def test_open_alert_file(self):
        Testing the alert file open function.
        logger = Logger()

        self.assertEqual(logger.open_alert_file(), 0)
    def test_write_alert_to_file__empty_json(self):
        Testing the write alert to file function, with an empty json object.
        Requires - a file handle to be opened by the object.
        logger = Logger()

        alert = {}
        ret = logger.write_alert_to_file(alert)

        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
    def test_write_alert_to_file(self):
        Testing the write alert to file function, with a json object.
        Requires - a file handle to be opened by the object.
        logger = Logger()

        alert = {"test1": {"0": 0, "1": 1}, "test2": {"2": 2, "3": 3}}
        ret = logger.write_alert_to_file(alert)

        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
    def test_write_flow_to_file__empty_string(self):
        Testing the write flow to file function, with an empty string.
        Requires - a file handle to be opened by the object.
        logger = Logger()

        flow = ""
        ret = logger.write_flow_to_file(flow)

        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
    def test_write_alert_to_file__alert_no_increment(self):
        Ensuring the alert number is incremented correctly upon writing to file.
        Requires - an alert to be correctly processed and written to file.
        Input - valid json.
        Expected output:
            logger.write_alert_to_file(alert) == 0
            logger.alert_no == 2
        logger = Logger()

        alert = {"test1": {"0": 0, "1": 1}, "test2": {"2": 2, "3": 3}}
        ret = logger.write_alert_to_file(alert)

        self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
        self.assertEqual(logger.alert_no, 2)
    def test_write_alert_to_file__no_json(self):
        Testing the write alert to file function, without a json object.
        Requires - a file handle to be opened by the object.
        logger = Logger()

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, logger.write_alert_to_file)
    def test_write_flow_to_file__no_string(self):
        Testing the write flow to file function, without a string.
        Requires - a file handle to be opened by the object.
        logger = Logger()

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, logger.write_flow_to_file)
    def test_init(self):
        Testing the module's constructor.
        Input - none.
        Expected output - successful logger object instantiation.
        logger = False
        logger = Logger()

    def test_init(self):
        Testing the module's constructor - init variables and function calls.
        Expected output:
            logger.alert_no == 1
            logger.flow_file == True
            logger.alert_file == True
            logger.flow_file_name == 'flows.binetflow'
            logger.alert_file_name == 'alerts.log'
        logger = Logger()

        self.assertEqual(logger.alert_no, 1)
        self.assertEqual(logger.flow_file_name, 'flows.binetflow')
        self.assertEqual(logger.alert_file_name, 'alerts.log')
    def __init__(self, args):
        """Constructor for the Detector.

        Takes in parsed command line argument data and sets up the Detector's mode accordingly.

        These modes include sniffing from the network, processing a local .pcap file or reading
        from a pre-processed network flow file.

        Also loads the relevent models into an object array to facilitate model prediciton. 

            args (dict): Parsed command line arguments to specify the Detector's mode of operation.

            gui (bool): Specifies the GUI mode required.
            logging (bool): Specifies the logging mode required.
            debug (bool): Specifies the debugging mode required.
            read (None, string): Specifies the file read mode required.
            dataset_feature_columns (:obj:'list' of :obj:'str'): The required dataset feature column headings used in the Sniffer and Detector.
            models (:obj:'list' of :obj:'Model'): List to store successfully instantiated Model objects.
            sniffer (:obj':'Sniffer'): Sniffer object storage.
            ws_client (:obj':'Websocket_Client'): Websocket Client object storage.
            logger (:obj:'Logger'): Logger object storage.
        self.gui = args['no_gui']
        self.logging = args['no_log']
        self.debug = args['debug'] = args['read']

        self.dataset_feature_columns = [
            'SrcAddr', 'DstAddr', 'Proto', 'Sport', 'Dport', 'State', 'sTos',
            'dTos', 'SrcWin', 'DstWin', 'sHops', 'dHops', 'StartTime',
            'LastTime', 'sTtl', 'dTtl', 'TcpRtt', 'SynAck', 'AckDat',
            'SrcPkts', 'DstPkts', 'SrcBytes', 'DstBytes', 'SAppBytes',
            'DAppBytes', 'Dur', 'TotPkts', 'TotBytes', 'TotAppByte', 'Rate',
            'SrcRate', 'DstRate'

        self.models = []
        self.model_directory = 'Models'
        self.socket_addr = "ws://localhost:5566"

        if self.debug:
            print("[ Detector ] Debugging output enabled.")

        # De-serialise model objects into the model array
        self.models = self.load_models()

        # Sniffs raw data from a SPAN'd port, performs netflow feature extraction.
        # Mimics bash shell behaviour of:
        # $ TCPDUMP (interface) | ARGUS | RA CLIENT (CSV Formatted Network Flow Exporter).
        # Or, reads from a given file
        self.sniffer = Sniffer(

        if (self.gui == True):
            # Websocket_Client instantiation
            # Faciliates data transfer through a localhost socket to the backend electron
            # nodejs server
            self.ws_client = Websocket_Client()

            # And attempt to create a connection to the websocker server

        if (self.logging == True):
            # Flow and Alert file logging
            # Initialise Logger instance to handle alert and flow file logging operations
            self.logger = Logger()
class Detector:
    Detector class handles the sniffing and prediction of network flows via the multiple Model objects instantiated within.
    Also allows handling of labelled network flows and generates alerts in the event of positive predicitons, which both can be logged
    to file and sent to a GUI instance via a websocket client.
    def __init__(self, args):
        """Constructor for the Detector.

        Takes in parsed command line argument data and sets up the Detector's mode accordingly.

        These modes include sniffing from the network, processing a local .pcap file or reading
        from a pre-processed network flow file.

        Also loads the relevent models into an object array to facilitate model prediciton. 

            args (dict): Parsed command line arguments to specify the Detector's mode of operation.

            gui (bool): Specifies the GUI mode required.
            logging (bool): Specifies the logging mode required.
            debug (bool): Specifies the debugging mode required.
            read (None, string): Specifies the file read mode required.
            dataset_feature_columns (:obj:'list' of :obj:'str'): The required dataset feature column headings used in the Sniffer and Detector.
            models (:obj:'list' of :obj:'Model'): List to store successfully instantiated Model objects.
            sniffer (:obj':'Sniffer'): Sniffer object storage.
            ws_client (:obj':'Websocket_Client'): Websocket Client object storage.
            logger (:obj:'Logger'): Logger object storage.
        self.gui = args['no_gui']
        self.logging = args['no_log']
        self.debug = args['debug'] = args['read']

        self.dataset_feature_columns = [
            'SrcAddr', 'DstAddr', 'Proto', 'Sport', 'Dport', 'State', 'sTos',
            'dTos', 'SrcWin', 'DstWin', 'sHops', 'dHops', 'StartTime',
            'LastTime', 'sTtl', 'dTtl', 'TcpRtt', 'SynAck', 'AckDat',
            'SrcPkts', 'DstPkts', 'SrcBytes', 'DstBytes', 'SAppBytes',
            'DAppBytes', 'Dur', 'TotPkts', 'TotBytes', 'TotAppByte', 'Rate',
            'SrcRate', 'DstRate'

        self.models = []
        self.model_directory = 'Models'
        self.socket_addr = "ws://localhost:5566"

        if self.debug:
            print("[ Detector ] Debugging output enabled.")

        # De-serialise model objects into the model array
        self.models = self.load_models()

        # Sniffs raw data from a SPAN'd port, performs netflow feature extraction.
        # Mimics bash shell behaviour of:
        # $ TCPDUMP (interface) | ARGUS | RA CLIENT (CSV Formatted Network Flow Exporter).
        # Or, reads from a given file
        self.sniffer = Sniffer(

        if (self.gui == True):
            # Websocket_Client instantiation
            # Faciliates data transfer through a localhost socket to the backend electron
            # nodejs server
            self.ws_client = Websocket_Client()

            # And attempt to create a connection to the websocker server

        if (self.logging == True):
            # Flow and Alert file logging
            # Initialise Logger instance to handle alert and flow file logging operations
            self.logger = Logger()

    def __del__(self):
        Detector destructor.
        if (self.debug == True):
            print("Deleting Detector object and the loaded models.")

    def run(self):
        Main running loop for the detector.

        Gets flows from the network flow sniffer, predicts the behaviour via the models 
        and outputs the labelled network flows and any alert data if encountered.

        If GUI is enabled, sends labelled network flows and alerts via the Websocket_Client
        to the GUI.

        If logging is enabled, sends the labelled network flows and alerts to the Logger to handle
        writing to their respective files.

            0 once main running loop is broken.

        # Start sniffer

        # Main loop
        while (True):
            flow_string = None
            flow = None
            labelled_flow = None
            alert = None

            # Get raw flow string from the sniffer instance.
            # Gets flow data from the a processed .pcap file, .binetflow csv file or from the
            # network interface.
            flow_string = self.sniffer.get_flow()

            if flow_string != False:
                # Process the flow_string into a DataFrame with the required feature vectors
                # being maintained,
                # So that the flow data is ready to make predictions
                flow = self.process_flow(flow_string)

                # If there is a valid flow (i.e. self.process_flow successfully returns
                # a processed_flow)
                if flow is not False:
                    # Predict the flow's class, using the detector's models
                    # Takes the DataFrame network flow data and predicts against each model
                    prediction, alert = self.predict(flow)

                    # Make labelled_flow string
                    labelled_flow = flow_string + prediction
                    # Not flow data, i.e. the data is that of the feature headers
                    labelled_flow = flow_string

                # Output the labelled flow to stdout
                print(labelled_flow + "\n")

                # If gui is enabled
                if (self.gui == True):
                    # Send the flow and any alert data to the gui instance, via the websocket
                    self.ws_client.send(labelled_flow, alert)

                # If logging is enabled
                if (self.logging == True):
                    # Log the labelled flow output to the file

                    if (alert != None):
                        # If ther is an alert, we log it to file
                # No further flows received from the sniffer.
                # Exit main running loop

        return 0

    def load_models(self):
        De-serialisation of trained Machine Learning models that are contained in the
        'Models' directory.

        Gets the model metadata, from 'model_data.json', and attempts to load the expected models with
        and passes the relevant metadata to the instantiated Model objects.
        Successfully loaded Model objects get stored in the 'models' list, and returned.

            If no valid models are found in the valid directory, and thus aren't loaded, the process exits.

            models (:obj:'list' of :obj:'Model'): Successfully loaded Model instances.
        models = []
        model_data = None

        if (self.debug):
            print("[ Detector ] Loading Models...")

        # Handle directory presence
        assert (os.path.exists(self.model_directory))

        # Get model metadata from the json file
        data_file_path = self.model_directory + '/model_data.json'
        model_json_metadata = self.get_model_data(data_file_path)

        # Load models that have file names present within the model_json_metadata file
        # (filenames are stored as the json keys)
        for model_file_name in model_json_metadata.keys():
            # Get the model's data
            model_data = model_json_metadata[model_file_name]

            # Attempt to instantiate a Model object, with the full relative
            # directory path, model file name and it's metadata being passed as an argument.
            instance_of_model = Model(self.model_directory, model_file_name,
                                      model_data, self.debug)

            if (instance_of_model.loading_status == True):
                # If the model is succesfully loaded
                # Add the model object to the Detector
                # Object cleanup
                del instance_of_model

        print("[ Detector ] Loaded", len(models), "/",
              len(model_json_metadata.keys()), "models.")

        if (len(models) == 0):
            print("[ Detector ] No valid models found to load.")

        return models

    def process_flow(self, flow_string):
        Processes flow_string into the valid DataFrame, with the column headers included.

            flow_string (string): A string, containing the comma-seperated value network flow data.

            processed_flow The flow DataFrame; or False in the case of the flow_string being that of a the network flow column headers.
        if 'Label' in flow_string:
            # Not a valid flow ('ra' client flow feature headers)
            processed_flow = False
            # Split flow_string into array
            flow = flow_string.split(',')

            # If the last field is empty
            if (flow[-1] == ''):
                # Remove the last empty 'label' data field from the flow

            # Fill in any empty csv fields
            for i, data in enumerate(flow):
                if not data:
                    flow[i] = 0

            # Process into DataFrame, with the relative dataset feature column headers
            processed_flow = pd.DataFrame([flow],

        return processed_flow

    def predict(self, flow):
        Predicts the label of the given network flow data.
        If the flow is predicted as botnet, we return the data about the models that made the prediction.

            flow (:obj:'DataFrame'): The processed flow DataFrame object that is to be predicted by the models.

            prediction (string): The prediction verdict ('Normal' or 'Botnet')
            alert (json-formatted string): The json model data, in the form of a generated alert, from the positive models.

        # Predict the label of the flow using each loaded model
        original_flow = flow
        alert = None
        prediction = None
        predicted_model_data = []

        # Flow feature exclusion
        # Required to only pass valid the model feature vector (the features that the models were
        # trained on) to the models, ready for prediction
        flow = self.flow_feature_exclusion(flow)

        # Iterate over each running model instance, making predictions on each
        for model in self.models:
            model_prediction = model.predict(flow)

            if (model_prediction == 'Botnet'):
                # Botnet prediciton
                # Add model data to the array

        if (len(predicted_model_data) > 0):
            # If we have any positive predicitons
            # Label overall prediciton as 'Botnet'
            prediction = 'Botnet'

            # And generate an alert, filled with relevant flow data and the exhibited botnet-like
            # characteristics of the traffic
            alert = self.generate_alert(original_flow, prediction,
            prediction = 'Normal'

        if (self.debug and prediction == 'Botnet'):
            print("[ debug ] Overall prediction =", prediction)
            print("[ debug ] Alert:\n", alert)

        return prediction, alert

    def generate_alert(self, flow, prediction, predicted_model_data):
        Generates an alert json data structure from the specific data of each positive prediction model.

            flow (:obj:'DataFrame'): The flow DataFrame that is responsible for the alert's generation.
            prediction (string): The prediction of the flow.
            predicted_model_data (json-formatted string): The metadata of the models that made a prediction that caused an alert to be generated.

            alert (json-formatted string): The generated alert data in json format.
        if (self.debug == True):
            print("[ Detector ] Botnet flow found. Generating alert...")

        # If flow is botnet, we generate the alert
        # Construction is implemented via getting data from the flow
        # And also data from the models that predicted that particular behaviour
        if (prediction == 'Botnet'):
            # Get flow data
            # Source data
            src_addr = flow['SrcAddr'].item()
            s_port = flow['Sport'].item()

            # Destination data
            dst_addr = flow['DstAddr'].item()
            d_port = flow['Dport'].item()

            # Protocol data
            proto = flow['Proto'].item()

            # Date-time and duration data
            start_time = flow['StartTime'].item()
            dur = flow['Dur'].item()

            # Get predicted model data
            bots = []
            comms_protocl = []
            activity = []

            for data in predicted_model_data:
                # Add unique instances the data categories for each predicted_model_data instance
                # Bot name data
                bot_name = data['Bot']

                if bot_name not in bots:

                # Bot comms_protocl data
                bot_comm_protocol = data['Communication Protocol']

                if bot_comm_protocol not in comms_protocl:

                # Bot Activity data
                bot_activity = data['Activity']

                # Handles the presence of more than one activity characteristic
                for activity_item in bot_activity:
                    if activity_item not in activity:

        # Generate json alert
        # First create the alert data
        alert = {
            "Src": {
                "Addr": src_addr,
                "Port": s_port
            "Dst": {
                "Addr": dst_addr,
                "Port": d_port
            "Proto": proto,
            "Time": {
                "StartTime": start_time,
                "Dur": dur
            "Bots": bots,
            "Comms_protocol": comms_protocl,
            "Activity": activity

        return alert

    def get_model_data(self, data_file_path):
        Opens and retrieves all of the metadata stored for the models from the metadata file.

        If the file cannot be read, the system exits (cannot operate without loaded model metadata).

            data_file_path (string): The relative filepath and name of the model metadata file.

            model_data (json-formatted string): The metadata retrieved from the file.
        with open(data_file_path) as data_file:
                # Parse json data from the file
                model_data = json.load(data_file)
                # No exception - hard exit.
                print("[ Detector ] 'Model_data.json' file read error.")

        return model_data

    def flow_feature_exclusion(self, flow):
        Excludes flow DataFrame features that are not used in the prediction of the data.

            flow (:obj:'DataFrame'): The flow's DataFrame that is to be processed via the exclusion process.

            feature_excluded_flow (:obj:'DataFrame'): The processed flow DataFrame, with the relevant columns maintained. 
        # Exclude features that do not get used in the prediction of the flow
        feature_vectors_to_keep = [
            'sTos', 'dTos', 'SrcWin', 'DstWin', 'sHops', 'dHops', 'sTtl',
            'dTtl', 'TcpRtt', 'SynAck', 'AckDat', 'SrcPkts', 'DstPkts',
            'SrcBytes', 'DstBytes', 'SAppBytes', 'DAppBytes', 'Dur', 'TotPkts',
            'TotBytes', 'TotAppByte', 'Rate', 'SrcRate', 'DstRate'

        # Only return the flow DataFrame features that match those defined in the required string
        feature_excluded_flow = flow.loc[:, feature_vectors_to_keep]

        return feature_excluded_flow