    def from_clusters(cls, *clusters):
        Build a new Cluster from a sequence of pre-existing Clusters with
        compatible IterationSpace.
        assert len(clusters) > 0
        root = clusters[0]
        if not all(root.ispace.is_compatible(c.ispace) for c in clusters):
            raise ValueError("Cannot build a Cluster from Clusters with "
                             "incompatible IterationSpace")
        if not all(root.guards == c.guards for c in clusters):
            raise ValueError("Cannot build a Cluster from Clusters with "
                             "non-homogeneous guards")

        exprs = chain(*[c.exprs for c in clusters])
        ispace = IterationSpace.union(*[c.ispace for c in clusters])
        dspace = DataSpace.union(*[c.dspace for c in clusters])

        guards = root.guards

        properties = {}
        for c in clusters:
            for d, v in c.properties.items():
                properties[d] = normalize_properties(properties.get(d, v), v)

            syncs = normalize_syncs(*[c.syncs for c in clusters])
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Cannot build a Cluster from Clusters with "
                             "non-compatible synchronization operations")

        return Cluster(exprs, ispace, dspace, guards, properties, syncs)
def decompose(ispace, d, block_dims):
    Create a new IterationSpace in which the `d` Interval is decomposed
    into a hierarchy of Intervals over ``block_dims``.
    # Create the new Intervals
    intervals = []
    for i in ispace:
        if i.dim is d:
            intervals.extend([i.switch(bd).zero() for bd in block_dims[1:]])

    # Create the relations.
    # Example: consider the relation `(t, x, y)` and assume we decompose `x` over
    # `xbb, xb, xi`; then we decompose the relation as two relations, `(t, xbb, y)`
    # and `(xbb, xb, xi)`
    relations = [block_dims]
    for r in ispace.intervals.relations:
        relations.append([block_dims[0] if i is d else i for i in r])

    # The level of a given Dimension in the hierarchy of block Dimensions
    level = lambda dim: len([i for i in dim._defines if i.is_Incr])

    # Add more relations
    for n, i in enumerate(ispace):
        if i.dim is d:
        elif i.dim.is_Incr:
            # Make sure IncrDimensions on the same level stick next to each other.
            # For example, we want `(t, xbb, ybb, xb, yb, x, y)`, rather than say
            # `(t, xbb, xb, x, ybb, ...)`
            for bd in block_dims:
                if level(i.dim) >= level(bd):
                    relations.append([bd, i.dim])
                    relations.append([i.dim, bd])
        elif n > ispace.intervals.index(d):
            # The non-Incr subsequent Dimensions must follow the block Dimensions
            for bd in block_dims:
                relations.append([bd, i.dim])
            # All other Dimensions must precede the block Dimensions
            for bd in block_dims:
                relations.append([i.dim, bd])

    intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=relations)

    sub_iterators = dict(ispace.sub_iterators)
    sub_iterators.pop(d, None)
    sub_iterators.update({bd: ispace.sub_iterators.get(d, []) for bd in block_dims})

    directions = dict(ispace.directions)
    directions.update({bd: ispace.directions[d] for bd in block_dims})

    return IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, directions)
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        # Parse input
        if len(args) == 1:
            input_expr = args[0]
            assert type(input_expr) != LoweredEq
            assert isinstance(input_expr, Eq)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            # Reconstructing from existing Eq. E.g., we end up here after xreplace
            stamp = kwargs.pop('stamp')
            expr = Eq.__new__(cls, *args, evaluate=False)
            assert isinstance(stamp, Eq)
            expr.is_Increment = stamp.is_Increment
            expr.ispace = stamp.ispace
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct LoweredEq from args=%s "
                             "and kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        # Indexification
        expr = indexify(input_expr)

        # Apply caller-provided substitution
        subs = kwargs.get('subs')
        if subs is not None:
            expr = expr.xreplace(subs)

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr, key=lambda i: not i.is_Time)

        # Introduce space sub-dimensions if need to
        region = getattr(input_expr, '_region', DOMAIN)
        if region == INTERIOR:
            mapper = {
                i: SubDimension("%si" % i, i, 1, -1)
                for i in ordering if i.is_Space
            expr = expr.xreplace(mapper)
            ordering = [mapper.get(i, i) for i in ordering]

        # Compute iteration space
        intervals, iterators = compute_intervals(expr)
        intervals = sorted(intervals, key=lambda i: ordering.index(i.dim))
        directions, _ = compute_directions(expr, lambda i: Any)
        ispace = IterationSpace([i.negate() for i in intervals], iterators,

        # Finally create the LoweredEq with all metadata attached
        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls,
        expr.is_Increment = getattr(input_expr, 'is_Increment', False)
        expr.ispace = ispace
        expr.dimensions = ordering
        expr.reads, expr.writes = detect_io(expr)

        return expr
 def squash(self, other):
     """Concatenate the expressions in ``other`` to those in ``self``.
     ``self`` and ``other`` must have same ``ispace``. Duplicate
     expressions are dropped. The :class:`DataSpace` is updated
     assert self.ispace.is_compatible(other.ispace)
     self.exprs.extend([i for i in other.exprs if i not in self.exprs])
     self.dspace = DataSpace.merge(self.dspace, other.dspace)
     self.ispace = IterationSpace.merge(self.ispace, other.ispace)
def stree_schedule(clusters):
    Arrange an iterable of Clusters into a ScheduleTree.
    stree = ScheduleTree()

    mapper = OrderedDict()
    for c in clusters:
        pointers = list(mapper)

        # Find out if any of the existing nodes can be reused
        index = 0
        root = stree
        for it0, it1 in zip(c.itintervals, pointers):
            if it0 != it1:
            root = mapper[it0]
            index += 1
            if it0.dim in c.guards:

        # The reused sub-trees might acquire some new sub-iterators
        for i in pointers[:index]:
            mapper[i].ispace = IterationSpace.union(mapper[i].ispace,
        # Nested sub-trees, instead, will not be used anymore
        for i in pointers[index:]:

        # Add in Iterations
        for i in c.itintervals[index:]:
            root = NodeIteration(c.ispace.project([i.dim]), root,
            mapper[i] = root

        # Add in Expressions
        NodeExprs(c.exprs, c.ispace, c.dspace, c.ops, c.traffic, root)

        # Add in Conditionals and Syncs, which chop down the reuse tree
        drop = None
        for k, v in [(UniteratedInterval, stree)] + list(mapper.items()):
            if drop:
            if k.dim in c.syncs:
                node = NodeSync(c.syncs[k.dim])
                v.last.parent = node
                node.parent = v
                drop = True
            if k.dim in c.guards:
                node = NodeConditional(c.guards[k.dim])
                v.last.parent = node
                node.parent = v
                drop = True

    return stree
文件: cluster.py 项目: opesci/devito
 def squash(self, other):
     Concatenate the expressions in ``other`` to those in ``self``.
     ``self`` and ``other`` must have same ``ispace``. Duplicate expressions
     are dropped. The DataSpace is updated accordingly.
     assert self.ispace.is_compatible(other.ispace)
     self.exprs.extend([i for i in other.exprs
                        if i not in self.exprs or i.is_Increment])
     self.dspace = DataSpace.merge(self.dspace, other.dspace)
     self.ispace = IterationSpace.merge(self.ispace, other.ispace)
def decompose(ispace, d, block_dims):
    Create a new IterationSpace in which the `d` Interval is decomposed
    into a hierarchy of Intervals over ``block_dims``.
    # Create the new Intervals
    intervals = []
    for i in ispace:
        if i.dim is d:
            intervals.extend([i.switch(bd).zero() for bd in block_dims[1:]])

    # Create the intervals relations
    # 1: `bbd > bd > d`
    relations = [tuple(block_dims)]

    # 2: Suitably replace `d` with all `bd`'s
    for r in ispace.relations:
        if d not in r:

        for bd in block_dims:
            # Avoid e.g. `x > yb`
            if any(i._depth < bd._depth for i in r if i.is_Block):

            relations.append(tuple(bd if i is d else i for i in r))

    # 3: Make sure BlockDimensions at same depth stick next to each other
    # E.g., `(t, xbb, ybb, xb, yb, x, y)`, and NOT e.g. `(t, xbb, xb, x, ybb, ...)`
    # NOTE: this is perfectly legal since:
    # TILABLE => (perfect nest & PARALLEL) => interchangeable
    for i in ispace.itdimensions:
        if not i.is_Block:
        for bd in block_dims:
            if i._depth < bd._depth:
                relations.append((i, bd))

    intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=relations)

    sub_iterators = dict(ispace.sub_iterators)
    sub_iterators.pop(d, None)
    sub_iterators.update({bd: () for bd in block_dims[:-1]})
    sub_iterators.update({block_dims[-1]: ispace.sub_iterators[d]})

    directions = dict(ispace.directions)
    directions.update({bd: ispace.directions[d] for bd in block_dims})

    return IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, directions)
文件: equation.py 项目: ponykid/SNIST
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], LoweredEq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(devito.LoweredEq, **kwargs)
            input_expr = args[0]
            expr = Eq.__new__(cls, *input_expr.args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i, kwargs.get(i) or getattr(input_expr, i))
            return expr
        elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Eq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(sympy.Eq)
            input_expr = expr = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 2:
            expr = Eq.__new__(cls, *args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i, kwargs.pop(i))
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct LoweredEq from args=%s "
                             "and kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr)

        # Analyze the expression
        mapper = detect_accesses(expr)
        oobs = detect_oobs(mapper)
        conditionals = [i for i in ordering if i.is_Conditional]

        # The iteration space is constructed so that information always flows
        # from an iteration to another (i.e., no anti-dependences are created)
        directions, _ = force_directions(detect_flow_directions(expr), lambda i: Any)
        iterators = build_iterators(mapper)
        intervals = build_intervals(Stencil.union(*mapper.values()))
        intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=ordering.relations)
        ispace = IterationSpace(intervals.zero(), iterators, directions)

        # The data space is relative to the computational domain. Note that we
        # are deliberately dropping the intervals ordering (by turning `intervals`
        # into a list), as this is irrelevant (even more: dangerous) for data spaces
        intervals = [i if i.dim in oobs else i.zero() for i in intervals]
        intervals += [Interval(i, 0, 0) for i in ordering
                      if i not in ispace.dimensions + conditionals]
        parts = {k: IntervalGroup(build_intervals(v)) for k, v in mapper.items() if k}
        dspace = DataSpace(intervals, parts)

        # Finally create the LoweredEq with all metadata attached
        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls, expr.lhs, expr.rhs, evaluate=False)
        expr._is_Increment = getattr(input_expr, 'is_Increment', False)
        expr._dspace = dspace
        expr._ispace = ispace
        expr._conditionals = tuple(conditionals)
        expr._reads, expr._writes = detect_io(expr)

        return expr
 def from_clusters(cls, *clusters):
     Build a new Cluster from a sequence of pre-existing Clusters with
     compatible IterationSpace.
     assert len(clusters) > 0
     root = clusters[0]
     assert all(root.ispace.is_compatible(c.ispace) for c in clusters)
     exprs = chain(*[c.exprs for c in clusters])
     ispace = IterationSpace.union(*[c.ispace for c in clusters])
     dspace = DataSpace.union(*[c.dspace for c in clusters])
     return Cluster(exprs, ispace, dspace)
def decompose(ispace, d, block_dims):
    Create a new IterationSpace in which the `d` Interval is decomposed
    into a hierarchy of Intervals over ``block_dims``.
    # Create the new Intervals
    intervals = []
    for i in ispace.intervals:
        if i.dim is d:
            intervals.extend([i.switch(bd).zero() for bd in block_dims[1:]])

    # Create the new "decomposed" relations.
    # Example: consider the relation `(t, x, y)` and assume we decompose `x` over
    # `xbb, xb, xi`; then we decompose the relation as two relations, `(t, xbb, y)`
    # and `(xbb, xb, xi)`
    relations = [block_dims]
    for r in ispace.intervals.relations:
        relations.append([block_dims[0] if i is d else i for i in r])

    # Further, if there are other IncrDimensions, add relations such that
    # IncrDimensions at the same level stick together, thus we obtain for
    # example `(t, xbb, ybb, xb, yb, x, y)` instead of `(t, xbb, xb, x, ybb, ...)`
    for i in intervals:
        if not isinstance(i.dim, IncrDimension):
        for bd in block_dims:
            if bd._defines & i.dim._defines:
            if len(i.dim._defines) > len(bd._defines):
                relations.append([bd, i.dim])

    intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=relations)

    sub_iterators = dict(ispace.sub_iterators)
    sub_iterators.pop(d, None)
        {bd: ispace.sub_iterators.get(d, [])
         for bd in block_dims})

    directions = dict(ispace.directions)
    directions.update({bd: ispace.directions[d] for bd in block_dims})

    return IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, directions)
 def from_clusters(cls, *clusters):
     Build a new Cluster from a sequence of pre-existing Clusters with
     compatible IterationSpace.
     assert len(clusters) > 0
     root = clusters[0]
     if not all(root.ispace.is_compatible(c.ispace) for c in clusters):
         raise ValueError("Cannot build a Cluster from Clusters with "
                          "incompatible IterationSpace")
     if not all(root.properties == c.properties for c in clusters):
         raise ValueError("Cannot build a Cluster from Clusters with "
                          "non-homogeneous properties")
     exprs = chain(*[c.exprs for c in clusters])
     ispace = IterationSpace.union(*[c.ispace for c in clusters])
     dspace = DataSpace.union(*[c.dspace for c in clusters])
     return Cluster(exprs, ispace, dspace, properties=root.properties)
def st_schedule(clusters):
    Arrange an iterable of Clusters into a ScheduleTree.
    stree = ScheduleTree()

    mapper = OrderedDict()
    for c in clusters:
        pointers = list(mapper)

        # Find out if any of the existing nodes can be reused
        index = 0
        root = stree
        for it0, it1 in zip(c.itintervals, pointers):
            if it0 != it1 or it0.dim in c.atomics:
            root = mapper[it0]
            index += 1
            if it0.dim in c.guards:

        # The reused sub-trees might acquire some new sub-iterators
        for i in pointers[:index]:
            mapper[i].ispace = IterationSpace.merge(mapper[i].ispace,
        # Later sub-trees, instead, will not be used anymore
        for i in pointers[index:]:

        # Add in Iterations
        for i in c.itintervals[index:]:
            root = NodeIteration(c.ispace.project([i.dim]), root)
            mapper[i] = root

        # Add in Expressions
        NodeExprs(c.exprs, c.ispace, c.dspace, c.shape, c.ops, c.traffic, root)

        # Add in Conditionals
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            if k.dim in c.guards:
                node = NodeConditional(c.guards[k.dim])
                v.last.parent = node
                node.parent = v

    return stree
def st_schedule(clusters):
    Arrange an iterable of :class:`Cluster`s into a :class:`ScheduleTree`.
    stree = ScheduleTree()

    mapper = OrderedDict()
    for c in clusters:
        pointers = list(mapper)

        # Find out if any of the existing nodes can be reused
        index = 0
        root = stree
        for it0, it1 in zip(c.itintervals, pointers):
            if it0 != it1 or it0.dim in c.atomics:
            root = mapper[it0]
            index += 1
            if it0.dim in c.guards:

        # The reused sub-trees might acquire some new sub-iterators
        for i in pointers[:index]:
            mapper[i].ispace = IterationSpace.merge(mapper[i].ispace,
        # Later sub-trees, instead, will not be used anymore
        for i in pointers[index:]:

        # Add in Iterations
        for i in c.itintervals[index:]:
            root = NodeIteration(c.ispace.project([i.dim]), root)
            mapper[i] = root

        # Add in Expressions
        NodeExprs(c.exprs, c.ispace, c.dspace, c.shape, c.ops, c.traffic, root)

        # Add in Conditionals
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            if k.dim in c.guards:
                node = NodeConditional(c.guards[k.dim])
                v.last.parent = node
                node.parent = v

    return stree
def clusterize(exprs):
    """Group a sequence of :class:`ir.Eq`s into one or more :class:`Cluster`s."""

    # Group expressions based on data dependences
    groups = group_expressions(exprs)

    clusters = ClusterGroup()
    for g in groups:
        # Coerce iteration space of each expression in each group
        mapper = OrderedDict([(e, e.ispace) for e in g])
        flowmap = detect_flow_directions(g)
        queue = list(g)
        while queue:
            v = queue.pop(0)

            intervals, sub_iterators, directions = mapper[v].args
            forced, clashes = force_directions(flowmap,
                                               lambda i: directions.get(i))
            for e in g:
                intervals = intervals.intersection(
            directions = {i: forced[i] for i in directions}
            coerced_ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators,

            # Need update propagation ?
            if coerced_ispace != mapper[v]:
                mapper[v] = coerced_ispace
                queue.extend([i for i in g if i not in queue])

        # Wrap each tensor expression in a PartialCluster
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            if k.is_Tensor:
                scalars = [i for i in g[:g.index(k)] if i.is_Scalar]
                clusters.append(PartialCluster(scalars + [k], v))

    # Group PartialClusters together where possible
    clusters = groupby(clusters)

    # Introduce conditional PartialClusters
    clusters = guard(clusters)

    return clusters.finalize()
    def __init__(self,
        ispace = ispace or IterationSpace([])

        self._exprs = tuple(
            ClusterizedEq(e, ispace=ispace) for e in as_tuple(exprs))
        self._ispace = ispace
        self._guards = frozendict(guards or {})
        self._syncs = frozendict(syncs or {})

        properties = dict(properties or {})
            {i.dim: properties.get(i.dim, set())
             for i in ispace.intervals})
        self._properties = frozendict(properties)
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        d = prefix[-1].dim

        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            if SKEWABLE not in c.properties[d]:
                return clusters

            if d is c.ispace[-1].dim and not self.skewinner:
                return clusters

            skew_dims = {i.dim for i in c.ispace if SEQUENTIAL in c.properties[i.dim]}
            if len(skew_dims) > 1:
                return clusters
            skew_dim = skew_dims.pop()

            # The level of a given Dimension in the hierarchy of block Dimensions, used
            # to skew over the outer level of loops.
            level = lambda dim: len([i for i in dim._defines if i.is_Incr])

            # Since we are here, prefix is skewable and nested under a
            # SEQUENTIAL loop.
            intervals = []
            for i in c.ispace:
                if i.dim is d and level(d) <= 1:  # Skew only at level 0 or 1
                    intervals.append(Interval(d, skew_dim, skew_dim))
            intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=c.ispace.relations)
            ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, c.ispace.sub_iterators,

            exprs = xreplace_indices(c.exprs, {d: d - skew_dim})
            processed.append(c.rebuild(exprs=exprs, ispace=ispace,

        return processed
    def __new__(cls, input_expr, subs=None):
        # Sanity check
        assert type(input_expr) != LoweredEq
        assert isinstance(input_expr, Eq)

        # Indexification
        expr = indexify(input_expr)

        # Apply caller-provided substitution
        if subs is not None:
            expr = expr.xreplace(subs)

        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls,
        expr.is_Increment = getattr(input_expr, 'is_Increment', False)

        # Get the accessed data points
        stencil = Stencil(expr)

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr, key=lambda i: not i.is_Time)

        # Split actual Intervals (the data spaces) from the "derived" iterators,
        # to build an IterationSpace
        iterators = OrderedDict()
        for i in ordering:
            if i.is_Derived:
                iterators.setdefault(i.parent, []).append(stencil.entry(i))
                iterators.setdefault(i, [])
        intervals = []
        for k, v in iterators.items():
            offs = set.union(set(stencil.get(k)), *[i.ofs for i in v])
            intervals.append(Interval(k, min(offs), max(offs)).negate())
        expr.ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, iterators)

        return expr
def clusterize(exprs):
    """Group a sequence of :class:`ir.Eq`s into one or more :class:`Cluster`s."""
    # Group expressions based on data dependences
    groups = group_expressions(exprs)

    clusters = ClusterGroup()

    # Coerce iteration direction of each expression in each group
    for g in groups:
        mapper = OrderedDict([(e, e.directions) for e in g])
        flowmap = detect_flow_directions(g)
        queue = list(g)
        while queue:
            k = queue.pop(0)
            directions, _ = force_directions(flowmap,
                                             lambda i: mapper[k].get(i))
            directions = {i: directions[i] for i in mapper[k]}
            # Need update propagation ?
            if directions != mapper[k]:
                mapper[k] = directions
                queue.extend([i for i in g if i not in queue])

        # Wrap each tensor expression in a PartialCluster
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            if k.is_Tensor:
                scalars = [i for i in g[:g.index(k)] if i.is_Scalar]
                intervals, sub_iterators, _ = k.ispace.args
                ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, v)
                clusters.append(PartialCluster(scalars + [k], ispace,

    # Group PartialClusters together where possible
    clusters = groupby(clusters)

    # Introduce conditional PartialClusters
    clusters = guard(clusters)

    return clusters.finalize()
def clusterize(exprs):
    """Group a sequence of LoweredEqs into one or more Clusters."""
    clusters = ClusterGroup()

    # Wrap each LoweredEq in `exprs` within a PartialCluster. The PartialCluster's
    # iteration direction is enforced based on the iteration direction of the
    # surrounding LoweredEqs
    flowmap = detect_flow_directions(exprs)
    for e in exprs:
        directions, _ = force_directions(flowmap,
                                         lambda d: e.ispace.directions.get(d))
        ispace = IterationSpace(e.ispace.intervals, e.ispace.sub_iterators,

        clusters.append(PartialCluster(e, ispace, e.dspace))

    # Group PartialClusters together where possible
    clusters = groupby(clusters)

    # Introduce conditional PartialClusters
    clusters = guard(clusters)

    return clusters.finalize()
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        d = prefix[-1].dim

        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            if SKEWABLE not in c.properties[d]:
                return clusters

            if d is c.ispace[-1].dim and not self.skewinner:
                return clusters

            skew_dims = {i.dim for i in c.ispace if SEQUENTIAL in c.properties[i.dim]}
            if len(skew_dims) > 1:
                return clusters
            skew_dim = skew_dims.pop()

            # Since we are here, prefix is skewable and nested under a
            # SEQUENTIAL loop.
            intervals = []
            for i in c.ispace:
                if i.dim is d:
                    intervals.append(Interval(d, skew_dim, skew_dim))
            intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=c.ispace.relations)
            ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, c.ispace.sub_iterators,

            exprs = xreplace_indices(c.exprs, {d: d - skew_dim})
            processed.append(c.rebuild(exprs=exprs, ispace=ispace,

        return processed
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        d = prefix[-1].dim

        subiters = flatten(
            [c.ispace.sub_iterators.get(d, []) for c in clusters])
        subiters = {i for i in subiters if i.is_Stepping}
        if not subiters:
            return clusters

        # Collect the index access functions along `d`, e.g., `t + 1` where `t` is
        # a SteppingDimension for `d = time`
        mapper = DefaultOrderedDict(lambda: DefaultOrderedDict(set))
        for c in clusters:
            indexeds = [
                a.indexed for a in c.scope.accesses if a.function.is_Tensor

            for i in indexeds:
                    iaf = i.indices[d]
                except KeyError:

                # Sanity checks
                sis = iaf.free_symbols & subiters
                if len(sis) == 0:
                elif len(sis) == 1:
                    si = sis.pop()
                    raise InvalidOperator(
                        "Cannot use multiple SteppingDimensions "
                        "to index into a Function")
                size = i.function.shape_allocated[d]
                assert is_integer(size)


        # Construct the ModuloDimensions
        mds = []
        for size, v in mapper.items():
            for si, iafs in list(v.items()):
                # Offsets are sorted so that the semantic order (t0, t1, t2) follows
                # SymPy's index ordering (t, t-1, t+1) afer modulo replacement so
                # that associativity errors are consistent. This corresponds to
                # sorting offsets {-1, 0, 1} as {0, -1, 1} assigning -inf to 0
                siafs = sorted(iafs,
                               key=lambda i: -np.inf
                               if i - si == 0 else (i - si))

                for iaf in siafs:
                    name = '%s%d' % (si.name, len(mds))
                    offset = uxreplace(iaf, {si: d.root})
                        ModuloDimension(name, si, offset, size, origin=iaf))

        # Replacement rule for ModuloDimensions
        def rule(size, e):
                return e.function.shape_allocated[d] == size
            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
                return False

        # Reconstruct the Clusters
        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            # Apply substitutions to expressions
            # Note: In an expression, there could be `u[t+1, ...]` and `v[t+1,
            # ...]`, where `u` and `v` are TimeFunction with circular time
            # buffers (save=None) *but* different modulo extent. The `t+1`
            # indices above are therefore conceptually different, so they will
            # be replaced with the proper ModuloDimension through two different
            # calls to `xreplace_indices`
            exprs = c.exprs
            groups = as_mapper(mds, lambda d: d.modulo)
            for size, v in groups.items():
                mapper = {md.origin: md for md in v}

                func = partial(xreplace_indices,
                               key=partial(rule, size))
                exprs = [e.apply(func) for e in exprs]

            # Augment IterationSpace
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals, {
                    d: tuple(mds)
            }, c.ispace.directions)

            processed.append(c.rebuild(exprs=exprs, ispace=ispace))

        return processed
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix, backlog=None, known_break=None):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        known_break = known_break or set()
        backlog = backlog or []

        # Take the innermost Dimension -- no other Clusters other than those in
        # `clusters` are supposed to share it
        candidates = prefix[-1].dim._defines

        scope = Scope(exprs=flatten(c.exprs for c in clusters))

        # The nastiest case:
        # eq0 := u[t+1, x] = ... u[t, x]
        # eq1 := v[t+1, x] = ... v[t, x] ... u[t, x] ... u[t+1, x] ... u[t+2, x]
        # Here, `eq0` marches forward along `t`, while `eq1` has both a flow and an
        # anti dependence with `eq0`, which ultimately will require `eq1` to go in
        # a separate t-loop
        require_break = (scope.d_flow.cause & scope.d_anti.cause) & candidates
        if require_break and len(clusters) > 1:
            backlog = [clusters[-1]] + backlog
            # Try with increasingly smaller Cluster groups until the ambiguity is solved
            return self.callback(clusters[:-1], prefix, backlog, require_break)

        # If the flow- or anti-dependences are not coupled, one or more Clusters
        # might be scheduled separately, to increase parallelism (this is basically
        # what low-level compilers call "loop fission")
        for n, _ in enumerate(clusters):
            d_cross = scope.d_from_access(scope.a_query(n, 'R')).cross()
            if any(d.is_storage_volatile(candidates) for d in d_cross):
            elif d_cross.cause & candidates:
                if n > 0:
                    return self.callback(
                        clusters[:n], prefix, clusters[n:] + backlog,
                        (d_cross.cause & candidates) | known_break)

        # Compute iteration direction
        direction = {
            d: Backward
            for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_anti.cause
            {d: Forward
             for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_flow.cause})
            {d: Forward
             for d in candidates if d not in direction})

        # Enforce iteration direction on each Cluster
        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals, c.ispace.sub_iterators,
            processed.append(Cluster(c.exprs, ispace, c.dspace))

        if not backlog:
            return processed

        # Handle the backlog -- the Clusters characterized by flow- and anti-dependences
        # along one or more Dimensions
        direction = {d: Any for d in known_break}
        for i, c in enumerate(list(backlog)):
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals.lift(known_break),
                                    c.ispace.sub_iterators, {
            dspace = c.dspace.lift(known_break)
            backlog[i] = Cluster(c.exprs, ispace, dspace)

        return processed + self.callback(backlog, prefix)
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], LoweredEq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(devito.LoweredEq, **kwargs)
            input_expr = args[0]
            expr = sympy.Eq.__new__(cls, *input_expr.args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i,
                        kwargs.get(i) or getattr(input_expr, i))
            return expr
        elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Eq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(devito.Eq)
            input_expr = expr = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 2:
            expr = sympy.Eq.__new__(cls, *args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i, kwargs.pop(i))
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct LoweredEq from args=%s "
                             "and kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr)

        # Analyze the expression
        mapper = detect_accesses(expr)
        oobs = detect_oobs(mapper)
        conditionals = [i for i in ordering if i.is_Conditional]

        # Construct Intervals for IterationSpace and DataSpace
        intervals = build_intervals(Stencil.union(*mapper.values()))
        iintervals = []  # iteration Intervals
        dintervals = []  # data Intervals
        for i in intervals:
            d = i.dim
            if d in oobs:

        # Construct the IterationSpace
        iintervals = IntervalGroup(iintervals, relations=ordering.relations)
        iterators = build_iterators(mapper)
        ispace = IterationSpace(iintervals, iterators)

        # Construct the DataSpace
            Interval(i, 0, 0) for i in ordering
            if i not in ispace.dimensions + conditionals
        parts = {
            k: IntervalGroup(build_intervals(v)).add(iintervals)
            for k, v in mapper.items() if k
        dspace = DataSpace(dintervals, parts)

        # Lower all Differentiable operations into SymPy operations
        rhs = diff2sympy(expr.rhs)

        # Finally create the LoweredEq with all metadata attached
        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls,

        expr._dspace = dspace
        expr._ispace = ispace
        expr._conditionals = tuple(conditionals)
        expr._reads, expr._writes = detect_io(expr)

        expr._is_Increment = input_expr.is_Increment
        expr._implicit_dims = input_expr.implicit_dims

        return expr
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1:
            # origin: LoweredEq(expr)
            expr = input_expr = args[0]
            assert not isinstance(expr, LoweredEq) and isinstance(expr, Eq)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            # origin: LoweredEq(lhs, rhs, stamp=...)
            stamp = kwargs.pop('stamp')
            expr = Eq.__new__(cls, *args, evaluate=False)
            assert isinstance(stamp, Eq)
            expr.is_Increment = stamp.is_Increment
            expr._ispace, expr._dspace = stamp.ispace, stamp.dspace
            expr.reads, expr.writes = stamp.reads, stamp.writes
            return expr
        elif len(args) == 5:
            # origin: LoweredEq(expr, ispace, space)
            input_expr, ispace, dspace, reads, writes = args
            assert isinstance(ispace, IterationSpace) and isinstance(
                dspace, DataSpace)
            expr = Eq.__new__(cls, *input_expr.args, evaluate=False)
            expr.is_Increment = input_expr.is_Increment
            expr._ispace, expr._dspace = ispace, dspace
            expr.reads, expr.writes = reads, writes
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct LoweredEq from args=%s "
                             "and kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr, key=lambda i: not i.is_Time)

        # Introduce space sub-dimensions if need to
        region = getattr(input_expr, '_region', DOMAIN)
        if region == INTERIOR:
            mapper = {
                i: SubDimension("%si" % i, i, 1, -1)
                for i in ordering if i.is_Space
            expr = expr.xreplace(mapper)
            ordering = [mapper.get(i, i) for i in ordering]

        # Analyze data accesses
        mapper = detect_accesses(expr)
        oobs = detect_oobs(mapper)

        # The iteration space is constructed so that information always flows
        # from an iteration to another (i.e., no anti-dependences are created)
        directions, _ = force_directions(detect_flow_directions(expr),
                                         lambda i: Any)
        intervals, iterators = build_intervals(mapper)
        intervals = sorted(intervals, key=lambda i: ordering.index(i.dim))
        ispace = IterationSpace([i.zero() for i in intervals], iterators,

        # The data space is relative to the computational domain
        intervals = [i if i.dim in oobs else i.zero() for i in intervals]
        intervals += [
            Interval(i, 0, 0) for i in ordering if i not in ispace.dimensions
        parts = {
            IntervalGroup(Interval(i, min(j), max(j)) for i, j in v.items())
            for k, v in mapper.items()
        dspace = DataSpace(intervals, parts)

        # Finally create the LoweredEq with all metadata attached
        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls,
        expr.is_Increment = getattr(input_expr, 'is_Increment', False)
        expr._dspace = dspace
        expr._ispace = ispace
        expr.reads, expr.writes = detect_io(expr)

        return expr
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix, backlog=None, known_flow_break=None):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        # Take the innermost Dimension -- no other Clusters other than those in
        # `clusters` are supposed to share it
        candidates = prefix[-1].dim._defines

        scope = Scope(exprs=flatten(c.exprs for c in clusters))

        # The most nasty case:
        # eq0 := u[t+1, x] = ... u[t, x]
        # eq1 := v[t+1, x] = ... v[t, x] ... u[t, x] ... u[t+1, x] ... u[t+2, x]
        # Here, `eq0` marches forward along `t`, while `eq1` has both a flow and an
        # anti dependence with `eq0`, which ultimately will require `eq1` to go in
        # a separate t-loop
        require_flow_break = (scope.d_flow.cause
                              & scope.d_anti.cause) & candidates
        if require_flow_break and len(clusters) > 1:
            backlog = [clusters[-1]] + (backlog or [])
            # Try with increasingly smaller Cluster groups until the ambiguity is solved
            return self.callback(clusters[:-1], prefix, backlog,

        # Compute iteration direction
        direction = {
            d: Backward
            for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_anti.cause
            {d: Forward
             for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_flow.cause})
            {d: Forward
             for d in candidates if d not in direction})

        # Enforce iteration direction on each Cluster
        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals, c.ispace.sub_iterators,
            processed.append(Cluster(c.exprs, ispace, c.dspace))

        if backlog is None:
            return processed

        # Handle the backlog -- the Clusters characterized by flow+anti dependences along
        # one or more Dimensions
        direction = {d: Any for d in known_flow_break}
        for i, c in enumerate(as_tuple(backlog)):
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals.lift(known_flow_break),
                                    c.ispace.sub_iterators, {
            backlog[i] = Cluster(c.exprs, ispace, c.dspace)

        return processed + self.callback(backlog, prefix)
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        # Parse input
        if len(args) == 1:
            input_expr = args[0]
            assert type(input_expr) != LoweredEq
            assert isinstance(input_expr, Eq)
        elif len(args) == 2:
            # Reconstructing from existing Eq. E.g., we end up here after xreplace
            expr = super(Eq, cls).__new__(cls, *args, evaluate=False)
            stamp = kwargs.get('stamp')
            assert isinstance(stamp, Eq)
            expr.is_Increment = stamp.is_Increment
            expr.dspace = stamp.dspace
            expr.ispace = stamp.ispace
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct Eq from args=%s "
                             "and kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        # Indexification
        expr = indexify(input_expr)

        # Apply caller-provided substitution
        subs = kwargs.get('subs')
        if subs is not None:
            expr = expr.xreplace(subs)

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr, key=lambda i: not i.is_Time)

        # Introduce space sub-dimensions if need to
        region = getattr(input_expr, '_region', DOMAIN)
        if region == INTERIOR:
            mapper = {
                i: SubDimension("%si" % i, i, 1, -1)
                for i in ordering if i.is_Space
            expr = expr.xreplace(mapper)
            ordering = [mapper.get(i, i) for i in ordering]

        # Get the accessed data points
        stencil = Stencil(expr)

        # Split actual Intervals (the data spaces) from the "derived" iterators,
        # to build an IterationSpace
        iterators = OrderedDict()
        for i in ordering:
            if i.is_Stepping:
                iterators.setdefault(i.parent, []).append(stencil.entry(i))
                iterators.setdefault(i, [])
        intervals = []
        for k, v in iterators.items():
            offs = set.union(set(stencil.get(k)), *[i.ofs for i in v])
            intervals.append(Interval(k, min(offs), max(offs)))

        # Finally create the LoweredEq with all metadata attached
        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls,
        expr.is_Increment = getattr(input_expr, 'is_Increment', False)
        expr.dspace = DataSpace(intervals)
        expr.ispace = IterationSpace([i.negate() for i in intervals],

        return expr
def iet_make(clusters):
    Create an Iteration/Expression tree (IET) given an iterable of :class:`Cluster`s.

    :param clusters: The iterable :class:`Cluster`s for which the IET is built.
    # {Iteration -> [c0, c1, ...]}, shared clusters
    shared = {}
    # The constructed IET
    processed = []
    # {Interval -> Iteration}, carried from preceding cluster
    schedule = OrderedDict()

    # Build IET
    for cluster in clusters:
        body = [Expression(e) for e in cluster.exprs]

        if cluster.ispace.empty:
            # No Iterations are needed

        root = None
        itintervals = cluster.ispace.iteration_intervals

        # Can I reuse any of the previously scheduled Iterations ?
        index = 0
        for i0, i1 in zip(itintervals, list(schedule)):
            if i0 != i1 or i0.dim in cluster.atomics:
            root = schedule[i1]
            index += 1
        needed = itintervals[index:]

        # Build Expressions
        if not needed:
            body = List(body=body)

        # Build Iterations
        scheduling = []
        for i in reversed(needed):
            # Update IET and scheduling
            if i.dim in cluster.guards:
                # Must wrap within an if-then scope
                body = Conditional(cluster.guards[i.dim], body)
                # Adding (None, None) ensures that nested iterations won't
                # be reused by the next cluster
                scheduling.insert(0, (None, None))
            iteration = Iteration(body,
            scheduling.insert(0, (i, iteration))

            # Prepare for next dimension
            body = iteration

        # If /needed/ is != [], root.dim might be a guarded dimension for /cluster/
        if root is not None and root.dim in cluster.guards:
            body = Conditional(cluster.guards[root.dim], body)

        # Update the current schedule
        if root is None:
            nodes = list(root.nodes) + [body]
            transf = Transformer(
                {root: root._rebuild(nodes, **root.args_frozen)})
            processed = list(transf.visit(processed))
            scheduling = list(schedule.items())[:index] + list(scheduling)
            scheduling = [(k, transf.rebuilt.get(v, v)) for k, v in scheduling]
            shared = {transf.rebuilt.get(k, k): v for k, v in shared.items()}
        schedule = OrderedDict(scheduling)

        # Record that /cluster/ was used to build the iterations in /schedule/
            {i: shared.get(i, []) + [cluster]
             for i in schedule.values() if i})
    iet = List(body=processed)

    # Add in unbounded indices, if needed
    mapper = {}
    for k, v in shared.items():
        uindices = []
        ispace = IterationSpace.merge(*[i.ispace.project([k.dim]) for i in v])
        for j, offs in ispace.sub_iterators.get(k.dim, []):
            modulo = len(offs)
            for n, o in enumerate(filter_ordered(offs)):
                name = "%s%d" % (j.name, n)
                vname = Scalar(name=name, dtype=np.int32)
                value = (k.dim + o) % modulo
                uindices.append(UnboundedIndex(vname, value, value, j, j + o))
        mapper[k] = k._rebuild(uindices=uindices)
    iet = NestedTransformer(mapper).visit(iet)

    return iet
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], LoweredEq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(devito.LoweredEq, **kwargs)
            input_expr = args[0]
            expr = Eq.__new__(cls, *input_expr.args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i,
                        kwargs.get(i) or getattr(input_expr, i))
            return expr
        elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Eq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(sympy.Eq)
            input_expr = expr = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 2:
            expr = Eq.__new__(cls, *args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i, kwargs.pop(i))
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct LoweredEq from args=%s "
                             "and kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr, key=lambda i: not i.is_Time)

        # Introduce space sub-dimensions if need to
        region = getattr(input_expr, '_region', DOMAIN)
        if region == INTERIOR:
            mapper = {
                i: SubDimension.middle("%si" % i, i, 1, 1)
                for i in ordering if i.is_Space
            expr = expr.xreplace(mapper)
            for k, v in mapper.items():
                ordering.insert(ordering.index(k) + 1, v)

        # Analyze the expression
        mapper = detect_accesses(expr)
        oobs = detect_oobs(mapper)

        # The iteration space is constructed so that information always flows
        # from an iteration to another (i.e., no anti-dependences are created)
        directions, _ = force_directions(detect_flow_directions(expr),
                                         lambda i: Any)
        iterators = build_iterators(mapper)
        intervals = build_intervals(Stencil.union(*mapper.values()))
        intervals = sorted(intervals, key=lambda i: ordering.index(i.dim))
        ispace = IterationSpace([i.zero() for i in intervals], iterators,

        # The data space is relative to the computational domain
        intervals = [i if i.dim in oobs else i.zero() for i in intervals]
        intervals += [
            Interval(i, 0, 0) for i in ordering if i not in ispace.dimensions
        parts = {
            k: IntervalGroup(build_intervals(v))
            for k, v in mapper.items() if k
        dspace = DataSpace(intervals, parts)

        # Finally create the LoweredEq with all metadata attached
        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls,
        expr._is_Increment = getattr(input_expr, 'is_Increment', False)
        expr._dspace = dspace
        expr._ispace = ispace
        expr._reads, expr._writes = detect_io(expr)

        return expr
def stree_schedule(clusters):
    Arrange an iterable of Clusters into a ScheduleTree.
    stree = ScheduleTree()

    prev = None
    mapper = DefaultOrderedDict(lambda: Bunch(top=None, bottom=None))

    def attach_metadata(cluster, d, tip):
        if d in cluster.guards:
            tip = NodeConditional(cluster.guards[d], tip)
        if d in cluster.syncs:
            tip = NodeSync(cluster.syncs[d], tip)
        return tip

    for c in clusters:
        # Add in any Conditionals and Syncs outside of the outermost Iteration
        tip = attach_metadata(c, None, stree)

        if tip is stree:
            pointers = list(mapper)
            pointers = []

        index = 0
        for it0, it1 in zip(c.itintervals, pointers):
            if it0 != it1:
            index += 1

            d = it0.dim

            # The reused sub-trees might acquire new sub-iterators as well as
            # new properties
            mapper[it0].top.ispace = IterationSpace.union(
                mapper[it0].top.ispace, c.ispace.project([d]))
            mapper[it0].top.properties = normalize_properties(
                mapper[it0].top.properties, c.properties[it0.dim])

            # Different guards or syncops cannot be further nested
            if c.guards.get(d) != prev.guards.get(d) or \
               c.syncs.get(d) != prev.syncs.get(d):
                tip = mapper[it0].top
                tip = attach_metadata(c, d, tip)
                mapper[it0].bottom = tip
                tip = mapper[it0].bottom

        # Nested sub-trees, instead, will not be used anymore
        for it in pointers[index:]:

        # Add in Iterations, Conditionals, and Syncs
        for it in c.itintervals[index:]:
            d = it.dim
            tip = NodeIteration(c.ispace.project([d]), tip,
            mapper[it].top = tip
            tip = attach_metadata(c, d, tip)
            mapper[it].bottom = tip

        # Add in Expressions
        NodeExprs(c.exprs, c.ispace, c.dspace, c.ops, c.traffic, tip)

        # Prepare for next iteration
        prev = c

    return stree
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], LoweredEq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(devito.LoweredEq, **kwargs)
            input_expr = args[0]
            expr = sympy.Eq.__new__(cls, *input_expr.args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i,
                        kwargs.get(i) or getattr(input_expr, i))
            return expr
        elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Eq):
            # origin: LoweredEq(devito.Eq)
            input_expr = expr = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 2:
            expr = sympy.Eq.__new__(cls, *args, evaluate=False)
            for i in cls._state:
                setattr(expr, '_%s' % i, kwargs.pop(i))
            return expr
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct LoweredEq from args=%s "
                             "and kwargs=%s" % (str(args), str(kwargs)))

        # Well-defined dimension ordering
        ordering = dimension_sort(expr)

        # Analyze the expression
        accesses = detect_accesses(expr)
        dimensions = Stencil.union(*accesses.values())

        # Separate out the SubIterators from the main iteration Dimensions, that
        # is those which define an actual iteration space
        iterators = {}
        for d in dimensions:
            if d.is_SubIterator:
                iterators.setdefault(d.root, set()).add(d)
            elif d.is_Conditional:
                # Use `parent`, and `root`, because a ConditionalDimension may
                # have a SubDimension as parent
                iterators.setdefault(d.parent, set())
                iterators.setdefault(d, set())

        # Construct the IterationSpace
        intervals = IntervalGroup([Interval(d, 0, 0) for d in iterators],
        ispace = IterationSpace(intervals, iterators)

        # Construct the conditionals and replace the ConditionalDimensions in `expr`
        conditionals = {}
        for d in ordering:
            if not d.is_Conditional:
            if d.condition is None:
                conditionals[d] = GuardFactor(d)
                conditionals[d] = diff2sympy(lower_exprs(d.condition))
            if d.factor is not None:
                expr = uxreplace(expr, {d: IntDiv(d.index, d.factor)})
        conditionals = frozendict(conditionals)

        # Lower all Differentiable operations into SymPy operations
        rhs = diff2sympy(expr.rhs)

        # Finally create the LoweredEq with all metadata attached
        expr = super(LoweredEq, cls).__new__(cls,

        expr._ispace = ispace
        expr._conditionals = conditionals
        expr._reads, expr._writes = detect_io(expr)

        expr._is_Increment = input_expr.is_Increment
        expr._implicit_dims = input_expr.implicit_dims

        return expr
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix, backlog=None, known_break=None):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        known_break = known_break or set()
        backlog = backlog or []

        # Take the innermost Dimension -- no other Clusters other than those in
        # `clusters` are supposed to share it
        candidates = prefix[-1].dim._defines

        scope = Scope(exprs=flatten(c.exprs for c in clusters))

        # Handle the nastiest case -- ambiguity due to the presence of both a
        # flow- and an anti-dependence.
        # Note: in most cases, `scope.d_anti.cause == {}` -- either because
        # `scope.d_anti == {}` or because the few anti dependences are not carried
        # in any Dimension. We exploit this observation so that we only compute
        # `d_flow`, which instead may be expensive, when strictly necessary
        maybe_break = scope.d_anti.cause & candidates
        if len(clusters) > 1 and maybe_break:
            require_break = scope.d_flow.cause & maybe_break
            if require_break:
                backlog = [clusters[-1]] + backlog
                # Try with increasingly smaller ClusterGroups until the ambiguity is gone
                return self.callback(clusters[:-1], prefix, backlog,

        # Schedule Clusters over different IterationSpaces if this increases parallelism
        for i in range(1, len(clusters)):
            if self._break_for_parallelism(scope, candidates, i):
                return self.callback(clusters[:i], prefix,
                                     clusters[i:] + backlog,
                                     candidates | known_break)

        # Compute iteration direction
        idir = {
            d: Backward
            for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_anti.cause
        if maybe_break:
                d: Forward
                for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_flow.cause
        idir.update({d: Forward for d in candidates if d not in idir})

        # Enforce iteration direction on each Cluster
        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals, c.ispace.sub_iterators,

        if not backlog:
            return processed

        # Handle the backlog -- the Clusters characterized by flow- and anti-dependences
        # along one or more Dimensions
        idir = {d: Any for d in known_break}
        for i, c in enumerate(list(backlog)):
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals.lift(known_break),
                                    c.ispace.sub_iterators, {
            dspace = c.dspace.lift(known_break)
            backlog[i] = c.rebuild(ispace=ispace, dspace=dspace)

        return processed + self.callback(backlog, prefix)
def stree_schedule(clusters):
    Arrange an iterable of Clusters into a ScheduleTree.
    stree = ScheduleTree()

    prev = Cluster(None)
    mapper = DefaultOrderedDict(lambda: Bunch(top=None, bottom=None))

    def reuse_metadata(c0, c1, d):
        return (c0.guards.get(d) == c1.guards.get(d)
                and c0.syncs.get(d) == c1.syncs.get(d))

    def attach_metadata(cluster, d, tip):
        if d in cluster.guards:
            tip = NodeConditional(cluster.guards[d], tip)
        if d in cluster.syncs:
            tip = NodeSync(cluster.syncs[d], tip)
        return tip

    for c in clusters:
        index = 0

        # Reuse or add in any Conditionals and Syncs outside of the outermost Iteration
        if not reuse_metadata(c, prev, None):
            tip = attach_metadata(c, None, stree)
            maybe_reusable = []
                tip = mapper[prev.itintervals[index]].top.parent
            except IndexError:
                tip = stree
            maybe_reusable = prev.itintervals

        for it0, it1 in zip(c.itintervals, maybe_reusable):
            if it0 != it1:
            index += 1

            d = it0.dim

            # The reused sub-trees might acquire new sub-iterators as well as
            # new properties
            mapper[it0].top.ispace = IterationSpace.union(
                mapper[it0].top.ispace, c.ispace.project([d]))
            mapper[it0].top.properties = normalize_properties(
                mapper[it0].top.properties, c.properties[it0.dim])

            # Different guards or SyncOps cannot further be nested
            if not reuse_metadata(c, prev, d):
                tip = mapper[it0].top
                tip = attach_metadata(c, d, tip)
                mapper[it0].bottom = tip
                tip = mapper[it0].bottom

        # Nested sub-trees, instead, will not be used anymore
        for it in prev.itintervals[index:]:

        # Add in Iterations, Conditionals, and Syncs
        for it in c.itintervals[index:]:
            d = it.dim
            tip = NodeIteration(c.ispace.project([d]), tip,
                                c.properties.get(d, ()))
            mapper[it].top = tip
            tip = attach_metadata(c, d, tip)
            mapper[it].bottom = tip

        # Add in Expressions
        exprs = []
        for conditionals, g in groupby(c.exprs, key=lambda e: e.conditionals):
            exprs = list(g)

            # Indirect ConditionalDimensions induce expression-level guards
            if conditionals:
                guard = And(*conditionals.values(), evaluate=False)
                parent = NodeConditional(guard, tip)
                parent = tip

            NodeExprs(exprs, c.ispace, c.dspace, c.ops, c.traffic, parent)

        # Prepare for next iteration
        prev = c

    return stree