    def __init__(self, function, contracted_dims, accessv, n, async_degree):
        self.function = function
        self.accessv = accessv

        contraction_mapper = {}
        index_mapper = {}
        dims = list(function.dimensions)
        for d in contracted_dims:
            assert d in function.dimensions

            # Determine the buffer size along `d`
            indices = filter_ordered(i.indices[d] for i in accessv.accesses)
            slots = [i.xreplace({d: 0, d.spacing: 1}) for i in indices]
            size = max(slots) - min(slots) + 1

            if async_degree is not None:
                if async_degree < size:
                    warning("Ignoring provided asynchronous degree as it'd be "
                            "too small for the required buffer (provided %d, "
                            "but need at least %d for `%s`)"
                            % (async_degree, size, function.name))
                    size = async_degree

            # Replace `d` with a suitable CustomDimension
            bd = CustomDimension('db%d' % n, 0, size-1, size, d)
            contraction_mapper[d] = dims[dims.index(d)] = bd

            if size > 1:
                # Create the necessary SteppingDimensions for indexing
                sd = SteppingDimension(name='sb%d' % n, parent=bd)
                index_mapper.update({i: i.xreplace({d: sd}) for i in indices})
                # Special case, no need to keep a SteppingDimension around
                index_mapper.update({i: 0 for i in indices})

        self.contraction_mapper = contraction_mapper
        self.index_mapper = index_mapper

        # Track the SubDimensions used to index into `function`
        subdims_mapper = DefaultOrderedDict(set)
        for e in accessv.mapper:
                # Case 1: implicitly via SubDomains
                m = {d.root: v for d, v in e.subdomain.dimension_map.items()}
            except AttributeError:
                # Case 2: explicitly via the lower-level SubDimension API
                m = {i.root: i for i in e.free_symbols
                     if isinstance(i, Dimension) and (i.is_Sub or not i.is_Derived)}
            for d, v in m.items():
        if any(len(v) > 1 for v in subdims_mapper.values()):
            # Non-uniform SubDimensions. At this point we're going to raise
            # an exception. It's either illegal or still unsupported
            for v in subdims_mapper.values():
                for d0, d1 in combinations(v, 2):
                    if d0.overlap(d1):
                        raise InvalidOperator("Cannot apply `buffering` to `%s` as it "
                                              "is accessed over the overlapping "
                                              " SubDimensions `<%s, %s>`" %
                                              (function, d0, d1))
            self.subdims_mapper = None
            raise NotImplementedError("`buffering` does not support multiple "
                                      "non-overlapping SubDimensions yet.")
            self.subdims_mapper = {d: v.pop() for d, v in subdims_mapper.items()}

        self.buffer = Array(name='%sb' % function.name,
class Buffer(object):

    A buffer with metadata attached.

    function : DiscreteFunction
        The object for which the buffer is created.
    contracted_dims : list of Dimension
        The Dimensions in `function` to be contracted, that is to be replaced
        by ModuloDimensions.
    accessv : AccessValue
        All accesses involving `function`.
    options : dict, optional
        The compilation options. See `buffering.__doc__`.
    sregistry : SymbolRegistry
        The symbol registry, to create unique names for buffers and Dimensions.
    bds : dict, optional
        All CustomDimensions created to define buffer dimensions, potentially
        reusable in the creation of this buffer. The object gets updated if new
        CustomDimensions are created.
    mds : dict, optional
        All ModuloDimensions created to index into other buffers, potentially reusable
        for indexing into this buffer. The object gets updated if new ModuloDimensions
        are created.

    def __init__(self, function, contracted_dims, accessv, options, sregistry,
                 bds=None, mds=None):
        # Parse compilation options
        async_degree = options['buf-async-degree']
        space = options['buf-mem-space']
        dtype = options['buf-dtype'](function)

        self.function = function
        self.accessv = accessv

        self.contraction_mapper = {}
        self.index_mapper = defaultdict(dict)
        self.sub_iterators = defaultdict(list)
        self.subdims_mapper = DefaultOrderedDict(set)

        # Create the necessary ModuloDimensions for indexing into the buffer
        # E.g., `u[time,x] + u[time+1,x] -> `ub[sb0,x] + ub[sb1,x]`, where `sb0`
        # and `sb1` are ModuloDimensions starting at `time` and `time+1` respectively
        dims = list(function.dimensions)
        for d in contracted_dims:
            assert d in function.dimensions

            # Determine the buffer size, and therefore the span of the ModuloDimension,
            # along the contracting Dimension `d`
            indices = filter_ordered(i.indices[d] for i in accessv.accesses)
            slots = [i.subs({d: 0, d.spacing: 1}) for i in indices]
                size = max(slots) - min(slots) + 1
            except TypeError:
                # E.g., special case `slots=[-1 + time/factor, 2 + time/factor]`
                # Resort to the fast vector-based comparison machinery (rather than
                # the slower sympy.simplify)
                slots = [Vector(i) for i in slots]
                size = int((vmax(*slots) - vmin(*slots) + 1)[0])

            if async_degree is not None:
                if async_degree < size:
                    warning("Ignoring provided asynchronous degree as it'd be "
                            "too small for the required buffer (provided %d, "
                            "but need at least %d for `%s`)"
                            % (async_degree, size, function.name))
                    size = async_degree

            # Replace `d` with a suitable CustomDimension `bd`
            name = sregistry.make_name(prefix='db')
            bd = bds.setdefault((d, size), CustomDimension(name, 0, size-1, size, d))
            self.contraction_mapper[d] = dims[dims.index(d)] = bd

            # Finally create the ModuloDimensions as children of `bd`
            if size > 1:
                # Note: indices are sorted so that the semantic order (sb0, sb1, sb2)
                # follows SymPy's index ordering (time, time-1, time+1) after modulo
                # replacement, so that associativity errors are consistent. This very
                # same strategy is also applied in clusters/algorithms/Stepper
                p, _ = offset_from_centre(d, indices)
                indices = sorted(indices,
                                 key=lambda i: -np.inf if i - p == 0 else (i - p))
                for i in indices:
                    name = sregistry.make_name(prefix='sb')
                    md = mds.setdefault((bd, i), ModuloDimension(name, bd, i, size))
                    self.index_mapper[d][i] = md
                assert len(indices) == 1
                self.index_mapper[d][indices[0]] = 0

        # Track the SubDimensions used to index into `function`
        for e in accessv.mapper:
            m = {i.root: i for i in e.free_symbols
                 if isinstance(i, Dimension) and (i.is_Sub or not i.is_Derived)}
            for d, v in m.items():
        if any(len(v) > 1 for v in self.subdims_mapper.values()):
            # Non-uniform SubDimensions. At this point we're going to raise
            # an exception. It's either illegal or still unsupported
            for v in self.subdims_mapper.values():
                for d0, d1 in combinations(v, 2):
                    if d0.overlap(d1):
                        raise InvalidOperator("Cannot apply `buffering` to `%s` as it "
                                              "is accessed over the overlapping "
                                              " SubDimensions `<%s, %s>`" %
                                              (function, d0, d1))
            raise NotImplementedError("`buffering` does not support multiple "
                                      "non-overlapping SubDimensions yet.")
            self.subdims_mapper = {d: v.pop() for d, v in self.subdims_mapper.items()}

        # Build and sanity-check the buffer IterationIntervals
        self.itintervals_mapper = {}
        for e in accessv.mapper:
            for i in e.ispace.itintervals:
                v = self.itintervals_mapper.setdefault(i.dim, i.args)
                if v != self.itintervals_mapper[i.dim]:
                    raise NotImplementedError("Cannot apply `buffering` as the buffered "
                                              "function `%s` is accessed over multiple, "
                                              "non-compatible iteration spaces along the "
                                              "Dimension `%s`" % (function.name, i.dim))
        # Also add IterationIntervals for initialization along `x`, should `xi` be
        # the only written Dimension in the `x` hierarchy
        for d, (interval, _, _) in list(self.itintervals_mapper.items()):
            for i in d._defines:
                self.itintervals_mapper.setdefault(i, (interval.relaxed, (), Forward))

        # Finally create the actual buffer
        self.buffer = Array(name=sregistry.make_name(prefix='%sb' % function.name),

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Buffer[%s,<%s>]" % (self.buffer.name,
                                    ','.join(str(i) for i in self.contraction_mapper))

    def size(self):
        return np.prod([v.symbolic_size for v in self.contraction_mapper.values()])

    def is_read(self):
        return self.accessv.is_read

    def is_readonly(self):
        return self.is_read and self.lastwrite is None

    def firstread(self):
        return self.accessv.firstread

    def lastwrite(self):
        return self.accessv.lastwrite

    def has_uniform_subdims(self):
        return self.subdims_mapper is not None

    def indexed(self):
        return self.buffer.indexed

    def index_mapper_flat(self):
        ret = {}
        for mapper in self.index_mapper.values():
        return ret

    def writeto(self):
        The `writeto` IterationSpace, that is the iteration space that must be
        iterated over in order to initialize the buffer.
        intervals = []
        sub_iterators = {}
        directions = {}
        for d in self.buffer.dimensions:
                interval, si, direction = self.itintervals_mapper[d]
            except KeyError:
                # E.g., the contraction Dimension `db0`
                assert d in self.contraction_mapper.values()
                interval, si, direction = Interval(d, 0, 0), (), Forward
            sub_iterators[d] = si
            directions[d] = direction

        relations = (self.buffer.dimensions,)
        intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=relations)

        return IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, directions)

    def written(self):
        The `written` IterationSpace, that is the iteration space that must be
        iterated over in order to read all of the written buffer values.
        intervals = []
        sub_iterators = {}
        directions = {}
        for dd in self.function.dimensions:
            d = dd.xreplace(self.subdims_mapper)
                interval, si, direction = self.itintervals_mapper[d]
            except KeyError:
                # E.g., d=time_sub
                assert d.is_NonlinearDerived
                d = d.root
                interval, si, direction = self.itintervals_mapper[d]
            sub_iterators[d] = si + as_tuple(self.sub_iterators[d])
            directions[d] = direction

        relations = (tuple(i.dim for i in intervals),)
        intervals = IntervalGroup(intervals, relations=relations)

        return IterationSpace(intervals, sub_iterators, directions)

    def lastmap(self):
        A mapper from contracted Dimensions to a 2-tuple of indices representing,
        respectively, the "last" write to the buffer and the "last" read from the
        buffered Function. For example, `{time: (sb1, time+1)}`.
        mapper = {}
        for d, m in self.index_mapper.items():
                func = max if self.written.directions[d.root] is Forward else min
                v = func(m)
            except TypeError:
                func = vmax if self.written.directions[d.root] is Forward else vmin
                v = func(*[Vector(i) for i in m])[0]
            mapper[d] = Map(m[v], v)

        return mapper

    def initmap(self):
        A mapper from contracted Dimensions to indices representing the min points
        for buffer initialization. For example, in the case of a forward-propagating
        `time` Dimension, we could have `{time: (time_m + db0) % 2, (time_m + db0)}`;
        likewise, for backwards, `{time: (time_M - 2 + db0) % 4, time_M - 2 + db0}`.
        mapper = {}
        for d, bd in self.contraction_mapper.items():
            indices = list(self.index_mapper[d])

            # The buffer is initialized at `d_m(d_M) - offset`. E.g., a buffer with
            # six slots, used to replace a buffered Function accessed at `d-3`, `d`
            # and `d + 2`, will have `offset = 3`
            p, offset = offset_from_centre(d, indices)

            if self.written.directions[d.root] is Forward:
                v = p.subs(d.root, d.root.symbolic_min) - offset + bd
                v = p.subs(d.root, d.root.symbolic_max) - offset + bd

            mapper[d] = Map(v % bd.symbolic_size, v)

        return mapper