 def testGetEndNodes(self):
     Checks that the getLeafNodes works correctly
     a, _, _, _, _, f, _, _, _, j = self._createGraph()
     endNodes = droputils.getLeafNodes(a)
     self.assertSetEqual(set([j, f]), set(endNodes))
 def testGetEndNodes(self):
     Checks that the getLeafNodes works correctly
     a, _, _, _, _, f, _, _, _, j = self._createGraph()
     endNodes = droputils.getLeafNodes(a)
     self.assertSetEqual(set([j, f]), set(endNodes))
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FinishGraphExecution, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._req    = None

        if isinstance(self.pgCreator, basestring):
            parts = self.pgCreator.split('.')
            module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(parts[:-1]))
            pgCreatorFn = getattr(module, parts[-1])
            roots = pgCreatorFn()
            roots = self.pgCreator

        self._roots = droputils.listify(roots)
        self._leaves = droputils.getLeafNodes(self._roots)
        self._completed = False
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(FinishGraphExecution, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._req = None

        if isinstance(self.pgCreator, six.string_types):
            parts = self.pgCreator.split('.')
            module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(parts[:-1]))
            pgCreatorFn = getattr(module, parts[-1])
            roots = pgCreatorFn()
            roots = self.pgCreator

        self._roots = droputils.listify(roots)
        self._leaves = droputils.getLeafNodes(self._roots)
        self._completed = False
    def deploy(self, completedDrops=[], foreach=None):
        Creates the DROPs represented by all the graph specs contained in
        this session, effectively deploying them.

        When this method has finished executing a Pyro Daemon will also be
        up and running, servicing requests to access to all the DROPs
        belonging to this session

        status = self.status
        if status != SessionStates.BUILDING:
            raise InvalidSessionState("Can't deploy this session in its current status: %d" % (status))

        self.status = SessionStates.DEPLOYING

        # Create the real DROPs from the graph specs
        logger.info("Creating DROPs for session %s", self._sessionId)

        self._roots = graph_loader.createGraphFromDropSpecList(self._graph.values())
        logger.info("%d drops successfully created", len(self._graph))

        for drop,_ in droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots):

            # Register them
            self._drops[drop.uid] = drop

            # Register them with the error handler
            if self._error_status_listener:
                drop.subscribe(self._error_status_listener, eventType='status')
        logger.info("Stored all drops, proceeding with further customization")

        # Start the luigi task that will make sure the graph is executed
        # If we're not using luigi we still
        if self._enable_luigi:
            logger.debug("Starting Luigi FinishGraphExecution task for session %s", self._sessionId)
            task = luigi_int.FinishGraphExecution(self._sessionId, self._roots)
            sch = scheduler.CentralPlannerScheduler()
            w = worker.Worker(scheduler=sch)
            workerT = threading.Thread(None, self._run, args=[w])
            workerT.daemon = True
            leaves = droputils.getLeafNodes(self._roots)
            logger.info("Adding completion listener to leaf drops")
            listener = LeavesCompletionListener(leaves, self)
            for leaf in leaves:
                if isinstance(leaf, AppDROP):
                    leaf.subscribe(listener, 'producerFinished')
                    leaf.subscribe(listener, 'dropCompleted')
            logger.info("Listener added to leaf drops")

        # We move to COMPLETED the DROPs that we were requested to
        # InputFiredAppDROP are here considered as having to be executed and
        # not directly moved to COMPLETED.
        # This is done in a separate iteration at the very end because all drops
        # to make sure all event listeners are ready

        # Foreach
        if foreach:
            logger.info("Invoking 'foreach' on each drop")
            for drop,_ in droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots):
            logger.info("'foreach' invoked for each drop")

        # Append proxies
        logger.info("Creating %d drop proxies", len(self._proxyinfo))
        for nm, host, port, local_uid, relname, remote_uid in self._proxyinfo:
            proxy = DropProxy(nm, host, port, self._sessionId, remote_uid)
            method = getattr(self._drops[local_uid], relname)
            method(proxy, False)

        self.status = SessionStates.RUNNING
        logger.info("Session %s is now RUNNING", self._sessionId)
    def deploy(self, completedDrops=[]):
        Creates the DROPs represented by all the graph specs contained in
        this session, effectively deploying them.

        When this method has finished executing a Pyro Daemon will also be
        up and running, servicing requests to access to all the DROPs
        belonging to this session

        status = self.status
        if status != SessionStates.BUILDING:
            raise Exception("Can't deploy this session in its current status: %d" % (status))

        self.status = SessionStates.DEPLOYING

        # Create the Pyro daemon that will serve the DROP proxies and start it
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            logger.debug("Starting Pyro4 Daemon for session %s" % (self._sessionId))
        self._daemon = Pyro4.Daemon(host=self._host)
        self._daemonT = threading.Thread(target = lambda: self._daemon.requestLoop(), name="Session %s Pyro Daemon" % (self._sessionId))
        self._daemonT.daemon = True

        # Create the real DROPs from the graph specs
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            logger.debug("Creating DROPs for session %s" % (self._sessionId))

        self._roots = graph_loader.createGraphFromDropSpecList(self._graph.values())

        # Register them
        droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots, self._registerDrop)

        # Register them with the error handler
        # TODO: We should probably merge all these breadFirstTraverse calls into
        # a single one to avoid so much iteration through the drops
        if self._error_status_listener:
            def register_error_status_listener(drop):
                drop.subscribe(self._error_status_listener, eventType='status')
            droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots, register_error_status_listener)

        # We move to COMPLETED the DROPs that we were requested to
        # InputFiredAppDROP are here considered as having to be executed and
        # not directly moved to COMPLETED.
        # TODO: We should possibly unify this initial triggering into a more
        #       solid concept that encompasses these two and other types of DROPs
        def triggerDrop(drop):
            if drop.uid in completedDrops:
                if isinstance(drop, InputFiredAppDROP):
                    t = threading.Thread(target=lambda:drop.execute())
                    t.daemon = True
        droputils.breadFirstTraverse(self._roots, triggerDrop)

        # Start the luigi task that will make sure the graph is executed
        # If we're not using luigi we still
        if self._enable_luigi:
            if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                logger.debug("Starting Luigi FinishGraphExecution task for session %s" % (self._sessionId))
            task = luigi_int.FinishGraphExecution(self._sessionId, self._roots)
            sch = scheduler.CentralPlannerScheduler()
            w = worker.Worker(scheduler=sch)
            workerT = threading.Thread(None, self._run, args=[w])
            workerT.daemon = True
            leaves = droputils.getLeafNodes(self._roots)
            logger.debug("Adding completion listener to leaf drops %r", leaves)
            listener = LeavesCompletionListener(leaves, self)
            for leaf in leaves:
                leaf.subscribe(listener, 'dropCompleted')
                leaf.subscribe(listener, 'producerFinished')

        self.status = SessionStates.RUNNING
        if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
            logger.info("Session %s is now RUNNING" % (self._sessionId))