "N", "V", "R", "I"] self.extra_stop_words = ["show"] self.stopwords = stopwords.words('english') self.stopwords.extend(self.extra_stop_words) self.skip_words = [ "all", "any", "anything", "display", "every", "everything", "find", "go", "like", "looking", "nice", "pair", "show", "some", "something", "want" ] self.stemmer = PorterStemmer() self.tokenizer = nltk.WordPunctTokenizer() self.alias_data = alias_data self.entity_factory = EntityFactory(self.alias_data) def detect_intent(self, preperation_result): return {"confidence": 80.0, "intent": "include"} def detect(self, q): preperation_result = self.preparation(q) outcome = self.detect_intent(preperation_result) outcome["entities"] = [] entities = self.detect_entities(self.alias_data, preperation_result) for x in entities["detections"]: outcome["entities"].append( self.entity_factory.create(x["type"], x["key"], source=x["source"])) for x in entities["non_detections"]: outcome["entities"].append( self.entity_factory.create("unknown", x, confidence=10.0)) return [outcome] def preparation(self, q): # used_query = q.lower().strip() used_query = q result = {"used_query": used_query, "original_query": q} raw_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(used_query) token_spans = list(self.tokenizer.span_tokenize(used_query)) tagged_words = nltk.pos_tag(raw_tokens) result["tokens"] = [] for index, value in enumerate(raw_tokens): lower_value = value.lower() stop_word = lower_value in self.stopwords skip_word = lower_value in self.skip_words result["tokens"].append({ "value": lower_value, "start": token_spans[index][0], "end": token_spans[index][1], "pos": tagged_words[index][1], "use": tagged_words[index][1][0] in self.POS_to_use and not stop_word and not skip_word, "stem": self.stemmer.stem(lower_value), "stop_word": stop_word, "skip_word": skip_word }) return result def create_found_doc(self, term, tokens, found_item, start, end): return { "term": term, "tokens": tokens, "found_item": found_item, "start": start, "end": end, "position": "%s_%s" % (start, end) } def find_matches(self, ngram_size: int, tokens: list, vocab, can_not_match=None): if can_not_match is None: can_not_match = [] res = {"found": [], "can_not_match": can_not_match} tokens_to_use = [x for x in tokens if x["use"]] n = min(len(tokens_to_use), ngram_size) for ngram in ngrams(tokens_to_use, n): ngram_term = " ".join(x["value"] for x in ngram) start = ngram[0]["start"] end = ngram[-1:][0]["end"] if ngram_term in vocab["en"]: # must be copied in this way key = "%s_%s" % (start, end) new_doc = self.create_found_doc(ngram_term, [x["value"] for x in ngram], vocab["en"][ngram_term], start, end) if not any(y for y in res["found"] if new_doc["position"] == y["position"]): res["found"].append(new_doc) elif n > 0: new_found_items = self.find_matches( n - 1, tokens, vocab, can_not_match=res["can_not_match"])["found"] res["found"].extend([ x for x in new_found_items if not any(y for y in res["found"] if x["position"] == y["position"]) ]) elif n == 0 and ngram[0]["use"] and ngram[0]["pos"][ 0] in self.POS_to_use and ngram[0] not in res[ "can_not_match"]: res["can_not_match"].append(ngram[0]) flattened_tokens = [ x for entity in res["found"] for x in entity["tokens"] ] res["can_not_match"] = [ x for x in res["can_not_match"] if x["value"] not in flattened_tokens ] return res def autocorrect_query(self, used_query, found_entities): corrected_query = used_query corrected = False # need to work from end of string backwards otherwise it gets messed up with adding/removing chars for entity in sorted(found_entities, key=itemgetter("start"), reverse=True): for x in [ x for x in entity["found_item"] if x["match_type"] == "spelling" ]: corrected = True corrected_query = corrected_query[0:entity["start"]] + x[ "display_name"] + corrected_query[entity["end"]:] if corrected: return corrected_query else: return None def key_matches(self, found_entities): return [x["found_item"][0] for x in found_entities] def unique_matches(self, found_entities): # flattened = [{ # "type": x["type"], # "key": x["key"], # "source": x["source"] # } for entity in found_entities for x in entity["found_item"]] flattened = [{ "type": x["type"], "key": x["key"], "source": x["source"] } for entity in found_entities for x in entity["found_item"]] return list({v['type'] + v['key']: v for v in flattened}.values()) def unique_non_detections(self, can_not_match): return list(set(x["value"] for x in can_not_match)) def format_found_entities(self, all_found): unique_items = [] for current_item in all_found: if not any([ x for x in all_found if current_item["position"] != x["position"] and current_item["start"] >= x["start"] and current_item["end"] <= x["end"] ]): unique_items.append(current_item) return unique_items def detect_entities(self, vocab, preparation_result): found_entities = self.find_matches(3, preparation_result["tokens"], vocab) found = self.format_found_entities(found_entities["found"]) autocorrected_query = self.autocorrect_query( preparation_result["used_query"], found) key_matches = self.key_matches(found) # unique_entities = self.unique_matches(found) res = { "detections": key_matches, "non_detections": self.unique_non_detections(found_entities["can_not_match"]) } if autocorrected_query is not None: res["autocorrected_query"] = autocorrected_query return res
class Detect(RequestHandler): brute_detector = None alias_data = None data_response = None param_extractor = None path_extractor = None entity_factory = None def data_received(self, chunk): pass def initialize(self, alias_data): from import Response self.data_response = Response() self.data_response.open_connection() self.alias_data = alias_data self.param_extractor = ParamExtractor(self) self.path_extractor = PathExtractor(self) self.entity_factory = EntityFactory(self.alias_data) self.brute_detector = Detector(self.alias_data) def on_finish(self): pass @asynchronous def post(self, *args, **kwargs): self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") detection_id = ObjectId() "app=detection,function=detect,detection_id=%s,application_id=%s,session_id=%s,q=%s", detection_id, self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), self.param_extractor.query(), ) if False: url = "%smessage?v=%s&q=%s&msg_id=%s" % ( WIT_URL, WIT_URL_VERSION, url_escape(self.param_extractor.query()), str(detection_id), ) r = HTTPRequest(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % WIT_TOKEN}) client = AsyncHTTPClient() client.fetch(r, callback=self.wit_call_back) else: date = outcomes = self.brute_detector.detect(self.param_extractor.query()) self.data_response.insert( self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), detection_id, "brute", date, self.param_extractor.query(), outcomes=outcomes, ) self.set_status(202) self.set_header("Location", "/%s" % str(detection_id)) self.set_header("_id", str(detection_id)) self.finish() Worker( self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), detection_id, date, self.param_extractor.query(), self.param_extractor.skip_slack_log(), detection_type="wit", outcomes=outcomes, ).start() @asynchronous def get(self, detection_id, *args, **kwargs): data = self.data_response.get(self.path_extractor.detection_id(detection_id)) if data is not None: self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.set_status(200) self.finish( dumps( { "type": data["type"], "q": data["q"], "outcomes": data["outcomes"], "_id": data["_id"], "version": data["version"], "timestamp": data["timestamp"], } ) ) else: self.set_status(404) self.finish() def wit_call_back(self, response): data = json_decode(response.body) outcomes = [] date = for outcome in data["outcomes"]: entities = [] for _type in outcome["entities"].keys(): if _type not in ["polite"]: for value in outcome["entities"][_type]: suggested = value["suggested"] if "suggested" in value else False key = value["value"]["value"] if type(value["value"]) is dict else value["value"] entity = self.entity_factory.create(_type, key, suggested) # TODO this needs to be moved somewhere else preferably a seperate service call entities.append(entity) outcomes.append( {"confidence": outcome["confidence"] * 100, "intent": outcome["intent"], "entities": entities} ) self.data_response.insert( self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), ObjectId(data["msg_id"]), "wit", date, self.param_extractor.query(), outcomes=outcomes, ) self.set_status(202) self.set_header("Location", "/%s" % data["msg_id"]) self.set_header("_id", data["msg_id"]) self.finish() Worker( self.param_extractor.user_id(), self.param_extractor.application_id(), self.param_extractor.session_id(), ObjectId(data["msg_id"]), date, self.param_extractor.query(), self.param_extractor.skip_slack_log(), detection_type="wit", outcomes=outcomes, ).start()